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1、In 2022,Hongkong and Macao Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government focused on learning,publicizing,and implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress,addressed Hong Kong and Macao affairs with priorities based on the overall situation,enhanced the coordination of the

2、work,promoted the establishment of the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China,developed channels,made the best of the resources,optimized the cooperation between Chongqing,Hong Kong,and Macao,and served Chongqing in opening up and overall development.2022年,重庆市政府港澳办紧紧围绕学习宣传贯彻

3、党的二十大精神,把握中央港澳工作大局,不断加强全市港澳工作统筹协调,助推中西部国际交往中心建设,拓展渠道、用好资源,努力提升渝港澳合作水平,服务重庆开放发展大局。服务中央港澳工作大局Serving the CPC Central Committee and the Central Government for Hongkong and Macao Affairs围绕中央港澳工作部署,准确贯彻“一国两制”制度,助推港澳融入国家发展大局。定期组织主题活动、主动服务在渝港澳同胞便利化需求,支持渝港澳社团组织壮大发展、发挥凝聚作用。结合香港回归祖国25周年、渝澳大桥通车20周年等,支持在渝举办香港回归

4、25周年主题图片展览、音乐会等系列活动、渝港金融论坛,渝港线上论坛等,促进三地会展、商贸等合作。2022年7月,香港特别行政区成立25周年招待会在重庆举行。推动渝港澳携手 巩固务实合作紧密度Promoting Practical Cooperation Among Chongqing,Hong Kong,and MacaoIn accordance with the central task on Hongkong and Macao affairs,Chongqing upheld the“one country,two systems”principle and promoted the

5、integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the development blueprint of the whole country.Regular themed activities were held to provide convenience for Hong Kong and Macao residents in Chongqing.Efforts were made to support Chongqing,Hong Kong,and Macao organizations to develop,thrive and create syner

6、gy.56 The World and Chongqing 5推动渝港澳携手 巩固务实合作紧密度Promoting Practical Cooperation Among Chongqing,Hong Kong,and Macao2022年11月,庆祝香港回归祖国25周年巡回展在重庆举行。2022年6月,重庆环球金融中心、重庆大剧院、重庆北城天街购物广场点亮“庆祝香港回归祖国25周年”灯光秀。2022年11月,香港电影音乐会在重庆举行。To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hongkongs return to motherland and the 20th

7、 anniversary of the opening of Chongqing-Macao Bridge,Chongqing held a series of activities such as picture exhibition and concert under the theme of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kongs return to motherland,Chongqing-Hong Kong Financial Forum,and Chongqing-Hong Kong Online Forum to promote financial

8、and trade meetings and cooperation between Chongqing,Hong Kong,and Macao.The World and Chongqing 57市政府外办二级巡视员马勇在开幕式上致辞。“渝港澳青少年自然探索大赛作品巡展”等活动反响热烈,促进了三地人文交流和中华文化传承及国际传播。Activities such as Chongqing-Hong Kong-Macau Youth Nature Exploration Competition“Into the Seasons,Love All Creatures”received overwh

9、elming response,which boosted the people-to-people exchanges between three places and the spread of Chinese culture.58 The World and Chongqing 2022年7月,卓佳瑞丰德永华西服务总部落户重庆。2022年7月,香港贸发局中国内地总代表钟永喜一行考察重庆。加强渝港澳务实交流Advancing Practical Cooperation Among Chongqing,Hong Kong,and Macao培育资源、用好资源,搭建交流活动平台、推进科创合作。

10、举办2022川渝港澳青年创新创业联动发展论坛,支持重庆市港澳青年创新创业基地建设。发挥港澳顾问等牵线搭桥作用,支持区县、开发区与港澳企业集聚地建立产业转移合作,促成卓佳瑞丰德永2022川渝港澳青年创新创业联动发展论坛重庆会场。Chongqing made efforts to foster and utilize resources,establish communication platforms,and boost scientific and innovative cooperation.Chongqing held Sichuan-Chongqing-Hongkong-Macao Yo

11、uth Development Forum and supported the establishment of Chongqing-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Innovation Entrepreneurship Base.Chongqing gave full play to Hong Kong and Macao consultants to support districts,counties,and development zones of Chongqing to develop industrial transfer cooperation with indus

12、trial clusters of Hong Kong and Macao companies,and helped establish Richful Deyong West China Service Headquarter.Chongqing promoted exchanges and cooperation with international organizations in scientific innovation and human resources in Hong Kong and Macao,supported the organization of activitie

13、s such as the Chongqing-Hong Kong-Macao Robotics Forum,and enhanced academia-industry cooperation between universities and research institutions in Chongqing,Hong Kong and Macao on specific projects.华西服务总部落户重庆。拓展与在港澳地区的科创、人才等国际组织交流合作,支持举办渝港澳机器人论坛等活动,促进渝港澳高校和研究机构加强产学研具体项目合作。香港特区政府驻重庆联络处第四届西洽会展厅。2022智博会香港展馆。推动渝港澳携手 巩固务实合作紧密度Promoting Practical Cooperation Among Chongqing,Hong Kong,and MacaoThe World and Chongqing 59

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