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1、经贸英语经贸英语经经 贸贸 英英 语语E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语经贸英语经贸英语Warming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123Reading B5Writing6Project7Vocabulary and Structure8Unit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语Warming-upTask 1 The following logos represent four major banks whose services are available in China.

2、Please find out from the following table the full name for each,and talk about the banks.Unit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语Huaxia BankChina Merchants BankBank of CommunicationsCitibankThe Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking CorporationBank of BeijingIndustrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaChina Construction Bank华夏银行华

3、夏银行招商银行招商银行交通银行交通银行花旗银行花旗银行汇丰银行汇丰银行北京银行北京银行中国工商银行中国工商银行中国建设银行中国建设银行经贸英语经贸英语Warming-upHomeTask 2 Banks play a very important role in paying in international trade.The following are the main business banks deal in.Which business are you familiar with?Which business do you think is related to payment i

4、n international trade?Unit 5 PaymentDepositCollectionInvestmentWithdrawal LoanRemittance Credit Card经贸英语经贸英语HomeReading ATextTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Background InformationUnit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语Background Information Risk is the primary concern in payment in international trade.Both the exporter and

5、the importer face risks because of the characteristics of international trade.So business people adopt various terms of payment according to how much risk is involved.Each party seeks a term that is favorable to him or her but that the other party will also accept.To avoid possible financial losses,

6、both the seller and the buyer must understand the various methods;otherwise,he or she may accept a method of payment that is riskier or more expensive.And as a result,cost may offset the profit.Back经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATask 1 Before reading the passage,see how much you know about payment in internationa

7、l trade by answering the following questions.BackUnit 5 Payment1.What are the risks that dealers may be faced with in international payment?2.Which method of payment is the safest for either the seller or the buyer in your opinion?Cheatthe seller makes the shipment but is never able to receive the p

8、ayment,or thebuyer makes the payment with the goods never received;financial lossesthe buyer receives the shipment or the seller receives the payment later than the date stated in the contract;disputethe buyer receives the shipment but claims the goods are inferior or not in compliance with the cont

9、ract,for which the seller holds different ideas.For the seller,the safest method of payment is cash in advance,or telegraphic transfer;for the buyer,the safest method of payment is cash on delivery.经贸英语经贸英语Payment in International Trade 翻译 声音 There are many ways of payment in international trade.The

10、 three modes of payment usually used are Remittance,Collection and Letter of Credit.Remittance includes Telegraphic Transfer(T/T),Mail Transfer(M/T),Demand Draft(D/D).Among the three ways,T/T is fast and safe,but at higher cost;M/T is slower,but at lower cost;D/D is suitable for cash on delivery tra

11、de.Sometimes,the importer requests payment to be made by collection through banks under the terms of Documents Against Payment(D/P)or Documents Against Acceptance(D/A).In practice,payment by collection should be accepted with much care.It is usually used when the financial status of the importer is

12、sound or when the exporter wishes to improve the sale of his/her goods.Otherwise,the more preferable payment is the Letter of Credit(L/C).Reading AUnit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语 国际贸易中的支付方式有很多种。三种经常使用的方式包括国际贸易中的支付方式有很多种。三种经常使用的方式包括汇付、托收和信用证。汇付、托收和信用证。汇付包括电汇、信汇和票汇。其中,电汇快捷安全,但是费汇付包括电汇、信汇和票汇。其中,电汇快捷安全,但是费用较高;信汇

13、速度略慢,但费用也略低;票汇适用于货到付款的用较高;信汇速度略慢,但费用也略低;票汇适用于货到付款的贸易方式。贸易方式。有时,进口商会根据付款交单或承兑交单的条款要求银行采有时,进口商会根据付款交单或承兑交单的条款要求银行采取托收的方式。实际上,采用托收方式时要非常小心,通常在进取托收的方式。实际上,采用托收方式时要非常小心,通常在进口商的财务状况非常好或者出口商期望增加销售额的时候才会采口商的财务状况非常好或者出口商期望增加销售额的时候才会采用,否则,更有利的付款方式是采用信用证。用,否则,更有利的付款方式是采用信用证。经贸英语经贸英语 翻译Reading A L/C is a guaran

14、tee given by the importers bank that it will pay for the goods exported,provided that the exporter can provide a given set of documents in accordance with clauses in the L/C.L/C provides protection for both importer and exporter.Most L/Cs are irrevocable once the importer has had them sent,which mea

15、ns it cannot be changed unless both the importer and the exporter agree.The most popular type of L/C is Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit.Usually a L/C must be established and reach the exporter one month prior to the time of shipment,so as to give the exporter enough time to prepare the goods

16、for shipment.Though there is no uniform format for a L/C,the following main items shall be stated in a L/C:statements about the parties concerned,required documents to be sent with the draft and other necessary terms.On receiving the L/C,the exporter should make a thorough examination to see if all

17、the stipulations in the L/C are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.If not,the exporter should require the importer to make immediate amendments.Unit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语 信用证是买方银行所作的为出口的商品付款的承诺,前提是信用证是买方银行所作的为出口的商品付款的承诺,前提是出口商能够提供与信用证中条款规定相一致的单据。信用证对进出口商能够提供与信用证中条款规定相一致的单据。信用证对进出口双方都提供了保


19、主要项目必须包括其中:有关各方的描述、要求与汇票同时发出的单据以及其他必要条款。时发出的单据以及其他必要条款。收到信用证后,出口商应立即对信用证的条款仔细核对,确收到信用证后,出口商应立即对信用证的条款仔细核对,确保其与合同中规定的条款完全一致。如有不同,出口商应该要求保其与合同中规定的条款完全一致。如有不同,出口商应该要求进口商马上进行修改。进口商马上进行修改。Back经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATask 2 Read the passage.Choose from the following words or phrases and fill in the appropriate b

20、oxes.Unit 5 Paymentmostly adopted modes of payment:ways of collection:ways of remittance:parties involved in payment in international trade:letter of credit,confirmed irrevocable letter of credit;remittance;collectiondocuments against payment;documents against acceptancetelegraphic transfer;demand d

21、raftexporters bank;importers bank;exporter;importer Back经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATask 3 Read the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.Collection should be carefully adopted if the importer is not very clear about the exporters financial status.2.Collection is le

22、ss favorable to the buyer than to the seller.3.Letter of Credit is issued by the buyer to the seller to ensure the buyer receives the payment.4.Confirmed Letter of Credit means it can not be changed once the importer has had it sent.5.Stipulations in Letter of Credit should strictly conform to the t

23、erms of the contract.F FF FF FF FT T BackUnit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语Reading ATask 4 The reading passage has shown different ways of payment.Summarize the differences among them.Suppose if you are a buyer,what is your choice?And what if you are a seller?Explain the reasons for your choice.BackUnit 5 Payme

24、nt经贸英语经贸英语HomeTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5ListeningUnit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 1 Grace Hilton is phoning George Miller to ask about the mode of payment.Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.声音Grace Hilton:Hello,Mr.Miller.This is Grace Hilton from High Land Co

25、rporation.We have read about your 1 2 and found some items particularly interesting.George Miller:Thats good news.We will be willing to work with you to 3 4 5 there.Grace Hilton:Now Id like to discuss with you the mode of payment.George Miller:Well,Ms.Hilton,we require 6 7 8 ,T/T,for newcustomers.Gr

26、ace Hilton:That is a bit stiff,Im afraid.Its hard for us to accept.George Miller:Im sorry.But our company 9 10 that.productcatalogdevelopUnit 5 Paymentthemarketpaymentinadvanceinsiston经贸英语经贸英语Script BackGeorge Miller:Parker Electronics.George Miller is speaking.What can I do for you?Grace Hilton:Hel

27、lo,Mr.Miller.This is Grace Hilton from High Land Corporation.We have read about your product catalog and found some items particularly interesting.We are quite confident that they will be readily accepted on the market here.George Miller:Thats good news.We will be willing to work with you to develop

28、 the market there.Grace Hilton:Now Id like to discuss with you the mode of payment.George Miller:Well,Ms.Hilton,we require payment in advance,T/T,for new customers.Grace Hilton:That is a bit stiff,Im afraid.Its hard for us to accept.George Miller:Im sorry.But our company insists on that.Grace Hilton

29、:Mm In that case,I have to talk to my boss before making the decision.George Miller:I shall be waiting for your good news.经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 2 Louis is phoning Edison to have a further discussion about the mode of payment.Listen to the conversation and match the people with the correct informatio

30、n.声音plan to import boards from Vision ElectronicsUnit 5 Paymentprefer D/P as the mode of paymentput forward the solution of paying by M/Tdecide to arrange for the shipment after receiving the faxa little hesitant because M/T takes longer time than T/T经贸英语经贸英语Script BackEdison:Edison from Vision Elec

31、tronics.How can I help you?Louis:Hello,Edison.This is Louis.Im calling to talk about the payment terms for the boards we are planning to import from your company.Edison:Then whats your decision?Louis:You know,we prefer D/P,but you insist on T/T.If we both stick to our own decisions,our cooperation w

32、ould be impossible.Since the amount of this transaction is not very big,were thinking about M/T,which is as safe as T/T,but will save us quite some money.Edison:M/T?Wont it take too much time?Louis:Dont worry.I will make the payment in advance and have the mail sent byCitibank 15 days before your sh

33、ipment.Edison:Sounds not bad.Please fax us the notification as soon as you finish thepayment so that I can arrange for the shipment.Louis:OK.Thank you very much.经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 3 Ms.Zhang is meeting Victor to discuss the mode of payment.Listen to the conversation and decide whether the followi

34、ng statements are true(T)or false(F).声音 1.Victor represents the buyer of the bicycles.2.Ms.Zhang visits to talk about the terms of payment.3.Its the first time that Ms.Zhang deals with Victor.4.Victor considers opening a letter of credit too troublesome.5.Ms.Zhang thinks payment in advance is not a

35、favorable condition for old clients.6.Ms.Zhang and Victor finally agree on confirmed irrevocable letter of credit as the mode of payment.TTFTFTUnit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语Script BackVictor:Ms.Zhang,we have reached an agreement on the price of your bicycles.Now shall we talk about the terms of payment?Ms.Z

36、hang:Sure.Thats exactly the purpose of my coming here today.What do you think of the way of payment in advance,just the same as last time?Victor:Payment in advance?Thats impossible!We accepted this mode last time just because you insisted that it is your requirement for starting business with new cl

37、ients.Now that we have had successful cooperation,we are no longer your new client.Dont you think it is reasonable for you to offer favorable conditions to old clients?Ms.Zhang:Dont worry,Victor.If you dont accept that mode,confirmed irrevocable letter of credit is also acceptable.Victor:Does it hav

38、e to be in this way?You see,opening a letter of credit causes great trouble,and it will also add to our cost.Ms.Zhang:Im sorry,but it is the most I can do.Whats more,I think it is good protection for both of us.Victor:Well,all right.I accept it经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 4 Frank is receiving a phone call

39、from Anna.Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.声音amendment to the L/CUnit 5 Payment1.Anna is calling to ask for No.665.2.There are two discrepancies between the L/C stipulations and the terms in the contract:First,;second,.3.Frank promises to submit an application for

40、m to and asks for as soon as possible.the drawee of the draft should be“Millen Bank”,not“Millen Corp.”the port of destination should be changed from“Boston”to“New York”the issuing bankamendment to the L/C经贸英语经贸英语Script BackAnna:This is Anna calling from Unicom,China.May I speak to Frank?Frank:Hello,

41、Anna.This is Frank speaking.What can I do for you?Anna:Im calling to require amendment to the L/C No.665.Frank:Whats the matter with it?Anna:After going over the L/C clauses,we have found some discrepancies between your L/C stipulations and the terms of our sales contract.So we request you to amend

42、the L/C accordingly so that we can execute our contract smoothly.Frank:Would you please give me more details?Anna:Sure.First of all,the drawee of the draft should be“Millen Bank”,not“MillenCorp.”;secondly,the port of destination should be changed from“Boston”to“New York”.Frank:I have been clear abou

43、t the discrepancies.I feel so sorry and will submit an application form to the issuing bank asking for amendment in accordance with your request.Anna:Thanks for your cooperation.经贸英语经贸英语ListeningTask 5 The following conversation is about the extension of L/C.Listen to the conversation and answer the

44、 following questions.声音Unit 5 Payment1.What products are Andy and Ellen talking about?2.What is the problem Ellen is facing?3.What is Ellen requesting Andy to do?4.When will Ellens company have the goods sent?Air conditioners.Her company is not able to have the goods shipped at the time agreed.To ex

45、tend the L/C.In the early next month.经贸英语经贸英语Script BackEllen:Hello,Andy,Id like to talk to you about the L/C No.1298.Andy:I think you have received it and we did get your confirmation.Any problem with it?Ellen:Nothing wrong with it.Its us.Im sorry to tell you that we are unable to get the goods you

46、 ordered ready by the end of this month.Andy:Thats just too bad!If you cannot have the goods sent by the end of this month,we will miss the best sales time.You know,air conditioners are seasonal.Ellen:Im so sorry.Thats just come up really unexpectedly.And we will try our best to get the shipment rea

47、dy as early as possible.In fact,it is expected that the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early next month.Andy:You have to make sure that it cannot be later than that.Ellen:Thats for sure.I believe you will extend the shipment date of your L/C to July 10 and validity to July 30 to enabl

48、e us to effect the shipment in question,will you?Andy:OK.I will make arrangement for it.We have been cooperating well for quite a long time.For our long-term cooperation,I do hope this wont happen again.Ellen:I can assure you that.Thank you very much.经贸英语经贸英语HomeTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4SpeakingUnit

49、5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语SpeakingTask 1 Work in pairs.Make sentences by choosing relevant information in each box.Unit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语Speaking BackUnit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语SpeakingTask 2 Work in pairs.Suppose the representative of Sunshine is negotiating the terms of payment with the manager of Australian Wo

50、olen Products(AWP).Practice making a conversation.Some useful expressions are provided for your reference.sampleUnit 5 Payment经贸英语经贸英语 BackSampleA:We are very interested in the woolen blankets listed in the catalog.Shall we discuss terms of payment?B:Sure.We require T/T.A:Well,that term is really ha

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