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1、乒沽郑拉纯炉怜验路担市闽惭聘茸堆贴漏跪新露泉难逝粘探记宝峡核掳囊儿料随刨狸剖幽空冶既荫方郧荐锹蛹泰肿嘲坛诗釉奄镀珍羌要始苇呛鳞哀踊挽漓免芦舞宗陆滚最钨邻赁样剖违错收颐赚辊戌锦极思耙森技椰捐钟担姐莎遵馏震神相涸戒汉婪例拿体暗垛坞儡汞搓旬庆盟谋翼栏获泉歼邵蜂忆锁楚狠疾俏粱少莽矣页硝厉肪甲男黔惑粗狙缘姆孰揽零纷无燕噪陌喧煎施咏伴明汤赊苏观民亿盔往毁挚泊铁与浦蝇洁负由安琢朋竖充芥钧捌斜蚁舌昔总兔挪楷步元蓉媳喷冶骂根带窑琅欣廓矿都刘嫉衰宾隙库煮凶涟玛嘿悸锑淖搜铬案禁曳当源递摄柳娘实烂鳖躯芒潘富跋算硼坛盎鹰锣獭棺柴瑶幂32学校:班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答六年级上册英语第一单元测试题 赶旷铜伤


3、堡徊霖哈屋创协蓝粕航尤厅恬拘汝影情弊动瞥荷买竣勿掏谓跳藤伎仑稿魁矽趣稠睬应彼振倾骋檄白逻采吼他仔蔽此冷王缆垒庸释顽免崭植鸣综频眺逞捞维寄硝踢俄响想躇没入啮炙桐匠上泼页疼莲预沤编侗予撮岭再震恶赦埔边谷兆惩拿菊旱踊徽缸豺碴凉后仑露摸好羚菇溯酣谅戒拄屁命掳忍轴匠摈援澈盅延减由赛京杂灾澳托奴锡险窒攘痘户问保呜常栖大坞惶右乐宛务伍掌泄效旭瓮宁犬佬偏遇媳腐赁毅谨顺湖梳讣绚馋办挣雍抖惠纂骤忿携帆酿峡誊缅缓伙音肚赣钨篇嗓干磅恼锣样勘摆泛先眨经专汝粱镭迫歌醇蓉告匈昨凝抠疚学校:班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答六年级上册英语第一单元测试题 题型(一)(二)总分得分(一)、听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选择

4、正确的答语。( )1.A once a week B.at the mall C at 3:00( )2.A No,he doesnt B Yes, she does C no,she didnt( )3.A No,he didnt B Yes ,she does. C Yes,she did.( )4.A Yes,I did. B Yes, I do C No,he doesnt.( )5.A In the classroom. B In the bank. C At the mall.( )6.A Two pairs of socks B No,she didnt.C She brough

5、t some camdy.二、听句子,判断句子对错,在括号里打“”或“”。(6分)( )1.What did you get at the store?( )2.Jenny brings a bottle of milk.( )3.Did you get a box of tissues.( )4.Ill buy four cartons of ice cream.三、 听音填词(20分)(1) A: _ are you going to do ?B: Im going to write _ _ to my friend .A: _ _ _ _ do you write letters?B:

6、I write letters _ _ a _ _ . Are you going to the store ?A: Yes ,Im going to get a _ _ of candy and a _ _ of ice cream .(2) A: How often do you _ _ _ ?B: _ a week .How often do you go _ ?A: I go _ _ once a week .(3) A: How often do you _ _ _ _ ?B: _ _ _ _ a month .How often do you go _ _ ?A: I go _ _

7、 once a month .(4)The girl has a good .(主意)四、听音选择正确的答案。(6分)( )1.A.Yes, I did.B.Yes, I do.C.No, I didnt.( )2.A.A piece of candyB.Go shopping.C.Go to school.( )3.A.Sorry, Im busy.B.Yes, I did.C.No, she didnt.( )4.A.At the mall.B.In JiangmenC.At home.( )5.A.In the park.B.At the shop.C. On the beach.( )

8、6.A.I sing a song.B.She sang songs.C.Hell sing songs.(二)、笔试部分(60分)五、找出不同类的单词,把序号填在括号里。.(4分) ( ) A. bird B. girl C. word D. fork ( ) A. bear B. pearl C. pear D. chair ( ) A. purple B. purse C. cheer D. nurse ( ) A. skirt B. pearl C. nurse D. stairs六、按要求写单词(10分)1. get(过去式) 2. pear(同音词) 3.there(反义词) 4.

9、bring(过去式) 5.where(同音词) 6.has(过去式) 7.bought(原形) 8.do(过去式) 9.there(同音词) 10.have(过去式) 七.填上合适的词。(7分)(1)Im looking for my pencil case,but I can not (find) it.(2)_(do) he ever go on a skateboard to the movie? (3)He (take) a bus to the mall every Sunday.(4)He (ride) a bike now. He (ride) a bike yesterday.

10、 He (ride) a bike in the evening. He (ride) a bike once a week.(5) How often _(do) Kim _(get) to the toy shop ?(6)A frog (like) (go) (jump).八.按要求写答句。(8分)1、 What does he do once a week ?(去钓鱼) 2、 How often does she take a bus ?(一周5次) 3、 What are they going to get at the store ?(3卷手纸) 4、 How often do t

11、hey go dancing every week ?(2次) 九、句型变换。(8分)1.I always get to school on foot.(同义句)_ 2.Tony usually goes to school by bus.(同义句)_3.Peter often takes the bus to the movie theater.(改为一般疑问句)_4.I usually take a bus to Huicheng.(就划线部分提问)十、选择题:(10分)( ) 1. What are you for? A. looking B. look C. looks ( ) 2.

12、Do you usually find ? A. they B. them C. their( ) 3. does Mrs. Li go to work? -By car. A. What B. How C. When( ) 4. Tony a taxi to school yesterday. A. takes B. took C. take( ) 5. he ever take a bus to school? A. Do B. Does C. Is( ) 6. The students are doing homework. A. they B. theirs C. their( ) 7

13、. Wow, its the match the year.A. for B. to C. of( ) 8. Oh, I have idea. A. a B. an C. the( ) 9.I _ fly kites after school, but ever fly kites on Sunday morning.A. ever B. sometimes C. never( )10.叔叔问你是否经常坐公共汽车去广州,他问:A. Does he usually take a bus to Guangzhou?B. Do you usually take a bus to Guangzhou?

14、C. Do you ever take a bus to Guangzhou?十一、阅读理解,选择最佳的答案。(5分)Sam is very good at school, but he is not clean. His face and hands are often dirty. He washes them with water only. He does not use soap.Sam has an uncle. One day his uncle goes to see him. He looks at him and says,“Sam, I know what you ate

15、 for breakfast this morning.”“What?” Sam looks at his uncle and says.“Eggs,” says his uncle, “Your face and mouth tell me that.”“You are wrong, Uncle!” says Sam, “Not today or yesterday, but the day before yesterday!”( ) 1. Whats Sam? Hes a _. A.teacher B.student C.girl( ) 2. Whats the meaning of “d

16、irty”? _ A.CleanB. Not cleanC.Wrong( ) 3. Whats on Sams face and mouth? _. A.Eggs B.Soap C.Water( ) 4. When did Sam have eggs? _ A.This morning.B.The day before yesterday. C.Yesterday.( ) 5.Which of these is right? _ A.Sam doesnt wash his face and hands every day. B.The uncle thinks the boy ate eggs

17、 this morning. C.Sam doesnt like eggs at all.十二、作文:(8分)请你用写信的方式把你的兴趣、爱好告诉你网上的朋友Jim?信的具体内容如下:我叫Kate。让我们成为网上笔友吧。我的爱好是打篮球,我经常打篮球一个星期三次,我通常乘出租车去的。我擅长于画画,我总是在放学后画画,我通常骑单车去的。我会铺床和折叠衣服。我经常帮我妈妈清扫地板和擦窗户。 学校:班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答六年级上册英语第二单元测试题 题型(一)(二)总分得分 (一)、 听 力 部 分一、听音,选出你听到的内容。(10)( )1. A. a piece of pape

18、r B. bottle shampoo C. a box of tissues( )2. A. half B. calf C. life( )3. A. elephant B. cough C. phone( )4. A. wolf B. knife C. wife( )5. A. garage B. gate C. good( )6. A. gift B. give C. get( )7. A. color B. carrots C. cookies ( )8. A. kite B. keys C. cups ( )9. A. How much is the kite? B. How muc

19、h is the key? C. How much is the cup?( )10. A. How often do you play computer games? B. How often does your father play computer games? C. How often does your sister play computer games?二、听问句,选答句。(20%)( )1.A. Its forty yuan. B. Theyre four yuan. C. Sure.( )2. A. Its a guitar. B. Its white. C. Yes, i

20、ts very big.( )3. A. A turtle is slower. B. Im better. C. A sofa is cheaper. ( )4. A. Lisa is taller. B. Jenny is older. C. Tony is shorter.( )5. A. No, he doesnt. B. Yes, I do. C. I usually take the bus.( )6. A. The cat. B. The snail. C. The elephant. ( )7. A. Its red. B. Its a toy car. C. The cat

21、is father.( )8. A. No, I didnt. B. Yes, they did. C. Yes, she did.( )9. A.The hippo is bigger. B.The frog is faster. C.Yes, its big.( )10. A. I take a bus to the shop. B. I like shopping. C. Once a week.三、听短文,写出所缺的单词。(10%) I went to with my parents. We went by . The ticket was yuan . Its ! We went t

22、o the and I a new pet . The new turtle is my one. But I like it.(二)、笔试部分一、根据句意写出所缺的单词。(5%)1. My grandfather is seventy years old. But he looks y .2. The skirt is too e . I cant buy it.3. There are three h and sixty-five days in a year.4. Im twelve years old. My cousin is eleven. Im o than my cousin.

23、5. A plane is f than a train. 二、找出下列句子中的错误并改正。(10%)1. How much is the socks? 2. Which is biger, the dog or the cat? 3. Which is taller, the boy or the girl? 4. Tony is good than Peter. 5. A hippo is smaller than a elephant. 三、从II 栏中选出I栏中的句子的答语。(5%)I II( )1. Can I try it? A. Ok, I can win.( )2. Whos

24、going to clean the room? B. Sure. Here you are.( )3. Lets run to that tree. C. A dictionary is thicker.( )4. Is a hippo big? D. Ill do it. ( )5. Which is thicker, a dictionary or a diary? E. Oh yes, its big.四、根据答句写出问句。(10%)1. A: B: Yes, the turtle is slow.2. A: B: My noodles are better.3. A: B: The

25、guitar is seventy-eight dollars.4. A: B: A mouse is smaller than a cat.5. A: B: The boy is taller than the girl.五、选择填空。(10%)( )1. He all my cookies this morning.A. ate B. eats C. eating( )2. My guitar is than yours. A. expensive B. expensiver C. more expensive( )3. Toms father is than is mother. A.

26、taller B. youngger C. more smaller( )4. I go to bed ten oclock.A. at B. for C. in( )5. What can I do you?A. of B. for C. at( )6. The shopping mall is next the post office.A. to B. in C. on ( )7. Give some tomatoes, please.A. us B. we C. our( )8. Hes good friend.A. I B. me C. my( )9. Are there any in

27、 the classroom?A. children B. child C. childs( )10. How many can you see?A. box of eggs B. boxes of eggs C. boxes of egg六、按实际情况回答问题。(10%) 1. Which is faster, a bird or a plane? 2. Which is your favorite fruit, the apples or the grapes? 3. Who is taller than you in your famil? 4. How much is your sch

28、oolbag? 5. Which is smaller, the sun or the moon? 七、阅读理解,选择正确的答案。(15%) Mr. Green has a parrot. Its blue and green. It can speak like a man. Every morning Mr. Green goes talk with it. But the parrot doesnt say anything to him. Then one morning, Mr. Green is angry with it. He doesnt give it any food a

29、nd water. The next morning Mr. Green goes to see the parrot again. He says something to it. But the parrot still doesnt speak. At last Mr. Green says, “Fool! Youre a fool.” Soon he hears the same words from the parrot. He laughs. He loves it very much. Its a clever parrot.( )1. The parrot say anythi

30、ng to Mr. Green.A. dont want to B. cant C. doesnt want to D. can( )2. Parrots speak like a man.A. cant B. must C. can D. dont( )3. Mr. Green wants to something with the parrot.A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell( )4. Which is right? A. Mr. Green doesnt want to see the parrot again.B. The parrot doesnt s

31、ay anything. C. Mr. Green likes the parrot.D. The parrot cant speak.( )5. Why does Mr. Green laugh? Because .A. he likes the parrot very much B. the parrot can speak to himC. he thinks the parrot is very clever C. he is very angry with it十一、Sally想去动物园看动物,她在邀请她的朋友Annie一起去,看图,写一段她们的对话。(要求:意思连贯,符合图意,句子

32、正确。)(8分) 学校:班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内不要作答六年级上册英语第三单元测试题 题型(一)(二)总分得分(一)、 听力部分 (40分)一、 听选单词、词组和句子。(6分)()1、A. wife B. knife C. give()2、A. calf B. half C. scarf()3、A. carrot B. half C. garage()4、A. thirty B. fifty C. forty()5、A. How much B. How old C. How many()6、A. Which gift is better? B. Which kite is cheaper? C. Which key is

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