1、精品文档初二非谓语动词练习(III)1. Tom used to _(walk) after the meals.2. He shouldnt stop _(learn) English. He should keep on_(work) hard at it.3. Jim is good at _(write), but kate does well in_(play) the piano 4. Its hard _(change) my life.5. _(not stand) here.,please6. Kate spent 30 minutes _(clean) his bike.7
2、. They had to puf off_(have) the meeting because of the rain.8. We are very tired. Lets stop _(work)9. _(not read) in the sun .10.Tom always _(sleep) in class.So his teacher always_(let) him. _(stand)10. _you play the piano ? Yes, I_(can)11. We dont want_(argue) with you.12. Its a sunny day. What ab
3、out_(have) a picnic?14.Could I _(借) some money from you? 15.After the breaks they went on _(work)16.Please _(not tell) him the truth?17.We left without _(say) a word.18.Hurry ,its time _(go )to school.19.Would you mind _(eat) anything.20.Would you like _(go) with us.21.Jim doesnt like_(swim) today.2
4、3.I cant help you. Why not _(ask) Jim for help?价格便宜些 服务热情周到 店面装饰有个性 商品新颖多样24.Its easy for him_(learn) Chinese.在上海, 随着轨道交通的发展,地铁商铺应运而生,并且在重要商圈已经形成一定的气候,投资经营地铁商铺逐渐为一大热门。在人民广场地下的迪美购物中心,有一家DIY自制饰品店-“碧芝自制饰品店”25.We had trouble_(play) computer games yesterday.我们长期呆在校园里,没有工作收入一直都是靠父母生活,在资金方面会表现的比较棘手。不过,对我们的
5、小店来说还好,因为我们不需要太多的投资。26.I saw him _(play) with his friends just now.27.We look forward to _(meet) you again.新材料手工艺品。目前,国际上传统的金银、仿金银制成饰品的销售在逐步下降,与此形成鲜明对比的是,数年以前兴起的崇尚然风格、追求个性的自制饰品-即根据自己的创意将各种材质的饰珠,用皮、布、金属等线材串出的品,正在各国的女性中大行其道。28.After _(have) a break, he kept on_(work).手工艺品,它运用不同的材料,通过不同的方式,经过自己亲手动手制作。看
6、着自己亲自完成的作品时,感觉很不同哦。不论是01年的丝带编织风铃,02年的管织幸运星,03年的十字绣,04年的星座手链,还是今年风靡一时的针织围巾等这些手工艺品都是陪伴女生长大的象征。为此,这些多样化的作品制作对我们这一创业项目的今后的操作具有很大的启发作用。29.My mother made me _(do).it again30.He is used to_(get) up early.服饰 学习用品 食品 休闲娱乐 小饰品31.Remember_(say) hello to your parents when you reach home.图1-2 大学生购买手工艺品可接受价位分布32.
7、I remember _(see) you somewhere,do you remember?三、主要竞争者分析33.Its getting dark.Lets stop_(have) a rest.34.He has trouble_(solve) the problem. Lets help him.营销调研课题36.Kate is afraid to_(walk) in the dark.37.He tried _(pass) the exam.但这些困难并非能够否定我们创业项目的可行性。盖茨是由一个普通退学学生变成了世界首富,李嘉诚是由一个穷人变成了华人富豪第一人,他们的成功表述一个简单的道理:如果你有能力,你可以从身无分文变成超级富豪;如果你无能,你也可以从超级富豪变成穷光蛋。38.Our teacher asked us_(not talk) loudly in class.39.Could you please_(not draw) on the wall,?40._(read) loudly,kids.Its good for you _(speak) English.精品文档