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1、2008 OFFICE RENTAL AGREEMENT二OO八年办公室租赁协议(修改后)Lessee :* Resources Ltd. 承租方 :*有限公司Lessor :* * Development Limited Company 出租方 :*房地产开发有限责任公司 1. The Leased and its usage :租赁物和用途 :The Lessee rents from the Lessor all spaces on the 2nd Floor (* area 1031.67 m2) of * Real Estate Development *, which is loc

2、ated in Sanhaoyuan, *, including but not limited to the rooms, corridor and car parking area, as offices. 承租方租用出租方位于*三号院*房地产开发大楼的二楼(建筑面积1031.67平方米)作为办公室,包括但不限于所有房间、走廊及停车位。Hereinafter referred to as the Leased Offices.以下称租赁办公室。2. Term of rental :租赁期限 :February 1, 2008 to January 31, 2011, plus the Le

3、ssees right to renew this agreement on the same terms and conditions on a year by year basis. In this period the Lessee and Lessor shall give a sixty (60) day notice to the other party before the end of each years term about the renewal or termination of the Agreement.二零零八年二月一日至二零一一年一月三十一日。在继续租用情况下,

4、在每年一续的基础上,承租方有权利以同样的条款续签该协议。在此期间内,每年协议到期前六十 (60)天,承租方和出租方应通知对方有关续签与否的意向。3. Rental :租金 :From February 1, 2008 to January 31, 2011: RMB one hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty eight Yuan (112,968) per quarter only. Central heating fee: RMB twenty nine thousand two hundred and sixteen (2

5、9,216.40) Yuan forty Fen per winter season. 二零零八年二月一日至二零一一年一月三十一日: 每季度人民币十一万叁仟玖佰捌拾玖元(112,967元)整。每个冬季采暖费人民币贰万玖仟贰佰拾壹柒元整(29,217元)。4. Payment and term :付款方式和期限 :4.1 Payment can be made by check or bank transfer.可用支票或电汇支付租金。4.2 The Lessee shall prepay the quarterly rental for the following three months i

6、n advance.承租方需按季度预付随后三个月的租金。4.3 If the Lessee fails to make payment as stipulated in the preceding clause, the overdue amount payable shall bear simple annual interest at the then prevailing interest rate of deposits announced by the Peoples Bank of China until such time as the payment is made. If t

7、he Lessee fails to make payment in 60 days after the rental becomes payable the Lessor has the right to terminate the agreement.如承租方未能按上款支付租金,则应加付延期付款期间的利息,直至租金得以支付。利率按中国人民银行公布的同期存款年单利率执行。如果承租方在60天内未按约定支付租金,出租方有权解除本租赁协议。4.4 The Lessee shall pay the yearly central heating fee within one week upon rec

8、eipt of payment notice and the Lessor will issue an official invoice on the same day of receipt of the payment.承租方在收到支付采暖费通知后,支付年度采暖费,出租方在收到付款的当日开具正式发票。4.5 The Lessor shall supply the Lessee with an official invoice (tax receipt) on the same day of the receipt of rental payment.出租方应在收到租金当日向承租方出具正式(含

9、税)发票。4.6 The Lessee will pay the Lessor amount of RMB One Hundred Thousand Yuan (100,000.00) as a deposit for starting the internal decoration upon signature of this Agreement. The deposit will be deducted from the first quarterly rental due.本租赁协议签订后,承租人将支付出租人人民币壹拾万元押金,启动内部装修。该押金将从第一个季度租金应付款中扣除。5. R

10、ights and Obligations of the Parties :双方权利与义务:5.1 The Lessor shall permit the Lessee to move in and install some office furniture to the Leased Offices during final decoration stage before the official contract term commences for moving purpose.出租方应允许承租方在正式协议租赁期限开始前在装修末期搬入并安装部分办公家具,为办公环境做好准备。 5.2 Th

11、e Lessor shall have the Lessees written acceptance of the leasing condition at the time of handing over including but not limited to the following points:出租方应得到承租方对以下几点交接时的出租环境的书面认可,包括但不限于: The Lessor shall start internal decoration to the Leased Offices at its own cost upon signing of this lease ag

12、reement with standard as following: white painted wall, white window blind, ceramic tile floor in office and granite stone floor in corridor, good quality air conditioner, hot water for wash basin, auto flush urinal, one sitting and one squatting type toilets in Mens room, two squatting type toilets

13、 in Ladys room. Partition entry double security door in front of elevator. Security doors on stairway entry. Coffee and tea room next to washroom shall have a sink with hot and cold water pipe installed. Partition wall and door change may be needed as required. Details of these decoration specificat

14、ions will be provided by the Lessee.自本租赁协议签字生效之日起,出租方应自费对租赁办公室进行内部装修,其装修标准如下:白色墙漆墙面、白色百叶窗、办公室房间内为瓷砖地面、走廊为花岗岩地面、高品质空调机、卫生间洗手盆有热水、男卫生间小便池自动感应冲水,一个蹲便和一个坐便、女卫生间两个蹲便、 卫生间旁边的茶水间要有冷热水管和水池、电梯前安装入户双开防盗门、楼梯入口安装双开防盗门、隔墙和房间门可能会根据要求进行改动。承租方将提供这些装修要求详细说明清单。 All Leased Offices shall be professionally cleaned and t

15、idy by January 31, 2008, including but not limited to all floors, ceilings, windows, walls, blinds, washroom and the corridor. 截止二零零八年一月三十一日,所有出租办公室应是职业性的整洁状态,包括但不限于所有的地面、天花板、门窗、墙壁、百叶窗、卫生间及走廊。 All air-conditioners, lighting and water pipe and plumbing shall be in good working condition, and all ligh

16、ts shall be in place. 所有的空调、照明和上下水管道应工作状态良好。所有的照明灯均就位。 Lights in office room and on the corridor shall be energy-saving fluorescent lamp with switches.房间和走廊上的照明均为开关式节能日光灯。 There are at least four power sockets in each office and telephone and internet lines in each room shall be laid as per the Less

17、ees requirement.每个租用办公室应具备至少四个电源插座,各办公室配备足够的网线和电话线接头(承租方将提出具体布线要求)。5.3 The Lessor shall allow the Lessee to put the company name board of the Lessee in the entry area of the office * yard for the function of directing lesseess visitors. 出租方应准许承租方在办公楼院门前挂立公司标牌,为承租方的来访者提供指示。5.4 The Lessor shall provid

18、e three (3) vehicle parking space included in the rental for day and night and allow free parking during day time inside the yard for the Lessee if any vehicles of lessee or hired by the Lessee would park inside the yard of the *.租金包含出租方为承租方在办公大楼院里提供三个昼夜停车位,并允许承租方自己或租用车辆在白天免费停车。5.5 The Lessor shall

19、include the Leased Office within its own security checking area twenty four hours per day through out the whole year. However the Lessor has no responsibility to compensate for loss if the Lessees property is stolen in the office. The Lessee shall observe the security rule of the Lessor, and have th

20、e liabilities to watch the security inside the Leased Office area. 出租方应将租赁办公室划为其保安范围内,全年每天二十四小时值班。 然而,出租方不承担承租方在办公室被盗损失的赔偿责任。承租方应遵守出租方的安全保卫制度,有义务维护办公区域的安全。5.6 The Lessor shall keep one set of the key to the entry door, sealed in a package by the Lessee, to all the rooms inside the Leased Office area

21、. The Lessor shall not open the package unless under the emergency (such as fire) and the explanation shall be given to the Lessee of the package opening.出租方应保留一套由承租方打包封存的租赁办公室大门的钥匙。除非在紧急情况下(如火灾等)出租方不得启封。启封后应向承租方做出说明。5.7 The Lessor shall perform the duty of the maintenance work of the Leased Offices

22、 and common areas such as the elevator including but not limited to the air-conditioning, heating, electricity supply, water supply and plumbing. If there is no response by the Lessor within one week after the Lessees application for the above maintenance, or if the Lessor can not perform its duty o

23、f maintenance, after the agreement of the Lessor, the Lessee may maintain the Leased Offices at its own discretion, and the costs incurred shall be deducted from the rental payment. The maintenance in this article refers to the recovery of normal function of the Leased Office. 出租方应履行对租赁办公室及公共区域如电梯的维

24、修义务,包括但不限于空调、供暖、供电、及上下水管道。如果在承租方提出维修申请一周内,没有答复或出租方不能维修,承租方在征得出租方同意后,可以自行维修,维修费用从租金中扣除。5.8 The staff of the Lessee shall have the right of access to the Leased Offices from 6:30am to 9:00pm on any day during the year. For anytime out of the above time, the Security Department shall be notified in adv

25、ance. Lessee personnel shall not stay overnight in the Leased Office. The Security Guard of the Lessor has the right to inquiry the staff and associates of the Lessee and the entry registration will be asked to enter. Access to the Lessees office by staff, Contractor or associates of the Lessor shal

26、l be by authorization of the Lessee.承租方的雇员有权在一年内任何日期的早上6:30到晚上9:00进出租赁办公室,超出该时间范围应提前与出租方保卫部门通报。承租方人员不得在租赁办公室内留宿。出租方保卫有权对承租方员工及客户进行询问和出入登记。对于出租方的员工、其合同商及与出租方有关的单位进入租赁办公室,应得到承租方的认可。5.9 The Lessee will be responsible for the payment of electricity charges for the Lessees office space as measured by the

27、 Lessors separate meter for the floor space occupied by Lessee. The electricity will be charged by the Lessor based on the * electricity charging standard.承租方将负责支付其办公区域内的用电,电量将由出租方提供的单独用于承租人租赁楼层的电表计量。出租方将按本地收费标准收取电费。5.10 If the Lessee or its visitors damage the Lessors facilities, the Lessee shall c

28、ompensate the Lessor for the loss, with the exception of normal wear and tear and damages caused by normal use.如承租方或其访客损坏出租方的设施,承租方应予赔偿,但正常使用中造成的损坏和磨损除外。 5.11 The Lessee shall be responsible for its own valuables, cash, furniture, equipment and documents held at the Leased Offices. If the Lessor or

29、its personnel cause the damage or loss of the Lessees or its personnels valuables, cash, document and the like, the liabilities and compensations would be decided by the agreement between two parties. If the criminal case or civil case has incurred thereof, the liabilities and compensations would be

30、 decided by the judgment of the law executive body. 承租方应负责其放在租赁办公室的贵重物品、现金、家具、设备及文件的安全。如出租方或其人员造成承租方或其人员的贵重物品、现金、文件等的损坏或丢失,责任及赔偿应由双方协商处理。如由此引发各类刑事、民事案件,赔偿责任应以执法机关的最终判决为准。5.12 The Lessee shall have the right to sub-lease part of its leased floor to other company or organization on the basis of being

31、a sole Lessee to the Lessor for its leasing responsibility.承租人有权部分再出租其租赁面积给其它公司或机构,但条件是对于出租人而言,承租人承担全部承租人责任。5.13 If the Lessee intends to terminate this agreement, it shall give the Lessor sixty (60) days notice in writing. In the case of intentional malicious conduct by the Lessee which have taken

32、serious harm to the Lessor, the Lessor shall have the right to terminate this Contract by giving the Lessee sixty (60) days notice in writing.如承租方欲中止本协议,需提前六十(60)天书面通知出租方。若承租方有故意的恶意行为而给出租方带来了重大损失,出租方有权提前六十(60)天书面通知承租方中止本协议。5.14 Any amendment of this agreement shall be discussed between the Lessee an

33、d the Lessor and mutually agreeable terms and conditions arrived at.对本协议的修改,需经出租方与承租方协商,并就其条款达成一致。5.15 The issues not covered by this agreement shall be implemented according to the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China that has been promulgated. The issues not covered by the said law shall

34、be resolved through friendly consultation between the parties.本协议未尽事宜按已颁布的中华人民共和国合同法执行,该法未涵盖的,双方通过友好协商解决。* Resources Ltd.Real Estate Development Limited Company *, *, China*有限公司中国*房地产开发有限责任公司_*Ma General ManagerGeneral Manager*,总经理 总经理Confirmed by CNPC Procurement representative中国石油总公司采办代表确认*Decorat

35、ion Standard and Specifications for 2nd floor office space二层装修标准和说明Decoration standard and style shall be similar to the 4th floor in * Real Estate Development Company *.与*房地产开发公司楼的四层装修标准和风格类似。Surface of wall: white painting wall with environment-friendly paint墙面:环保型白色墙漆Ceiling: hanging ceiling same

36、 as the 4th floor天花板:吊顶,与四层一样。Light: Fluorescent lamp same as the 4th floor照明灯:日光灯,与四层一样。Curtain: White window blinds窗帘: 白色百叶窗帘Floor: Ceramic tile in office room and granite stone for corridor地面:办公室内地面为瓷砖,走廊为花岗岩地面。Air Conditioner: heating and cooling (Haier preferred), low noise, cooling input power

37、 (horsepower) fits room size空调:冷暖型(最好是海尔空调),低噪音, 制冷输入功率应与房间面积相配。Washroom: sitting toilets for Ladys; One squatting and one sitting toilets for Mans, Auto flushing urinal. Hot water for wash basin for both washrooms. Mirror, cabinet for each washroom for storing cleaning tools (height is about person

38、s height).洗手间:女厕:蹲便。男厕:一蹲便、一坐便、小便池自动感应冲水。隔离间需要比四层的稍微大一些。洗手盆有冷热水混合(带水加热器),镜子,男女卫生间各做一个卫生洁具储藏柜(高度一人高左右)。Power Socket: some floor sockets in some rooms as marked on plan drawing电源插座:地面电源插座如平面图标注Coffee room: Wash basin with cold and hot water with plumbing咖啡室:上下水及热水混合水槽Partition anti-theft door in front

39、 of elevator and at 2 stairways- double open door电梯口隔离门和两个楼梯口门:双开防盗门Side wall in front of elevator: Ceramic tile电梯口两面墙:瓷砖Office door: Compound wooden door same or above the door quality on 4th floor, number plate on the door办公室门:复合实木门,带锁和门牌号。与四层的门的质量相比类似或更好。Emergency Exit indication and lamp and fir

40、e fighting equipment紧急出口指示灯及标记, 消防设备就位。Lessee inputs to selection of ceramic tile for floor and washroom.承租人要参与瓷砖的挑选2008 OFFICE RENTAL AGREEMENT二OO八年办公室租赁协议(原)Lessee :* Resources Ltd. 承租方 :*有限公司Lessor :* * Development Limited Company 出租方 :*房地产开发有限责任公司 2. The Leased and its usage :租赁物和用途 :The Lessee

41、rents from the Lessor all spaces on the 2nd Floor of * Real Estate Development *, which is located in Sanhaoyuan, *, including but not limited to the rooms, corridor and car parking area, as offices. 承租方租用出租方位于*三号院*房地产开发大楼的二楼作为办公室,包括但不限于所有房间、走廊及停车位。Hereinafter referred to as the Leased Offices.以下称租赁

42、办公室。6. Term of rental :租赁期限 :February 1, 2008 to January 31, 2011, plus the Lessees right to renew this agreement on the same terms and conditions on a year by year basis. In this period the Lessee shall give a sixty (60) day notice to the Lessor before the end of each years term about the renewal o

43、r termination of the Agreement.二零零八年二月一日至二零一一年一月三十一日。在继续租用情况下,在每年一续的基础上,承租方有权利以同样的条款续签该协议。在此期间内,每年协议到期前六十 (60)天,承租方应通知出租方有关续签与否的意向。7. Rental :租金 :From February 1, 2008 to January 31, 2011: RMB one hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and eighty nine Yuan (113,989.00) per quarter only. Central

44、heating fee: RMB twenty nine thousand four hundred and eighty one (29,481.00) Yuan per winter season. 二零零八年二月一日至二零一一年一月三十一日: 每季度人民币十一万叁仟玖佰捌拾玖元(113,989.00)整。每个冬季采暖费人民币贰万玖仟肆佰捌拾壹元整。8. Payment and term :付款方式和期限 :8.1 Payment can be made by check or bank transfer.可用支票或电汇支付租金。8.2 The Lessee shall prepay th

45、e quarterly rental for the following three months in advance.承租方需按季度预付随后三个月的租金。8.3 If the Lessee fails to make payment as stipulated in the preceding clause, the overdue amount payable shall bear simple annual interest at the then prevailing interest rate of deposits announced by the Peoples Bank of

46、 China until such time as the payment is made.如承租方未能按上款支付租金,则应加付延期付款期间的利息,直至租金得以支付。利率按中国人民银行公布的同期存款年单利率执行。8.4 The Lessee shall pay the yearly central heating fee within twenty (20) days upon receipt of an official invoice.承租方在收到采暖费正式发票后二十日内支付年度采暖费。8.5 The Lessor shall supply the Lessee with an offic

47、ial invoice (tax receipt) in advance of the receipt of rental payment.出租方在收到租金之前应向承租方出具正式发票。8.6 The Lessee will pay the Lessor amount of RMB One Hundred Thousand Yuan (100,000.00) as a deposit for starting the internal decoration upon signature of this Agreement. The deposit will be deducted from the first quarterly rental due.本租赁协议签订后,承租人将支付出租人人民币壹拾万元押金,启动内部装修。该押金将从第一个季度租金应付款中扣除。9. Rights and Obligations of the Parties :双方权利与义务:9.1 The Lessor shall permit the Lessee to move in and install some office furniture to the Leased Offices during final

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