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1、第五章 参考资料的引证注释和致谢论文正文中的引用格式和规则.1作者/年代引证注释Baken (1967, 1975) goes further yet when he argues for the use of introspection and speculaton as valid aspects of a more complete set of scientific methods.2数字编号引证注释(中文论文最为普遍).2.1基本格式和规则The effects of pitch control on added resistance in waves were aadresssed

2、 in references 1, 3 and 5.2.2特殊数字注释方式:上标数字注释One approach is to work with molecular beams5-7, another is to reduce the gas pressure or speed up the measuring process so that “information from one collision can be extracted before it is disturbed by another.”8.3作者/页号引证注释Many of Daviss persenal trouble

3、s grew out of his health (Catton 121-122; Nevins 3:86-89).参考书目的基本格式和规则(要按照投稿期刊格式要求办)引证注释中常用的缩略语anonanonymous作者不详的b.born出生于copyright版权c., ca.circa, or ”around”(used with dates)约,大约(与日期相连)pare, confer比较,对照,参看ch.,chschapter, chapters章,章(节)col., colscolumn, columns栏d.died卒于,死于diss.dissertation(学位)/论文,研究

4、报告dtd.dated注明日期ed., edn.edition版本,出版ed., eds.editor, editors编者e.g.exempli gratia(“for example”)例如,例et al.et alii, “and others”以及其它等等,等人fig., figseigure, figures(of illustrations)图,图解f.,ff.and the following page, pages下页,以下数页ibid.ibidim(“in the same place”)出处同上i.e.id est(“that is ”)即introd. introduct

5、ion引言l.,ll.line, lines行loc. cit.loco citato(“in the place cited ”; i.e. in the place referred to by another note)在上述引文中MS., Mssmanuscript, manuscripts手稿,底稿,原稿n.note注释,注意N.B. nota bene(“note well”)注意n.d.no date given , not dated无日期,日期不详no., nos,.number, numbers第号n.p.no place given , no place 无(出版)地,(

6、出版)地不详op. cit.opera citato(“in the work cited”; i.e. the work refered to by another note)在前面所引用的书中p., pp.page, pages页,从页至页Passim“throughout the work”各处,随处,处处Pl.,plsplate, plates(of illustrations)(插图)底片,图板q.v.quod vide (“which see”)参见(该条),见(该页)rpt.reprint重印rev.revised修订trans., tr.translated by or tra

7、nslation译,译著v.vide(“see”). 参阅,参见,另见Viz.videlicet(“namely”)即,即是Vol., vols.volume, volumes卷,第卷“致谢”部分的写法.1“致谢”部分在论文中的位置(中英文不同).2“致谢”部分的格式和内容格式:以“ACKNOWLEDGMENTS”开头,然后以1-2个自然段说明作者要感谢的对象以及所受到的任何形式的帮助或资助。内容:-说明作者要感谢的对象; -作者的研究项目曾受到的任何形式的帮助或资助。.3“致谢”部分的常用词和句型.3.1以“acknowledge”为核心的句型acknowledge the contribu

8、tions made by 对所作出的贡献表示感谢acknowledge the assistance ofin 对在(方面)所给予的帮助表示感谢acknowledge the contributions ofin对在(方面)所作出的帮助表示感谢acknowledge the comment and issues raised byonfor感谢在方面所作出的评论和提出的意见,因为acknowledgewho 十分感激,他(们)The contributions of/made byare gratefully acknowledged笔者十分感激所作出的贡献.3.2以“thank”,”grateful”和”indebted”为核心的句型thankfor 为向表示感谢be grateful/indebted tofor 为向表示感谢/感激special thanks go tofor 特别要为而感谢recordthanks towho 表达对的谢意,他(们)Particular thanks are due tofor/who 应该向表示特别的感谢,因为thank who 向表示感谢他(们).3.3以“owe to”为核心的句型owe much to ,who 本文应归功于,他(们)Much indebtedness is owed to,who 应该感谢,他(们)

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