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1、九年级外研版完整版英语单项选择100题练习题带答案含答案一、选择题1Its very _ for teenagers to feel a little bit worried and stressed because most of us have such feelings.AcommonBstrangeCcuriousDenergetic2Would you like to play King of Glory with me? Oh, no. Thats the _ thing in the world I want to do.AloudBlargeClastDlost3The bas

2、ketball match will be covered _ on TV tonight.AlivelyBliveClivingDalive4The Spring Festival is one of the _ festivals in China and everyone loves to celebrate it.AmodernBtraditionalCinternationalDancient5As the number of the novel coronavirus infections grows_, the World Heath Organization takes act

3、ive steps to control the serious disease.AmoreBlargerChigherDwider6Do you know about the story of the Little Horse Crossing the River?Yes, at last the little horse finishes crossing the river and he knows how _the river is.AwideBlongCdeepDclear7My English teacher is a_ lady and she often corrects my

4、 pronunciation again and again.ApatientBcreativeCmodestDcurious8Wow, Parasite (寄生虫) won the Oscar for Best Picture this year.I was really _ when I heard about it, because it is the first time that an Asian film won the award.AsurprisedBluckyCconfidentDsure9My little sister is _ and she always asks m

5、e different kinds of strange questions.AcreativeBwiseCcuriousDgenerous10Sorry, I dont know how many colours there are in a rainbow.Are you joking? This is just _ knowledge.AnaturalBgeneralCproperDancient11I hear there will be _jobs for people because robots will do some of the jobs.AfewerBlessCmoreD

6、better12I like collecting old stamps because they are _.AsimpleBvaluableCimpossibleDnatural13 What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a _ word! Neither can I. Hes from India. So I guess its Hindi.AsilentBsingleCsimpleDsimilar14You may meet many difficulties in the future, you should l

7、earn to be _ enough to take on any challenge.AconfidentBmodestCgenerousDcurious15Millie does welt in her lessons, but she never shows off.I cant agree more. She is quite_.AmodestBcuriousCgentleDpolite16Peter has good grades in all his subjects, but he never shows off.I agree. He is very_.AhumorousBo

8、rganizedCmodestDgenerous17 How do you find the price now? As a_rule, prices follow needs.AprivateBgeneralCcentralDfixed18Can we chat in the library?Im afraid not. We should keep _.AhealthyBcleanCquietDwarm19 What do you think of those doctors in Wuhan, Ma Lin?How brave they are! Theyve tried their b

9、est to keep patients _.AliveBaliveClivingDlively20 Are you going to take part in the speech competition? Thats for sure. Its _ a chance to miss.Asmall enoughBgood enoughCtoo smallDtoo good21I really cant believe such a learned man has made so silly a mistake.Dont you know _ sense is worth more than

10、knowledge.AgeneralBusualCspecialDcommon22Dont be angry with your monitor, Tom. Hes just a little _, but in fact hes kind to us each.ApoliteBbraveCmodestDstrict23Mr Zheng is so _that he has donated five million yuan to the schools in his hometown.AenergeticBpatientChumorousDgenerous24 It will be a lo

11、ng time before Mike finishes doing his homework. Yeah, you have to be_with our kid.AstrictBpopularCseriousDpatient25 Are you a fan of the TV show Chinese Poetry Conference ? Of course. Ive never missed any of episodes and I am _ by these players excellent knowledge of classical poems.AtiredBsatisfie

12、dCboredDamazed26Like so many creative people, he was never _.Thats why he has made lots of valuable paintings.AcheerfulBskillfulCsatisfiedDsurprised27 How do you find the price now? As a _ rule, prices follow needs.AprivateBgeneralCcentralDdifficult28Its _ knowledge that moods can have an influence

13、on our health.AunusualBspecialCgeneralDcommon29I cant afford the red shoes.What about the black pair? The price is a little _.AcheaperBlowerChigherDmore expensive30Sadly the number of the tigers is getting _.Amore and moreBfewer and fewerCsmaller and smallerDless and less31 Why do English people tal

14、k so often about the weather when starting the talk?Because the weather is a (an) _ topic.AsafeBseriousCawfulDexciting32How was your exam the day before yesterday?Well, I feel quite good. I made _ mistakes than before.AfewerBthe fewestClessDthe least33Some people change the wetlands into farms. This

15、 will lead to _ space for wildlife.Afewer and fewerBsmaller and smallerCbigger and biggerDless and less34Linda is practising the violin for an hour these days.I see. Itll make her _ enough to perform on stage tonight.AactiveBhumorousCconfidentDpatient35Mr. King is very _. He explains the difficultie

16、s many times until we understand them.AstrictBpatientCpoliteDhard-working36Henry, you seem _ than before. What are you doing these days?Well, I am preparing for the coming examination.AbusierBhappierClazierDhealthier37How do you like the talk show?I think its _, but some people think its so _.Awonde

17、rful enough; boredBenough wonderful; boringCwonderful enough; boringDenough wonderful; bored38In the USA, many people use decorations to make their yards more _.AliveBlivelyCaliveDliving39I really cant believe such a wise man has made so silly a mistake. Dont you know _ sense is worth more than know

18、ledge?AgeneralBusualCspecialDcommon40What do you think of the film Hi, Mom directed by Jia Ling?I have never seen a _ one before. I cant wait to see it again.AbestBworseCbetterDworst41Have you found that more and more visitors come to our hometown?Youre right. Thats because were now building Huaian

19、a _ city!AliveBlivelyClivingDalive42The fruits are _ because they were picked from the garden just now.AhealthyBbeautifulCfreshDnatural43Our monitor Jenny is so _ that she always keeps things in good order.AorganizedBpracticalCgenerousDmodest44 Mr. Green, please feel _ to let us know if you arent sa

20、tisfied with our service. OK, I will. It has been good so far.ArealBreadyCfreeDfresh45David promised to help me with my physics last Sunday. But to my great disappointment, he never appeared that day.What does the word “disappointment” mean in the sentence?AThe feeling of being nervousBThe feeling o

21、f being lonelyCThe feeling of being unhappyDThe feeling of being worried46Because of the war, love and happiness were totally _ from little Toms childhood.AseparateBabsentCextraDblind47After a busy days work, listening to soft music can make me feel _.ArelaxedBnervousCblueDexcited48 More and more pe

22、ople like group buying on WeChat. You said it. The prices are _.Amuch lowerBmuch cheaperCmore expensiveDeven higher49How do you feel about the dish?Look! This is nothing but _ vegetable soup.AfamousBwonderfulCunusualDcommon50The speaker showed _ examples to make the science report easy to understand

23、.AawfulBproperCstupidDtiring二、选择题51Bees and butterflies play _ flowers. Then they hide _ the April showers.Aamong; fromBamong; inCwith; inDwith; on52My mum searched _ the messy books and found my pencil was under a Harry Potter.AasBacrossCthroughDfor53_ Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than

24、 usual.AAtBOnCToDIn54When is your birthday?My birthday is _ August 21st.AonBatCinDfor55I met Nancy _ my way home yesterday.AinBatCbyDon56The girl is _ a singer _ everyone in her hometown.Awell known as; forBwell known as; toCwell-know as; toDbest known for; for57_ a spring morning, a bird flew into

25、our classroom and we were very excited to see it.AInBOnCAtDFor58My family is always _ me no matter what I decide to do. That makes me very pleased.AaboveBbehindCagainstDthrough59Because of COVID-19, this summer holiday will begin _ July 18.AonBinCforDat60Peter is clever enough to read and write _ th

26、e age of 4.AbetweenBatCtoDduring61Switzerland lies _ France, Germany, Austria and Italy.AbetweenBamongCagainstDbeyond62The blue planet is so far from the earth that radio signals, travel _ the speed of light, take 16 hours to reach the spacecraft.AforBinConDat63To our joy, Tom pleased everybody by m

27、aking his dog walk _ two legs.AbyBoverCfromDon64The teacher encouraged the students to tell the story _ English.AatBwithCinDfor65China sent up the final satellite of Beidou Navigation Satellite System(北斗卫星导航系统) from Xichang Satellite Center_ June 23,2020.AatBinCtoDon66How long have you lived in the

28、new building?_2010.AAfterBInCSinceDBefore67Family is always _ me, so I can follow my dreams with great courage.AbeyondBforwardCpastDbehind68 What do you think of those smart kids in the game show? There is no doubt that many of them have a gift _ maths.AforBinConDat69Jack, you should put the things

29、away in your room. It is _ a terrible mess!OK, Im coming, Mum!AonBatCinDfor70Though there are so many things around us that go _ our will, we cant give up because following the dream is valuable.AthroughBtowardsCagainstDbeyond71The exercise was _ the abilities of most students, so very few could wor

30、k it out.AbeyondBoverCagainstDthrough72Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served _ a pilot for three years.AwithBlikeCtoDas73During the online learning, some parents were too impatient_ their children to solve the problem _ a proper way.Ain; withBwith; inCfor; inDto; with74How can I improve my En

31、glish more quickly, Tom?_listening and reading more.AAtBAcrossCByDOn75Its reported that Stanley Ho Hung-sun passed away on May 26th at the age of 98.The whole country felt sad about that. As a successful businessman, his contribution to society and love for the motherland went far _ his wealth.Abesi

32、deBoverCbeyondDabove76Sometimes I feel stressed because what my parents want me to do has gone _ my ability.AthroughBagainstCaboveDbeyond77We must study hard to enter our ideal high school.Exactly! Just as President Xi says,“Happiness is achieved _ hard work.”AthroughBacrossCalongDwith78The little s

33、tream ran dawn from a high mountain _ many villages and forests.AacrossBagainstCbeyondDthrough79The boy is tall enough _ his age.Yes, I was much shorter when I was his age.AofBatCfromDfor80Almost everyone was touched _ words after they saw Jia Lings moving film Hi Mom.AbeyondBunderCofDin81Volunteeri

34、ng is a good way to experience life _ the campus (校园). Take an active part in it, and you will learn more about the world.AoverBbeyondCagainstDabove82In western countries, children play “trick or treat” _ the evening of October 31st.AatBinConDto83The rain is beating _ the windows and Cindy is listen

35、ing to the rain quietly.AaboveBacrossCaroundDagainst84The underground in this city has been _ service for almost 3 years.AonBinCatDof85 You look frightened, whats up? A terrible accident happened this morning. A truck was running fast when an old man was about to cross the road. I bet he will not li

36、ve _ the night.AalongBawayCthroughDin86Taking part in a social activity can help take your mind _ matters that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.AthroughBacrossCoffDinto87I cant think of any other actress who is more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn.Youve got the point. Her beauty is _ wo

37、rds and she succeeded _ hard work.Aover; byBover; throughCbeyond; byDbeyond; through88Last week, Oprah Winfrey had an interview _ Harry and Meghan.AwithBtoCaboutDon89A serious study of physics is impossible _ some knowledge of maths. I couldnt agree more. So we should also learn maths well.AamongBbe

38、tweenCagainstDwithout90I like reading. I often fill my bookshelf _ all kinds of books, like novels, detective stories, and so on.AonBinCwithDof91Its a pity that the exercise is _ the abilities of most of the class.AoverBaboveCbeyondDwithout92Some of the technology weve seen on screen is _ our abilit

39、y to create. But that might not be true for long.AagainstBduringCbeyondDthrough93A new bridge the Yangtze River in Nanjing opened to traffic on Dec. 24, 2020.AthroughBoverConDalong94 Maybe you should call her up. But I dont want to talk with her _ the phone.AatBinConDwith95Xuzhou Metro Line 2 came i

40、nto use _ November 28, 2020, it is one of the most important events in our daily life.AatBinConDfor96Thanks for looking after me _ my illness, Millie.Dont mention it. Thats what friends are for.AthroughBamongCwithDacross97Thanks for looking after me _ my illness, Millie.Dont mention it. Thats what f

41、riends are for.AbeyondBthroughCacrossDwith98The story The Ugly Duckling _ Hans Christian Andersen has remained popular among children for centuries.AinBonCbyDwith99Hi, Mom directed by Jia ling is a hit _ this year.It really is. It shows us the deep love between a mother and a daughter.A/BinConDat100

42、A study shows that rude languages spoken to children may have bad results that go _ those of beating them.AagainstBbeyondCexceptDwith【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1A解析:A【详解】句意:青少年感到有点担心和压力是很常见的,因为我们大多数人都有这样的感觉。考查形容词辨析,common常见的;strange不平常的,奇怪的;curious好奇的;energetic精力充沛的。根据后半部分“because most of us have such feelings.”那么应该是常见的,故选A。2C解析:C【详解】句意:你愿意和我一起玩王者荣耀吗?哦,不。这是世界上我最不想做的一件事。本题考查形容词。loud大声的,large大的,last最后的,lost迷路的,失去的。根据no可知,表示不想要去玩王者荣耀,the last thing最不想要的事,故选C。3B解析:B【详解】句意

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