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1、人教版初二上册英语知识点总结归纳导读:本文人教版初二上册英语知识点总结归纳,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。想学好英语上课要多做笔记,认真听,跟上老师的节奏,把该背的单词背熟,语法记牢。为大家归纳整理了人教版初二上册英语语法、短语和知识点,希望对你的复习有帮助。八年级(初二)上册英语语法、短语和知识点总结归纳Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。本单元的语法: 1.复习一般过去时 ;2.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。2.不定代词和不定副词的用法:(1) 左边的 some 、any 、every 、no

2、与右边的 body 、one 、thing构成不定代词, some 、any 、every 、no 与右边的疑问副词 where构成不定副词 ;(2) 一般情况下以 some 开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以 any 开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句 ;以 no 开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义 (no one 为两个单词 );(3) 不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。23 He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后 )Did you buy anythin

3、g special? (一般疑问句用 anything,形容词 special 放后 )Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗 ?(一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere ,形容词 interesting放后 )(4) 不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。Everone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。本单元的短语和知识点:1. go on vacation去度假go to the mountains上山/进山2.stayathome呆在家gotothebeach去海滩visitmuseu

4、ms参观博物馆gotosummercamp去参观夏令营3.study for tests为考试而学习备考go out出去4. quite a few相当多 ,不少 (后跟可数名词复数)take photos照相 most of the time大部分时间5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物6. taste good.尝起来很好taste( 尝起来 )、look( 看起来 )、sound( 听起来 )为感官动词,后跟形容词7.havea goodgreatfuntime 过得高兴,玩得愉快 (=enjoyoneself) 8. go shopping去购物9.

5、nothing but+ 动词原形:除了之外什么都没有He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。10. seem to do sth:好像I seem to know him.我好像认识他。seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来The work seems(to be)easy.这工作看起来很容易。11.keep a diary记日记12. in+ 大地方:达到某地 (get to + 地方:达到某地 ) arrive at+ 小地方:达到某地 (get 的过去式为 got)若是 arrive 和get后跟ho

6、me、there、here三个地点副词, 后面的介词 inatto必须去掉。Tomgothomeyesterdayevening=Tomarrivedhomeyesterday evening.昨晚汤姆到家。13.decide to do sth:决定做某事14. try doing sth.尝试做某事 try to do sth. 尽力去做某事15. feel like 给的感觉 ;感受到 16. in the past在过去walkaround四处走走enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事difference( 名词,差异,差别 )-different(形容词,不同的 )18.star

7、t doing sth:开始做某事(= start to do sth)19.19.overan hour一个多小时(over超过,多余= morethan)20. too many太多,后接可数名词复数。too much太多,后跟不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。muchtoo太,后跟形容词或副词, 分辨三者的口诀:toomuch,muchtoo,用法区别看后头 :much后接不可数 ,too后修饰形或副。 too many要记住,后面名词必复数。21. because of 因为 ,后接名词、代词或动名词 (即动词 +ing) ,不能接句子。because 因为,后跟句子。He was late

8、 for school because of getting up late.他因为起晚而上学迟到。 (get 为动词 )= He was late for school because he got up late.22. enough( 足够的 )与名词连用,一般放在名词前 He has enough money .23. enough( 足够的 )与形容词或副词连用, enough 放在后面。He is old enough to go to school.24. doing sth. 忘记已经做过某事 (已经做完 )Forgettodosth. 忘记去做某事(还未做)(forget的过

9、去式为forgot)25. so+形容词 +that+句子:如此以至于too+形容词 +to do sth:太以至于不能形容词 +enoughtodo sth :足够能够做某事 (注意三个句型有时可以互换 )He is so youngthathe can gotto school.=He is tooyoung to go to school.= He isn t old enough to go to school.Unit 2 How often do you exercise?本单元的话题:谈论生活习惯,复习一般现在时。本单元的语法: 1.复习一般现在时 ;2.学习表示频率副词的用法。

10、主要频率副词的等级排序:always( 总是 ) usually(通常 ) often( 经常 ) sometimes(有时 ) hardly ever(很少 ) never(从不)这些副词在句子中的位置,一般放在助动词、be动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。即:“行”前“助 (系 ) ”后。Peter is always late for school. Peter 上学总是迟到。I usually do my homework in the evening.我通常在晚上做作业。提问always, sometimes, twice a day等频率副词,用HowoftenI watchTV

11、everyday. 我每天都看电视Howoftendoyouwatch TV?(你多长时间看一次电视?)本单元的短语和知识点:1.on weekends在周末go to the movies去看电影help withhousework帮助做家务howoften多久一次hardlyever几乎从不2.oncea week每周一次twicea week每周两次everyday每天use the Internet用互联网be free有空Are you free on weekends?你周末有空吗?4.stay up late熬夜 at least 至少 go to bed early早点睡觉 p

12、laysports 进行体育活动5.afterschool放学后6.wantsth :需要某物Hewantsanew pen. 他想要一支新钢笔。want to do sth:想做某事He wants to watch TV after school.放学后他想去看电视。want sb to do sth:让某人做某事My mother wants me getup early. 妈妈让我早起。7.be good for对有好处be bad for对有害处8. playcomputergames打电子游戏gocamping去野营9.ask sb about sth:问某人某事My parent

13、s often ask me aboutmy study. 我的父母经常问我的学习情况。10. in ones spare time在某人业余时间 He studies English inhis spare time.11.(P13, 2b) ”数字+percent of+名词”做主语时,后面的单词取决于名词的情况。若名词为复数, 后面的动词用复数形式;若名词为单数或不可数名词,后面的动词用单数形式。In our class ,twenty of students are boys. Thirty of water is dirty.12.notatall:一点儿也不(not构成否定句)Id

14、ontlikethemovie at all.13.goonline上网 =surftheInternet14.theanswerto+名词:的答案16.the (best) way to do sth:做某事的(最好 )方式The best way to learn English is speaking English.学习英语的最好方法是说英语.17.such as比如(后跟名词或名词短语)for example例如 (后跟句子 )He likes fruits,such as apples,bananas and so on.他喜欢水果,例如苹果、香蕉等。He has some goo

15、d ways to study English,for example ,he often listens to tapes.19.more than (=over) 超过,多余 go to the dentist Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.去看牙医本单元的话题:谈论事物对比,学习形容词比较级。本单元的语法:学习形容词比较级。(语法:见课本第113 页至115 页)本单元的短语和知识点:1.play+the+ 乐器playthedrums打鼓比较play+ 球类play basketball打篮球both and两者都(后面的动词用复数形式)

16、 BothTomandJim are students.3.be good at+名词 代词 V ing:擅长,在某方面做得好7.be like:像The books are like friends.书像朋友。8.make friends (with sb):(和某人 )交朋友enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事9.be differentfrom 与不同 My brotheris differentfromme. 我弟弟与我不一样。10.help sb to (do) sth:帮助某人做某事常与 help sb with sth( 在某方面帮助某人 )互换 He often help

17、s me (to) learn English. 他经常帮助我学习英语。 = He often helps me with my English. 他经常在英语方面帮助我。help(to)dosth: 帮助做某事Heoftenhelps(to)cookathome. 他经常在家帮助做饭。13.be good with sb:与某人相处很好14.information (n.消息,信息 )不可数名词Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?本单元的话题:谈论事物对比,学习形容词和副词的最高级。本单元的语法:学习形容词和副词的最高级。本单元的短语和知识点:1.welc

18、ome to+地点:欢迎来到某地Welcome to our school.欢迎来我校。2.What do you think of sth?=How dou you like sth?你认为 .怎么样 ?3.watch sb do sth:看见某人做了某事(= see sb do sth )4.比较级别+and+比较级:越来越(若比较级more+为形容词原级,则为:more and more形容词原级 )The buildings are tallerand taller. Our school is getting more and more beautiful.5.around the

19、world 全世界 =all over the world, such as Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?例如本单元的话题: 谈论自己对天使节目或电影的喜好,学会表达自己的感受。本单元的语法:复习一般现在时。本单元的短语和知识点:1. What do you think of sth?=How dou you like sth?你认为怎么样 ?What do you think of the movie?你认为这部电影怎么样 ? Itis boring. 很无聊。2.mind doing sth:介意做某事3. news ( 不可数名词,消息

20、,信息 ) a piece of good news 一条好消息 4.learn (sth) from sb: 向某人学习 (某物 ) 5.plan to do sth: 计划做某事 (plan 的过去式 planned,现在分词planning) 6.hope to do sth:希望做某事8.favorite (形容词,最喜爱的)= likebestMyfavoriteshowsare talkshows.我最喜欢的节目是谈话节目。 =I like talk shows best.9.expecttodosth: 期待做某事10.thinkof认为,想起Heoften thinks of

21、his teachers. 11.in the 1930s:在二十世纪三十年代(1930年至1939年)10.12.one of +可数名词复数: 之一(该短语放在句首做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式)Oneofthestudentshasan Englishdictionary.这些学生中一个人有英语字典。14.luck( 名词,幸运 ,运气 ) lucky( 形容词 ,幸运的 )-unlucky (形容词 ,不幸的 )15.be ready to do sth乐意做某事16.try ones best (to dosth): 尽力 (做某事 )Unit6 Im going to study

22、computer science.本单元的话题:谈论自己将来的计划或打算。本单元的语法:学习一般将来时be going to do sth。本单元的短语和知识点:1.词性转换: science ( 名词,科学 ) scientist( 名词,科学家 ) violin( 名词,小提琴 )-violinst( 名词,小提琴家 )piano( 名词,钢琴 )- pianist( 名词,钢琴家 )2.grow up 成长,长大 3.be good at+ 名词 代词 动词 +ing: 擅长 He is good at math,but he isnt good at speaking English.

23、 他擅长数学,但是不擅长说英语。4.keep on doing sth:继续做某事5.be sure about:确信,对有把握His mother isnt sure about his study.他的妈妈对他的学习没有把握。6. move to + 地点:搬 (家 )到某地 7. take singingacting lessons 上歌唱课 上表演课 =have singingacting lessons 8. sendsb sth = send sth to sb寄 送给某人某物Hisgrandfatheroftensendshimmoney。=Hisgrandfather ofte

24、n sends money to him.9. learn to do sth学会做某事10. play the piano弹钢琴make the soccer team组建足球队get good grades取得好的成绩eat healthier food吃更健康的食品 get lots of exercise进行大量锻炼11. foreignlanguage外国语言12. studyhard努力学习most of the time大多数时间14. getbackfrom+地点:从回来He willgetbackfromBeijing in 3 days.at the beginning o

25、f在开始的时候 , write down写下 / 记下,17. different kinds of不同种类的have to do with关于,与有关系 ,take up开始从事20. too+形容词 +to do sth:太以至于不能so+ 形容词 +that+句子:如此以至于形容词 +enoughtodo sth :足够能够做某事 (注意三个句型有时可以互相转换 )He is so young that he can t go to school.他如此年轻以至于不能去上学。= He is too young to go to school.他太年轻了以至于不能去上学。= He isn

26、t old enough to go to school.22.make sb+形容词:让某人怎么样The good news made ushappy.(注意: news为不可数名词)23.how to do better at school为“疑问词+ 不定式”即“疑问词+to do sth”He didnt know when to start.他不知道什么时候开始。24.goto university去上大学Unit 7 Will people have robots?本单元的话题:谈论对未来的语言,学习一般将来时will do sth 。本单元的语法:学习一般将来时will do s

27、th。一般将来时由“助动词will / shall +动词原型”构成,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语如tomorrow、nextweek,in 2 days(2天之后 )等连用。(Shall用于第一人称, will 可以用于各种人称。 ) (will not= wont)一般疑问句:把肯定句中的will提到句首即可。以上两句的一般疑问句为:Will you visit the old man next week? Yes,we will.No, we wont .否定句:把肯定句中的will变为 wont即可。以上两句的否定句为:We wont visit t

28、he old man next week. She wont finish the work in 2 weeks.本单元的短语和知识点:1.There be结构: There be(is/are/was/were)+某物 / 某人 + 某地 / 某时“ There be 结构”的一般现在时: There is/are+ 某物 / 某人 + 某地 / 某时There are 600 students in our school.在我们学校有600 个学生。一般过去时: There was/were+ 某物 / 某人 + 某地 / 某时 There was a school ten years

29、ago.一般将来时: There will be+某物 / 某人 + 某地 / 某时 .= There isgoing to be+ 某物 / 某人 + 某地 / 某时 . There will be a sport meeting next week.=There is going to be a sport meeting next weeek. 下周将有场运动会。 2.on computers 在电脑上 , on paper在纸上3.a few + 可数名词复数:有一些、有几个a little + 不可数名词:有一些few + 可数名词复数:几乎没有(表示否定 ) little+不可数名

30、词:几乎没有 (表示否定 )many+ 可数名词复数:很多,许多 few的比较级是 fewer ,little的比较级是 lessmuch+ 不可数名词:很多,许多manymuch的比较级都是moreThere will be less polution in the future.在未来将会有更少的污染。 (polution为不可数名词)We should plant more trees.我们应该种的树。(tree为可数名词)There will be fewer cars in the future.在未来将会有更少的汽车。 (car为可数名词)4.in(great)danger在(极度

31、 )危险中on the earth在地球上savethe earth拯救地球6.in+一段时间:在之后(多用于一般将来时)He will come back in 2 days.两天之后他将回来。 How soonwill he come back?多久他将回来?句型 There isare sb doing sth.有某人正在做某事。There isa cat eating fish.10. hundreds of+名词:成百上千的,许多(表示)模糊数字数字 + hundred +名词:几百(表示具体数)字Hehashundredsofbook.他有很多书。He boughttwohundr

32、ed books.他买了二百本书。12.atsomepoint:在某些方面free time 空闲时间in onesfree time在某人空闲时间Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?本单元的话题:描述做事情的顺序和过程。(First 首先 ,Next下面 ,Then 然后 ,Finally 最后 )本单元的语法:复习一般现在时。本单元的短语和知识点:1(P57,1a) turn on打开turn up调大turn off关上turn down调小2. How many+ 可数名词复数:多少How much+不可数名词:多少He has eig

33、ht books.他有八本书。H ow many books doeshe have? 他有多少本书 ?3. 量词的用法:不可数名词常用“数字 + 量词 + 不可数名词”来表示。如:a piece of bread一片面包比较:two pieces of bread两片面包 (bread 为不可数名词 )a glass of orange一玻璃杯橘子汁one spoon of butter一勺黄油5.one more thing = another one thing基数词+ more +名词=another+基数词+名词:又多少某物Heateanapple,he wanted to eat two more apples.7.Its time(forsb)todosth是某人该做某事的时间了。Itstime for us to have lunch.Its time for sth是该做某事的时间了。Its time for the class.是该上课的时候了。Unit 9 Can you come to my party?本单元的话题:学会发出、接受或拒绝邀请。本单元的语法:复习情态动词。本单元的短语和知识点:1.on Saturday afternoon在星期六下午,在具体哪一天的是上

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