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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第6页 共6页Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications.Device Name: Milk Aseptic Processing Equipment.Amount: Two set. The required list of goods:nameProcessing capacityquantityMilk Aseptic Processing Equipment6.0t/hTwo set *1. Milk UHT processing and aseptic b

2、uffer equipment should include the following: l UHT aseptic system.l Proper automatic control system and stable power distribution system.l Energy pipes connected with equipment.l Signal wires connected with the pretreatment and the filler.l Product pipes and CIP pipe connected with the aseptic fill

3、er.2. The bidder should also provide spares, spare parts and special maintenance tools for single equipment required by equipment running 6000hrs. The list should mark the number, amount and unit-price of spare parts. 3. The domestic matching equipment should independently list the name, type, manuf

4、acturer and price of equipment. And the quality standard of the manufacturers should be the same as import equipments.4. The project includes all of design, supply, installation, commissioning of equipment and personal training. It also includes the equipment of supply, matching installation materia

5、l, piping engineering, supports, valves, spare parts and special tools. Electrical system, control system, meters, supports of cables and piping matching with the design of supply should be also included in bidding document.5. All of the brands, the using indication and the warning labels of equipme

6、nt and its auxiliary equipment should be expressed by English or Chinese and common signs.6. The exterior packaging should be anti-wear, protection against the tide, rust & shock, and protection against the rude loading & unloading. And it should apply to the whole hoist and transport in long distan

7、ce.7. Delivery place:add: the site of installation of baotou - yili dairy co. ltdXitu Technical development district, baotou, Inner Mongolia ProvinceDate: The bidder should finish the supply, installation ,debugging& commissioning of the system and the total schedule of the testing run before Dec. 2

8、0, 2002,and begin to process aseptic test from Jan.1,2003 . The bidder should also make a plan about engineering in detail and provide it in the bidding document.Design base:*2.1. The production line of UHT should be automatic control. The 6t/h homogenizer should be frequency conversion control and

9、non-aseptic. And there is deaeration equipment. *2.2. During designing, it should be considered that the cooling water of equipments must be cycled, not allow to be directly discharged.*2.3. That have been mentioned equipments must be complied with the requirement of international food hygienic stan

10、dard and environmental protection code. The bidders should list the international standard and environmental protection code that has been adopted in the bid documentation.*2.4. To produce pure milk mainly. Technical Specifications:1.UHT System:*1.1.Capacity: 6t/h frequency conversion control.1.2.Pa

11、steurization temperature: 137,4s and 120,30s1.3.Two stage homogenizer: non-aseptic, continuous working pressure 250bar1.4.Deaeration equipment: level fluctuation is less than 1% and the temperature drop is 4-7.1.5.Exchanger: Efficiency of exchanging heat: 90%1.6.Aseptic rate: 1/109, attaining the re

12、quirement of commercial sterility1.7.Mild exchange heat and less retaining on the wall: Having produced pure milk product(dry matter12.5% ) for 10 hours, then cleaning. After cleaning, it can go on producing for above 8 hours.1.8.Having flow-meter (feed liquid, hot water)1.9.Having a phase of protei

13、n stabilization (recommended 90 120s).1.10.Having signal feedback for valves.1.11.Using water cycle for cooling equipment.1.12.Being fed by product pump of the pretreatment of UHT, and the indication of asking for feed to pretreatment.1.13.Cleaning plant: self-take cleaning system, acid-alkali liqui

14、d automatic batching, automatic procedure cleaning and the concentration of cleaning solution detecting in line.2.Automatic Control: 2.1.UHT system adopts OP37 or equivalent touch-screen operation interface to being controlled on site. And the operation interface can been shifted between English and

15、 Chinese. 2.2.Software and hardware can be upgraded, which have the compatibility to other system, the program can been modified online, in terms of production processing change. 2.3.All the electric components must be used that come from the world famous brands e.g. Siemens (including I/O panel in

16、site). Measure meters must be used famous products(i.e.E+H).the motor must be used Siemens or ABB. The transmitter must be used Danfoss or Siemen or the other famous products. 2.4.Diagram in control interface must be similar to production processing. All functional butters in the diagram should be r

17、easonably designed for easy operation. All the parameters must display with measure units. In according to management, operation and maintenance, there should be password protection in different layers & droit in operation interface. 2.5.The data of all examinations should enter the database and can

18、 enter the buyers net, and can show and print the information on UHT(including production, stop, cleaning, disinfect and yield) on the computer of the buyer. Temperature, pressure and flux of the main parts deposit into the database for at least three days, and the curve is recorded at 500MS. 2.6.Af

19、ter the commissioning of the software, all the systematic software and application software should be formed in disc to be given the buyer. and relative operation manuals or the specification on usage should be given at the same time. 2.7.No mentioned items should be according to principle of the qu

20、ality first and performance best. The processing design should be considered energy save and low cost product. .The seller duty( Besides above mentioned scope of supply, the seller should also undertake the following duty): 1.Supplying public services information: The seller should provide detail in

21、formation on required volume and load of public services. After signing the contract, the seller should refer the requirement of power entry line and energy pipeline size installed by the buyer within two weeks. 2.Unloading and storing of equipments: The seller should undertake to unload, store and

22、take care of equipments during equipments arrival on spot or before and installation. 3.Undertaking installation and commissioning of equipments, and affording all costs caused by installation and commissioning of equipment. 4.Providing all specific tools, apparatus and specific elevating plants nee

23、ded by installation and commissioning of factory. All costs caused by the mentioned are borne by the seller. 5.In terms of the buyer defining public engineering interface (with layout drawing), providing pipe, valve, filter, pressure gauge, thermometer and flow meter required by the public engineeri

24、ng connected with equipment. 6.Being responsible for designing and constructing the connection of product pipe between the former and later stage. And providing fitting and valves required. The waste water which equipment discharge should be drained through the stainless steel tube. 7. Materials of

25、installation: 7.1.All the pipelines contacting with concentrate acid & alkali and the products adopt 316L or the same material quality stainless steel ,the other pipelines brackets adopt 304L or the stainless steel of the same material quality. 7.2.All the electric cables and signal wires adopt the

26、plastic insulation with the features of preventing acid, alkali, antiseptic. The wires groove must be stainless steel plate enclosure structure(the thickness is above 1.5mm ). 7.3.The insulating layer of the pipelines needed heat preservation has good features and meets the requirement of the food f

27、actory. The skin adopts the stainless steel plate(the thickness is above 0.5mm ). 7.4.All the materials for installing must have the place of production, the certification and specification of the material quality.8. Testing equipment: the seller should provide the testing equipment and ensure the u

28、sability at site of the testing equipment while reasoning whether plant equipment satisfies the requirement and parameters as stipulated in the contract and/or standard.9. Site project manager: the seller should send project manager to the site and inform the buyer. He/She should have enough rights

29、as the representative of the seller to issue and receive related command and direction, put forward advice and suggestion, and do the associatively site checking. The seller should ensure that its adjusting representative be at site from the beginning of the installation to the end of the test-run.1

30、0. Package and transportation: the seller choosing the packing size and weight should consider the way of transportation and local transportation system.11. After-Sales service:11.1.There are service engineer to offer free-charge tracing services for at least one year after the equipment is acceptab

31、le.11.2.After the seller sells equipment to the buyer, the buyer only is responsible for daily maintenance. The seller should be responsible for big examination of equipment and making a 1000-hour plan of maintenance and reparation of equipments. After the pre-dating expire, both of them should sign

32、 another agreement about maintenance, service and taking care.11.3.After the seller receives a maintenance announcement from the buyer, if it can be solved by telephone or fax, solving by telephone or fax must be solved within 24 hours. If not, the seller must send qualified engineers to the spot to

33、 repair them within 48 hours.11.4.The seller should in time provide the information of domestic manufacturers that make spare parts and daily consumable material used for equipments during operating equipments.11.5. Personal training: The seller should train the operators in the plant of the buyer a

34、t plant site. Site training: detail description of the operation and maintenance method, demonstration of adjustment and control of equipment, provision of training information. And the formal training class is no less than 36 hours. Drawing and documentation (The bid documentation delivered by the

35、seller should include the following Chinese-English documentations):1. Design specifications.2. The layout of equipments: showing the operation of equipments and the space of maintenance.3. Process diagram: displaying all control points and meters.4.The requirement of energy consumption and energy q

36、uality.5. Technical specification: describing performance, material, standard, type and home of providing equipments (The appearances mark measure accuracy). All equipment should have product sample, and define its specification, the place and the size of pipe nozzle connected with water、electric、st

37、eam、cool and compressed air.6. The schedule of enforcing project: The seller should provide the schedule of enforcing project in day unit.7. When the contract comes into force, the seller should provide proper document information on equipment: specifications, certification for leaving factory, main

38、tenance manuals, spare parts manuals and electrical manuals within two months. All of the documents should be 3 copies in Chinese and English respectively. Acceptable standards:1. Installation/commissioning /acceptation of equipment:1.1. The installation/commissioning /acceptation of equipments shou

39、ld be accomplished before Dec. 20, 2002,and begin to process aseptic test from Jan.1,2003. And the loss of milk is lower than regulated value in the contract. The seven-day holding test for product meet the requirement of commercial sterility. The equipments should run correctly during full-load tes

40、ting run in continuous three days from Jan.10,2003.1.2. If the first test is delayed caused by the buyer, the date of test should postpone. If the interval of testing run is cause by supply of energy, the loss is borne by the buyer, and organizing the second trial run. If the equipment trouble cause

41、s not to continuously run or not to accept the checked product, the caused loss is borne by the seller, and the seller undertakes all costs caused.1.3. No more than 10 days between the two testing runs.1.4. If the second testing run is still not accepted, there will be penalty according to the contr

42、act terms. 2. The performance of single equipment should attain all regulated parameters in the contract, and energy consumption id no more than regulated index. 3. The melting interface of pipeline is smooth and flat. The connection of all pipelines should meet the requirement of non-leak, clean, s

43、anitary, no dead corner and easy cleaning. 4. The information on all equipments should be all complete and not leak. 5. The amount, standard, type and home of all equipments, apparatus and instruments should meet the regulated requirements in the contract. 6. The full-load testing run of the whole line and all parameters should meet the requirements in the contract.第 6 页 共 6 页

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