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1、alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity.18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning,priority and first project,formulated a series of policies now focus,devel

2、opment measures have all been clear.We want to seize the opportunity,precision application strategy,focus punch,break support.,Supports the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure,public services,promoting high standards,support,and more oppor

3、tunities for us to accelerate development,provide greater support.From provinces policy oriented see,1236 poverty storming,and 6873 traffic breakthrough,and 6363 water guarantees,major action speed up implementation,ecological security barrier,and long East energy chemical base construction,major st

4、rategy intensive introduced,and provincial eight a change,and eight a both and municipal six a into,and six big support of decision deployment,concentrated release has many policy good.In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing

5、the innovation zone,jingchuan based advantage,create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas.From I County project resources see,national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation,will in country

6、 province level won more support;Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel,and xiping railway double track,major project into provinces plate,will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status;paper Brigade integrated body,and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir,and agricultural PV power,

7、and gas utilization,and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market,and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line,a number of major projects implemented,handicap,Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly,these projects originated from the T

8、welve-Five continue to accumulate,to develop their potential in the Thirteen-Five concentrated during release.Orient,is to deepen the understanding of accurate.After years of the revision,development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point,features of economic and social development ha

9、s changed significantly.Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage,dual action and poor precision,driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5%to 11.2%.Full implementation of the 1+17,2+19 programme,ensure the timely realization of poverty,poor people to achie

10、ve well-off society,we must battle tasks.From the perspective of current income,poor village,the poor generally lack strong industrial support,most rely on service revenue,along with the deepening of structural reform,low skills,hard work will become increasingly difficult,labor income jump more and

11、 more小学生抒情类作文写法之我见小学生抒情类作文写法之我见祁东县石亭子中心小学:张奇月 抒情类作文在小学非常重要,它能够从小培养我们对人、对事、对物的情感,那么怎样才能写好这类文章呢?以下就我在作文教学中遇到的问题谈谈自己的一些看法:所谓抒情,就是用饱含情感的语言,抒发作者对人或事物的各种情感。它主要是以情感人,它有助于渲染气氛,感染读者,增强文章的表现力。抒情的方式主要有两种,即直接抒情和间接抒情。直接抒情就是作者直接抒发自己的感情,而间接抒情是通过叙述、描写、议论等形式来抒情,是在对人或事物、景物记叙描写基础上的有感而发。因此间接抒情包括即事抒情、即人抒情和即景抒情三种。抒情的方法主要

12、有两种:一种是紧张的、强烈的,把感情直接倾诉出来,风格较为外露明快;一种是轻淡的、和缓的,把感情深藏在心底,风格比较内向含蓄。抒情类文章的内容和对象:可以是自己心中对生活的某种感受的流露,可以是对一人一事一景一物由衷的赞叹感激或厌恶愤恨之情,也可以是人、事、景、物引起自己丰富联想的表达。抒情的内容十分广泛,抒情的对象也包罗万象。那么要写好抒情类文章,具体应注意哪些问题呢?alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportu

13、nity.18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning,priority and first project,formulated a series of policies now focus,development measures have all been clear.We want to seize the opportunity,precision application strategy,focus punch,b

14、reak support.,Supports the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure,public services,promoting high standards,support,and more opportunities for us to accelerate development,provide greater support.From provinces policy oriented see,1236 poverty

15、 storming,and 6873 traffic breakthrough,and 6363 water guarantees,major action speed up implementation,ecological security barrier,and long East energy chemical base construction,major strategy intensive introduced,and provincial eight a change,and eight a both and municipal six a into,and six big s

16、upport of decision deployment,concentrated release has many policy good.In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone,jingchuan based advantage,create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas.From I

17、 County project resources see,national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation,will in country province level won more support;Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel,and xiping railway double track,m

18、ajor project into provinces plate,will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status;paper Brigade integrated body,and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir,and agricultural PV power,and gas utilization,and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market,and Million tonnes of controlled

19、atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line,a number of major projects implemented,handicap,Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly,these projects originated from the Twelve-Five continue to accumulate,to develop their potential in the Thirteen-Five concentrated during release.Ori

20、ent,is to deepen the understanding of accurate.After years of the revision,development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point,features of economic and social development has changed significantly.Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage,dual

21、 action and poor precision,driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5%to 11.2%.Full implementation of the 1+17,2+19 programme,ensure the timely realization of poverty,poor people to achieve well-off society,we must battle tasks.From the perspective of current income,poor village,the poor generally l

22、ack strong industrial support,most rely on service revenue,along with the deepening of structural reform,low skills,hard work will become increasingly difficult,labor income jump more and more 一、选材真实,有感而发,有情可抒一、选材真实,有感而发,有情可抒 自然界的景物千姿百态,生活中的事情多种多样,社会上的人们又形形色色。在这个纷繁的世界里,我们应该对什么对象抒情,抒些什么样的感情呢?只有真实的材料才

23、能流露出真实的感情,虚构出来的故事是很难打动人心的。真实的材料是写作的基础,选材独特又是成功的关键。只要选材真实,就能显示出独特之处。所以我们下笔的对象应是那些能给人美感给人希望给人力量和启迪的景物,是那些和自己有着千丝万缕的紧密联系、能打动自己的心灵、引发自己情感的人和事。只有选好物、择好景、找好人,才能调动自己的真情实感,写出真挚感人的文章来。二、找好细节,找好抒情点二、找好细节,找好抒情点 细节描写往往是把感人的片段放大,相当于电影里的特写镜头,能拉近与读者的距离,让读者感同身受,身临其境。要善于从自己切身的体验中去寻找曾经打动过自 己的东西,将或喜或悲、或憎或爱的感情集中到某一点上,并

24、着力描写好这个“动情点”。这个动情点可以是瞬间的现象、感人的语言、一个动作、一种眼神、内心 的感动等等。细腻描绘,精心打造,做到于细微处见真情,这样就能打动人,感染人!抒情类文章多是借景抒情或借物抒怀,或引人起情。因此,我们要对“对象”细心审视,不但要找出既异于同类的显著特点,还要挖出其内在的精神和灵魂,要写出物的人格化,人的品格化,找出alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity.18 since the

25、 Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning,priority and first project,formulated a series of policies now focus,development measures have all been clear.We want to seize the opportunity,precision application strategy,focus punch,break support.,Sup

26、ports the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure,public services,promoting high standards,support,and more opportunities for us to accelerate development,provide greater support.From provinces policy oriented see,1236 poverty storming,and 687

27、3 traffic breakthrough,and 6363 water guarantees,major action speed up implementation,ecological security barrier,and long East energy chemical base construction,major strategy intensive introduced,and provincial eight a change,and eight a both and municipal six a into,and six big support of decisio

28、n deployment,concentrated release has many policy good.In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone,jingchuan based advantage,create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas.From I County project r

29、esources see,national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation,will in country province level won more support;Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel,and xiping railway double track,major project into

30、 provinces plate,will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status;paper Brigade integrated body,and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir,and agricultural PV power,and gas utilization,and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market,and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit

31、and freezing and drying food production line,a number of major projects implemented,handicap,Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly,these projects originated from the Twelve-Five continue to accumulate,to develop their potential in the Thirteen-Five concentrated during release.Orient,is to deepen

32、the understanding of accurate.After years of the revision,development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point,features of economic and social development has changed significantly.Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage,dual action and poor

33、precision,driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5%to 11.2%.Full implementation of the 1+17,2+19 programme,ensure the timely realization of poverty,poor people to achieve well-off society,we must battle tasks.From the perspective of current income,poor village,the poor generally lack strong indust

34、rial support,most rely on service revenue,along with the deepening of structural reform,low skills,hard work will become increasingly difficult,labor income jump more and more3其内在美,闪光之点,以此作为抒情之突破口,这样才能牵动情丝,激起热情,抒高尚之情,抒美好之情。三、主题要明确,线索要明了三、主题要明确,线索要明了 抒情类文章一般来说取材广泛自由,不受时空限制,表现方法灵活多样,不拘一格。但不论怎样自由、怎样灵活、

35、怎样广泛,一篇文章必须有一个明确的中心,有一根明了的线索。感情充沛并不等于感情泛滥,乱无头绪,借景物抒情,也并不随意借取毫无取舍,而是要情感真挚,围绕主题,抒发自己的真情实感。四、结构灵活多样,围绕主题合理安排四、结构灵活多样,围绕主题合理安排 人常说,文无定法,的确如此。行文中在何处抒情最佳呢?这要具体问题具体对待,围绕主题合理安排。有的把抒情放在具体、充分的描写之后;有的则开篇先是抒情,然后以情牵事物,再作具体描述;还有的则是在叙述、描写的同时融进强烈的感情,于字里行间进行感情的自然渗透。五、借助丰富联想和想象,做到虚实相生五、借助丰富联想和想象,做到虚实相生 好的抒情类文章,总以情动人,

36、而以情动人的文章,往往离不开联想和想象。联想和想象就好像闪光的彩翼,有了它,如同插上了一双翅膀,神驰遐想,浮想联翩,写人记事,能把境界开拓得更加深远,抒情状物,能把事物描写得更加生动。作文时只有抓住一点,发生联想和想象,就能思如泉涌,妙笔alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity.18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and dev

37、elopment into the overall strategic planning,priority and first project,formulated a series of policies now focus,development measures have all been clear.We want to seize the opportunity,precision application strategy,focus punch,break support.,Supports the development of old revolutionary and a se

38、ries of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure,public services,promoting high standards,support,and more opportunities for us to accelerate development,provide greater support.From provinces policy oriented see,1236 poverty storming,and 6873 traffic breakthrough,and 6363 water guarantees,ma

39、jor action speed up implementation,ecological security barrier,and long East energy chemical base construction,major strategy intensive introduced,and provincial eight a change,and eight a both and municipal six a into,and six big support of decision deployment,concentrated release has many policy g

40、ood.In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone,jingchuan based advantage,create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas.From I County project resources see,national ecological civilization pilot

41、 engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation,will in country province level won more support;Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel,and xiping railway double track,major project into provinces plate,will further upgrade I County traf

42、fic hub and channel economic status;paper Brigade integrated body,and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir,and agricultural PV power,and gas utilization,and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market,and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line,a numb

43、er of major projects implemented,handicap,Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly,these projects originated from the Twelve-Five continue to accumulate,to develop their potential in the Thirteen-Five concentrated during release.Orient,is to deepen the understanding of accurate.After years of the re

44、vision,development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point,features of economic and social development has changed significantly.Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage,dual action and poor precision,driven by County poverty dropped from 37.

45、5%to 11.2%.Full implementation of the 1+17,2+19 programme,ensure the timely realization of poverty,poor people to achieve well-off society,we must battle tasks.From the perspective of current income,poor village,the poor generally lack strong industrial support,most rely on service revenue,along wit

46、h the deepening of structural reform,low skills,hard work will become increasingly difficult,labor income jump more and more生花,情感丰富,虚实相生,深化主题。但是要记住,联想和想象必须有所依托,必须合情合理,并不是胡思乱想。例如:朱自清的梅雨潭一课中“这个亭踞在突出的一角的岩石上,上下都空空的,仿佛一只苍鹰展着翼翅浮在天宇中一般”和“那溅着的水花,晶莹而多芒,远望去像一朵朵小小的白梅,微雨似的纷纷落着”等都是丰富的联想。六、抒情要健康、优美,有真情实感六、抒情要健康、优

47、美,有真情实感 月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合,酸甜苦辣的生活 赐予人们喜怒哀乐的情感。然而生活在美好的社会主义国家里,我们会感到无比幸福和温暖,所以我们要抒人民大众之情,社会主义之情,民族自豪之情,这才是积极健康、高尚乐观、充满信心和力量的感情。我们的民族之情也应体现在祖国的一山一水、一草一木、一人一事上。这种感情来自正确的政治观点、高尚的道德情操,我们必须关心生活,热爱生活,加强思想教育,抒发自己内心的真情实感,唤起人们对美好生活的热爱和对崇高理想的追求。“情到深处文自工”,作文只有真情打造,才会闪现出诱人的光彩!没有真情,再华美的文字也会苍白无力;没有真情,再严谨的结构也会不堪一击;没有真情

48、,再丰富的材料也会索然无味。真情无限,亲情、友情、师生情,情情动人;真情无边,登山则情满于山,观海则情溢于海,情情飞扬。作文要想出彩,要想感人,千万 别丢掉真情。真情,永远是作文的灵魂!alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity.18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall

49、strategic planning,priority and first project,formulated a series of policies now focus,development measures have all been clear.We want to seize the opportunity,precision application strategy,focus punch,break support.,Supports the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in

50、 areas such as infrastructure,public services,promoting high standards,support,and more opportunities for us to accelerate development,provide greater support.From provinces policy oriented see,1236 poverty storming,and 6873 traffic breakthrough,and 6363 water guarantees,major action speed up implem

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