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1、一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. -Alice and Iare(be) in Class Eight. -Wow! Youre classmates.2. -Excuse me. Do you know that girl? -Yes.Her( she) name is Sally.3. -Are you from Japan, Mr. Chen? -No. ImChinese(China).4. -Whose(who) bike is that? -I think its Mr. Greens.5. -Your schoolbag is here. But where ismine(my

2、)? -Look! Its in the desk.6. -Arethose(that) gloves black? -No. Theyre brown.7. -Mom, these shoes are too small for me. -Oh, dear. You have bigfeet(foot) now.8. -Mr. Smith is from Cuba, He cant speak Chinese.-OK. Let us helphim(he).9. -Are thesewomen(woman) from Beiing International School? -Yes, th

3、ey are.10. -The man in the photolooks( look ) young.-Hes a new teacher in our school.二、句型转换1. This is a green knife. (改为复数形式)Theseare greenknives.2. Were students in a junior high school. (改为一般疑问句)Areyoustudents in a junior high school?3.My friend has a round face.(转换为否定句)My frienddoesnthavea round

4、face.4. The police can find the man in the photo. (转换为一般疑问句)Canthe policefindthe man in the photo?5. We have new jackets. (转换为同义句)Ourjacketsarenew.6. Lucy looks like her sister, Lily. (转换为同义句)Lucy and Lilylookthesame.7. Ben is in Class One and David is in Class Two. (转换为同义句)Ben and David areindiffer

5、entclasses.8. My cat isthree years old. (对画线部分提问)Howoldis your cat?9. The blue pens areMikes and Johns. (对画线部分提问)Whosearethe blue pens?10. Toms favorite color iswhite(对画线部分提问).Whatcoloris Toms favorite?三、根据汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。1.妈妈,这位是我的同学Ann。Mom,thisismy classmate, Ann.2.比尔,请把这个地图交给马克。Bill, pleasegivethe

6、maptoMark.3.猜猜! Sally 在哪个年级呢?Guess !Whatgradeis Sally in?4. Kate 和Amy穿相同的衣服。Kate and Amyareinthe same clothes.5.乔的眼睛是蓝色的,但我的眼睛是黑色的。Joes eyes are blue, butmineare black.6.她们想要买粉红色的短裙。They wanttobuypink skirts.7.我的妹妹有两双红色的鞋子。My sister has twopairsofred shoes.8.这个婴儿看起来很高兴。The babylooksveryhappy.9.这些女孩的

7、连衣裙是什么颜色呢?What color are thegirlsdresses?10.我认为我们老师能帮助他。I think our teacher canhelphim.四、短文填空。阅读下面短文,从所给单词中选出适当的单词,并用正确的形式填空,使语意通顺、完整。每空一词且每个单词只能用一次。blue, come, help, in, hair,have,school, speak, seven, friend Betty is my1. She2from England. She is fifteen years old. She is tall and has big3eyes. She has long blond4. She is a student of a junior high5. She is 6Class Seven, Grade Nine. Im in Class 7, too. We8the same teachers and classmates. She9English very well(好). She often10me with( 关于) my Ees3.blue4.hair5.school6.in7.Seven8.have9.speaks10.helps

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