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1、(完整版)非谓语动词做状语练习题非谓语动词5一般式:to do 主动将来目的 - to be donedoing 主动进行 -being done done 被动完成完成式:to have done to have been donehaving done - having been done 进行式:to be doing- to be being done非谓语动词的否定式的not 在非谓语动词之前加。做状语:分词作状语1.分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致。2。 分词作状语必须和句中主语含有逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系,否则不能使用分词作状语.例如:Seeing from the hill

2、, I found that our school is beautiful.Seen from the hill, our school is beautiful.分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等。Hearing the news, they got excited。 (时间)Having been bitten by a snake, she was frightened at it。 (原因)Given a chance, I can surprise the world. (条件)The cup dropped to the ground

3、, breaking into pieces. (结果)Having been told many times, he still repeated the same mistake。 (让步)The teacher came into the lab, followed by / following some students。 (伴随状况)to do 作状语,可以表示目的或者出乎意料的结果。 To improve my English, I intend to practice reading English texts everyday。 I hurried to the airport

4、, only to find the plane had taken off.1Mr。 Brown came in two students. A. follow B。 followed C。 followed by D。 to follow2 from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine wherever he goes. A. Suffered B。 Suffering C。 Having suffered D。 Being suffered3。 The population of Korea

5、 is now very small, one tenth of the people living in Australia.A. made upB。 to make up C。 making up D。 makes up4。 Why did he make marks on some trees? his way back easily。A. Find B. To find C。 Finding D。 In order to finding5. such difficult work before, he felt it was terribly hard for him。A。 Not h

6、aving done B. Not have done C. Having not done D. Not having been done6。 Once lost, _. A。 it is hard to get such a chance again。 B。 to get such a chance will be difficultC。 one can never get such a chance again D。 such a chance might never come again 7. ,tears came into his eyes.A。 Moved by her word

7、s B. Moving by her wordsC. He was moved by her words D。 Because he was moved by her words8. Yesterday, I called you, you some information on computer.A。 askedB。 askingC。 and ask D。 to ask9。 _his father, Wang Lin entered the room, _ by his two brothers。 A. Follow, follow B. Following; follow C. Follo

8、wed; following D. Following; followed10. The young man rushed out of the room, _ into his car and started it hurriedly, _ to get home as soon as possible。 A. got; hoped B. getting; and hoped C。 got; hoping D。 getting; hoped 11. , all the students shouted and jumped with joy.A。 To be excited B. Havin

9、g been excited C. Exciting D. Being excited12。 from the moon, the earth looks like a watercovered globe.A。 Watching B。 Looked C。 Seen D。 Seeing13。 the seriousness of pollution, all countries in the world have made an agreement that they will fight against it together。A. Realized B. Having realized C

10、. To realize D. Realizing14. Jenny went to the reading room, the door 。A. findinglocked B。 foundlocked C. to findbeing locked D。 and foundlocking15。 her accent, she must be from Northeast China。A。 Judge by B. Judged by C. Judged from D。 Judging from16。 by the story in the movie, we could not help te

11、ars。A. Deeply movedshed (流下) B。 Moved deeplyshedC。 Deeply movedshedding D。 Moved deeplyshedding17. _ his age, the little boy read quite well. A。 ConsideringB。 Considered C。 ConsiderD. Having considered18。 - What would I need, besides a sewingmachine, a dress?- Youd have to have some material and a p

12、air of scissors(剪刀)。A。 make B。 made C. making D. to make19。 He tried many times to sneak across the border to a neighboring country, every time。A. having been caught B。 unfortunately caughtC。 always being caught D. only to be caught20。 We are sure that everything will go well as .A。 to be planned B。

13、 planned C。 being planed D. having been planned21. time and labour, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only three fingers and a thumb.A. To save B。 Saved C。 Saving D。 Having saved22。 _ full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.A。 We did not make B

14、. Having not made C. We had not made D. Not having made23。 _, the subject was always in my mind。A。 Walking or sleeping B。 Walking or slept C. Having walked or slept D. To walk and sleep24。 _ hes only been learning English for a year, he speaks it very well.A。 Considered B. Considering C. Having cons

15、idered D. To consider25。 _ the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _ to death.A. Seeing; frightenedB。 Seeing; frightening C. Seen; frighten D. To see; frightening26。 The sun was shining brightly, _ everything there _ more beautiful。A. making; lookB. to make; looked C. and made; looking D

16、。 and making; be looked27。 The dog, _, will be made a good watchdog。A. to train properly B。 being trained properly C。 properly to train D. trained properly28. _ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.A。 Having stolen B. Having been stolen C。 Stolen D。 Stealing29。 _ the front door _, he h

17、ad to enter the room through the back door。A. Seen; painted B. Seeing; paintedC. Being seen; being painted D。 Seeing; being painted30. In January , 2004, the United States successfully launched “Spirit”, a Mars Exploration Rover, _ a new milestone in the history of mankind.A. it marked B. marking C。

18、 marked D。 to mark31。 Im examining the article he has just finished _ the possible mistakes in it.A. being corrected B. to correct C. corrected D。 having corrected32。 Towards evening, the patient opened his mouth as if _ something to his son。A. said B。 say C。 to say D. to have said33. The 18storeyed

19、 building, when _, will shut out the sun _ up the rooms in my house。A. completed; lightedB。 completing; lighting C. completing; lighted D。 completed; lighting34。 _ from the moon, our earth, with water _ seven percent of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”。 A. Seen, covered B。 Seeing, covering C。 S

20、een, covering D. To see, to cover35. After seeing the movie, _。A. the book was read by him B. the book made him want to read itC。 he wanted to read the book D。 the reading of the book interested him36. Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.A。 so not as to B。 so as not to C。 so as to not D

21、。 not so as to37. _ a reply, he decided to write again。A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C。 Not having received D。 having not received38. _ more attention, the trees could have grown better.A。 Given B. To give C. Giving D。 Having given39. _, I went to the railway station to see my friend off.A. Afte

22、r eating quickly my dinner B. After my quickly eating dinnerC. After eating my dinner quickly D. After eating my quickly dinner40. The secretary worked late into the night, _ a long speech for the president.A。 to prepare B. preparing C。 prepared D。 was preparing41. The old man,_ abroad for twenty ye

23、ars,is on the way to his motherland A. to work B。 working C. to have worked D. having worked过去分词表状态的情况:lost , located, dressed, seated, involved in, absorbed in, determined, married, engaged, devoted to, informed, locked, based on, intended, wounded, broken Interesting/ interested, satisfying/ satis

24、fied, exciting/ excited, boring/ bored, tiring/ tired, worrying/ worried, amusing/ amused, surprising/ surprised, frightening/ frightened, terrifying/ terrified, disappointing / disappointed1._inthemountainsforaweek,thetwostudentswerefinallysavedbythelocalpolice. A.HavinglostB.Lost C.BeinglostD.Losi

25、ng2。Mr.Smith,_ofthe_speech,startedtoreadanovel. A.tired;boringB.tiring;bored C.tired;boredD.tiring;boring 3.Lawsthatpunishparentsfortheirlittlechildrensactionsagainstthelawsgetparents_。 A。worriedB.toworry C。worryingD。worry 4Badly ,the soldier continued to fire back at the enemy. A。 wound B。 wounded

26、C。 wounding D. wounds 5。Doyouknowtheman_inthecorneroftheroomwithanotebookinhishand? A。seatB。seated C.seatingD。toseathimself6。Lastnight,IsawTominbed,_indeepthought. A.loseB。losing C.lostD。tolose 7.Mydaughter,_aniceyoungdoctortwoyearsago,willgetmarriednextmonth. A。gotengagedtoB.gotengagedin C。engagedt

27、oD.engagedin 8。_withhersonsprogressinhisstudies,MrsBrownpromisedhimanewCDthenextday. A.SatisfyingB.Tosatisfy C。SatisfiedD.Shewassatisfied 9.Themanagerpromisedtokeepme_ofhowourbusinesswasgoingon. A.tobeinformed B。oninforming C。informed D。informing 10.Thegirl_inredismyseconddaughter. A。dressingB.dress

28、edherself C.dressedD.isdressing 11. _ the fantastic painting, he didnt hear the announcement the broadcaster _。A. Lost to, took B. Lost in, took C。 Absorbed to, made D. Absorbed in, made12。 _ to his research work, the professor cared little about my other things.A。 Devoting B。 Devoted C. Having devo

29、ted D。 To devote13。 _ true events, the film follows the life of him。A。 Being based on B. Basing on C。 Based on D. Having based on14. I walked out of the cinema ,_ Id never come back.A. determing B. determined C。 to determine D。 determine15. In order not to be disturbed, he spent the night _ in his r

30、oom。A。 locking B. locked C. to be locked D. having locked16。 _ , John was afraid of meeting his neighbors。A。 Dressed in rags B. Dressing in a rag C。 Wearing in rag D。 Dressing in rags17. _ in the book she was reading, Lucy failed to notice him.A。 Losing B。 Having lost C. Lost D。 To lose18. The boy s

31、at on a bench, completely _ in a novel.A。 absorbing B。 absorbed C。 having absorbed D. to be absorbed19。 the place on the map, they discussed which way they should take.A。 Having located B。 Locating C. Located D。 To locate20. _ in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself _ at the party. A. Dress

32、ed; noticed B. Dressing; noticing C。 Dressed; noticing D. Dressing; noticed 21。 And there, almost _ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet。 A。 having lost B. losing C。 to be lost D。 lost22。 The performance of the host, _ to please the audience and draw their

33、 attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however.A。 had intended B。 intended C. being intended D。 to intend23。 _ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _ the beautiful scenery.A. Tiring; to admire B。 Being tired; admiringC。 Tired; to admire D. Tired; admiring独立主格结构: 非谓

34、语动词作状语时,如果分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,可将分词自己的逻辑主语放在前面.例如:1. The man lay there, his hands trembling。 2。There being no bus, we had to walk home。. 3。 Her homework done, Mary decided to go shopping。4. The weather being fine, we decided to go on an outing 5。 He wrote a lot of books, none of them translated into for

35、eign language。1Ford tried dividing the labor,each worker _ a separate taskAassigning Bassigned Cwas assigned Dwould be assigned 2The lecture_,he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leaving disturbed the speakerAbegan Bbeginning Chaving begun Dbeing beginning 3Such _ the case ,th

36、ere are no grounds to justify(证明) your complaintsAbeing Bis Cwas Dto be 4Darkness _ in,the young people lingered on merrymakingAset Bsetting Chas set Dwas set 5 All factors_,we think this program may excel all the others in achieving the goalAbeing considered Bconsidering Cconsidered Dare considered

37、 6A new technique_,the yields as a whole increased by 20 percentAto have been worked out Bhaving worked out Cworking out Dhaving been worked out 7There are various kinds of metals ,each _ its own propertiesAhas Bhad Cto have Dhaving8. _ no bus, we had to walk home.A. There was B. There being C. Beca

38、use there being D。There were9. _, Ill go there with you tomorrow afternoon.A. Time permits B。 If time permitting C. Time permitting D. Times permitting10。_, we all went home happily.A。 Goodbye was said B. Goodbye had been said C。 Goodbye said D. When goodbye said11。 _, we all went swimming in high s

39、pirits.A. It being fine weather B。 It fine weather C。 It was fine weather D. It being a fine weather12。 _, the bus started at once.A. The signal was given B. The signal giving C。 The signal given D。 When the signal given13. She stood there, _ from her cheeks.A。 tears rolling down B。 tears rolled dow

40、n C. with tears rolled down D。 tears rolling down 14。 _, the leaves are turning green。A. When spring coming on B。 Spring coming onC。 Spring came on D. Spring being come on 15。 _, I had to buy a new one.A. My dictionary losing B。 My dictionary having been lost C。 My dictionary had been lost D. Becaus

41、e my dictionary lost 16. He stood there silently, his lips_。A。 trembling B. trembled C. were trembling D. to tremble17. _, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.A。 All things considering B。 All things considered C。 All things were considered D。 With all things were considered 18. _, we will

42、surely succeed。A。 The teacher helping us B。 The teacher to help us C. The teacher will help us D。 With the teacher helping 19。All things _ ,the plan trip will have to be called off。 A. be considered B。 considered C. considering D. having considering20. _ ,we have to get down to business right away。 A. As there was no time left B. There is no time left C. There being no time left D. There to be no time left 21. It _ heavily, the outing had to be put off。 A. being rained B。 being raining C。 raining D. rains22

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