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1、Introduction:this report is all about the A G Bell ltd.First,it introduces the key objective and constraint of this organization.Then,it talks about the remuneration system and the difference between non-analytical job evaluation schemes and analytical job evaluation schemes.Last,it explains the ter

2、m non-discriminatory job evaluation scheme and single status culture.Remuneration is a term that refers to the total pay and benefits that are offered to an employee in exchange for their labors.Most people believe that one objective of any remuneration system for employees would be fairness and equ

3、ity.There are 3 key objectives of an organizations remuneration system.First,employees need to know that they are being treated fairly in accordance with what other people are being paid in the organization.Than,they are being paid a fair rate in relation to what other people are being paid in simil

4、ar occupation and circumstance.Furthermore,employees need to know that they are being treated fairly in accordance with their legal entitlements.After that,some acts place legal obligations upon employers to ensure that their remuneration policies,procedures and structures are fair.There are many co

5、nstraints in remuneration system.First,the objectives of the organization will effect the organization.Then the organizations finance will also influence the remuneration system.If the finance situation is bad,the remuneration may be easily and simple.Last,labor market supply and demand is the const

6、raint of remuneration system.If the market supply is shortage and the demand is increase.The remuneration system will more effectively and good for the employees to attract them.Pay systems fall into two main categories.The basic rate systems are that the pay does not vary in relation to achievement

7、s or performance.An employee is paid a fixed amount per hour,per week or per annum.This is sometimes referred to as a time rate system ,because payment is based upon the amount of time the employee has spent at work.In many organizations,the basic rate is established for all workers in one category,

8、but there are often incremental scales,which allow for pay progression.Progression through the incremental scale is often on the basic of length of service,and provides a reward to employees for loyalty and experience.For A G Bell ltd,there are many obvious advantages if they use the basic pay syste

9、m.First,the basic pay is very simple and cheap to administer because pay does not vary significantly from week to week or even year to year.A G Bell ltd has many staff,so this system will reduce the cost of administer.Then,because of this stability,basic rate payment systems allow labors costs to be

10、 forecasted with accuracy.This is very good for the A G Bell ltd because that they will to expand,and this will easily for they make the planning.However,there are various disadvantages to this approach that G Bell ltd uses this system.Basic rate schemes do not offer incentives for improved performa

11、nce-the pay system rewards time spent at work,rather than individual effort or performance.Some employees may feel dissatisfied at colleagues who are apparently working less hard and being less productive,receiving the same amount of pay as employees who are expanding much more effort and achieving

12、greater productivity.If A G Bell ltd uses this system,it may be not achieving exceptional service levels and exploiting cutting edge technology.Performance related pay(PRP)describes a payment system where the amounts being paid to an employee depend on specified outcomes being achieved.A PRP scheme

13、is designed to motivate employees to work in a purposeful and directed fashion in accordance with personal and organizational objectives.For A G Bell ltd,there are many advantages.For example,it provides a direct incentive for employees to achieve defined work targets and the contribution an employe

14、e makes is recognized with a tangible reward.Then,a performance culture can be developed with its introduction and Line managers can derive assistance from a corporate framework for setting goals.It should improve individual productivity and performance.After that,performance related pay can encoura

15、ge staff to gain more knowledge and skill,thus,this can improve their competency,and for our company,the whole performance and profit will increase.However,this system always has disadvantages.For A G Bell ltd individual PRP,there may be allegations of favoritism reviewing the performance of their s

16、taff.Then,it may be difficult to measure either the outcomes of the employees performance,or to measure the objectives themselves.After that,it will not good for the team work.It also requires all line managers would need to be appropriately trained to run the scheme effectively,which would be costl

17、y and time-consuming.Otherwise,there are specific disadvantages that related to competency based pay.For example:Highly trained workers will be more marketable and may be poached or tempted to leave and if people cannot be released from their duties to undertake training,there might be resentment an

18、d allegations of unfairness.After that,when workers reach a ceiling of their training opportunities they may become de-motivated.Based on these situations,I think that the A G Bell ltd should combine these two systems to motivated our staff and improve the performance of the organization.Types of jo

19、b evaluation schemes are often classified as either non-analytical or analytical.Non-analytical systems can be subdivided into three different techniques-whole job ranking,paired comparison and job classification.Analytical evaluation schemes are schemes where jobs are broken down into components(kn

20、own as factors)and scores for each component of the job are awarded with a final total giving an overall rank order.The analytical where jobs are broken down into there are components and non-analytical schemes,where the jobs are viewed as a whole.The use of an analytical scheme offers a better defe

21、nse of a claim is made to an employment tribunal for equal pay for work of equal value.After that,analytical schemes offer greater objectivity in assessment as the jobs are broken down in details,while non-analytical schemes are less objective than analytical schemes,but are often simpler and cheape

22、r to introduce.For example,whole job ranking is non-analytical system.This technique considers each of the jobs as a whole and does not involve analyzing the job and considering the different elements involved.This system is very simple to implement and understand,and is especially useful where an o

23、rganization has only a very small number of jobs.Paired Comparison,with this technique,each job is compared as a whole with each other job.A rank order can be produced from the total scores of each job,and jobs with similar scores can be grouped for pay purposes.The paired comparison method is sligh

24、tly more scientific than the whole job ranking method in that it attaches numerical values to the judgments that are made,but for more than anything in excess of about 30 jobs,the process of comparing each job with every other one becomes very tedious.Job Classification is also one type of non-analy

25、tical system.In this system of job evaluation,the grades are predetermined before the job ranking takes place.This method is simple,quick and reasonably easy to implement.It is a useful method for evaluating jobs in very large organization where analytical method would be overly complicated and time

26、-consuming to implement.After that,analytical job evaluation is including points rating and points factor schemes.Point factor job evaluation schemes break down each job into a number of factors that identify different elements of the job.The main factors may then be further divided into sub factors

27、.Different levels or degrees at which this factor can be present in each of the jobs are then defined.Points are awarded for each factor according to a predetermined scale-this process is sometimes called factor weighting.Non-discriminatory job evaluation scheme is an analytical job evaluation syste

28、m.The factor job evaluation schemes include:skill;responsibility;effort;responsibility for people;knowledge;emotional demands;initiative.Therefore excluding a factor that is important for a job will result in it being undervalued in relation to other jobs,and the job evaluation scheme itself would t

29、herefore be discriminatory.All factors should be non-discriminatory and factor weightings that may reflect outdated concepts of male or female job roles should be avoided.This system has many advantages to employer.For example,it can avoid the employer received complaint.Then,the analytical system c

30、an less the work and improve the performance.It can keep the sense of trust from the employees,because of the system make the employer treat all staff fairly and allocated the job based on their ability.After that,it always has advantages to employees.For example,the employees can enjoy their legal

31、right in the organization.They will become have rich confidence and treat their job positive.It can improve the performance of their job.After that,disabled workers and workers with criminal have more opportunity to work and show their ability.Single status approach in which all staff is placed on t

32、he same pay structured and has the same conditions of service.A single status culture prevails where the emphasis is upon working towards the common goal,irrespective of class or position in the hierarchy or occupation.The days of senior staff dining rooms and less preferential parking spaces for ma

33、nual workers are almost over.For example,we can design a flexible employee benefits.We can allow all staff in organization enjoys these benefits.Then we design the different choice for this.For example:training opportunity;Shopping discount card;holiday life insurance and so on.After that,these bene

34、fits have same costs.All staff has right to choice one type of benefits.This type system allow for each employee to choose from menu of benefits,all of which are costs within a total annual valued.One important advantage of flexible employee benefits is that employees select benefits that are of val

35、ue to them at any specific point in their working lives.If an employee can tailor their benefits to suit their requirements,this has the direct effect of making the total remuneration package more attractive to that individual,and consequently more competitive.For A G Bell ltd,we can attract more sk

36、illed people to work for us,and improve the performance of our organization.Then,it can improve productivity by the more flexible use of employees and simplified payroll administration and contracts management,thereby reducing costs.After that,it also can less overall administration and the employee attitudes towards the employer may be improved,thus increasing commitment,morale and motivation.

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