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1、不断释放外事资源活力,更深融入区域交流合作。积极参与中国东盟、中国中东欧、中国拉美等多双边合作机制,推动西部陆海新通道与澜湄合作加快对接,努力在推进共建“一带一路”中发挥带动作用。2022年8月,2022中国国际智能产业博览会在重庆举行。增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up Development224 The World and Chongqing We have continued to release the vitality of foreign affairs resources

2、 and engage ourselves more deeply into regional exchanges and cooperation.We have actively participated in bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms between China and ASEAN,China and Central and Eastern Europe,and China and Latin America,sped up the coordination between ILSTC and Lancang-Mek

3、ong cooperation,and strived to play a leading role in promoting Belt and Road cooperation.增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up DevelopmentThe World and Chongqing 25 主场国际会议Hosting International Conferences重庆外办积极邀请乌拉圭、匈牙利、新加坡、墨西哥、爱尔兰、韩国、德国等多国政要、领事官员、国外客商参加智博会、西洽会、陆海新

4、通道国际合作论坛等重大国际会议、国际馆参展等活动,不断加强与驻渝领事机构、各国政府和企业在渝代表处联系。阿希蒙乌拉圭副总统国会主席兼参议长张明上海合作组织秘书长雅高布 伊什特万匈牙利国会副主席杨莉明新加坡通讯及新闻部部长兼内政部第二部长刘正福韩国仁川市市长何珂德国科隆市市长安黛文爱尔兰驻华大使2 0 2 2 中国国际智能产业博览会Smart China Expo 20228月22日至24日,2022中国国际智能产业博览会在重庆举行。以“智能化:为经济赋能,为生活添彩”为主题,重点围绕国家发展战略、产业发展趋势,聚焦数字产业化、产业数字化,集中展示大数据智能化发展成果。来自19个国家和地区的66

5、5家单位参展,共签约重大招商项目70个,合同投资额2121.1亿元,100多项新产品、新技术、新成果首次发布。Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office has actively invited dignitaries,consular officials and foreign businessmen from Uruguay,Hungary,Singapore,Mexico,Ireland,South Korea,and Germany to participate in major international conferences and internationa

6、l exhibitions such as the Smart China Expo,the Western China International Fair for Investment and Trade,and New Land Sea Corridor International Cooperation Forum,and has continuously strengthened contacts with consular agencies and offices of foreign governments and enterprises in Chongqing.26 The

7、World and Chongqing 新加坡馆。The Smart China Expo 2022 was held in Chongqing from August 22nd to 24th.The Smart China Expo 2022,with the theme“Smart Technology:Empowering Economy,Enriching Life,”focused on national development strategies and industrial development trends,as well as on developing the dig

8、ital industry and making industries digital.Accomplishments were showcased in the development of big data and smart technology.A total of 665 organizations from 19 countries and regions participated in the Expo and signed 70 major investment projects with a contracted investment of RMB212.11 billion

9、.More than 100 new products,technologies,and achievements were released for the first time.增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up Development匈牙利馆。柬埔寨馆。The World and Chongqing 27荷兰馆。意大利馆。乌拉圭馆。白俄罗斯馆。28 The World and Chongqing 韩国馆。奥地利馆。增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional

10、 Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up Development以色列馆。澳大利亚馆。The World and Chongqing 292022年7月,第四届中国西部国际投资贸易洽谈会、2022陆海新通道国际合作论坛在重庆举行。第四届中国西部国际投资贸易洽谈会The Fourth Western China International Fair for Investment and Trade7月22日至24日,第四届中国西部国际投资贸易洽谈会在重庆举行。以“走进西部、洽谈未来”为主题,采取“专题展会+高峰论坛+投资贸易活动”线上线下相结合的形式。邀请墨西哥

11、担任主宾国。四川、宁夏担任主宾省。来自24个国家和地区、国内25个省区市的899家企业参展。国际馆展览面积2000平方米,主要展示“一带一路”沿线国家形象和特色、RCEP成员国经贸合作项目和发展最新成果。30 The World and Chongqing 主宾国墨西哥展区。第四届西洽会国际馆。The Fourth Western China International Fair for Investment and Trade was held in Chongqing from July 22nd to 24th.With the theme of“Joining Hands with t

12、he West for a Brighter Future”,themed exhibitions,summits/forums,and investment and trade activities were held online and in person.Mexico was invited as the Guest Country of Honor and Sichuan Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region as the Guest Provinces of Honor.A total of 899 enterprises from

13、24 countries and regions and 25 provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities in China participated in the Fair.增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up Development墨西哥驻华大使施雅德出席“透过电影看世界”墨西哥影展。The International Pavilion,with an exhibition area of 2,000 square meters,pr

14、imarily displays the national image and characteristics of countries along the Belt and Road,as well as economic and trade cooperation projects and the most recent development achievements of RCEP member countries.The World and Chongqing 31“大使推荐一本好书”读书会。墨西哥驻华大使施雅德参观周公馆。乌拉圭展区。日本展区。匈牙利展区。菲律宾展区。32 The

15、World and Chongqing 增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up Development老挝展区。斯洛伐克展区。澳大利亚展区。泰国展区。韩国展区。白俄罗斯展区。巴基斯坦展区。The World and Chongqing 332022年川渝地区湄公河国家地方合作论坛主题论坛。2022年11月,市政府外办主任王雯在川渝地区湄公河国家地方合作论坛开幕式发表视频致辞。2 0 2 2 年川渝地区湄公河国家地方合作论坛2022 Sichuan-Chongqing Region&Mekon

16、g Countries Sub-national Cooperation Forum11月24日,四川省、重庆市合作举办2022年川渝地区湄公河国家地方合作论坛举行。以“同饮一江水 共赢新时代”为主题,来自湄公河国家驻华机构、地方政府,以及四川省、重庆市相关部门、高校、智库、协会、企业的代表以线上线下相结合的方式参加论坛,把论坛打造成为澜湄国家发展规划和川渝两地协同发展的重要交流合作平台,助力成渝地区双城经济圈建设。On November 24th,Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality jointly held the 2022 Sichuan

17、-Chongqing Region&Mekong Countries Sub-national Cooperation Forum.Themed on“Win-win in the New Era Empowered by the Shared River”,the Forum was attended in person and online by representatives from China-based offices and local governments of Mekong countries,as well as relevant departments,colleges

18、 and universities,think tanks,associations,and enterprises in Sichuan and Chongqing.Joint efforts would be made to build the Forum into an important exchange and cooperation platform for planning and development for Lancang-Mekong countries as well as the synchronized development of Sichuan and Chon

19、gqing.34 The World and Chongqing 中国(重庆)白俄罗斯经贸投资论坛成功举行。配重经济合作压舱石Anchors for Economic Cooperation聚焦经贸交流合作,充分利用外事资源,实施重庆与东盟合作行动计划,持续与RCEP国家政企互动,推进与上合组织国家、拉美国家务实合作,助力对外开放向更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次拓展。中国(重庆)墨西哥投资贸易洽谈会。中国(重庆)印度尼西亚线上商务投资推介会。Focusing on economic and trade exchanges and cooperation and leveraging foreig

20、n affairs resources,Chongqing implemented the Chongqing-ASEAN Cooperation Action Plan and continued to interact with governments and enterprises in RCEP countries,promote pragmatic cooperation with SCO countries and Latin American countries,and contribute to opening up to a greater scope,a broader f

21、ield,and a deeper level.中法合作种猪产业项目启动。推动成立墨西哥中国商会重庆办事处。增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up DevelopmentThe World and Chongqing 35重庆市与俄罗斯萨马拉州友好交流视频会。重庆市与巴西圣保罗州友好交流视频会。重庆市与巴西巴伊亚州友好交流视频会。36 The World and Chongqing 重庆市与美国旧金山市友好交流视频会。重庆市与美国西雅图市友好交流视频会。重庆市与阿根廷拉里奥哈省友好交流视频会

22、。重庆江北国际机场国际航线增至106条。重庆开通至孟买货运航线。重庆外办积极协调推动新开和恢复国际航班。2022年新开和恢复9条国际(地区)客运航线,入境航班由年初的每周2班300人增加至每周19班2200人。支持企业通过包机接返海外员工3293人,助力复工复产有序推进,经济活力加速释放。Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office has made active coordination for new and reopened international flights.Nine newly-added or reopened international(regiona

23、l)passenger routes were made available in 2022.The number of inbound flights increased from 300 passengers on 2 flights per week at the beginning of the year to 2,200 passengers on 19 flights per week.This enabled businesses to charter flights to pick up 3,293 workers overseas,allowing them to resum

24、e work and production in an orderly manner.Economic vitality continued to be unleashed at an accelerated rate.增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up DevelopmentThe World and Chongqing 372022澜湄青年新春联欢会。密织人文交往纽带Forging Closer Ties for People-to-People and Cultural Excha

25、nges重庆与各国驻渝蓉领事馆、国际机构、商协会代表机构互动频繁,通过在渝举办展览、论坛、赛事等多种形式的文化艺术活动,促进与各国人文领域交流融合。组织或参加相关活动80余场,达成近100项合作共识。“日本佳礼 心意成形日本传统馈赠之美”重庆站。重庆国际咖啡节暨咖啡烘焙 潮流饮品展。重庆国际咖啡节暨咖啡烘焙 潮流饮品展。2022艺术博物馆主题意大利电影展。在渝澜湄青年共庆2022年新春佳节。在渝澜湄青年共庆2022年新春佳节。38 The World and Chongqing 第十三届中国西部匈牙利文化节 布达佩斯之春暨匈牙利当代艺术展。“宾纷意犹未尽”菲律宾当代艺术群展。“渝见澳洲”少年推

26、介官选拔赛。2022(重庆)新加坡体验周。Chongqing interacted frequently with Chongqing and Chengdu-based consulates,international institutions,and representative offices of chambers of commerce and associations.Through exhibitions,forums,contests,and other cultural and arts events,international exchanges and interacti

27、ons in the field of humanities were advanced.The Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government organized or participated in more than 80 activities and nearly 100 cooperation agreements were reached.增进区域合作 助推开放发展外向度Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Promoting Opening-up DevelopmentThe World and Chongqing 39

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