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1、精品文档Unit 1短语1:The Great Wall 长城2:pick sb up 开车接某人3:be famous for 因而著名4:be located in 坐落于5:by hand 用手6:place of interest 名胜7:and so on 等等8:traffic light 红绿灯9:such as 比如10:on business 出差11.the Summer Place 颐和园12.the Palace Museum 故宫博物院13:hope to do sth 希望做14:far from 远离15:one of +adj最高级+n复 最之一 16:deci

2、de to do sth决定做某事17.have sth. done 使被, 让人做.18:Its said that 据说19. under terrible conditions 在恶劣的环境下20:be forced to do sth 被迫做force sb to do sth 强迫某人做21:five meters high 五米高22:be enough to do sth 足够做23:thousands of 成千上万24:be listed as 被作为.列出25:on the top of the mountain 在山顶26:make fires 点火27.It takes

3、 sb some time to do sth. 花费某人(时间)做28:lose ones way 迷路了29. a 15-minute walk 15分钟的步行路程句子1:Heres a booklet with a brief Introduction to the Great Wall. 这有一本关于长城简介的小册子2: Ill pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning.明天早上8点我就来接你。3:It is located in the north of China .长城位于中国的北方4.He decided to have the walls linke

4、d and extended. 他决定把城墙连接起来并延长 5:It took them more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions.在恶劣的条件下,他们花了十多年的时间修建了长城5:Thousands of travelers from all parts of the world come to visit the Great Wall every year.世界各地成千上万的游客每年都来参观长城。6:How marvelous and magnificent it is!多么不可思议!7.On the top of

5、the mountain is the Great Wall.长城就在山顶上8.Fire was used at night and smoke during the day.晚上用火,白天用烟 .9:Im afraid Ive lost my way . 恐怕我迷路了。10:So you have to walk two blocks and then turn right at the traffic lights. 因此,你必须走两个街区,然后在红绿灯处右拐11.Would you please tell me the way to 请告诉去的路,好吗12.Could/can you t

6、ell me how I can get to? 你能告诉我怎么去.吗Unit 2短语1.shopping plaza 购物广场2.department store 百货公司3:green grocery蔬菜水果店4: in style =in fashion 流行 out of style 过时5: be worried about 担心,忧虑6:in total 总计7.in cash 现金付款8: credit card 信用卡9:go shopping 购物10:tour guide 导游11:leave for 离开去 leave for 动身前往 12.extra large 特大

7、号13.why dont you do sth =why not do sth 为什么不做.14:it looks so nice 看起来很好 15:want to do sth 想要做某事16:by taxi 打车17:be/make sure 确信18:at the cashier desk收银台19:pay for 支付20:wrap up注意力集中于21:try on 试穿22:would you mind doing 你介意做吗 23:pay in cash 现金支付 24.prefer to do/doing prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer

8、 to do rather than do 宁愿而不愿 25. Dont worry. 别担心 26.tell sb to do sth. 告诉某人做.tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不做27. Would you mind doing 你介意做句子1:I want to do some shopping before I leave Beijing for home.我想在离开北京回家之前买点东西。2:What would you like to buy?你想买什么?3:Chinese silk blouses are in style now. 现在中国丝绸衬衫流行 4

9、: Thank you for shopping with us. 谢谢您光临本店购物5:How do you like this one? 你觉得这个怎么样?6:What color does your wife prefer?你妻子更喜欢什么颜色?7:How about this one? 这个怎么样?8:The color will not fade easily. 轻易不会褪色。9:Just tell your wife to wash them gently in cold water. 要告诉你的妻子用冷水轻柔漂洗10:How would you like to pay? In c

10、ash or by credit card? 你想怎么付款?用现金还是信用卡?11: Please sign here. 请在这儿签字12:Im sure you can find what you want there 我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的东西13.To answer the question is not a difficult job. 回答这个问题并不难14.I am looking for a room to live in. 我正在寻找一个房间居住15:To answer the question is not a difficult job.回答这个问题不是一个困难的工作

11、16:What size does your wife wear? 你太太穿多大尺码的? 17:What do you think of it? 你认为怎样?18.Why dont you buy two for your wife? 为什么不给你太太买两件呢?19.May I have your attention, please? 请您注意一下,好吗?20:Woud you like to try it on? 你想试穿一下吗?21:Would you mind coming with me to the cashier?你介意跟我一起去收银台吗22: How lovely the pan

12、da is! 多可爱的大熊猫啊! Unit 3短语1:join in 参加,加入2. English Speech Contest 英语演讲比赛 3.surf the Internet 网上冲浪4.10 percent discount 打九折5:recommend commodities 推荐商品6:promote sales 推销 7: tooto 太而不能8:have a chance to do sth 有机会做某事 9:graduated from 毕业于 10:keep on doing 继续做某事11:put. into practice 把.付诸实施12: with confi

13、dence 充满信心13:lose confidence失去信心14.at the beginning of 在.的开始15:try ones best to do sth 尽某人最大努力去做16:set a good example to sb 为某人树立好榜样17:think over 仔细考虑 18.be afraid of 害怕19:make a mistake 犯错误20:find out 查明,弄清楚21:as much as sb can=as much as possible尽可能多的22:take it easy别紧张23.have difficulty (in) doing

14、 sth 做某事有困难24.give up 放弃25:look down 俯视句子1:They can speak fluent English in their business to recommend commodities and to promote sales.他们在生意中能用流利的英语推荐商品和促进销售2:The more you read, the more you learn. 你读得越多,你学到的就越多 3:Try you best to think them over. 你尽力好好想想4:The more words and idioms you know, the ea

15、sier English becomes.你学到的词汇和习惯用语越多.英语就会变得越容易5.Dont be afraid of makingmistakes.不要害怕犯错误。6:Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English.许多学生发现听懂英语口语有困难。7:Learning is difficult but interesting.学习是困难的.但也是有趣的8:Take it easy at first. 首先是别紧张9.Nothing can be learned without giving time and e

16、ffort.不花时间,不付出努力是什么也学不到的。10.Where theres a will, theres a way. 有志者,事竟成11.If you have difficulty speaking English, you should listen as much as possible. 如果你在说英语方面有困难,你应该尽可能多地听英语12.I am sorry to hear that! 听到这些我很遗憾13.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧14.A man is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老15:No pains,n

17、o gains.没有付出就没有收获。16.The child is too young to go to school. 这个孩子年龄太小不能上学17. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半Unit 4短语1.couch potato 电视迷 2. mouse potato 电脑迷,网虫 3:TV play 电视剧4. turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 turn up 调高 turn down 调低5.in a good way以一种好的方法6:in sight and in sound用图像和声音7:all over the wor

18、ld 全世界8:go through 搜索9:settle on 选定10:forget to do 忘记去做 forget doing sth. 忘记做过11:more and more popular 越来越流行12:communicate with与交流 13:a variety of 各种各样14:get addicted to 沉溺于15:Internet addiction 网瘾 16.in front of 在前面17:stay up late 熬夜18:result from 由引起19:do harm to伤害20:interfer with 干涉21:make good u

19、se of 善用,好好利用22:benefit from 从.中获益23:go ahead 开始吧24:in ones opinion 在某人看来25:had better do sth 最好做某事26:It seems that 似乎27:all the time 一直28:think about 考虑29.be worried about 担心30.spend time/money (in) doing sth 花费 (时间/金钱)做某事:31.go on 发生, 进行32. book ticket 订票33. with the help of sb=with ones help 在某人的

20、帮助下句子1:TV brings the world into our home in sight and in sound.电视用图像和声音把世界带入我们家里。 2:It tells us what is going on across the country and all the world.它告诉我们祖国和世界各地正在发生什么事。3:Television makes our life more colorful.电视使我们的生活更加丰富多彩4:Some people often spend too much time watching television sitting on a s

21、ofa.有些人常常花太多的时间看电视坐在沙发上。5: Theres nothing better.没有更好的。6:the Internet is getting more and more popular. 互联网正变得越来越流行7:The Internet has changed the way we live,work ,learn and play.互联网改变了我们生活、工作、学习和玩耍的方式8:They waste too much time and money in front of the computer screen.他们在电脑屏幕前浪费了太多时间和金钱。9:Please st

22、ep out of the Internet cafe and come back into the real world .请走出网吧,回到现实世界10:If we make good use of TV and the Internet, we will benefit a lot from them.如果我们正确使用电视用户互联网,我们将从中受益良多11:Thats just what I want to say. 这正是我想说的。Unit 5短语1:stay away from 离开2: stay away from school 旷课3. tell a lie 说谎4:takeout

23、 of 取出5:throwaway 扔掉 6.at midnight 在半夜7:cheat in the exam 考试作弊8:be afraid of 害怕9:someone elses paper其他人的试卷10:cheat in the exam 考试作弊 11:tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做12:promise to do 答应做某事 promise not to do sth 答应不做某事13:run away from 从中逃走14:keep silent 保持沉默15:tell the truth说实话16:be over结束17:not/never a

24、ny more不再18:take on 承受,不安, 激动19:lie down 躺下20:climb up onto爬上21:take the note back 取回笔记22:come to oneself 苏醒过来23:thats all就这些24:be badly hurt 受到严重伤害 25:for over an hour 一个多小时26:ask sb to stay at home 要求某人待在家里27.happen to sb 发生在某人身上happen to do 碰巧做某事 It happened that 碰巧,恰好 句子1:Bill stayed away from s

25、chool one hot day and went swimming.比尔在一个大热天逃学去游泳2:Joe suddenly took the note out of his pocket and threw it away. 乔突然从口袋里把便条掏出来扔了3:At midnight, Bill woke and found Joe sitting up in bed, crying.在午夜,比尔醒来发现乔坐在床上.哭泣4:He will never trust me any more他将不再信任我了5:The branch broke and Bill fell to the ground

26、 .树枝断了,比尔摔到了地上。6:Tell the master hell never have to send a note any more-thats all.告诉校长,再也不用送便条了,就这样吧7:You let me down.你让我失望8:Never mind. It doesnt really matter.没关系,这真的不重要。9.Its never too late to mend 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚10.Whats the matter? 怎么了Unit 6短语1:earn/make money 赚钱 earn/make ones living 谋生2:famous bra

27、nd clothes 名牌服装3:remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事4.instead of 代替5:show off 炫耀6:be different from 与不同 be similar to 与相似 be the same as 与 相同 7.at the same time 同时8:grow up成长9:be proud of 为骄傲/自豪10:on earth 世上, 到底11.go for a ride 开车兜风12:cheer up加油,振作起来13:well done 干的好 14.You are great! 你真棒15:a developing countr

28、y发展中的国家16:a developed country发达国家17:the focus of attention关注的焦点18:not all 不是所有的19:without making any distinction 不加区别20:cant afford sth 买不起21: something new or expensive 新的或贵的东西22:it doesnt mean并不意味着23:hard work艰苦的工作24:mentioned above上面提到的 25:come out of 出来come over 过来26:something wrong with 出故障了27:

29、by the way 顺便问一下句子1:It was still a developing country.它仍然是一个发展中国家2:They become the focus of attention.他们成为关注的焦点。 3:Life is difficult. This is one of the greatest truths.生活是不容易的,这是最伟大的真理之一。4.Canada is known as a rich and developed country. 加拿大被认为是一个富裕的发达国家 5:Most important of all, she loved us. 最为重要的

30、是.她爱我们6:Nothing on earth can be more valuable than his fathers love.没有什么比父亲对他的爱更为宝贵的。7:Theres nothing to be afraid of.没有什么可害怕的。8.Take little, but give much. 应少索取,而多奉献Unit 7短语1.lead to 导致2.notany more 不再3:smoke- free area 无烟区4:it wont be very long before 用不了多久,过不了多久5:a daily habit 日常习惯6:help them rel

31、ax 帮助他们放松7:make sb do sth使某人做某事8:help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做.9:in fact 事实上 10:have a good/bad effect on 对有好/坏的影响11:in many cases 在许多情况下in no case 在任何情况下都不in that case 如果那样的话12:breathe inout 吸入呼出13:be harmful to = do harm to 对有害14:not onlybut (also) 不仅而且15.blood pressure 血压16.heart disease 心脏病17:die fr

32、omof 死于18:to be with sb和某人在一起19:all over the world 全世界20:stopNo smoking停/禁止吸烟21: give up 放弃 give upquit smoking戒烟22:as soon as possible 尽快地23:as long as 只要24:make laws 制定法律25:stop to do 停下来去做某事 stop doing 停止做某事26:thank you for (not) doing 谢谢(不)做某事27:have the determination to do sth 下定决心做某事28.watch y

33、our step 当心脚下句子1:It wont be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public areas.过不了多久,吸烟在任何公共场所都被禁止。2.They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax. 他们认为吸烟使他们感到快乐并帮助他们放松3:Some famous actors show smoking on TV. 一些著名的明星在电视上表演吸烟4:In fact, smoking has many bad effects o

34、n peoples health.事实上,吸烟对人体健康有很不好的影响。5:When a person smoke, people around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become passive smokers. 当有人吸烟时,周围的人被迫吸烟,成为被动吸烟者。6:More and more people do not like to be with smokers in the same room.越来越多的人不喜欢和吸烟者在同一个房间里。7.Thank you for not smoking. 感谢您不吸烟8:Smokers sho

35、uld give up smoking as soon as possible. 吸烟者应尽快戒烟。9:It is much easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it. 始终不吸烟要比戒烟容易得多 Unit 8短语1.deal with 处理问题2:It takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人时间做某事3:both and 两者都4:what do with howdeal with 怎样应付/处理.5:The Worlds Fair 世博会6:offer sb sth= offer sth to sb 给某

36、人提供某物offer to do sth. 主动(提供)做7:take a turn for the better 好转8:with the strong desire to 抱着强烈的愿望9:give away 赠送10:be interested in 对感兴趣11:go mad 发疯12:worry about =be worried about 担心13: iced tea 冰茶14:for free 免费15:mix with 把和混合16:the hit of 热点17:from then on 从那时起18:go wrong 出错19:either or 要么要么20:have

37、no choice 别无选择21:whetheror not是否22.more and more popular 越来越受欢迎/流行be popular with 受欢迎句子1:It take both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow.需要有雨和阳光.彩虹才会出现2:Lives are no difference.生活也没有什么不同。3: There are always two sides to everything.每件事物都有两面性。4: We cannot control all theevents that happen in ourliv

38、es, but we can control howwe deal with them.我们无法控制生活中发生的所有事件,但我们可以掌控如何应付他们。5:If we handle our bad luck wisely,the situation may take a turn for the better.如果我们处理坏运气时聪明一点,情况可能变好6:With the strong desire to expand his business,he had planned to give away free samples of hot tea to fair visitors. 怀着拓展生意

39、的强烈愿望,他曾计划向参观博览会的人发放免费热茶样品7.Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母8. The picture attracted my attention. 这幅图片吸引了我的注意9:It was so hot that on one was interest ted in his hot tea. 天气太热,没有人对他的热茶感兴趣。10:One day an idea come to his mind.一天, 他突然想到了一个主意11.Iced tea became the hit of the Fair. 冰茶成为博览会的热点12.

40、Ill be back in a minute. 我一会就回来unit 9短语1:bring to 引起, 使成为2:by means of 通过, 借助于3:play an important role part in 在中起重要的作用4:make sure 确认5.a great deal of 非常多, 大量6:more or less 或多或少7:fashion show 时装表演8:an important way of 的重要方法9:send sth to sb 把某物发送给某人10:in public 在公共场所11:walk sb 陪某人走 walk动物 遛12:bringto

41、 the attention of 使引起的注意13:a great deal of information 大量的信息14:be powerful in 在方面有力量15:appear new to sb 使人耳目一新16:attitude to/ toward 对的态度17:It is known that =we all know that 众所周知句子1:Brochures can contain a great deal of information if designed well.如果设计的好的话,宣传册会包含大量的信息。2:So putting ads in newspaper

42、s is a common way of advertising. 所 以在报纸上刊登广告是一种常见的广告途径3:However,it is known that some ads give false information to mislead consumers.然而,众所周知,一些广告也会传递虚假的信息来误导消费者 4:In fact, what they want is just to make us pay more money.事实上,他们想要的只是想让我们付更多的钱5:It is necessary that we make sure what is real and what is false in the ads.我们很有必要搞清楚广告内容里什么是真的,什么是假的6.Hold on, please. 请不要挂断 Unit 10短语1:air pollution 空气污染water pollution 水污染2:no longernot any longer 不再3 :as as 和一样 not as/soas 不如,和不一样4.(1)used to be 过去是. (2)used to do 过去常常做

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