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1、新概念二册Unit 1 (Lesson 124)综合测试题姓名_ 总分_Part one Dictation 30 marks 1. private _ 2. complete _ 3. repeat _ 4. museum _ 5. reason _ 6. public _ 7. amusing _ 8. proud _ 9. landlord _ 10. realize _ 11. beggar _ 12. performance _ 13. 鲜艳的_ 14. 乐器_ 15. 交通_ 16. 允许_ 17. 招手_ 18. 奇怪的_ 19. 场合_ 20. 经历_ 21. 扔、抛_ 22.

2、 现代的_ 23. 发疯_ 24. 服从_ 25. 舞台_ 26. 抓到_ 27. 账单_ 28. 匆忙_ 29. 返回/归还_ 30. 负担得起_Part two Multiple choice 20 marks1. The movie was very_ .She was really _ in it. A. interest; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interest; interests2. Sherry didnt know what to do at the beginn

3、ing; but she made her _ at last.A. decide B. decides C. deciding D. decision3. Jean spent fifty hours _ the book.A. reading B. to read C. in read D. read4. Juan has _ a new bike.A. buy B. buying C. buys D. bought5. There is _ milk in the bottle, but there is _ fly in it.A. a; a B. some, an C. some,

4、a D. any, a6. He _ TV when his father came in.A. was watched B. watching C. was watch D. was watching7. Tony runs fast; Jack runs _ ; Tim runs _.A. faster, fastest B. fast, fast C. fast, faster D. faster, faster8. Helen arrived _ London airport _ the morning of June 7.A. in, on B. at, on C. at, at D

5、. at, in9. We are not _ touch that machine.A. allowed B. allowed to C. allow to D. allowing10. To _ he won the match at last. A. my surprised B. my surprising C. my surprise D. my surprises11. It was _ in Japan. A. make B. made C. makes D. making12. Jerry was a _ man. A. luck B. lucky C. lucking D.

6、lucked13. She _ read fifty poems when she was only five. A. can B. could C. may D. must14. She _ last year. A. give up smoking B. give up smoke C. gave up smoking D. give up smoking15. It _ be my son. He has gone to America. A. must B. mustnt C. can D. cant 16. The cake is made _ flour, butter, eggs

7、 and sugar. A. of B. from C. by D. in17. I dont like them so I bought _ them. A. neither of B. neither C. both of D. both 18. Im sorry sir. The tickets have been sold out. _ A. What a pity! B. Certainly. C. May I have two tickets? D. Youre welcome.19. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday? Ill buy her _.

8、A. something special B. anything special C. special something D. special anything20. Traffic police never let you _ without a ticket. A. go B. to go C. going D. have gonePart three Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions 5 marks1. _ spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.2

9、. Hes lived in the small house _ 30 years.3. Sometimes I think this house will be knocked _ by a passing plane.4. Last week I went to my hometown _ train.5. I met my English teacher _ the way home yesterday.Part four Choose correct word to fill in the blanks 20 marksenjoy spent salary waste appear p

10、olite afford lift proud famous1. It is a _ of time to do that kind of thing.2. She _ five days on the work.3. We waited(等) and waited, but the little mouse didnt _.4. Susan didnt _ _ watching that film.5. John works in a foreign company but he doesnt get a good _ _.6. Chong qing is _ _ for its hot p

11、ot(火锅).7. A young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a _.8. The house is so expensive that Sherry cant _ _ it.9. Sharon is a _ _ girl. She always smiles(微笑) when she speaks to others.10. The boys parents are _ _ of him; he always studies hard .Part five Cloze 15 marksMr. White works in a

12、n office. He liked _1_ in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his eyes and now he has near sight(近视眼). But he wouldnt like anybody else to know about _2_and he never wears a pair of glasses, and it often _3_ him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He _4

13、_the bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to _5_ there. The road to the village wasnt smooth(平坦). He fell over(摔倒了) some times and it made his clothes dirty. When he_6_ got to the village, it began to blow(刮风) and it got _7_. He was looking for the school while his _8_was blown off(吹走了). He be

14、gan to run after it but he couldnt get it. He couldnt understand why his hat ran into a house as if(就像,好像) it had _9_. And he ran into the house, too.A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, _10_are you running after my hen(鸡) for?Choose the best answer according to the passage1. A. reading B. danci

15、ng C. singing D. writing2. A. these B those C. them D. it3. A. follows B takes C. brings D. carries4. A. took off B got off C. got on D. come on5. A. ride B drive C. walk D. fly6. A. at first B .at home C. at times D. at last7. A. hotter B. warmer C. colder D .cooler8. A. clothes B. bag C. hat D. gl

16、asses9. A. legs B. hands C. shoes D. arms10. A. What B. Why C. Which D. WhoPart six Readings 20 marks (A)Some ants(蚂蚁) make their homes under a stone(石头). If the weather is warm, you may see many ants under the stone. If the weather is cold, many ants will be in their house under the ground(地面).Most

17、 of the ants are workers. They are very busy. They look for food and take care of the young ants. Each family of ants has a queen ant. The queen ant doesnt work. She is important because she lays eggs(产卵). Those eggs will become baby ants.There are many kinds of ants in America. One kind of these is

18、 very strong. People are afraid of it, and animals are afraid of it, too.These ants move in groups. They eat all the animals on their way. They can kill and eat elephants, and they can eat wooden houses. When the ants come near, people leave their homes. But people are sometimes glad after the ants

19、pass through(通过,经过), because they will see no other insects(昆虫) or snakes.1. Where can you find ants on warm days? _A. Under the ground. B. On the ground.C. Inside peoples houses. D. Under a stone.2. Why is a queen ant more important than a worker ant? Because _A. a queen ant produces(生产) the youngB

20、. a queen ant is stronger than all the other family membersC. a queen ant finds food for all the other family membersD. a queen ant does more work than all the other family members3. Where can you find many kinds of ants according to the passage?_A. In America. B. In China.C. In Canada. D. In Britai

21、n.4. Why are people glad after the dangerous ants pass through? _A. Because they are gone B. Because they are not dangerous any moreC. Because there are no other insects or snakes D. Because the ants can be eaten5. Which of the following is true? _A. People are not afraid of any kind of ant.B. Big a

22、nimals are not afraid of any kind of ant.C. An elephant can kill and eat a kind of very strong ant.D. One kind of ants moves in groups. (B) Tom Green spent his 114th birthday the other day and some reporters visited him to find out the secret(秘密) of a long life. “The secret of a long life is happine

23、ss,” Green said. “If you are happy, you will live a long time.”“Are you married?” a reporter asked. “Yes,” Green answered. “I married my third wife when I was 102. If you are happily married, you will live better. But for my third wife, I would have died years ago.”“What about smoking and drinking?”

24、 another reporter asked. “Yes, they are important,” Green said. “Dont smoke at all and you will feel well. Drink two glasses of wine(酒) a day and you will be healthy and happy. ”1.Some reporters visited Green because_A. he did something peculiarB. he was a friend of themC. he had lived much longer t

25、han most peopleD. he had married three times2. Green thought that was the most important to life. _A. his third wifeB. gladC. happinessD. smoking 3.Green thought his third wife helped him to live _ years longer. A.12B.14C.16D.18 4. The writer wants to tell us _ A. drinking a lot is good for our heal

26、th B. drinking within a limit(限制) is helpful C. smoking is good to health D. we should give up smoking or drinking.5. The best title(标题) for this passage is _A. Drinking and SmokingB. The Secret of a Long LifeC. Happiness in Life D. Astonished(令人感到惊讶的) ReportersPart seven Translations 20 marks 1. La

27、st year, however, the airport came into use. _. 2. I hurried to the ticket office. _. 3. She must be at least thirty-five years old. _. 4. He always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. _. 5. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. _.新概念二册Unit 1 (Lesso

28、n 124)综合测试题(答案)Part one Dictation 30 marks (答案略,参照书本)Part two Multiple choice 20 marks1-5:CDADC 6-10:DABBC 11-15:BBBCD 16-20:BAAAAPart three Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions 5 marks1. In 2. for 3. down 4. by 5. on21、人们发现银河系以外还有类似银河系一样庞大的恒星集团,如:仙女座星系、猎犬座星系,目前人类已发现了超过100亿个河外星系。Part four Cho

29、ose correct word to fill in the blanks 20 marks1. waste 2. spent 3. appear 4. enjoy 5. salary 答:月相从新月开始,然后是峨眉月、上弦月、满月、下弦月、峨眉月。6. famous 7. lift 8. afford 9. polite 10. proud11、在淡水资源短缺的情况下,水污染更给人类和其他生物造成了威胁。绝大多数的水污染都是由人类的活动引起的。Part five Cloze 15 marks8、地球自转一周的时间是一天;地球公转一周的时间是一年;月球公转一周的时间是农历一个月。1-5: A

30、DCBC 6-10: DCCAA1、说说你身边物质变化的例子。Part six Readings 20 marks (A) 1-5: DAACD (B) 1-5: CCABB答:连接北斗七星勺形前端的两颗星,并将连线向勺口方延长约5倍远,处于此位置的那颗星就是北极星。Part seven Translations 20 marks 10、由于人口迅速增长、环境污染和全球气候变暖,世界人均供水量自1970年以来开始减少,而且持续下降。 1. 但是去年这个机场投入使用了。7、对于生活中的一些废弃物,我们可以从垃圾中回收它们并重新加工利用。这样做不但能够减少垃圾的数量,而且能够节省大量的自然资源。 2. 我匆匆赶到售票处4、“我迈出了一小步,但人类迈出了一大步。”这句话是阿姆斯特朗说的。 3. 她至少也有35岁了21、血液中的细胞好像运输兵,负责运输吸入的氧气和产生的二氧化碳。 4. 他总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还 5. 他告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支

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