1、一、 听力1. In the past, Brazilian family sizes were much larger than today. In the 1990s, family size suddenly decreased. What is causing these changes? In the past, people started families in their early twenties. Today, many young men and women are going to school and getting a job first. They get ma
2、rried and have families later. In 1980, only about half of all homes had a television. Today, most homes have a TV, and evening shows called novelas are very pepular. The men and women on these shows are single or have small family. They have exciting lives. People watching want this life, too.2. Sa
3、n Luis Obispo itself is a very laid-beak city. It has a number of parks, cafes, and open areas where people can relax. And even in the downtown area, there are very few cars and almost no traffic. The city is also very safe. Believe it or not, many people dont lock their doors during the day or at n
4、ight. In addition to these things, San Luis Obispo also has a lively arts scene. Every summer there are free concerts and a number of music and art festivals. And finally, San Luis Obispo is a healthy environment. Fresh fruit and vegetables are all grown locally. And there is no smoking in restauran
5、ts and most outdoor public places.3. Zeb Hogan, from the United States, is working with local people to save fish such as the giant salmon in Mongolia. Hogan is part of a project to bring to urists to rivers in Mongolia. They pay to catch salmon for sport, and thenthemthrow them back into the water.
6、 The fish are not hurt, and the people in Mongolian villages make money from the tourism.Tuy Sereivathana (known as Vathana), from Cambodia, is working to save Asian elephants. He builds schools where students learn about conservation. Also, he teaches farmers ways to keep their land safe from eleph
7、ants, so farmers dont kill them. For example, he shows them how to use fireworks to scare elephants, or to put hot chili peppers on fences around their fields . The farmers keep their crops, and the elephants keep their lives.二、 选词填空1.Accidentally,thewholeincidentwascaptured2.Thosewhohadbeenkidnappe
8、ddescribedhowtheywerescaredandinphysicalandemotional3.Itwasnotlongbeforehelparrivedintheformof4.Despiteagreatdealofpractice,Aliceremainedanawkward 5.Afewhoursago,therewasahead-oncrash 6.IamwonderingwhenTomisgoingtosettle 7.Theeventfeaturesalargeindoordisplayoflocalcrafts8.Therearesomebirdsnesting9.A
9、chillranthrough10.True,Lindamakesalmostnotypingerrors,butthen11.Itseemslikeeveryonewritesablog 12.Ioftenwatchthesportseventsbroadcastoncable13.Michaelwasalwayslateforclass,butthatdayhe,foronce,14.Duringmymotherslastdays,Ispentmanyhoursbyherside,15.Theyhaveassignedmetheroleofaheartlessfinancier,whois
10、obsessedwith.2. InaTVinterviewaftertheelection,theelectedcongresswomansaidrepeatedlyhowgrateful2.Moreandmorepeoplenowunderstandtheimportanceofstrikingabalance3.Lotsofpeopleenjoycookingyethatetowashup.4.Intheplanecrashovertheweekend,thesole5.Moreandmorepeoplearebecomingincreasinglyawarethatclimatecha
11、ngeaffectsevery aspect6.Heusedtoenjoygoingouttodine7.ItisatraditionofAmericanuniversitiestoinviteprominent8.Apartfromoccasional 9.Theeldergentlemanlookedoverhisshoulder10.Thenewproductwasdevelopedinresponseto11.Theyoungmandranktoomuchatthepartyandcouldbarely12.Studentsshouldbeencouragedtoadopt13.Pol
12、iticiansalwaystrytoavoidexpressinginpublicopinionsthatareconsideredextreme14.Ilovethejob,anditsanaddedbonus15.Itseemedthattheemploymentopportunitiesavailablefellshortof16.Assomeoftheissuessurrounding.3. 1.Technology may be Traditionally perceived.2.Ive experimented with different ways to make a livi
13、ng.3.today the first step in learning about a schools culture,website.4.having been in the real estate business for a long time,for that matter.5.more than a third of British clerks say their job is meaningless.6.shocking figures have shown that half of the animals in the world have vanished 7.Samsu
14、ng who has a history of producing anti-Apple advertisements,poked fun at8.there is no agreement on the exact date when the modern internet came into being.9.its a nice hotel,casual,comfortable and chic.most of all,10.in traditional cultures.the cycle 11.Although expanding into new markets can seem l
15、ike a daunting process because it involves risk taking,it can open up.12.Our business model is out of date.13.Albert Einstein put it best.14.CEO Smith often attributed/attributes.15.Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or an organization.16.Did anybody watch last nights final episode
16、of Chinas Got Talent?三、中英翻译如果你有充分的准备,你在国外的工作假期可能是你所能得到的最有意义的经历之一。这里有一些建议。首先,你需要通过浏览相关网站来明智地选择你的目的地。然后填写必要的文件,申请签证,并尽早预订您的航班。在你离开之前,试着学习一些新的工作技能,这样可以让你在国外有更多的就业机会,并帮助你攒够足够的钱去旅行。到达国外后的几周内,人们常常感到压力过大或有些困惑,所以要做好心理准备。与当地人交朋友,而不是独自冒险。在可能的情况下,去观光游览,用文字或图片捕捉到你去过的地方。最后,永远跟着你的心去做你真正想做的事Ifyouarefullyprepared,y
18、youmoreemploymentoptionsabroadandhelpyousaveupenoughmoneyfor travel.Withinweeksofarrivinginaforeigncountry,peopleoftenfeelstressedout orkindofconfused,sobepreparedfortheemotionalstress.Makefriendswithlocalpeopleinsteadoftakingtheadventuresolo.Andwheneverpossible,goonsightseeingexcursionsandcaptureth
19、eplacesyouvisitinwordsorpictures.Last,alwaysfollowyourheartanddowhatyoutrulywanttodo. 做祖父母在中国是件大事。中国的祖父母以他们对照顾第三代的责任的奉献而广为人知。然而,这是父母之间冲突的主要原因以及他们的成年子女,因为在生活方式和养育方式等方面,两代人之间存在着明显的差异。你可以期望父母帮助你管理你的家庭,承担照顾孩子的责任,因此减轻你作为父母的负担,但你必须知道,你必须经常把自己的养育观念抛在脑后。与此同时,成年的孩子不能把父母的好意视为理所当然。当你努力平衡家庭和家庭的时候你的父母帮了你很多在事业上,你
23、使你一周工作90小时,也无法偿还。In your neighborhood there may be some wealthy families who live in big houses and ride in SUVs.While some people in the neighborhood dont care a bit about that ,others may feel like not only keeping up with them,but outdoing them,for that matter. You might think a little envy can m
24、otivate you to work harder and strive for a better life.But if you hold onto the idea of keeping up with the Joneses,you are chasing the wind.what lies ahead is disappointment.not contentment,because if you buy on credit,youll ultimately find yourself deeply in debt/run into debt that you cannot pay/repay even if you work 90 hours a week.