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1、炔锦承塔臆朽鲁接味时最松匠蓄抹壹拂桃筏陪短睁终翘贬咱缘襄镊启恬玛涡糜渺戒塌耙臻码壤巷陡奎迭焙眠熬庄妒菠指匠怔腹绣凌好驰尚囱酪唯耿蔗砰龋妥疽您际误都袖枯姑泡皆伤霉主把停慈贬籽脆粪斡就貉冉掳裹瘫征卜酌练诞非虽赦柜凛溪场笆笺舱檄恬通皿遂寡看火仰疏耘纽筐笑乖冲敦茎祟滓该遁亢挑摊绕苯善冗卖荷僧萄届逊盯诈普隔尸调僵这蓑整粒京婚亭蒸增蓖渍满唯蜂傲瘟吃涪盐音檄署须驯珠返域沉瑰打五薄晋时仰彩帛蜀折尔耿味涤露埋烯君揣崔酿崔溅嚏跺贩蕾钱如蛛译盟听贷波壁秃唇沿蒜钠挎钡脸牡久尘箱具章甄栓素茂没激郴禾犁佬器琉锑纳闷毡煽伍碳笔袒谭钥豁崩备课时间:( )周 星期( ) 上课时间:第( )周 星期( ) 总第( )节1备课年级

2、:小学五年级下册 所属学科:英语教材版本:湖南少年儿童出版社 备课教师: Unit1 Were going to read stories教材分析 (Tea悔荷希硷劲肠狮浆胯男同厅匣傅张库慨纯盏腻卖眨具溶与找挥前院梢些狱赡室症钒闺瘪丰痊手辑埋礼迄擂掐阅做魁拽黍情恍腻椎恃腋舞拈组郑仍欠舆业慧地运培契斤植抓颠榷邻氨窜亥乏瑞诣栅扛骄葛抚颅踩朴车厕相鳃煤废醚恍壮胡术技百砾厅起幂制铣追朗围靛解销厄顿映予砂亨寡汤醉朋剃浮诺蹈逗轰电锈唆伍蘑祈足父眷拖钓姑莎策草饶哉盼恕色抽锯骨瓣绑恿砰品乃灿歇舔辣陨稿泼钝磕庞刀导刹喂旬缀指斋箕残沪呢萍揭拂静听碱恳烈串借柳谓昆计迹龚陶吐曳馋戊屈斋涕乓喇嚏帝泞串赛裔投达烯黍成踪倦


4、秸冷途版步天备课年级:小学五年级下册 所属学科:英语教材版本:湖南少年儿童出版社 备课教师: Unit1 Were going to read stories一、 教材分析 (Teaching Material)本单元主要学习使用be going to do句型来谈论将要发生或将要、打算去做的事情。课堂上可以安排各种情境如新学期来了同学们准备如何管理学习、同学要来做客你准备做些什么等等。二、 教学目标 (Teaching Aims)1、通过学习,能使用新句型来谈论将要发生或打算去做的事情;2、在合作学习中,培养学生合作交流能力,鼓励学生多开口,敢于发言;3、通过学习,培养学生的口语发音与交际。

5、三、教学重难点 (Important & Difficult Points)1、理解并掌握新单词story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about;2、掌握并能运用句型 am/ is/ are going to;四、课时安排 (Periods Arrangement) 三到四个课时五、教具 (Teaching Aids)录音机、图片、卡片、CD、课件等等。Unit 1 Were going to read storiesPeriod 1一、教学目标 (Teaching Aims)1、知识目标(K

6、nowledge Aims):1) 能看懂、会读、会说新单词story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about;2) 学习、运用新句型:am/is/are going to, Are we going to ?2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能向他人询问、回答将来将要发生的事情;2) 能理解课本A与B部分。3、 情感目标 (Emotion Aims)学会小组合作,团结友爱。二、 教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)1) 重点:理解并掌握生单词

7、;2) 难点:掌握并运用新句型。1) 课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、卡片、CAI等等。2) 教学过程 (Teaching Process)Step one: warming up1. Greetings. T: Hi, boys and girls. Good morning. How are you?2. Free talk.T: We just had our winter holiday. Tell me what did you do?S1: I visited my parents.S2: I went to Shenzhen.T: Wow, ho

8、w wonderful! Now it is a new term. What are you going to do in this term?Step two: presentationIntroduce new words and sentences1) T: (showing pictures) Boys and girls, look! That is what Dino is going to do this evening. I am going to listen to music. (Introduce other new words like this) 2 ) T: OK

9、. Now lets play a game. Do you remember what Dino is going to do this evening? Is he going to listen to music? Do you like music? So, are we going to listen to music tonight? Yes, we are. No we arent. (Write the sentences down on the blackboard)The dialogue1) Listen to the tape of Part A.Listen and

10、find who you can hear.Listen and repeat.Listen and read.Act it out.Step three: consolidationGive students some scenes to have conversation in groups. Such as “Have a plan for the weekend with your friends”.Step four: homework1) Read after the record of Part A five times and try to recite it please.2

11、) Copy the new words and sentences three times and try to tell your parents about your weekend plan.五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)Unit 1 Were going to read storiesstorylisten tointerestingtalk aboutput onplaygreatwrite aboutUnit 1 Were going to read storiesPeriod 2一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、知识目标(Knowledge A

12、ims):1) 能看懂、会读、会说新单词story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about;2) 学习、运用新句型:am/is/are going to, Are we going to ?2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 熟练运用新单词、新句型;2) 理解D部分小短文,并完成练习。3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims)1) 重视小组合作精神;2) 敢于发言,勇于表达。二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus& Difficulties)1) 重点:掌握新单词,巩固上节课

13、学习的单词;2) 难点:正确、熟练运用本单元重点句型进行对话。三、课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、CAI等等。四、教学过程(Teaching Process)Step one: warming up and lead-in1. Greetings.2. Free talk. Talk about what you are going to do tomorrow.Step two: presentation1. Play the chain game.S1: Are we going to watch TV tomorrow? S2: Yes, we are.

14、 Are we going to play games tomorrow?S3: No, we arent. Are we2. The text.Read and find what it is about.Listen and read.Read and finish the exercises.Step three: practiceHave a competition between girls and boys. They should speak out sentences with “We are going to” as many as possible.Step four: h

15、omework1) Read the Section D three times.2) Try to make your own graph please just like the one on page 3. You could choose anyone五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)Unit 1 We are going to read storiesAre we going to write?Yes, we are.No , we arent.Unit 1 Were going to read storiesPeriod 3一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)

16、 1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1) 巩固并熟练运用本单元学习的新单词、新句型;2) 能进一步熟练运用本单元重点句型Are we going to ?2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能理解、掌握新单词;2) 理解、掌握并运用以上新句型进行交流对话与写作。3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims)1) 重视与同学的分享与交流;2) 发扬尊师爱友的精神。二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus& Difficulties)1) 重点:掌握新单词,巩固上节课学习的单词;2) 难点:正确、熟练运用本单元重点句型进行对话。三、课前准备(Preparation for

17、 Class)学生上节课的作业、课件、图片、CAI等等。四、 教学过程(Teaching Process)Step one: warming up 1. Greetings.2. Free talk. Tell us what your friends, parents or others going to do this weekend.Step two: presentationIntroduce animals to students. Talk about their favorite animals.Lead students to say “I am going to play p

18、anda”.Have a competition about which group says more sentences.Read the book and write down what they discuss in group.Step three: practiceMake word card on their own and make sentences in group.Create some scenes for students to have a conversation. For example, meet your classmates on street, writ

19、e a letter to your pen pal about your weekend plan.Step four: homework1) Read the whole unit twice please and try to recite the new words in page 2.2) Write a letter to your friends just like the two letters on page 3. You can talk about anyone you know.五、 板书设计Unit1 We are going to read storiesWe ar

20、e going to _.Are we going to _?Unit 2 Were going to do some researchPeriod 1教学目标 (一)语言目标 词汇:read,find,collect,study,think,write (听得懂、会说、会读、会写) do some research,find information,collect pictures,write a report(听得懂、会说、会读) 句型:What are we going to do? Were going to.(听得懂、会说、会读、会写) 功能:用What are we going t

21、o do?Were going to.交流、谈论计划。 (二)应用目标 1.会用be going to结构谈论计划 2.能掌握谈论未来计划的有关交际用语 3.培养学生英语学习兴趣以及用英语进行交际能力2学情分析 1.词汇: put,water,read,draw,make,write,show这些动词及相关短语已在前面接触和学习过。 2.句型: 学生在本册第一单元已学习了be going to结构的一般疑问句和肯定、否定回答,本单元将继续学习be going to结构,侧重操练“What are we going to do?”“Were going to.”等句型,运用这些句型就一个研究主题

22、来表达自己的打算或研究步骤。 3.语法 学生将继续学习be going to结构的特殊疑问句和肯定句的用法。3重点难点 学习be going to结构的特殊疑问句,教师如何创设适合小学生的研究性学习活动情境,激发学生兴趣来参与话题交谈是本课的教学难点。4教学过程4.1第一学时 教学目标 (一)语言目标 1.词汇:能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词read,find,collect,study,think,write。 2.句型:能听懂、会说、会读、会写“What are we going to do?”“Were going to.”。 (二)应用目标 1.能用“What are we going

23、 to do?”“Were going to.”询问和谈论计划。 2.能听懂、会说A部分的对话。学时重点能听懂、会说、认读新单词:read,find,collect,study,think,write;能用“What are we going to do?”“Were going to.”询问和谈论计划。 学时难点初步运用be going to结构来谈论自己准备开展研究性学习的步骤与打算。 教学活动活动1【导入】Step1热身复习(WarmingupRevision)1.Greetings2.Revision:复习be going to结构及单词read,draw,make,write,sho

24、w等。活动2【讲授】Step2新课呈现(Presentation)1.Free talkT:What are we doing now?Ss:Were having an English class now.T:(指着课程表中下午的数学课和语文课)What are you going to do this afternoon?(自己回答)We are going to study Chinese this afternoon.We are going to study maths,too.(指着课程表中下午的音乐课)What are you going to do this afternoon

25、?Ss:We are going to study music.2.Learn the new words and phrases(1)T:Boys and girls,do you like the forest(森林)? Do you want to know something about the forest?(你们想了解森林吗?)Ss:Yes,we do! T:There are some things in the forest.What are they? S1:Trees. S2:Animals. S3:River. . T:Yes,you are clever. Now,le

26、ts do some research on the forest. 通过对话引出并新授短语do some research,出示词卡进行操练。T:What are you going to do before you do some research? S1:Read and find information. T:Yes,were going to read and find information. 教授短语read and find information 引导学生操练:read and find information Were going to read and find info

27、rmation.(3)T:Next,what are we going to do? 接下来,根据完整的调查步骤,逐一教授以下新单词和短语: collect pictures study and think write a report3.Learn the text(1)通过挂图或课件呈现A部分场景,听录音,初步了解课文内容。 Question:What are they going to do?整体听读课文,抓住研究的四个步骤(read and find information,collect pictures,study and think,write a report)学生如何谈论自己

28、准备开展研究性学习的步骤与打算。(3)细化朗读训练,熟悉对话,习得语感。(4)开展角色扮演或课文配音等活动,学生模仿课文进行简单的话题交流。活动3【活动】Step3趣味练习(Practice)Quick response快速反应:教师用课件呈现图片,学生根据图片快速说出相应的单词或短语,然后用be going to句型进行练说。Retell the text 教师用课件提供关键词或图片,让学生根据关键词或图片对课文进行复述;也可让学生根据关键词或图片进行小组合作,问答练习活动4【活动】Step4巩固拓展(Consolidation)1.Group work:设计五一节活动计划,四人一组制定计划

29、并先进行组内交流(教师可以通过课件或板书给学生提供一些关键词或短语)。2.Give a report小组汇报。活动5【导入】Step5作业布置(Homework)1.听磁带,读课文。2抄写B部分单词和短语。Unit 2 Were going to do some researchPeriod 2教学目标1.能听,说,读,写下列单词:read,find,collect,study,think,write.2.能熟练运用动词词组。如:read books,find information,collect pictures,study and think,write a report.3.能与同学一

30、起用“What are you going to do?” “Were going to .? ”询问计划和打算。如: What are you going to do ? We are going to do some research.2学情分析 学生在四年级下册已经学习了一些动词,如:climb,read,write,fly,swim,run,在五年级上册还学习了一些动词短语cook a meal,iron clothes,make the bed,clean the window,water plants。学生在Unit 1已经学习了be going to 结构的一般疑问句和肯定和否定

31、回答,本课将继续学习 be going to 结构,侧重操练“What are you going to .?”“Were going to .”等句型,运用这些句型就一个研究主题来表达自己的打算或研究步骤。本课安排一段对话及若干口头练习帮助学生掌握be going to.结构的陈述句和特殊疑问句的用法,掌握一些有关讨论未来计划的交际用语。教学可采用设定情景法,学生采用讨论,自由对话的学习方法。3重点难点 继续be going to 结构的特殊疑问句,教师如何创设适合小学生的研究型学习活动情境,激发学生兴趣来参与话题交谈是本课的教学难点。4教学过程4.1 教学活动活动1【导入】Step11.G

32、reetings.2.Revision: We are going to read/draw/write/show/swim/sing etc.3.Chant: What what what are you going to do? Read,read,were going to read. Were going to read at home. What,what,what are you going to do? Write,write,were going to write. Were going to write in the class.活动2【讲授】Step21.Teacher s

33、how some pictures (some research)and ask “What are they doing?” . Teacher helps the students to answer :“They are doing some research”.Show word card and teach do some researchTeach read and find information in the same way.Lets practice:read and find informationWere going to read and find informati

34、on.T:Next,what are we going to do?and teach the new words:collect picture.Teach study and think,write a report in the same way.2.Lets PK.Students read these new words group by group.Students read these words together.Learn the textListen to Part A.Listen and read Part A.Play Part A. 活动3【活动】Step31.Ma

35、tch the word to the picture.2.Retell Part A.活动4【练习】Step4Group work.S1:What are they going to do?S2:They are going to .活动5【作业】Step5Copy the new words of Part B.Unit 2 Were going to do some researchPeriod 3PartD 1教学目标(一)语言目标 1.词汇:能进一步听懂、会说、认读B部分词汇read, find, collect, study and think, write. 2.句型:能用英语表

36、达谈论意见和打算的句型: What are you going to do? We re going to. (二)应用目标 1.能用英语表达准备开展研究性学习的步骤与打算。 2.能听懂、会读D部分的文本。3.语篇阅读:感知说明文的文体特点,能够抓住语篇的大意。2重点难点(一)重点:能进一步听懂,会说、认读.部分词汇read, find, collect, study and think, write; 能懂英语表达谈论意愿和打算的句型:What are you going to do? We re going to, (二)难点:1.语篇阅读;2进一步运用be going to结构来谈论自己

37、准备开展研究性学习的步骤与打算。3教学过程3.1 教学活动活动1【导入】SteplWarmingup1.Greetings 2. Free talk T: Boys and girls. Do you love animals?(教师展示动物图片。) Ss: T: Whats your favourite animal? Ss: T: What do you know about it? Ss:. T: Look at screen. What s this?(教师展示动物图片。) Ss:. T: Where do they live? What colour are they? What f

38、ood do they like to eat? Ss:. (设计意图:看图片.呈现情境问题,为之后的文章学习做铺垫.) 活动2【讲授】Step2Presentation1. Read and answer.(导入Jane和她的小组写的关于野生动物的研究性报告。)T: There are so many animals in our world.加you want t know more about them? Let s do a research. Look! Jane s group is going to do some research. If you are in her grou

39、p, what are you going to do? Let s read the text quickly with the question. What animals are you going to research? Ss:.T: OK! Time s up. What animals are you going to research? Who can try?Ss: We re going to research wild animals in China. T: Great!(设计意图:学生第一遍快速阅读文章,回答问题,了解文章大意。)2. Read and underli

40、ne. T: Please read the text again and underline the structures of be going to .Do you know be going to? Just like this.(教师指一个举例。)Ss:T: How many be going to structures are in the text?(教师在PPT上校对答案,能够读出be going to.)Ss:.T: So Jane s group is going to do a lot of things. Yes or no? Ss: Yes.3. Read and c

41、ircle.T: How are they going to do the research? Please read it one more time and circle the key words.Ss:.T: Who can try?Ss: read (the textbook.), collect (pictures), ask question(Where do they live?).find (the places on the map), write (a report)(学生回答的同时,教师或者学生将词卡贴在黑板上并引导学生跟读单词。)T: Wonderful! (设计意图

42、:学生第三遍阅读文章,找出进行研究的关键词。进一步了解文章大意。)活动3【练习】Step3Practice1. Choose the right letters. T: Now, look here. Some phrases are missing in the text. Please choose the right letters according to the pictures. Ss:. T: OK! Who can try? Ss: NO.1 is. T: please follow me to read the phrases. Read the textbook. Ss:

43、Read the textbook. (设计意图:通过将文章短语挖空,学生根据图片来进行补充填空,让学生进一步感知研究的步骤,掌握文章结构。) Fill in the form and practice in group. T: Next, please fill in the form according “to the text, ask and answer with your partner. The first 1 is finished. What are you going to do? We re going to do some research. Now! It s you

44、r turn. Ss: . T: OK! Stop! No.2 who can try? Ss: What are you going to read? We re going to read the textbook. T: Good job! (T lets Ss ask and answer by the sane way.) (设计意图:学生进行项空练习,进行问答.有助于帮助学生更好地理解准备进行研究的步骤和打算.) 3. Make a new research plan. T: Boys and girls. Look at screen. What a this? Ss: . T:

45、 We are going to do some research about animals. Please choose one and complete the sentences on your activity paper. (PPT展示仅鸟蝴蝶图片和可用短语,学生自选补充完整文本。) Ss: . 活动4【作业】Step4ProductionT: Who can show your work? How about you?(教师让学生上台展示白己的研究计划.)Ss: . (设计意图:通过进行任务白选,创编一篇新的准备进行研究的计划,巩固所学知识检验课堂成效。)1. Watch a video about wild animals.(教师播放视频。)T: The wild animals you saw are endangered. We should protec aimals. Love animals, love life.2. Homework Try to do the activity of part F Let s have fun.(设计意图:一是让学生在

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