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1、商务英语电话预约常用句型喂,李先生。何事可以为您效劳? Hello. Mr. Li. What can I do for you? 我想和您约个时间,讨论一下我们的合同。 Id like to make an appointment with you to discuss our contract. / I want to make an appointment with you to discuss our contract. 好的。你想今天来吗? Good. Do you want to come today? 是的,如果可以的话。 Yes, if thats possible. 我看一下

2、 Let me see . 我查一下我的曰程表。 Let me cheek my schedule . 好,我整个下午都有空。 Yes, Im free all afternoon. 太好了。我1点钟来行吗? That sounds good. Shall I come at one? 何不中午来,我们一起吃饭? Why dont you come at noon and well have lunch together? 好,那么十二点钟见。 Fine. Ill see you at twelve then. 好的。到时候见。 Good. See you then. 2商务 英语口语 之如何

3、进行 预约 重点词汇和句型 1. fix安排,决定(某事) 2. fix a meeting 安排会谈 3. manage 设法做到 4. How s everything going? 你好吗?(问候语) 5. Im phoning to . 我打 是想 6. Im phoning about. 我打 是关于的事情。 7. Id like to . 我想 用 预约,虽然依据状况差异,表达的重点也不同,但基本应该注意到以下三点原则: 1、正确介绍自己的姓名,并获知对方姓名; 2、要询问希望与谁会面,并且把意思正确传达给对方; 3、要传达或询问约定的时间与场所。 如果掌握了上述三点原则,再铭记一

4、些基本句型,你就能流利地用英语打预约 了。我们先来听听Mr. Smith 是怎样运用上面三个基本原则的吧。 Operator: Person and Brown. Can I help you? Mr. Smith: This is Gerald Smith from Taylor Sons. Could I speak to Mrs. Phillips. Operator: Just a moment, Mr. Smith, Ill put you through. Mrs. Phillips: Susan Philips Speaking. Mr. Smith: Hello, Susan.

5、 This is Gerald Smith. Mrs. Phillips: Oh hello, Gerald. How are you? Mr. Smith: Fine. Im just phoning to see if we could fix a meeting for next week. 听完这段对话,我们可以了解到Susan Philips和Mr. Smith早已互相熟悉了,因为他们在对话中用了Hello这个比较随便的问候语。 请注意,这里Susan并没有直接问Mr. Smith打 的目的,而是先用How are you? 问候Mr. Smith。这是由于在 交谈中,如果双方互相熟

6、识,最好顺便问候一下对方近况。 3商务英语对话句型之秘书 预约 我这周行程很紧。 Ive a very tight schedule this week. 只有周六下午3:00-4:00有空。 Im only available at 3:00-4:00 this Saturday afternoon./I can squeeze him into my schedule at 3:00 -4 00 this Saturday afternoon . 抱歉,我老板周六下午不方便,他要出-差,是否可能安排其他时间? Im sorry my boss is unavailable this Sat

7、urday afternoon as he will be out of town on a business trip ,Would it be possible to schedule the appointment for some other time? 很抱歉,那是我惟一有空的时间,我周日就要离开这里,如果你们无法前来,恐怕只好等我下次来再碰面了。 Im sorry thats the only time Im available. And Ill be leaving here this Sunday. you couldnt come, Im afraid youll have

8、to wait until my next trip here. 对不起,我老板这次无法和您会面,希望不会造成您的不便,如果您不介意,或许我可以代表他到饭店和您会谈。 Im sorry my boss couldnt meet you this time. I hope it wont cause you any in- convenience. However if you dont mind, maybe Ill take his place to meet you at your hotel. 可以,没问题。我周六下午3:00等你。 Thats all right. No problem

9、. Ill be expecting you this Saturday at 3 p. m. 谢谢您的谅解,周六见。 Thanks for your understanding. See you on Saturday. 4商务 英语交流中常用句型和注意事项 如果你和大多数的英语学习者一样,会觉得用英语打 很难。但如果你必须要在海外旅行或在外国公司工作的话,能使用 英语是必必须的。因此如何克服通向英语流利程度的最后一道坎呢?使用以下的短语或技巧为任何 情景做准备。 If youre like most English learners, you find it difficult to ma

10、ke phone calls in English. But if youre traveling abroad or working in a foreign company, using English on the phone is essential. So how do you conquer this last obstacle to fluency? Prepare yourself for any telephone situation with the following phrases and techniques. Introductions 介绍你自己 以自我介绍开始

11、交谈:Hello, this is Peter Jones.,如果你在接 的时候对方没有说明他是谁,你可以说:May I ask whos calling, please?。 Start any telephone conversation by introducing yourself: Hello, this is Peter Jones. If you answer the phone and the caller fails to identify himself, you can say: May I ask whos calling, please? Asking for some

12、one / Making a request 表达意图 如果你打 给特定的某个人的话,那么你得用礼貌的问句来表达意图,例如:May I speak to Rachel Smith, please?,当你只知道分机号码却不知道人名的时候你可以说:Could I have extension number 635?。但如果打 是有特定的目的,那最好是这么说:Im calling to make a reservation.。 If youre calling to talk to a specific person, then phrase your request as a polite que

13、stion, e.g. May I speak to Rachel Smith, please? When you have an extension number but no name you can say: Could I have extension number 635? But if youre calling with a specific purpose, then a statement works best: Im calling to make a reservation. Holding and transferring 转接 Please hold是 语言中表示等一

14、下。当你必须要transferred(转接)到另一部分机,你常会听到:Connecting your call.或Please hold, Ill transfer you.。如果你是在繁忙时段拨打某公司 的话,你可能会听到简短的一句话:Hello, please hold!。在接线员将你转到另一条线之前。 Please hold is telephone language for just a moment. When you need to be transferred (connected) to another extension youll often hear: Connectin

15、g your call. or Please hold, Ill transfer you. If you call a business at a busy time, you might hear only a brief, Hello, please hold! before the operator switches over to another line. Leaving a message 英语留言 当你打 的对象不在或不能接听 时,准备好留言。你可以使用v o i c ema i l (电子录音系统) 或一部answering machine(在磁带上录音的一种机器)。如果你正

16、和接线员讲话的话,他们会问:Would you like to leave a message?,或者你可以说:May I leave a message?。如果想要对方回 的话,千万别忘了留你的 号码。这被称作call back number。 When the person youre calling isnt available, be prepared to leave a message. You might use voicemail (a digital voice recording system) or an answering machine (a machine that

17、 records messages onto a tape). If youre talking to an operator, theyll ask: Would you like to leave a message? Or you can say, May I leave a message? Be sure to leave your phone number if you want the person to return your call. This is called a call back number. Asking the speaker to slow down 英语童

18、话,请对方放慢语速 如果你不确定你能听懂所有的英语对话,一定要坦诚。直接告诉对方:My English isnt very strong, could you please speak slowly?,大部分的人会赞许你的诚实并很高兴这么做。 If youre not sure youll understand everything in English, be honest. Tell the speaker immediately: My English isnt very strong, could you please speak slowly? Most people will ap

19、preciate your honesty and will be happy to oblige. Write it down 提前打好 英语通话草稿 如果你觉得用英语打 还有点紧张的话,把要讲的事先写下来将很有帮助。写出你必须要讲的内容大纲。你可以使用此提纲事先组织你的思绪并且如果在通话过程中有任何疑问的话也能作为借鉴。 If youre nervous about telephoning in English, its helpful to prepare a script. Write out a brief outline of what you need to say. You c

20、an use it to organize your thoughts beforehand and as a reference if you get confused during the call. Remember your manners 坚持英语 礼貌 在通话中使用文明礼貌的语言是非常的重要。在请求别人时请使用类似的短语,和Could you和Please;并且总是记得以:Thank you个Goodbye 结束通话! Its very important to sound polite on the telephone. Use phrases like, Could you, and Please when making requests. And always remember to finish a conversation with Thank you and Goodbye! 第 9 页 共 9 页

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