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1、土木工程专业综合技能考试实施方案22资料内容仅供参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系本人改正或者删除。 土木工程专业毕业生综合技能考核实施方案 为了落实学校教学计划以及更好地测试土木工程本科毕业生在校四年期间的专业技能、 动手能力等相关内容, 经过结构教研室全体教师的缜密思考和多次讨论、 研究, 特制定本实施方案。一、 考试对象 土木工程专业本科毕业生( A0731、 A0732) 二、 考试时间 12月4日19: 0021: 00三、 考试地点九江学院土木实验楼五、 六楼四、 考试项目与内容考核项目考试项目分值考试时间考试方式备注第一项解答考题、 CAD绘图60分40分钟( 19:0019:40)

2、 上机必考第二项土木原文资料翻译40分30分钟(20:0020:30)笔试必考五、 考核小组成员第一组: 徐芸、 杨忠、 戴木香、 曹静; 第二组: 胡洁、 陈绪军、 陈子娟、 占维六、 考生具体流程第一项A0731学号A0732学号题目1( 徐 芸) 191725334141220283644题目2( 杨 忠) 2101826344251321293745题目3( 胡 洁) 31119273543614223038题目4( 陈绪军) 41220283644715233139题目5( 戴木香) 51321293745816243240题目6( 陈子娟) 6142230381917253341题

3、目7( 曹 静) 71523313921018263442题目8( 占 维) 81624324031119273543第二项A0731学号A0732学号Part 11152943122640Part 22163044132741Part 33173145142842Part 4418321152943Part 5519332163044Part 6620343173145Part 77213541832Part 88223651933Part 99233762034Part 1010243872135Part 1111253982236Part 1212264092337Part 131327

4、41102438Part 14142842112539七、 考生提交要求1. A4纸两张: 布局如下图2. A3纸一张: CAD图八、 考试评分标准成绩评定按百分制记分, 其中第一项”解答考题、 CAD绘图”占总成绩的70%, 第二项”土木原文资料翻译”占总成绩的30%。评分共分”优”、 ”良”、 ”中”、 ”及格”、 ”不及格”五个等级。成绩等级评定应遵以下具体评分标准: 1优秀: 态度极其认真, 体现出较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力, 设计思路明确, 译文准确。2良好: 态度较认真; 答题基本正确, 表现出一定的分析问题和解决问题的能力。3中: 图纸设计尚可; 英文翻译文字表示尚可。4及格

5、: 基本完成规定的测试内容, 设计思路不够明确, 译文准确度不高。5不及格: 态度极不认真, 测试未完成, 设计思路不明确。结构教研室 11月22现时间、 地点改为学生自行安排时间! 请大家完成后在12月25日之前务必交给各自对应的考核小组老师( 第一组: 徐芸、 杨忠、 戴木香、 曹静; 第二组: 胡洁、 陈绪军、 陈子娟、 占维) ! 徐芸附: 一、 考题题目1: ( 1) 请绘制中级制吊车梁与柱、 制动结构的连接节点图。比例自定。( 2) 如下图所示为格构柱的铰接柱脚。 请指出图中零件a和b的名称; 给出此柱脚的传力过程; 按图中所示的标注, 给出柱脚底板平面尺寸的验算公式; 指出板块区

6、域、 、 各属于几边支承板; 如果板块区域、 、 在基础反力作用下的弯矩最大值为Mmax, 请给出确定底板厚度的计算方法。题目2: 剪力墙截面两端设置边缘构件是剪力墙结构设计时的一种重要措施, 请问: 1、 设置边缘构件作用是什么? 2、 边缘构件有哪几类? 3、 用AutoCAD画出约束边缘构件的截面图。题目3: 某三跨二层对称钢筋混凝土框架, 层高3.0m, 边跨跨度为6.0m, 中间跨跨度为2.4m。柱截面尺寸均为500mm500mm, 纵向钢筋为425mm+220mm, 箍筋加密区6100, 非加密区6200。梁的截面尺寸均为250mm600mm, 边跨左支座截面-承受负弯矩的钢筋为4

7、22, 承重正弯矩的钢筋为220; 跨中-截面承受正弯矩的钢筋均为420, 承受负弯矩的钢筋为222; 右支座截面-配筋同-截面; 箍筋加密区8100, 非加密区8200。中间跨支座截面-承受负弯矩的钢筋为422, 按构造配承受正弯矩钢筋; 跨中截面-承受正、 负弯矩钢筋皆为构造配筋, 箍筋加密区8100, 非加密区8200。抗震等级为二级。试绘制其框架梁柱节点构造详图。绘图要求: 节点构造图需绘出纵向钢筋的截断、 搭接和锚固长度, 箍筋加密区长度。题目4: 某现浇钢筋混凝土单向板肋梁楼盖中的5跨等跨连续梁( 次梁) , 两边支座为490厚砌体墙。已知其配筋情况如下: 第1跨 跨 中: 212

8、+114( 弯) 第2跨 跨中: 312( 弯1) 第1中间支座: 114+312( 弯1) 第1中间支座: 312( 弯1) 请绘制次梁配筋图( 包括次梁5个横截面配筋图及次梁纵截面配筋图) 。题目5: 某单跨双坡门式刚架, 屋面坡度为10%, 梁、 柱截面均为4004001321, 梁柱节点、 屋脊节点均使用节点板40060016, 经过8M24螺栓连接; 柱脚节点处为铰接, 柱脚节点处使用节点板60060016, 经过2M24螺栓与基础连接。试绘制该门式刚架梁柱节点、 屋脊节点及柱脚节点详图, 要求用CAD绘图详细表示并标注尺寸( 建议比例为1:40) 。题目6: 某钢结构厂房跨度36米

9、, 柱距9米, 横向框架共16榀, 试对此厂房的屋盖支撑体系进行布置, 要求用CAD绘图详细表示并标注尺寸( 建议比例为1:500) 题目7: 画出一段板式现浇楼梯配筋图。板厚120mm, 约为板斜长的1/30, 层高3.6m, 踏步尺寸150mm*300mm。平台梁尺寸200mm350mm, 平台板厚70mm。楼梯板配筋HPB235, 直径为10mm, 间距220mm。请画出全部受力及构造钢筋。题目8: 设计女儿墙外排水, 檐沟外排水和女儿墙檐沟外排水的平面图。二、 土木原文资料翻译Part 1Civil engineers are rightfully proud of their leg

10、acy. Over the past century, clean water supplies have extended general life expectancies. Transportation systems serve as an economic and social engine. New bridges, blending strength and beauty, speed transport and bring communities closer together. Public and private construction, for which engine

11、ers provide the essential underpinnings of design and project oversight produces hundreds of thousands of jobs and drives community development. From the functional and beautiful Golden Gate Bridge in the U.S.,Petronas Towers in Malaysia, and Pont du Gard in France to the largely hidden water supply

12、 and sanitary sewer systems, civil engineers have made their mark, day in and day out, in many aspects of the daily life of essentially everyone around the globe.Part 2Civil engineers know they cannot rest on their laurels. Current trends pose questions about the future of the profession. These ques

13、tions address the role that civil engineers play, and could play, in society, in the ultimate integrity of the worlds infrastructure, and in the health of the natural environment. For many years, civil engineering leaders sounded the alarm about the lack of investment in maintaining and improving th

14、e infrastructure. Some of those shortcomings were tragically illustrated by the death and destruction caused by failures in which engineering designs, government funding, and the community oversight systems were all called into question. Civil engineers are painfully aware of the repercussions for p

15、ublic health, safety, and welfare when the infrastructure gets short shrift.Yet those same engineers also know that they could do better in speaking out in the social and political arena, and in becoming leaders in the policy-creating and decision-making process, so that the process is based on a so

16、und technical foundation. Part 3Civil engineers know they must step up to the political and public service plate. The public has become increasingly aware that development need not come at the price of a compromised and depleted environment. Enlightened citizens see sustainability, not as an unattai

17、nable ideal, but as a practical goal. To answer that call, civil engineers realize that they must increasingly transform themselves from designers and builders to project life-cycle ”sustainers.” Such broadened responsibilities, along with the increasing breadth, complexity, and rate of change of pr

18、ofessional practice, all put greater emphasis not only on continuing education but also on what a basic civil engineering education must deliver up front. The body of knowledge necessary to effectively practice civil engineering at the professional level is beyond the scope of the traditional bachel

19、ors degree, even when coupled with the mandated early-career experience. Education must meld technical excellence with the ability to lead, influence, and integrate, preparing the engineer to weigh the diverse societal issues that shape the optimal approaches to planning, design, and construction.Pa

20、rt 4Technology and market forces bring additional pressures on how civil engineers play out their roles. Knowledge-based civil engineering software increasingly shifts routine engineering tasks from the realm of the engineer to that of the technologist and technician. How will this trend play out in

21、 the years ahead? Will civil engineers move further into a systems role?Civil engineering risks becoming increasingly commoditized. Clients and owners may increasingly use low bid procurementand thus the lowest innovation denominatorrather than qualifications-based selection and its opportunities to

22、 provide the best life-cycle options. And how will civil engineers in advanced nations react as the need to have project teams all in one place continues to shrink, and lower-cost engineers from rapidly expanding technological workforces around the world vie for a piece of the global economic pie? P

23、art 5Will economic forces make that pie expand, with more work for all engineers, or will barriers be proposed to slow the negative local employment impacts? How will civil engineers gain the needed knowledge of international business practices and cultural and linguistic issues and will they furthe

24、r address corruption in the global engineering and construction industry? In the future, some, now dominant countries may have a diminishing global role in engineering research and education and in application of new technology. Civil engineers, because of their work with infrastructure and the envi

25、ronment, can contribute to world stability. Consider one example: Virtually every nation on earth is either facing, or within 20 years will face, some type of water supply challenge. That demand for this life-giving resource, coupled with the need to share it across national boundaries, could make f

26、or an explosive situation. The application of civil engineering knowledge and skills to enhance water supply and improve distribution could very well become one of civil engineerings greatest challenges.Part 6All these issues represent critical tests for civil engineers, with new responsibilities lo

27、oming for a new generation. For many years, the profession has wrestled with its career appeal to a diverse population of the best and brightest. How can precollege students learn more about the civil engineering opportunities for both helping mankind and building a fulfilling life for themselves at

28、 a competitive compensation? And when on-the-job assignments do not match the promise of stimulating work, how can management step in to help while still building the bottom line?Civil engineers thus find themselves as keepers of an impressive legacy while raising concerns about future directions. T

29、hey know they must take more risks. They know they must show more leadership. They know they must control their own destiny and not let events control them. Part 7The Summit on the Future of Civil Engineering in 2025 represented an ambitious step on the road to that new future. Participants asked: W

30、hat will the civil engineering world be like 20 years from now? What aspirational role will civil engineers play in that radically transformed world? Clearly, looking ahead toward the unknown presents considerable risk. Future realities may not be captured and some aspects of the vision may prove to

31、 be a mirage. But the visionary gauntlet has been thrown. A diverse group of accomplished individuals gathered at the Summit to look beyond todays strategic issueswhich were outlined hereto place their signposts for what the civil engineering profession should attain by 2025. The march toward those

32、markers, and the enlightened struggles that will be needed to get there, are only just beginning. The global civil engineering profession has taken up the challenge. Part 8The Summit on the Future of Civil Engineering was convened in response to the status of, concerns with, and opportunities for th

33、e civil engineering profession as described, for example, in the previous chapter. A highly-varied group of civil engineers, engineers from other disciplines, architects, educators, association and society executives, and other leaders, including participants from eight countries other than the U.S.

34、, attended. All gathered in Landsdowne, Virginia from June 21 to 23, to participate in the Summit. The Summits purpose was to articulate an aspirational global vision for the future of civil engineering addressing all levels and facets of the civil engineering community, that is, professional (licen

35、sed) civil engineers, non-licensed civil engineers, technologists and technicians. The Summits goal reflects the organizers and the participants preference of choice over chance. Statesman William Jennings Bryan highlighted those options when he said: ”Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matt

36、er of choice.”Part 9 Broadly speaking, there are only two futures for civil engineering around the globe; the one the profession creates for itself or, in the void, the one others create for civil engineering. Civil engineers came to the Summit to choose their professions future. The purpose of this

37、 report is to outline the highly interactive process used during the Summit and more importantly, to present, in detail, the Summits results. The reports primary audience is any individual or organization that can help to achieve the vision that resulted from the Summit, as presented later in this r

38、eport. The Summit on the Future of Civil Engineering in 2025 proved to be a stimulating, uplifting, collaborative, and creative experience for participants. Breakout groups generated wide ranging discussions and post-Summit synthesis of the ideas that were generated yielded the final vision.Part 10A

39、s valuable as that may be, the Summit is intended to be just the beginning of an on-going influencing process. Summit organizers, and probably the vast majority of participants, want the global vision, as presented in this report, to guide policies, plans, processes, and progress within the global c

40、ivil engineering community. This vision can exert influence within civil engineering around the globe and possibly within other engineering disciplines and other professions. The civil engineering community is global and, as such, could and perhaps should share a common vision.The Summit addressed t

41、his question: What could civil engineers be doing in 2025? Addressing this question naturallyled to describing the profile of the 2025 civil engineer, that is, the attributes possessed or exhibited by the individual civil engineer of 2025 consistent with the preceding aspirational vision for the pro

42、fession. Part 11Attributes may be defined as desirable knowledge, skills, and attitudes. As used here, knowledge is largely cognitive and consists of theories, principles, and fundamentals. Examples are geometry, calculus, vectors, momentum, friction, stress and strain, fluid mechanics, energy, cont

43、inuity, and variability.In contrast, skills refer to the ability to do tasks. Examples are using a spreadsheet; continuous learning; problem solving; critical, global, integrative/system, and creative thinking; teamwork; communication; and self-assessment. Formal education is the primary source of k

44、nowledge as defined here, whereas skills are developed via formal education, focused training, and certain on-the-job experiences.Attitudes reflect an individuals values and determine how he or she ”sees” the world, not in terms of sight, but in terms of perceiving, interpreting, and approaching. Ex

45、amples of attitudes conducive to effective professional practice are commitment, curiosity, honesty, integrity, objectivity, optimism, sensitivity, thoroughness, andtolerance.Part 12The Summit identified many and varied attributes, organized into the preceding knowledge, skills, and attitudes catego

46、ries. The results are presented here.The civil engineer is knowledgeable. He or she understands the theories, principles, and/or fundamentals of: Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, mechanics,and materials which are the foundation of engineering Design of structures, facilities, and systems Risk/uncertainty such as risk identification, data-based and knowledge-based types, and probability and statistics Sustainability including social, economic, and physical dimensions Public policy and administration including elements such as the political process, laws and regu

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