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1、必修一 补全句子练习Unit 1 Friendship1. You neednt _ _ everything that the teacher says in class. 你不必写下老师课上说的每句话。 2 _ _ _ earn enough money, he often works late into the night. 为了赚够钱,他每天工作到很晚。 3. I think it is _ _ a secret. It is being talked everywhere in the town 我觉得这个事情不再是个秘密了,整个城里都在谈论它。 4. How dare you ta

2、lk to the president_ _ _. 你怎么敢和总统面对面谈话呢?5. 我们都担心着她的安全 We are all _ _her safety. 6. _ _ all the money that I should pay you 把我要付给你的钱加起来。7. 我们待在室内,直到一切都恢复了平静。 We waited inside until things _ _. 8. She broke the vase _ _. 她故意把花瓶打碎。 9. I dont know why they had to _ _ for such a long time. 我不知道他们为什么躲起来那么

3、久。 10. The street lights go on _ _. 街灯在黄昏时分亮起来。 11. Since Li Ming _ _here, he_ _ _ _ _his neighbors. 李明在这里定居后,他和邻居们相处得很好。 12. If you dont want to stay with me, you can _ _ and go. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人。 13. She _ _ loneliness, but she has to learn to like it there. 她遭受孤独,但是她又不得不学着喜欢它 14. I bought _ _

4、_Harry Potter. 我买了一套哈利波特的书 15. Although he _ _ _many difficulties, he is still happy. 尽管受过很多困难,他仍然很快乐。 Unit 2 English around the world 1. Of the two books, I prefer _ _. 这两本书,我选择后者。 2. Geography also _ _ _ _making dialects. 地理在方言的形成中也起了作用。 3. The book _ _ _a true story that happened in 1930. 这本书是以一个

5、发生在 1930 年的真实故事为背景的。 4. _ _ _ _, our school is close to the bus station. 信不信由你,我们学校离车站很近。 5 He was late _ _the heavy rain 因为下雨,他迟到了 6. _ _he is a professor of mathematics at Cambridge. 目前他是剑桥大学的数学教授。 7. Every minute should _ _ _ _ _. 每一分钟都应该很好地利用。 8. Tea _ _ _China. 茶叶原产于中国。 9. Id like to _ _ to you

6、r apartment. 我想到你的公寓坐坐。10. _ _ _ teachers are present at the meeting, and _ _ _ them is 300. 许多教师参加了这个会议,他们的数量是 300. 11. The farm grows various kinds of crops, _ _ wheat, corn, cotton and rice 这个农场种植各种各样的庄稼,例如麦子,玉米,棉花和稻米。 12. The teacher _ _ _ enlarge our vocabulary. 老师要求我们扩大词汇量。 13. I didnt _ _ _ o

7、n the phone. 在电话里我没听出她的声音。 14. He _ _ _ _ _ grammar 他精通语法。 Unit 3 Travel Journal 1. _ _, he is the first to come to the classroom. 像往常一样,他第一个到教室。 2. My sister doesnt _ _ details 我姐姐是不会考虑细节的。 3. No matter what you say, I wont _ _ _. 无论你说什么我都不会改变主意的。 4. _, he had to _ _ _ my view. 最后,他不得不屈服于我的观点。 5. W

8、hen I was young, I _ _ _ _ to be a doctor. 我小时候就下定决心要当医生。 6. I cant understand your _ _your new job. 我无法理解你对你工作的态度。 7. I _ _ _ taking a bike trip _ _ high school. 自从高中以来,我就梦想着骑自行车旅行。 8. My grandfather _ _ _ giving advice to all my friends. 我爷爷喜欢给我的朋友提建议。 9. He _ _Jiangxi Normal University two years

9、ago. 他两年前毕业于江西师大. 10. Which _ _ _ do you prefer,bus or train? 火车和公交车这两种交通方式你更喜欢哪种? 11. They finished the task two weeks _ _ _. 他们提前两周完成了任务。 12. Its difficult to _ _ _ _ _ this plan. 说服他放弃这个计划很难。 13. We _ _our tents and then we ate. 我们先搭起帐篷然后吃饭。 14. Mary was ill. Her parents insisted _ _ _see a docto

10、r. 玛丽生病了,她父母坚持要她去看医生。 Unit 4 Earthquake 1. 似乎一切都在地震中被毁坏了。 _ _ _ _ everything was destroyed in the earthquake. 2. On hearing the news, she _ _ _. 听到这一消息,她突然大哭起来 3. The war _ _ _ _. 战争结束了。 4. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city was _ _. 在可怕的十五秒内,这个大城市成为了废墟。 5. We _ _ _the news. 我们对这个消息感到震惊。 6. Th

11、e stick in the water seems _ _ _ _broken. 插在水里的棍子看起来好像断了。 7. Make up your mind _ _. 马上做决定。 8. After getting home, she _ _ _ study. 回家后,她专心学习。9. _ _ your success. 祝贺你成功! 10. Luckily, the army _ _ _ _. 幸运的是,军队来救他们了。 11. Those who _ _ _the mine needed to be rescued. 那些被困在矿井里的人需要被解救出来。 12. After the dis

12、aster, _ _ _ _people become homeless. 灾难过后大量的人变得无家可归。 13. _ _twenty people _ _ in the accident. 20 多人在事故中受伤。 14. _ _ _ _people are watching the game in the stadium. 数以万计的人在体育馆里看比赛。 15. _ _ his appearance, he didnt understand what you said. 根据他的表情判断,他没有听懂你说什么。 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-A Modern Hero 1. _

13、 _ _ _ _ I do not like violence. 事实上,我不喜欢暴力。 2. Im afraid he is _ _ _the position 恐怕他不能胜任那个职位。 3. He _ _ _help me whenever I am _ _. 无论我什么时候有困难他都愿意帮忙 4. Please dont_ _, you still have more chances. 别灰心,你还有机会 5. The World Trade Centre was _ _ by terrorists. 世贸中心被恐怖分子炸毁了。 6. As they are _ _ _, they ha

14、ve to _ _there relatives for help. 由于失业了,他们不得不向亲戚求助。 7. The thief _ _ _ three years in prison for stealing some money from the store. 小偷因为从商店偷钱被判三年监禁。 8. Most of the students _ _him. 大部分同学投票支持他 9. He gave 5 yuan to the boy _ _ _finding his lost dog. 小男孩给他找到了丢失的狗,他给了男孩 5 块钱作为回报。 10. A hospital will b

15、e built _ _ _the famous doctor. 将建一个医院是来纪念那个著名的医生。 11. Mandela _ _ _ in 1994. 曼德拉于 1994 年上台执政。 12. He narrowly _ _ _. 他侥幸逃脱了处罚。 13. A great person is someone who _ his life _ _ others. 伟人就是把自己的人生致力于帮助别人的人。 14. My goal is to provide human with a life _ _ _. 我的目标就是给人类提供高质量的生活。 15. I _ _ _my future. 我对

16、我的未来充满希望。 必修 2 补全句子练习Unit 1 Cultural relics 1. We all _ _ _her for her bravery in the face of danger. 我们都高度赞扬了她面对困难的勇气。 2. Many people went to Australia _ _ _ gold. 很多人去澳大利亚寻找金矿。 3. _ _ _ _ _ he will stay here with us. 毫无疑问,他将和我们一起呆在这儿。 4. What can we do for them _ _ _all the help they have given us

17、? 我们将怎样来报答他们所给予我们的种种帮助呢? 5. China is a developing country _ _ the third world. 中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。 6. This was a time when the two countries were _ _. 这是两个国家交战的时期。 7. When you sleep in the open air, old newspapers can _ _a blanket. 当你在户外睡觉的时候,旧报纸可以充当毯子。 8. The machine has already been _ _. 机器已经被拆开。 9.

18、 The book _ _ _ the children. 这本书专门为小孩设计的。10. _ _ balloons and flags, our school looks very beautiful. 用不同的气球和旗子装饰,我们的学校看起来很漂亮。 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 1. We often use “x” to _ _ an unknown number when doing maths exercises. 当我们做数学题时,我们经常用 X 来代替未知数。 2. He has not only finished his own work, but hel

19、ped others_ _. 他不仅自己完成了他自己的工作,也帮其他人完成了。 3. Women are now taking an active part in social activities. 妇女现在正积极参加社会活动。 4. It was lucky for him to _ _ _ the university he had longed for. 他很幸运被他所渴望的大学所录取了. 5. They will _ _ each other for the champion of the basketball match. 他们相互竞争篮球赛的冠军。 6. Lu Xun is _

20、_ a great writer _ _ a great thinker. 鲁迅不仅是一位伟大的作家,而且是一位伟大的思想家。 7. Mr. Li will be _ _ _ the whole company next month when the manager is away. 下个月经理外出时,由李先生来负责整个公司。 8. Parents _ _ _ for their childrens safety. 父母应该负责子女的安全。 9. He is not fit for the job, so weve employed a new one to _ _ _ him. 他不适合这个

21、工作,我们另雇了一个人来代替他。 10. Some of the students go back home _ _ _ 有些学生每隔两周回一次家。 11. Women _ _ _ _ in modern Olympic Games. 女性在现代奥林匹克运动会中发挥重要作用。 Unit 3 Computers 1. _ _ _, I made up my mind to learn English well. 从那时起,我就下定决心学好英语。 2. Tom was late for school _ _ _the traffic jam. 汤姆因为交通拥堵而迟到。 3. _ _ _my tea

22、mmates , I enjoy staying home reading novels when I am on holiday. 和我的同伴们一样,放假时,我喜欢呆在家里看小说。 4. In my opinion, you should _ _ your child, who often wanders in the streets. 依我看来,你应该看管好你那个孩子,他经常在街上徘徊。 5. This will cost a lot of money, but _ _, it is worth buying a computer for every teacher. 为每位老师购置一台电

23、脑要花费很多钱,但毕竟这很值得。 6. As time_ _, he has changed a lot. 随着时间的流逝, 他已经改变了许多。 7. _ _ _ _the android, it will be unnecessary for humans to do some dangerous work. 在机器人的帮助下,人类没有必要做一些危险的工作。 8. _ _ _, he made a great contribution to our country. 从某种程度上来看,他为我们国家做出了巨大的贡献。 9. He knew how to _ _ all kinds of peo

24、ple. 他知道如何应对各种各样的人。 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 1. He raised his arms to _ his child _ being hurt. 他举起手臂,保护他的孩子免受伤害。 2. When he finished the joke, all the people present _ _ _. 当他说完这个笑话之后,在场的所有人都突然大笑了。 3. Please _ _ _the difference between the two words. 请注意这两个词之间的区别。 4. _ _ he laughed. 他如释重负的笑了。 5.

25、Many workers are_ _ _ losing their jobs. 很多工人面临失去工作的危险。 6. They _ _ _ their enemies. 他们对敌人很仁慈。 7. The students present at the meeting _ _ _ _ his speech. 出席会议的学生都被他的演讲感动了。 8. _ _ these figures,our company is doing well. 根据这些数据,我们公司运作的很好。 9. No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why din

26、osaurs _ _. 没有人能够提出令人信服的解释关于恐龙为什么会灭绝。 10. The astronauts _ _ returning from the moon to the earth according to the plan. 宇航员们按计划成功地从月球返回到地球。 11. Dont disturb her. Just leave her _ _ for a while. 不要去打扰她,让她安静的呆一会。 12. The United Nations _ _ _ when the Second World War ended. 联合国是在第二次世界大战结束后成立的。 13. Pe

27、ople _ _ _ peace. 人们渴望和平。 Unit 5 Music 1. _ _ _, I am quite unsatisfied with my job. 说句实话,我对现在的工作非常不满意。 2. What he cannot stand is that his friends often _ _ _ him. 他所不能忍受的是,他的朋友经常戏弄他。 3. When she was young, she _ _ being a doctor in the future. 当她年轻的时候,她梦想着成为未来成为一名医生。 4. We _ _ _ our English teache

28、r. 我们熟悉我们的英语老师。 5. Their friendship has_ _ . 他们的友谊破裂了。 6. _ _, we should pay more attention to the importance of wildlife protection. 首先,我们应该更加注意野生动植物的保护。 7. There are fifteen students in the classroom. 大约有 15 个学生在教室。 8. I _great importance _ this research. 我认为这项研究很重要。 9. I would appreciate it if yo

29、u paid it_ _. 如果你付现金我将不胜感激。 10. _ _, it harms our health. 此外,它还对我们的健康有损害。 11. We should not always _ _our parents to solve everything for us. 我们不应该老是依赖我们的父母为我们解决一切问题。 必修 1答案 Unit 1 Keys: 1) set down 2) In order to 3) no longer 4) face to face 5) concerned about 6) Add up 7) calmed down 8) on purpose

30、 9) hide away 10) at dusk 11) settled down, has got along well with 12) pack up 13) suffers from 14) a series of 15) has gone throughUnit 2 Keys: 1) the latter 2) plays a part/role in 3) is based on 4) Believe it or not 5) because of 6) At present 7) be made good use of 8) is native to 9) come up 10

31、) A number of, the number of 11) such as 12) requested us to 13) recognize her voice 14) has a good command ofUnit 3 Keys: 1) As usual 2) care about 3) change my mind 4) Finally, give in to 5) made up my mind 6) attitude to/towards 7) have dreamed of/about, ever since 8) is fond of 9) graduated from

32、 10) kind of transport 11) ahead of time 12) persuade him to give up 13) put up 14) that she shouldUnit 4 Keys: 1) It seemed as if 2) burst into tears 3) came to an end 4) in ruins 5) were shocked at 6) as if it was 7) right away 8) came to their rescue/came to rescue them 9) Congratulations on 10)

33、11) were rescued from 12) a large number of 13) More than, were injured 14) Tens of thousands of 15) Judging from Unit 5 Keys: 1) As a matter of fact 2) not up to 3) is willing to, in trouble 4) lose heart 5) blown up 6) out of work, turn to 7) was sentenced to 8) voted for 9) in return for 10) in m

34、emory of 11) came to power 12) escaped being punished 13) devotes, to help 14) of high quality 15) am/become hopeful about必修 2 补全句子参考答案 Unit 1 1. thought highly of 2. in search of 3. There is no doubt that 4. in return for 5. belonging to 6. at war 7. serve as 8. taken apart 9. is designed for 10. D

35、ecorated with Unit 2 1. stand for 2. as well 3. taking an active part 4. be admitted to 5. compete with 6. not only . but also 7. in charge of 8. are responsible for 9. take the place of 10. every two weeks/ every other week/ every other week 11. play an important role Unit 3 1. From then on 2. as a

36、 result of 3. In common with 4. watch over 5. after all 6. went by 7. With the help of 8. In a way 9. deal with Unit 4 1. protect . from 2. burst into laughter/ burst out laughing 3. pay attention to 4. In relief 5. in danger of 6. showed mercy to 7. were deeply affected by 8. According to 9. died out 10. succeeded in 11. in peace 12.came into being 13. are longing for Unit 5 1. To be honest 2. play jokes on 3. dreamt/dreamed of 4. are familiar with 5. broken up 6. Above all 7. or so 8. attach to 9. in cash 10. In addition 11. rely on/depend on

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