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1、Unit 9 AdvertisementKey Words: advertise advertisement space promotion commercial everywhere radio product attention current mail contain design directly select common notice appear major advantage however false healthy necessary realUseful Expressions: fashion show bringto by means of a great deal

2、ofmore or less play an important role inmake sure selected customerall the time bringto the attention ofGrammar Focus: The-ing Form of Verbs (2) 动词的-ing形式(二)4. 作定语动词的-ing形式以单词形式作定语时,置于所修饰的名词之前,以短语形式作定语时,置于所修饰的名词之后。eg. This reminds me of Italy, when it was still a developing country.A reading room wr

3、iting paper5. 做宾语补足语eg. Sometime in the night Bill woke and found Joe sitting up in bed, crying.动词的-ing形式及其短语做宾语补足语常出现在下列谓语动词之后:find, feel, listen to, hear, look at, see, watch, notice, observe, smell, get, leave, have等。6. 作状语可做时间、原因、方式、条件、伴随、结果等状语,有“主动”和“进行”的含义;如果-ing形式表示的动作出现在句子的谓语之前,则用完成式“having+

4、动词的过去分词”。eg. He wandered the street, trying to find a way to make some money.Having finished their work, they had a rest.Unit 9 Advertisement一、 英汉互译1. 时装表演 2. 引起,使成为3. 通过,借助于 4. 非常多,大量5. 或多或少 6. 在中起重要作用7. 确定,确信 8. reading room9. building materials 10. sleeping boy11. flying kite 12. developing count

5、ry13. writing paper 14. failing leaves二、单项选择15. The boy here is a classmate of mine. A. stand B. to stand C. standing D. stood16. The girl by some boys is our English teacher. A. follow B. to follow C. followed D. following17. by Leifengs heroic deeds, we make a plan to help the old with their lives

6、. A. Inspiring B. inspired C. having inspired D. to be inspired18. Who is the girl to my mother? A. speaking B. spoken C. speak D. to speak19. The program next year is important for our city. A. hold B. held C. holding D. to be held20. from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful. A. Seeing B.

7、 Seen C. See D. Saw21. in old English, the book is too difficult to understand. A. Writing B. Being written C. Written D. Wrote22. Its no good . Youd better give it up. A. to smoke B. smoking C. smoke D. smoke23. the letter, he went out to post it. A. Writing B. being written C. Written D. Having wr

8、itten24. The young pioneers walked along the river, and wild flowers. A. singing, gathering B. sang, gathered C. being singing, being gathering D. sing, gather25. I saw him the room just now, but now I hear him in the next room. A. enter, singing B. entering, sings C. entered, sang D. to enter, to s

9、ing26. The middle-aged woman left, what belongs to her. A. take B. taken C. taking D. to take27. I walked into the office and shook hands with a man Mr. Black. A. smiled, naming B. smiling, naming C. smiled, named C. smiling, named28. the homework, he went to the playground. A. Finish B. Being finis

10、hed C. Finished D. Having finished29. People in the countryside often feel they cant enjoy the fun city life. A. living B. live C. to live D. lived30. The next day she found the old man in bed, dead. A. lying B. lie C. laying D. lay31. Did you hear someone in the next room just now?- Yes, I heard a

11、girl when I came back.A. sing, sing B. to sing, to singC. sing, singing D. to sing, singing32. Why did you go back to the shop?-I left my friend there.A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits 33. Tom enjoys in China. A. live B. living C. to live D. lived 34. The old man devoted his life to . A. teach

12、B. teaching C. being teach D. teached三、完形填空You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place 35 you socialize and learn to get along with people. But this is 36 easy. What can you do 37 you just dont like one of your classmates? I

13、f you discover that you have problems 38 your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance(忍受). Tolerance is the 39 to recognize and respect the 40 in others. We cannot change the way that other people act, 41 it is important to learn to live happily with them. Practicing to

14、lerance will allow everyone to form better 42 with each other. Getting to know someone 43 help you understand why they do things 44 from you. It is important to remember that just because something is different does not mean that it is bad. 45 teaches us to keep a good temper and open mind. One thin

15、g to 46 is the old saying, “Treat others how you want 47.” You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is 48 to treat them with equal kindness. If you tolerate 49, it doesnt mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to 51who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just

16、means that you will be 51 of the differences in others and not try to make them change. It is important to 52 tolerance because it will make everyones lives easier. Learn to 53 people for their different abilities and interests. The world is a very 54 place, and practicing tolerance in your own scho

17、ol and city can help make a difference. ( ) 35. A. which B. where C. that D. when( ) 36. A. very B. no C. not always D. really( ) 37. A. unless B. since C. because D. if( ) 38. A. getting along with B. making apologies to C. getting away from D. fleeing from( ) 39. A. chance B. benefit C. patience D

18、. ability( ) 40. A. imaginations B. thoughts C. consequences D. differences( ) 41. A. so B. and C. but D. although( ) 42. A. moods B. habits C. relationships D. feelings( ) 43. A. must B. may C. should D. can( ) 44. A. fortunately B. easily C. differently D. attentively( ) 45. A. Patience B. Experie

19、nce C. Tolerance D. Kindness( ) 46. A. keep in touch B. keep in mind C. keep up with D. keep to yourselves( ) 47. A. to treat B. being treated C. to be treated D. to be treating( ) 48. A. attractive B. important C. desperate D. fantastic( ) 49. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( ) 50

20、. A. change B. remind C. promise D. decide( ) 51. A. convenient B. respectful C. negative D. considerable( ) 52. A. ignore B. cancel C. prevent D. practice( ) 53. A. accept B. receive C. thank D. remember( ) 54. A. diverse B. same C. individual D. apparent四、阅读理解The word advertising refers to any kin

21、d of public announcement that brings products and services to the attention of people. Throughout history, advertising has been an effective way to promote (促进) the trading and selling of goods. In the Middle Ages, merchants employed “town criers” to read public messages aloud to promote their goods

22、. When printing was invented in the fifteenth century, pages of advertisements (ads) could be printed easily and were either hung in public places or put in books.By the end of the seventeenth century , when newspapers were beginning to be read by more people, printed materials became an important w

23、ay to promote products and services. The London Gazette was the first newspaper to set aside a place just for advertising. This was so successful that by the end of the century several companies started businesses for the purpose of making newspaper ads for merchants. Advertising spread quickly thro

24、ughout the eighteenth century. Ad writers were starting to pay more attention to the design of the ad text. Everything,from clothes to drinks,was promoted with clever methods such as repetition of the firms name or product, words organized in eye-catching patterns,the use of pretty pictures and expr

25、essions easy to remember. Near the end of the nineteenth century, companies that were devoted to the production of ads came to be known as “advertising agencies (广告商).” The agencies developed new ways to get people to think of themselves as members of a group. Throughout the twentieth century, adver

26、tising agencies promoted consumerism (消费主义) as a way of life,spreading the belief that people could be happy only if they bought the “right” products.55. When the printing was invented? A. By the end of the seventeenth century. B. In the eighteenth century. C. In the fifteenth century. D. Near the e

27、nd of the nineteenth century.56. What was advertising like in the Middle Ages?A. Merchants were employed to promote products.B. Ad messages were shouted out in public places.C. Product information was included in books.D. Ad signs were put up in towns.57. What does the word “This” in Paragraph 2 ref

28、er to?A. Advertising in newspapers.B. Including pictures in ads.C. Selling goods in markets.D. Working with ad agencies.58. The l8th century advertising was special in its _.A. growing spending B. printing materialsC. advertising companiesD. attractive designs59. Which of the following might be the

29、best title for the text?A. The Story of AdvertisingB. The Value of Advertising DesignsC. The Role of Newspaper AdvertisingD. The Development of Printing for Advertising五、短文改错Well never forget the day while my classmates and 60( )I paid a visit a chemistry factory. It 61( )was a large one with nearly

30、 20,000 worker. It looked 62 ( )like a garden and we saw colorful flowers, grass and trees 63( )there. We also visited some workshops and find workers 64 ( )working hard. We talked to them and learned a lot of. We 65 ( )understood them further. On the way home we felt very tiring,66( ) but we all thought we had good day. 67 ( )We really hoped that we can get more chances 68 ( )of leaving the school and learn about society. 69 ( )六、书面表达星期天上午你必须去参加一个大的会议,并且中午不回家吃饭,而昨天你回家的时候,家里没有人,请你给你的父母留一张便条,说明这件事。

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