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1、Chapter 1 - Introduction to Software Engineering Multiple Choices 1. Which question no longer concerns the modern software engineer? (a) a) Why does computer hardware cost so much? b) Why does software take a long time to finish? c) Why does it cost so much to develop a piece of software? d) Why can

2、t software errors be removed from products prior to delivery? 2. Today the increased power of the personal computer has brought about an abandonment of the practice of team development of software.(b) a) True b) False 3. Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies used

3、for other engineering artifacts.(b) a) True b) False 4. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because (c) a) Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments b) Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often c) Multiple change requests introduce errors in component i

4、nteractions d) Software spare parts become harder to order 5. Most software continues to be custom built because (d) a) Component reuse is common in the software world. b) Reusable components are too expensive to use. c) Software is easier to build without using someone elses components. d) Off-the-

5、shelf software components are unavailable in many application domains. 6. The nature of software applications can be characterized by their information (d) a) complexity b) content c) determinacy d) both b and c 7. Modern software applications are so complex that it is hard to develop mutually exclu

6、sive category names.(a) a) True b) False 8. The so called new economy that gripped commerce and finance during the 1990s died and No longer influences decisions made by businesses and software engineers.(b) a) True b) False 9. The functionality of most computer systems does not need to be enhanced t

7、he lifetime of the system.(b) a) True b) False 10. Change cannot be easily accommodated in most software systems, unless the system was designed with change in mind.(a) a) True b) False 11. Most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need.(a) a) True b) False 12. In

8、 general software only succeeds if its behavior is consistent with the objectives of its designers.(b) a) True b) False Chapter 2 A Generic View of Process Multiple Choices 1. Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?(b) a) Process b) Manufacturing c) Methods d)T

9、ools 2. Software engineering umbrella activities are only applied during the initial phases of software development projects.(b) a) True b) False 3. Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?(a) a) communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment b) commun

10、ication, risk management, measurement, production, reviewing c) analysis, designing, programming, debugging, maintenance d) analysis, planning, designing, programming, testing 4. Process models are described as agile because they(b) a) eliminate the need for cumbersome documentation b) emphasize man

11、euverability and adaptability c) do not waste development time on planning activities d) make extensive use of prototype creation 5. Which of these terms are level names in the Capability Maturity Model?(e) a) Performed b) Repeated c) Reused d) Optimized e) both a and d 6. Software processes can be

12、constructed out of pre-existing software patterns to best meet the needs of a software project.(a) a) True b) False 7. Which of these are standards for assessing software processes?(e) a) SEI b) SPICE c) ISO 19002 d) ISO 9001 e) both b and d 8. The best software process model is one that has been cr

13、eated by the people who will actually be doing the work.(a) a) True b) False 9. Which of these is not a characteristic of Personal Software Process?(b) a) Emphasizes personal measurement of work product b) Practitioner requires careful supervision by the project manager c) Individual practitioner is

14、 responsible for estimating and scheduling d) Practitioner is empowered to control quality of software work products 10. Which of these are objectives of Team Software Process?(e) a) Accelerate software process improvement b) Allow better time management by highly trained professionals c) Build self

15、-directed software teams d) Show managers how to reduce costs and sustain quality e) both b and c 11. Process technology tools allow software organizations to compress schedules by skipping unimportant activities.(b) a) True b) False 12. It is generally accepted that one cannot have weak software pr

16、ocesses and create high quality end products.(a) a) True b) False Chapter 3 Process Models Multiple Choices 1. The linear sequential model of software development is(a) a) A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. b) A good approach when a working program is required quickly. c) The

17、best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d) An old fashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context. 2. The linear sequential model of software development is also known as the(e) a) Classical life cycle model b) Fountain model c) Spiral model d) Waterfall model e) both

18、 a and d 3. The incremental model of software development is(b) a) A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. b) A good approach when a working core product is required quickly. c) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d) A revolutionary model that is not

19、 used for commercial products. 4. The rapid application development model is(c) a) Another name for component-based development. b) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. c) A high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model. d) All of the above. 5. Evolutionary so

20、ftware process models(d) a) Are iterative in nature b) Can easily accommodate product requirements changes c) Do not generally produce throwaway systems d) All of the above 6. The prototyping model of software development is (b) a) A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. b) A usefu

21、l approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. c) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d) A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product. 7. The spiral model of software development(c) a) Ends with the delivery of the software product b) Is mor

22、e chaotic than the incremental model c) Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration d) All of the above 8. The concurrent development model is(b) a) Another name for the rapid application development model. b) Often used for the development of client/server applications. c) Only used for

23、 development of parallel or distributed systems. d) Used whenever a large number of change requests are anticipated. 9. The component-based development model is(c) a) Only appropriate for computer hardware design. b) Not able to support the development of reusable components. c) Works best when obje

24、ct technologies are available for support. d) Not cost effective by known quantifiable software metrics. 10. The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods to(d) a) Define the specification for computer-based systems b) Develop defect free computer-based systems c

25、) Verify the correctness of computer-based systems d) All of the above 11 Which of these is not one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development?(d) a) Inception phase b) Elaboration phase c) Construction phase d) Validation phase 12 In the Unified Process model r

26、equirements are determined iteratively and may span more than one phase of the process.(a) a) True b) False Chapter 6 System Engineering Test Multiple Choices 1.Software engineers do not need to consider hardware when designing a computer-based system.(b) a) True b) False 2. Which of the following c

27、an be elements of computer-based systems?(e) a) documentation b) software c) people d) hardware e) all of the above 3. The system engineering process usually begins with the(d) a) detailed view b) domain view c) element view d) world view 4. To construct a system model the engineer should consider w

28、hich of the following restraining factors? (e) a) assumptions b) b udget c) constraints d) schedule e) both a and c 5. By following modern system engineering practices simulation of reactive systems is no longer necessary.(b) a) True b) False 6. During business process engineering(BPE), three differ

29、ent architectures are examined.(a) a) applications, data, technology infrastructure b) communications, organization, financial infrastructure c) network, database, reporting structure d) systems, requirements, data structure 7. Which elements of business processing engineering are the responsibiliti

30、es of the software engineer?(e) a) business area analysis b) business system design c) construction and integration d) information strategy planning e) both b and c 8. The goal of product engineering is to translate the customers desire for a set of defined capabilities into a working product.(a) a)

31、 True b) False 9. The architecture components for product engineering are(a) a) data, hardware, software, people b) data, documentation, hardware, software c) data, hardware, software, procedures d) documentation, hardware, people, procedures 10. The top level of the hierarchical model of a system i

32、s known as the (c) a) AFD b) DFD c) SCD (系统环境视图)d) SFD 11. The system model template contains which of the following elements(d) a) input b) output c) user interface d) all of the above 12. UML notations that can be used to model the hardware and software elements of a system are (e) a) Activity dia

33、grams b) class diagram c) Deployment diagrams d) Use-case diagrams e) a, b, and c,d Chapter 7 Requirements Engineering Test Multiple Choices 1. Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another.(A) a) True b) False 2. During project inception the i

34、ntent of the of the tasks are to determine(E) a) basic problem understanding b) nature of the solution needed c) people who want a solution d) none of the bbove e) a, b and c 3. Three things that make requirements elicitation difficult are problems of(e) a) budgeting b) scope c) understanding d) vol

35、atility e) b, c and d 4.It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one.(a) a) True b) False 5. The result of the requirements engineering elaboration task is an analysis model that defines which of the follow

36、ing problem domain(s)? (d) a) information b) functional c) behavioral d) all of the above 6. The system specification describes the (A) a) Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system b) implementation of each allocated system c) element software architecture d) time required for

37、 system simulation 7. The best way to conduct a requirements validation review is to (d) a) examine the system model for errors b) have the customer look over the requirements c) send them to the design team and see if they have any concerns d) use a checklist of questions to examine each requiremen

38、t 8. The use of traceability tables helps to(c) a) debug programs following the detection of run-time errors b) determine the performance of algorithm implementations c) identify, control, and track requirements changes d) none of the above 9. The nature of collaboration is such that all system requ

39、irements are defined by consensus of a committee of customers and developers. (B) a) True b) False 10. The job of the requirements engineer is to categorize all stakeholder information in a way that allows decision makers to choose an internally consistent set of requirements.(a) a) True b) False 11

40、. A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development.(b) a) True b) False 12. Which of the following is not one of the context-free questions that would be used during project inception?(b) a) What will be the economic benefit from a good solution? b) Who is ag

41、ainst this project? c) Who will pay for the work? d) Who will use the solution? 13. Developers and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different classes of end-users will use functions.(a) a) True b) False 14. In collaborative requirements gathering, the facilitator(c

42、) a) cannot be a member of the software team b) cannot be a customer c) controls and facilitates the process d) must be an outsider 15. Which of the following is not one of the requirement classifications used in Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?(C) a) exciting b) expected c) mandatory d) normal 16

43、. The work products produced during requirement elicitation will vary depending on the(B) a) size of the budget b) size of the product being built c) software process being used d) stakeholders needs 17. Use-case actors are always people, never system devices.(B) a) True b) False 18. Which of follow

44、ing is not a UML diagram used creating a system analysis model?(C) a) activity diagram b) class diagram c) dataflow diagram d) state diagram 19. Analysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems.(B) a) True b) False 20. In win-win negotiation, the customers needs are met even though the developers need may not be.(B) a) True b) False 21. In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility.(B) a) True b) False Chapter

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