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1、托福阅读真题100篇原文+题目(一)托福阅读在备考的过程中,大家可以多找一些真题来进行练习PASSAGE 1By the mid-nineteenth century, the term icebox had entered the American language, but icewas still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice tradegrew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, t

2、averns, and hospitals, and by someforward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865),as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use. Even before 1880, halfthe ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-thi

3、rd of that sold in Boston andChicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new householdconvenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented.Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenthcent

4、ury, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration,was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.Nevertheless, earl

5、y efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept theice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve thedelicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox.But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland

6、farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the righttrack. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the villageof Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport hisbutter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly

7、melting stuff in the tubs ofhis competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-poundbricks. One advantage of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have totravel to market at night in order to keep their produce cool.1. What does the passa

8、ge mainly discuss?(A) The influence of ice on the diet(B) The development of refrigeration(C) The transportation of goods to market(D) Sources of ice in the nineteenth century2. According to the passage , when did the word icebox become part of the language of theUnited States?(A) in 1803(B) sometim

9、e before 1850(C) during the civil war(D) near the end of the nineteenth century3. The phrase forward-looking in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) progressive(B) popular(C) thrifty(D) well-established4. The author mentions fish in line 4 because(A) many fish dealers also sold ice(B) fish was shipped

10、 in refrigerated freight cars(C) fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice(D) fish was not part of the ordinary persons diet before the invention of the icebox5. The word it in line 5 refers to(A) fresh meat(B) the Civil War(C) ice(D) a refrigerator6. According to the passage , which

11、 of the following was an obstacle to the development of theicebox?(A) Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars(B) The lack of a network for the distribution of ice(C) The use of insufficient insulation(D) Inadequate understanding of physics7. The word rudimentary in line 12 is close

12、st in meaning to(A) growing(B) undeveloped(C) necessary(D) uninteresting8. According to the information in the second paragraph, an ideal icebox would(A) completely prevent ice from melting(B) stop air from circulating(C) allow ice to melt slowly(D) use blankets to conserve ice9. The author describe

13、s Thomas Moore as having been on the right track (lines 18-19) to indicate三、主要竞争者分析that(A) the road to the market passed close to Moores farm(B) Moore was an honest merchant(C) Moore was a prosperous farmer2003年,全年商品消费价格总水平比上年上升1%。消费品市场销售平稳增长。全年完成社会消费品零售总额2220.64亿元,比上年增长9.1%。(D) Moores design was fa

14、irly successful10. According to the passage , Moores icebox allowed him to就算你买手工艺品来送给朋友也是一份意义非凡的绝佳礼品哦。而这一份礼物于在工艺品店买的现成的礼品相比,就有价值意义,虽然它的成本比较低但它毕竟它是你花心血花时间去完成的。就像现在最流行的针织围巾,为何会如此深得人心,更有人称它为温暖牌绝大部分多是因为这个原因哦。而且还可以锻炼你的动手能力,不仅实用还有很大的装饰功用哦。(A) charge more for his butter1、作者:蒋志华 市场调查与预测,中国统计出版社 2002年8月 11-2

15、市场调查分析书面报告(B) travel to market at night培养动手能力 学一门手艺 打发时间 兴趣爱好(C) manufacture butter more quickly4WWW。google。com。cn。 大学生政策 2004年3月23日(D) produce ice all year round创新是时下非常流行的一个词,确实创新能力是相当重要的特别是对我们这种经营时尚饰品的小店,更应该勇于创新。在这方面我们是很欠缺的,故我们在小店经营的时候会遇到些困难,不过我们会克服困难,努力创新,把我们的小店经营好。11. The produce mentioned in li

16、ne 25 could include我们从小学、中学到大学,学的知识总是限制在一定范围内,缺乏在商业统计、会计,理财税收等方面的知识;也无法把自己的创意准确而清晰地表达出来,缺少个性化的信息传递。对目标市场和竞争对手情况缺乏了解,分析时采用的数据经不起推敲,没有说服力等。这些都反映出我们大学生创业知识的缺乏;(A) iceboxes公司还组织各国的“芝自制饰品店”定期进行作品交流,体现东方女性聪慧的作品曾在其他国家大受欢迎;同样,自各国作品也曾无数次启发过中国姑娘们的灵感,这里更是创作的源泉。(B) butter(C) ice我们认为:创业是一个整合的过程,它需要合作、互助。大学生创业“独木难支”。在知识经济时代,事业的成功来自于合作,团队精神。创业更能培养了我们的团队精神。我们一个集体的智慧、力量一定能够展示我们当代大学生的耐心.勇气和坚强的毅力。能够努力克服自身的弱点,取得创业的成功。(D) marketsPASSAGE 1 BBACC DBCDA B

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