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1、外文文件翻译 原文及译文 文件 出处: Roy P. The research of stores under the new retail J. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, , 3(5): 434-445. 原文 The research of stores under the new retail Roy Park Abstract In early June, , united business network in the industry for the firstime put forward

2、 the concept of new retail, and organize relevant discussions, meetings, open WeChat public with the same number and update the APP. The new retail has become the hottest word in the retail business development in . All parties are on the new retail put forward their own views, also makes the offlin

3、e stores all managers more profoundly understand the development trend of the retail industry. For our retail stores, from the traditional retail model to the new retail development, must revolve around the following three aspects to realize the change of innovation. Key words: retail innovation, ne

4、w retail, e-business 1 The overview of new retail For the new retail concept, in the industry have different point of view, some expressed doubt or dont understand. The new retail can really promote the development of industry, which may be controversial problem. Whose new retail will be how to redu

5、ce inventory, reduce inventory, offline business entities and online can truly integration, how to reconstruct the relationship between producers and consumers on issues such as left. This has caused a lot of reading and doubts. Years earlier, the businessman understanding of line is that if you wan

6、t more good sales, you must put a better marketing from the traditional way to Internet. And now the Internet has far more than just a sales, marketing channels, but can help merchants build brand, for users of lifecycle management, to acquire new users, maintenance of old customers, arouse the slee

7、ping, the way of the construction of the channel is changing. And channels, sales, and change of the whole logistics system, especially the transformation of the supply chain system, will eventually go big data driven product design, product manufacturing, is the new manufacturing. New retail will d

8、rive future is different from the formats of retail products now, it is not department stores, shopping center or a chain of conveni stores, shopping malls, supermarkets, but a new generation of retail products, is through the change of retail products. Retail product innovation,a variety of flowers

9、 in the future will be based on the reconstruction of the commercial elements. 2 The innovation of retail technology Enterprise material culture is created by employees products and implementation of various substances constitute the surface layer enterprise culture. Retailersell products and servic

10、es are the primary content of the material culture, followed by the market environment, corporate logo, employee identity, and degree of technology and equipment modernization and civilization, they are the main content of enterprise material culture. Retail technology innovation is from the aspects

11、 such as product, service, and market environment impact on the material culture. The popularization and application of new technology, P EDI and other business information system development and application, will improve the retail sales enterprise business flow, logistics, cash flow and informatio

12、n flow of the degree of modernization, improve process control ability of retail enterprises. The behavior of enterprise culture, is refers to the enterprise the production and business operation, learning, entertainment actiof culture. Retail store management, staff training, education, propaganda,

13、 human relations activity, recreational sports activities of cultural pheno is the main content of the enterprise behavior culture. Retail technology innovation requires companies to build encouraging innovation internal environment, and as the staff code of conduct, stimulate the staffs intelligenc

14、e, centripetal force and creativity. Retail enterprise introduction of new technology, innovation mode of operation, is bound to the employees a comprehensive range of skills training and guidance, this to a certain extent, can improve the comprehensive qu of employees, so as to improve enterprise s

15、ervice level. On the other hand, the use of the new technology attaches great importance to the relationship between the employees and the company, make employees have sense of responsibility and engagement, cultivating innovative consciousness and competitive consciousness, the enterprise to form t

16、he model effect, promotes the change enterprise behavior culture. Retail enterprises belong to the service industry, service is the eternal theme, the quality of service quality and employee has great relationship, it is to a large extent influence the relationship between the staff and customers. S

17、o, the innovation opportunities for staff employee satisfaction shoube a retail chain enterprise behavior culture, only to employee satisfaction, to be able to provide high quality, customer satisfaction services. The system of the enterprise culture is the mediation of spirit and matter, which incl

18、udes retail sales enterprise leading system, organization and daily management system, salary system, appraisal system, training system, business incentive system, etc. Retail technology innovation requires companies to transform traditional business with good cultural mechanism, give full play to t

19、he enterprise culture to form a good mechanism to promote and safeguard function, the enhancement enterprises cohesive force and fighting capacity. Rely on the innovation of the supply chain procurement mode, such as Wal-Mart to minimize the cost of supply, sticking to the lowest price, small profit

20、s for customers, treat customers at the same time, will satisfy the customer, respect for customers, service customers in the first place, won the customer trust for Wal-Mart, and bring huge returns. The spirit of the enterprise cultuthe enterprise culture of highly concentrated, it is the core of e

21、nterprise culture, the retail enterprises in the long-term operation and management in the process of gradually formed its own unique business philosophy and management style culture idea put forward need technology as support, retail technology innovation will cause the change of the spirit of ente

22、rprise culture aspect, it is retail enterprise spirit, concept, management philosophy. 3 New retail industry and the real store 3.1 Strategic thinking From China merchants centered principal thinking, to business centered proprietary thinking. Retail market in the new normal has forced entity shop t

23、o review with the supplier, the relationship between the thinking to rethink the retail strategy. Once upon a time the principal lodger of thinking for the center with merchants, put opposites suppliers. The stores earn big profits, but allow many suppliers have to change channels, turned to low cos

24、t electric business channels, thus further lack of offline store brand, lead to the operation state of physical stores all the more worrying. In the new retail environment, the op should adjust the strategic thinking stores, f physical abandon the principal lodger for a long time for the mainstream

25、investment thinking. Review with the supplierelations of cooperation, set up with the supplier symbiosis, create, win-win equal partnership.To the suppliers brand and commodities as a stores own brand and commodity, namely establish business centered proprietary thinking, participate in the supplier

26、s goods management, sales management, inventory management, etc., common to provide customers with services, through customer service value to form a community of interests in the supply chain. In the case of sales growth of between partners share interests, to jointly promote the establishment of t

27、he retail ecosystem. 3.2 Management conceptual change From the concept of the seller and for the center with goods is to customer as the center of the buyer. From the planned economy era of commodity economy is still in the influence on the ideology of entity shop operators, although with the concep

28、t of consumers as the center in more than 20 years ago, but the pretty entity shop rarely to think about the needs of the consumers, in the case of a decline in economic environment, force entity shop operators thinking transformation, but many still belong to the passive transformation. New retail

29、market environment, with the intensification of competition, the emergence of various new retail for great changes have taken place in consumers consumption demand, timely grasp consumer trends and timely adjust the operator has become physical stores transformation successful leader. Appear in the

30、market in recent years, many of the successful retail business is to adapt to the current consumer especially after 80, 80 the younger generation of consumer demand and to open stores, with fashion, personality, experience as the core of management and make young chasing sticks to socialize. Under t

31、he new retail, where consumers, where is the store service should be. Only in this way, offline retail have a sustainable future. 3.3 Management transformation From the extensive mode of property management is into a refinement of the detail management style. Most of the stores in the principal unde

32、r the guidance of strategic thinking, take a extensive mode of property management, operation and management of the supplier just blindly management, there are very few service, and also to customers just the image of cold, it has much more prominent in the stat run stores in some, especially in the

33、 case of the aging of the operators, less motivation to change. For private as the main body of the entity shop has to realize the importance of management, no matter from the property of the environment to build, brand portfolio, functional collocat humanized service measures have been changing ide

34、as, positive service for consumers, appear constantly on many cases of the industry should learn. Under the new retail stores more to embracthe Internet, online learning the experience of the electricity, the organic combination of information technology and management, firmly grasp the two core ele

35、ments of the goods and customers to put customers in the store choose, order, payment, logistics, after-sales, assessment, and share traditional trading links become more convenient, more experience. Quantitative and digital management in the process of refinement management, will bring a physical s

36、tore measurable, verifiable, and to use large amounts of data can be analyzed, the data is converted into service customers, service providers, more details of strengthening management resource, and through the data resources, hardware environment, and integrate the soft management, realize the upgr

37、ading development of the stores. New retail environment, entity shop in the aspects of thinking, ideas, methods, and innovation transformation is eyebrow nimble. Who really grasp the connotation and essence of the new retail represents, whocan be closer to consumers, in the new round of competition

38、to have more chance. 4 Conclusions Whatever physical stores change and development, regardless of the future development of the new retail model will be, offline stores and electric business platform, all should grasp the consumer demand, with the thinking of the Internet and technology, build a new

39、 pattern characterized by the integration of all online retail. 译文 新零售下实体店发展研究 Roy Park 摘要 年 6 月初,联商网在业界首次提出“新零售”概念,并组织相 关讨论、风云会议、开设同名微信公众号和更新 APP 等。“新零售” 俨然成为 年零售商业发展最热字眼。各方都不约而同地对“新 零售” 提出了各自观点,也使得线下实体店各位管理者们愈加深刻 地了解零售业发展趋势。对于我们零售门店来说,要从传统零售模 式向“新零售”发展,必须围绕以下三大方面实现革新转变。 关键词:零售业创新;新零售;电商 1 新零售概述 对于

40、“新零售”概念,业内人士观点不一,其中一部分就表示了质疑或是不了解。新零售能否真正带动实业发展,这或许是争议症结所在。新零售将怎样降低库存、降低谁库存、线下实体商业与线上能否真正融合、怎样重构商品生产者与消费者关系等问题上还留下了悬念。这也就造成了很多解读与疑虑。早些年,商家对于线上认识在于,要想更 好销售,就必须把愈加好营销从传统方式转向互联网。而现 在互联网已远不止是一个销售、营销渠道,而是能够帮助商家建设品牌、进行用户生命周期管理,去取得新用户、维护老用户、唤起沉睡用户,整个渠道建设方式正在发生改变。而渠道、销售、整个物流体系变革,尤其是供给链体系变革,最终会走向大数据驱动下产品设计、产

41、品制造,也就是 “新制造”。 新零售未来一定会推进产生不一样于现在业态零售产品,它不是百货、购物中心或者连锁便利店、大卖场、超市,而是新一代零售产品,是经过变革零售产品。未来多个多样百花齐放零售产品创新,将建立在商业元素重构基础上。 2 零售技术创新 企业物质文化是由企业员工创造产品和各种物质实施等构 成表层企业文化。零售企业所销售产品和提供服务是企业物质文化首要内容,其次是商场环境、企业标志、员工标识、技术设备当代化与文明程度等,它们都是企业物质文化主要内容。零售技术创新从产品、服务、商场环境等方面对物质文化产生影响。新技术推广应用, POS 、EDI 等商业信息系统开发应用,将提升零售企

42、业商流、物流、资金流和信息流当代化程度,全方面提升零售企业 流程控制能力。 企业行为文化,是指企业员工在生产经营、学习娱乐中产生 活动文化。零售企业商场经营、员工培训、教育宣传、人际关系活动、 文娱体育活动中产生文化现象,就是企业行为文化主要内容。零 售技术创新要求企业营造激励创新内部环境,并内化为员工行为 准则,激发全体员工智力、向心力和创造力。零售企业引进新技术,创新经营方式,必定要对员工进行全方位培训以及技能指导,这在一定程度上能够提升员工综合素质,从而提升企业服务水平;另首先,新技术利用重视企业与员工关系,使员工产生责任感和参加感,培养创新意识和竞争意识,在企业形成模范效应,促使企业行

43、为文化变革。零售企业属于服务行业,服务是永远主旋律,服务好坏与员工素质有极大关系,它在很大程度上影响员工与用户之间关系。所以给员工创新机会,让员工满意应该成为零售连锁企业行为文化,只有让员工满意,才能够提供优质、令客人满意服务。 企业制度文化是精神与物质中介, 它包含零售企业领导体 制、组织机构、日常管理制度、薪酬制度、考评制度、培训制度、营 业激励制度等内容。零售技术创新要求企业用良好文化机制改造传 统商业,充分发挥企业文化对形成企业良好机制促进和保障作用, 增强企业凝聚力和战斗力。如沃尔玛依靠创新供给链采购模式,使 供给成本降至最低,坚持按最低价、薄利多销争取用户,同时善待顾 客,将满足用

44、户、尊重用户、服务用户放在第一位,为沃尔玛赢得了 用户信任,并带来巨大回报。企业精神文化是企业文化高度浓缩, 它是企业文化关键层,零售企业在长久经营管理过程中逐步形成 其本身独特经营理念和管理格调文化理念提出需要技术作为支 撑,零售技术创新会引发企业精神文化层面上变革,它是零售企业 精神、理念、经营哲学等重新定位。 3 新零售与实体业 3.1 战略思维转变 从以招商为中心“二房东”思维,转为以经营为中心“自营”思维。 零售市场“新 常态”已逼使实体 店重新审阅与供给商之间关系,重新思索零售战略思维。从前以招商为中心“二房东”思维,将供给商放在“对立面”。实体店赚得大把利润,但让许多供给商纷纷改

45、变渠道,转向“低成本”电商渠道,从而使线下实体店品牌愈加缺乏,造成实体店经营状态越发堪忧。在新零售环境下,实体店经营者更应该调整战略思维, 摒弃长久 “二房东”为主流 招商思维。重新审阅与供给商合作关系,树立与供给商“共生、共创、共赢”平等合作搭档关系。将供给商品牌和商品视为实体店本身品牌和商品,即树立以经营为中心“自营”思维,参加供给商商品管理、促销管理、库存管理等,共同为用户提供服务,经过用户服务增值来形成供给链上“利益共同体”。在销售增加情况下实现合作搭档之间利益分成,才能共同推进零售生态圈建立。 3.2经营 观念转变 要从以商品为中心卖方观念,转为以用户为中心买方观念。 计划经济时代所

46、遗留下来商品经济仍在影响着实体店经营者思 想,即使以消费者为中心观念在 20 多年前就已提及,但“过得很好” 实体店极少去思索消费者需求,在经济大环境下滑情况下,逼 使实体店经营者去思索转型,但很多还是属于被动转型。新零售市场 环境下,伴随竞争加剧,各种新兴零售业态出现,消费者消费 需求发生了翻天覆地改变,能及时抓住消费者改变趋势并及时作出调整经营者已成为实体店转型成功领先者。近年来,市场上出现 许多成功零售商业均是适应该前消费者尤其是 80 后、90 后年轻 一代消费需求而开设实体店,以时尚、个性、体验为经营关键而 打造受年轻人追棒社交场所。在新零售下,消费者在哪儿,实体 店服务就应该在哪儿

47、。一切均要围绕用户需求而转变。只有这么, 线下零售才有可连续未来。 3.3管理方法转变 要从粗放型物业管理方式,转为精巧化细节管理方式。大部 分实体店因为在“二房东”战略思维引导下,经营管理上采取粗放型物业管理方式,对供给商只是一味地“管理”,极少有“服务”一说,而对用户也只是“冷 冰冰”形象, 这在一些具备国营实体店更为突出,尤其在其经营者年纪老化情况下,更没有斗志去改变。而对于以民营为主体实体店已意识到管理主要性,不论从物业环境打造、品牌组合、功效搭配、人性化服务方法等都已转变观念,主动为消费者服务,不停出现许多值得业界学习案例。在新零售下,实体店更要拥抱互联网,学习线上电商经验,将信息技

48、术与经营管理有机结合起来,紧紧掌握商品和用户两个关键要素,将用户在实体店选品、下单、支付、物流、售后、评价、分享等传统交易步骤变得愈加便捷,体验感更强。精巧化管理过程中量化和数据化管理,将为实体店带来可衡量、可考评、可分析和利用大量数据,将这些数据转化成服务用户、服务供给商、愈加强化管理细节“资源”,并经过数据资源、硬件环境和软性管理相整合,实现实体店升级发展。新零售环境下,实体店实现从思维、观念、方法等方面革新转变已迫在眉捷。谁真正掌握“新零售”所代表内涵和精华,谁才能愈加靠近消费者,在新一轮竞争中才有更多胜算。 4 结论 不论实体店怎样变革和发展,不论“新零售”未来发展模式会是什么,线下实体店和电商平台,均应掌握消费需求,用互联网思维和技术,打造线上线下全融通零售新模式。

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