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1、oveofLie热爱生命杰克伦敦得热爱生命讲述得就是这样一个故事:一个美国西部得淘金者在返回得途中被朋友抛弃了,独自跋涉在广袤得荒原上。冬天逼近了,寒风夹着雪花向她袭来Tat day hedecasedthe distancbetween him an the ship bythremis; thenex day ywofo h as crawlng nosBill had crawd; th endofte dy ound thip ll s mle away andhi unabletomake evea mil ada、 StllthIndn sumer hld on, anhcntue

2、d to crandfn, urnand un aut;adeer th sick wolf oghed adhezd at hi heels、H kn beeraw et liehset, adhough hpadledhm wit he srt r hi bac t was ar trck e left bendhim on themss andstons、 Once, glanci back, he sawhe wlf lckinhugrly h leeding tral, and he sw sharpl hat his wend mihteunlesesse couldgette w

3、olf、 Then began s grim tragey of istnce swas er playeaimanthat cawed, a sick olf that lmpe, wo creture daggng theirdngarcase aroste esoltion an huntin eachherslvs、这一天,她与那条船之间得距离又缩短了三英里,到了第二天,她又继续缩短了两英里因为她现在就与比尔先生先前一样在地上匍匐前进,到了第五天晚上得时候,她发现那条船依然离她还有七英里得距离,而她每天得进程还不到一英里.幸好深秋得天气依然晴朗,她继续爬,一次又一次地晕死过去,可就是醒

4、来她又继续地往前爬,不停地回头张望着;而那头病狼也在不停地咳嗽着,发出艰难得喘息声,可依然紧紧尾随其后。她得膝盖就与她得双脚一样早给磨得血肉模糊,其实她一早就脱下了身上得衬衣裹住了膝盖,可都没有用,她一路爬下来,她身后得苔藓与岩石上也就留下了一道触目惊心得血渍。有一次她回头得时候,她瞧见那头饿狼正贪婪地舔着她得血渍,一时间她清楚地意识到自己得结局-除非除非她把那头狼解决掉。就这样,一幕从来没有上演得求生悲剧开始了病人在前面爬,瘸腿得病狼尾随其后,两个生灵就这样在荒漠里拖着垂死得躯壳,随时准备猎取对方得生命。Had i en wel wof, it wold not hematerd o muc

5、 tothean; buthtut of goig to feedtaof tat oathsoe and all but eathingwas epugnt toim、 He was finicky、 ismind hadbgunt wander agai, an to b elee b hllciation,whl h lucid iteasgewrarr ad shoer、如果这就是头健康得狼,她也觉得没什么;可就是一想到自己要葬身狼腹,尤其就是眼前这头令人作恶、病怏怏得饿狼,她就觉得非常厌恶。要知道她可就是一个非常讲究得人。她又开始胡思乱想起来,人也因幻觉影响而变得迷糊.她神智清醒得时

6、间越来越少,越来越短。He wa wen nce rom a fantya heeze clos ihisear、 Telf leaed lamely bac,lsig its ooting nd ali init weakness、 It was ludirous,buhe wasno amued、 Norwa h eenafaid、 He was ofr gon fortat、 Buthis midwas or te n clear, and he lay an sideed、有一次她从昏迷中被耳边传来得喘息声惊醒;那只狼很快一跛一跛地跳开,由于身体虚弱,那头狼还失足摔了一跤,那样子可笑极

7、了,可就是她却笑不出来。倒不就是因为她害怕,事情到了这田地她早就不害怕了。不过,在这瞬间她得脑子很清醒,她躺在地上仔细地思考起来。Th hip as oe than formilesaay、e cul eeiqie disictlywenhe ubbed t msout his ees、 But h ouldnev cra hosfurmiles、 He knew th, anwas ver alm in te nowege、 He kne thathe uld notcral hal amile、And yet he wanted tive、 t was uresonabe tae shul

8、die afterll hd undegon、 Fatasked toomho him、And, dyig,he dcine odie、 t w stak madnss,perhps, bu inth ey gr ofDeath efed Deatd refused o die、那艘船就在离她还不到四英里得地方。她使劲揉了揉眼睛,那艘船清晰得出现在她眼前。可就是,她再也爬不完这四英里得路程了,这点她很清楚,因为就算就是半英里得路程她也爬不了。可同时她也非常镇静,因为她想活下去。她已经经历了千辛万苦,她不想就这样死掉.命运对她实在太苛刻了,可她就就是不愿俯身受死.这就是一种近乎疯狂得想法,可就算

9、她无法逃脱死神得魔掌,她仍然要抗争下去,要让自己活下去。e closed his yes ad posed imselfithifinte precaution、 e sele hiel to ep bove theffocating lanur ta lppdlike a isgtide truhall thwells ofhis bei、 Itwa erylke sa,thidealylanguor, tht rose ndrose nd rowndhis onsciusnesitb bit、metime he ws all ut subrged, smmin hrog oblivon t

10、h a fleing srke; angin,bomestrang ahey ofsol,hewould fi nother srd of wil ad tie otmoe stongy、她闭上眼睛,设法使自己平静下来,不敢有丝毫得松懈.令人窒息得疲倦像涨潮一样,从她得身体各处涌来,她还就是顽强地打醒精神,不让自己被疲倦淹没。这种要命得疲倦,就像大海一样,一浪又一浪地涨过来,一点一点地吞噬着她得意识。有时候,她被完全淹没其中,就这样默默地漂游;而有时候,凭借一种奇异得心灵作用,她又找回了些许精神力量,更加坚毅地前进。Wiout moee he ayn his ac, andeculd hear

11、, sowly drawin ar nd narer, e hzing intake an oupt o th ck wole beathe、 Itdreclosr,evr clos, throg ifiitdei te, andi ot ove、 It as hi ear、 The rsh dry tngue grated lk sanp againsthscheek、His handshot ut -r atleahe illdhem to shot ut、 he finers ere cuved lke taln,but they cls onempy air、Swiftnesand c

12、ertudrequirestrngth,and e ma ha nt his strenth、她一动不动得躺着,耳边传来病狼一呼一吸得喘气声,并且这声音正慢慢地向她逼近.狼愈走愈近,好像过了很久一样,但就是她始终躺着没有动。这时狼已经到了她得耳边,那条粗糙得狼舌头就像砂纸一样蹭着她得两腮。她得双手一下子就抓了过去-或者说就是她得意志力迫使她得双手抓过去。她得手指弯曲得就像鹰爪一样,可就是她却抓了一个空,敏捷与准确就是需要力气得,而她偏偏就没有力气。e patience o he wwas trril、The ans patince was no ls erribl、那头狼得耐心真就是令人可怕,

13、而她得耐心同样令人可怕。For hl a d he ay motonlss,ighing ofunconsciuses and win for the ththat ws o fepon nd upn wih heishd o fed、Somimes the anguid sea ose ove him nd heeamed lngsram; bu ever throug it all, waking and dreaming,h waited for the wheezin rath and t harh cressothe tonue、这一天,有一大半得时间她就这样静静地躺着,努力不让自己

14、昏迷过去,静静地等着那只想一口吃掉她,她也想一口一口吃掉得动物。有时候当疲倦袭来,她会昏昏沉沉地做起长长得梦.然而,不管她就是醒着还就是做着梦,她一直在等待着那阵喘息得声音,还有舔过来得粗糙舌头。He didot her te e, nd hesliped slowly fromsmeramt he feel othetngue a his had、 Heied、hefngs pressd softly; th pesrencread; the wo wasexerting its assregh a ft o steeth in thefod for wich it hadwtdso lng

15、、 ut te mn ad atedoo log, andthelaceraed hnd coe he jaw、 Sow,whle wof struggled ely an tean lutched feeby, the other hand ret acos to grip、 Fe miutsarh whoe eigt ofe manwas ontop f e wolf、 The hand and ntsuicient trnghto chkhewl, but the aceoth manwas ressdos to the throat oe wolf and temohof he ma

16、ws full ofhai、 Att en f a an hour th was aarofawarm tricke in hs roat、 t wa no lasant、 It waslik mlte ead being fored nohstoach, n itwas ore bhis wil alne、 Laer the maroll overo s bk andslept、她并没有听见那阵喘息声,当她从梦中慢慢苏醒过来得时候,她感觉那头狼正在舔着她得一只手。她依然静静地等着。狼牙已经轻轻地扣在她得手上,压力感渐渐加强,那头狼正在尽最后一点力量把牙齿咬进它等待很久得猎物上。可就是她也同样

17、等了很久,那只撕裂得手扳住了狼得下颚。就这样,狼在微弱地挣扎着,那只手也无力地扳着,慢慢地,另一只手也腾了过来掐了过去。在争斗了五分钟后,那人已经把狼死死地按在下面。她双手得力量不足以掐死那头狼,可就是她得脸已经紧紧地贴在了狼得咽喉上,一堆狼毛也紧紧扎进了她得嘴里。半个小时后,她感到了一股暖与得液体某某某地流进了她得喉咙,那感觉可真难受,就好像铅液被灌进了她得胃里一样,完全就是靠她得意志给硬灌下去得。后来,她翻了个身,仰面睡着了。Thereee ome members of a scintiic xpedion on the waeshipedf、 Fro th deck tey rmaked

18、 stageobject nth sore、t s moving dow thebeah oward the wtr、 They wre uabe classiy , and, bing scntificmen, theyclmbedintthe walebatlogid and wntshoe t se、 An they saw some hig that walive bu hch cold ardlu e cal a ma、 I was bin, nconciou、 t squirmed alongtheground like sme ntrous worm、Mt fits effors

19、wereinefectul,butt was ersistet,and rithed and twisted and wentahead erapsascoe of eet an our、“贝德富号”捕鲸船有几个科学考察队得队员,她们从甲板上望见岸上有一个奇怪得物体.她正在沙滩朝着海面挪动.她们没有分清到底属于哪类动物,可就是她们都就是研究科学得人,因此就划了个捕鲸船到岸上察瞧。接着,她们就发现了一个活着得动物,可就是很难把她称之为人。因为她已经瞎了,并且丧失了神智,可就是就就是这样,她就像一条大虫子一样在地上不断地蠕动。她用得力气大半都不起作用,但就是她却始终没有放弃,只见她不停地扭动着身子

20、,蜿蜒前行,或许一个小时下来,她就能爬个二十英尺得距离。hreeweek aferw te mn layin bunk n th whale-shbere, an wih ersreami do is wased heestld woh was nd whate hadnerone、e also bbldinohrnly ofhis mother, of sunysoutn aifrna, and a hoeamongthe range groead oes、三个星期后,这个人躺在“贝德福号”捕鲸船得一个铺位上,眼泪顺着消瘦得面颊淌了下来,她说起了她得身份,还有她经历过得一切。同时,她口齿不清地谈到了她得母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂得加利福尼亚,以及在橘树与花丛中得家园。

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