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1、画画 面面 描描 述述 寓寓 意意 理理 解解 你能否对此加以扩展你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇,写一篇120词左右的小短文?词左右的小短文?Two goats are tied to each other with a rope.They both see some grass in opposite directions,and try to pull to get their own food.However the rope is too short to allow them to eat their food.Cooperation is better than conflict.Ou

2、r goal is not that we get something and the other gets nothing,but that all people get what they want.Thus,cooperation will benefit everyone.短文填空短文填空 根据课文根据课文HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH完成下列短文完成下列短文 The earth was just a cloud of _ after the“Big Bang”.The earth loudly with fire and rock.They were to p

3、roduce many things,which were to make the earths atmosphere.As the earth cooled down,water began to appear on its surface.It allowed the earth to dissolve gases.Then life began to develop.dust exploded in time hamful Small plants and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen.This encouraged the o

4、f early shellfish and fish.Land animals such as insects,reptiles and dinosaurs appeared after green plants appeared.Small clever animals all over the earth.They are putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which heat from the earth into space.Whether life will continue on the earth from millions o

5、f years to come will whether this problem can be solved.multiplied development spread too much prevents depend on.单词拼写单词拼写根据首字母或者汉语注释写出单词的正确形式。根据首字母或者汉语注释写出单词的正确形式。1Im in a _(迷惑迷惑)as to how to cope with the new situation.2He would never be _(有害的有害的)to anyone.3One _(理论理论)about the moon is that it is

6、a piece broken off the earth.4The ants were _(拖拖)pieces of corn.puzzle harmful theory pulling 5Our English teacher is a man of _(宗教信仰宗教信仰)6Students should pay special attention to (基础基础)science.7A balloon f in the wind.8If you m five by six,youll get thirty.9In this v conflict,about 20 common people

7、 died.10Man cant live without water and o .religion fundamental loated ultiply iolent xygen.短语填空短语填空1Dont worryIm sure things will get better _.2We congratulated her on a fine healthy baby.3Now that we have finished designing,the company,should do the constructing work.4The wall all the light.It sho

8、uld be pulled down.in time giving birth to in its turn blocks out 5She told her child to when he was crossing the street.6Using the computer isnt difficult once you it.7_ you are grown up,you should not rely on your parents.8Should another world war _,what would become of human beings?9The crowd whe

9、n they saw the teams arrive.10Tell the children not to the cave.watch out get the hang of Now that break out cheered up get close to.完成句子完成句子1 (随着地球的冷却随着地球的冷却),water began to appear on its surface.(cool)2Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will _ (取决于这个问题能否得到解决取决于这个

10、问题能否得到解决)(depend)3Walking does need a bit of practice (因为引力改变了因为引力改变了)(now)As the earth cooled down depend on whether this problem can be solved now that gravity has changed.模仿造句模仿造句1What if was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid gl

11、obe.(P25,L78)be to do.必将会做必将会做 翻译翻译年轻时,他不知道自己以后会举世闻名。年轻时,他不知道自己以后会举世闻名。_ .As a young man he didnt know he was to win world famelater on.2They were in time to produce carbon,nitrogen,water vapour and other gases,which were to make the earths atmosphere.(P25,L11)in time to do sth.来得及干某事来得及干某事 翻译翻译我们正好

12、赶上了早班车我们正好赶上了早班车 _3They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.(P25,L4849)prevent.(from)doing.阻止某人干某事;防止某事发生阻止某人干某事;防止某事发生 翻译翻译他的头痛没有阻止他第二天去上课。他的头痛没有阻止他第二天去上课。_We were in time to catch the early bus.His headache did not pre

13、vent him(from)going to class the next day.4Last month I was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping,an astronomer.(P30,L23)beadj.enoughto do足以做足以做 翻译翻译这个男孩子的年龄足够大了,能参军了。这个男孩子的年龄足够大了,能参军了。_5But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far a

14、s on the earth and fell over.(P31,Para.3)twice as.as.是是的两倍的两倍 翻译翻译他跑起来速度比我快一倍。他跑起来速度比我快一倍。_The boy is old enough to join the army.He runs twice as fast as I.6“Oh,dear,”I cried,“walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.”(P31,Para.3)now that.既然既然/由于由于 翻译翻译既然大家都到了,咱们开会吧。既然大家都到了,

15、咱们开会吧。_ Now that everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理1unlike prep.与与不同;不像;非不同;不像;非的特征的特征 归纳归纳 (1)be unlike.相当于相当于be different from.(2)unlike sth./sb.位于句首,常用于表示对比。位于句首,常用于表示对比。(3)unlike的反义词为的反义词为like。运用:完成句子。运用:完成句子(1)音乐与其他艺术形式不同。音乐与其他艺术形式不同。Music is quite .(2)本系统与多数系统不同,极易安装。本系统与多数系统

16、不同,极易安装。_,this one is very easy to install.(3)迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。_ to be so late.unlike any other art form Unlike most systems Its very unlike him2.harmful adj.有害的,伤害的有害的,伤害的 搭配搭配 熟记下列搭配熟记下列搭配 be harmful to对对有害有害 do harm to sb.do sb.harm对某人有害处对某人有害处 do more harm than good弊多利少弊多利少 come

17、 to no harm没受损害没受损害 翻译:吸烟有害健康翻译:吸烟有害健康。_Smoking is harmful to health.3exist vi.存在;生存存在;生存 联想联想exist as作为作为而存在;以而存在;以形态存在形态存在 exist in存在于存在于中中 exist on靠靠生活生活生存生存 搭配搭配 there exist(s)表示表示“存在存在/有有”,此时,此时exist不用进行时。不用进行时。拓展拓展 there exists表示表示“存在存在/有有”,是,是“there be”句型的延句型的延 伸,类似的还有伸,类似的还有there stand(s),th

18、ere lie(s)there live(s),there occur(s)等。等。完成句子完成句子(1)少数人认为世界上存在恶魔。少数人认为世界上存在恶魔。Several people believe the devil _ in the world.(2)好人到处都有。好人到处都有。_ warm hearted persons everywhere.exists There exist 4puzzle n.谜;难题谜;难题vt.&vi.(使使)迷惑;迷惑;(使使)为难为难 搭配搭配 用适当的介词或副词填空用适当的介词或副词填空(1)puzzle _/_ sth.为为苦思冥想苦思冥想 (2)

19、puzzle sth._ 想出;苦思而求得想出;苦思而求得 用相关短语翻译下列句子。用相关短语翻译下列句子。(3)凯伦整个晚上都在想这个问题。凯伦整个晚上都在想这个问题。Karen the question all evening.(4)他终于想出了如何解决这个问题。他终于想出了如何解决这个问题。He finally how to solve the problem.overaboutoutwas puzzling over puzzled out 用用puzzle的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(5)He stared at the words in complete .(6)I think

20、 its really a _ problem.I really dont know which to choose.(7)She listened with a _ expression on her face.(8)Im doing a word _ in this newspaper.puzzlement puzzling puzzled puzzle 5mass n.质量;团;块;大量质量;团;块;大量 识记识记a mass of/masses of大量的;大批的;许多大量的;大批的;许多 提示提示a mass of或或masses of既可修饰复数名词,亦可修饰不可数既可修饰复数名词

21、,亦可修饰不可数 名词名词。完成句子完成句子 (1)大量的书籍摊满了整个房间。大量的书籍摊满了整个房间。_ covered every surface in the room.Masses of books(2)我们仍然可以抽出许多时间。我们仍然可以抽出许多时间。We still had _ to spare.辨析辨析 the mass of.大部分;大多数大部分;大多数(3)现代人大多受到电视的影响。现代人大多受到电视的影响。are influenced by television.识记识记 in a mass大量地;大批地大量地;大批地(4)大批的运动爱好者在赛前就来到了体育馆。大批的运动

22、爱好者在赛前就来到了体育馆。Sports fans came to the stadium _ before the game.masses of time The mass of modern people in a mass 重点短语例释重点短语例释1in time 及时;早晚;迟早及时;早晚;迟早 完成句子完成句子 (1)我们到达车站时,刚好赶上那班车。我们到达车站时,刚好赶上那班车。We got to the station just _ catch the bus.(2)他早晚会明白什么才是对的。他早晚会明白什么才是对的。_ he will see what is right.in

23、time to In time 提示提示 in time to do sth./for sth.来得及干某事;正好及时赶上来得及干某事;正好及时赶上(3)我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。I was just _ the flight.(4)大夫正好及时赶到挽救了他的生命。大夫正好及时赶到挽救了他的生命。The doctor got there just _ his life.in time for in time to save 2cheer up 感到振奋;欢呼;喝彩;感到振奋;欢呼;喝彩;口口 振作些振作些 完成句子完成句子 (1)你需要点东西让自己振奋一下。你需要点东

24、西让自己振奋一下。You need something to _.(2)我要带安吉到外面转转,让她振奋起来。我要带安吉到外面转转,让她振奋起来。Im taking Angie out to _.(3)打起精神来,曼迪!打起精神来,曼迪!_,Mandy!cheer yourself up cheer her up Cheer up 3watch out vi.当心;提防;密切注视当心;提防;密切注视 Watch out!Theres a car coming.注意!有辆车开过来了。注意!有辆车开过来了。提示提示 watch out是不及物动词短语,常与介词是不及物动词短语,常与介词for连用连用

25、。补全下列英文句子。补全下列英文句子。(1)当心,别把桌子上的纸弄脏了。当心,别把桌子上的纸弄脏了。_!Dont dirt the paper on the desk.(2)注意一个戴黑帽子的高个子男人。注意一个戴黑帽子的高个子男人。in a black hat.(3)我们必须小心公共汽车上的小偷。我们必须小心公共汽车上的小偷。We must _ on the bus.Watch out Watch out for a tall man watch out for thieves疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1Last month I was lucky enough to have a chanc

26、e to make a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping,an astronomer.我的朋我的朋 友李彦平是一位宇航员。上个月我有幸得到一个机会同他一道友李彦平是一位宇航员。上个月我有幸得到一个机会同他一道 去太空旅行。去太空旅行。句型句型 beadj.enoughto do足够足够能干能干 拓展拓展 enough作副词时可以修饰形容词、副词或动词,放在被作副词时可以修饰形容词、副词或动词,放在被 修饰的形容词、副词或动词之后,再加动词不定式或介词修饰的形容词、副词或动词之后,再加动词不定式或介词for 短语构成句型:短语构成句型:beadj

27、.enoughto do sth./for sth.意思为意思为 “足够足够可以可以”。(1)她已到自己作决定的年龄了。她已到自己作决定的年龄了。She is _ decide for herself.(2)屋子不够大容不下做礼拜的人们。屋子不够大容不下做礼拜的人们。The room isnt _ hold the people who attend church.(3)这篇课文太耐读了。这篇课文太耐读了。This text is .(4)这种游戏我训练得不够。这种游戏我训练得不够。I hadnt .old enough to big enough to long enough for rea

28、ding trained enough for the game2.But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈步的时而当我试着向前迈步的时 候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两 倍,因而我摔倒了。倍,因而我摔倒了。句型句型 twice as.as.“是是的两倍的两倍”(1)这棵树是那棵树的两倍高。这棵树是那棵树的两倍高。_ (2)那个男孩跳的高度是我的两倍。那

29、个男孩跳的高度是我的两倍。_This tree is twice as tall as that one.The boy jumps twice as high as I.归归纳纳英语常见表达倍数的句型如下:英语常见表达倍数的句型如下:倍数倍数 as.as.比较级比较级than.he名词名词of.what从句从句 asadj./adv.的原级的原级asas many/much名词名词as adj./adv.比较级比较级than.more名词名词than.说明:在说明:在“倍数倍数then.of.”结构中,常用的名词结构中,常用的名词size,height,length,width等。另外,两倍

30、用等。另外,两倍用twice或或double,不到一倍用分,不到一倍用分数表示,三倍或三倍以上一般用数表示,三倍或三倍以上一般用times来表示。来表示。3.“Oh,dear,”I cried,“walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.”“天哪!天哪!”我大声说,我大声说,“既然重力改变了,走路也的确需要既然重力改变了,走路也的确需要练练 一练了。一练了。”句型句型 now that的意思为的意思为“既然,由于既然,由于”,从属连词,引导,从属连词,引导原原 因状语从句,在口语中可以省略因状语从句,在口语

31、中可以省略that。联想联想 与与now that意思相近的有意思相近的有seeing that,since等。等。(1)既然你提到了,我要记在心里。既然你提到了,我要记在心里。you have mentioned it,I keep it in mind.(2)既然已完成了工作,你就应该好好休息一下。既然已完成了工作,你就应该好好休息一下。You ought to have a good rest _ youve finished the work.(3)既然教授的报告很有教育意义,为什么不去听呢?既然教授的报告很有教育意义,为什么不去听呢?_ the professors lecture

32、is very instructive,why not go and attend it?(4)鉴于你有足够的钱,你借给我一些吧。鉴于你有足够的钱,你借给我一些吧。_ you have enough money,you lend me some.Now that now that Since Seeing that 技巧四:利用原词复现,寻找近义词。技巧四:利用原词复现,寻找近义词。完形填空题中常有某一词语在语篇中重复出现的现象。词语复完形填空题中常有某一词语在语篇中重复出现的现象。词语复现使语篇中的句子相互衔接,从而构成一个意义完整的有机整体。现使语篇中的句子相互衔接,从而构成一个意义完整的

33、有机整体。在阅读文章的过程中,有时也会出一些与选项意义紧密相连的同在阅读文章的过程中,有时也会出一些与选项意义紧密相连的同义词或近义词。要学会充分利用这些词所提供的有效信息进行合义词或近义词。要学会充分利用这些词所提供的有效信息进行合理的推测和判断,选出正确答案。如:理的推测和判断,选出正确答案。如:“The merchant of death is dead.”the article read.“Dr.Alfred Nobel,who became 23 (rich)by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before,die

34、d yesterday.”Nobel was 24 (upset)to find out not that he had died,but that,when his time was up,he would be thought of only as one who profited from 25 and destruction.(2009广东卷广东卷)25A.death Bdisease Ctrouble Dattack 解析解析:语境为语境为“人们会认为他只是一个从死亡和毁灭中获取人们会认为他只是一个从死亡和毁灭中获取 利益的人利益的人”,前文的,前文的“kill more peopl

35、e”中也有提示。中也有提示。答案答案:A The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school.He 16 (presented)me with a puzzleall because he waved to me like someone does 17 (on)seeing a close friend.Then one day the 22 was solved.(2009天津卷天津卷)22A.argument Bdisagreem

36、ent Cmystery Dtask 解析解析:前文讲到前文讲到“那位交警像朋友一样向我挥手,使我困惑那位交警像朋友一样向我挥手,使我困惑”,这里应是这里应是“这个谜有一天终于解开了这个谜有一天终于解开了”。mystery和和puzzle意思意思相相 近。近。答案答案:C 典例典例 Robert,who had made several important medical break throughs,was interviewed by a reporter.The reporter asked him why he was much more creative than a(n)1 per

37、son.What set him far apart from others?He responded that it all came from a(n)2 with his mother.When he was two,he was trying to 3 a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip(抓抓)on the 4 bottle.It fell,the milk in it spilling all over the kitchen floor.Instead of scolding him,his mo

38、ther said,“Robert,whenever you make a mess like this,5 you have to clean it up.So,how would you like to do that?You can use a sponge(海绵海绵),a towel or a mop.Which do you 6?”He chose the sponge and cleaned up the 7 milk with the help of his mother.Then his mother taught him how to effectively carry a

39、big milk bottle.The boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top with both 8 ,he could carry it without dropping it.What a wonderful 9 !It was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to be 10 to make mistakes.Instead,he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something n

40、ew.【文章大意文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。有个小男孩从冰箱里本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。有个小男孩从冰箱里取牛奶,不小心奶瓶摔在了地上,溅了地上一滩牛奶。母亲并取牛奶,不小心奶瓶摔在了地上,溅了地上一滩牛奶。母亲并没有因此责备男孩。相反,她教孩子怎么正确有效地拿奶瓶。没有因此责备男孩。相反,她教孩子怎么正确有效地拿奶瓶。这件事情对他影响很大。由此他认识到,我们无需担心犯错误,这件事情对他影响很大。由此他认识到,我们无需担心犯错误,错误恰恰是学习新知识的机会。错误恰恰是学习新知识的机会。1A.famous Bnormal Cusual Daverage 解析解析:考查语境理解。语境说考查语境理解

41、。语境说“他比一般人更具有创新精神他比一般人更具有创新精神”。famous著名的;著名的;normal正常的;正常的;usual通常的;通常的;average一般一般 的,普通的。的,普通的。答案答案:D2A.experience Bexperiment Cspeech Dquarrel 解析解析:考查语境理解。接下来讲的是他的一次经历考查语境理解。接下来讲的是他的一次经历 (experience)。答案答案:A3A.receive Brespond Cremove Drenew 解析解析:考查动词。从后面的描述可知这个男孩想把一瓶牛奶考查动词。从后面的描述可知这个男孩想把一瓶牛奶 从冰箱里取

42、从冰箱里取(remove)出来。出来。答案答案:C4A.tiny Bdry Cpretty Dslippery 解析解析:考查语境理解。后面讲到牛奶瓶掉了,由此可以判断考查语境理解。后面讲到牛奶瓶掉了,由此可以判断 这个牛奶瓶可能比较滑这个牛奶瓶可能比较滑(slippery)。其他选项均不符合语境。其他选项均不符合语境。答案答案:D5A.fortunately Bsuddenly Ceventually DHurriedly 解析解析:考查副词。考查副词。eventually意为意为“最终最终”。答案答案:C6A.ignore Bpropose Cclean Dprefer 解析解析:考查语境

43、理解。考查语境理解。(这三者这三者)你更喜欢哪个?你更喜欢哪个?答案答案:D7A.used Bleft Cspilled DPolluted 解析:解析:考查语境理解。由前面的考查语境理解。由前面的the milk in it spilling all over the kitchen floor可推知答案为可推知答案为C项。项。答案答案:C8A.arms Bfingers Ctowels Dhands 解析解析:考查名词。这里指考查名词。这里指“用双手用双手”。答案答案:D9A.game Bplay Clesson Dbottle 解析:解析:考查名词。这次经历对男孩来说应是精彩的一课,故考查名词。这次经历对男孩来说应是精彩的一课,故 选选“lesson”。答案:答案:C10A.supposed Bafraid Cwilling Dproud 解析解析:考查形容词。考查形容词。afraid“担心的,害怕的担心的,害怕的”。答案答案:B点击此处进入点击此处进入 课后能力训练课后能力训练

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