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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑雅思高分写作的构造 实例分析雅思高分写作的构造为你带来用实际的例子分析的雅思高分作文构造。今日我给大家带来了实例分析雅思高分写作的构造,期望能够关怀到大家,一起来学习吧。 实例分析雅思高分写作的构造 雅思写作考试中,文章构造有很多种,而不同的文章构造也针对不同的雅思写作话题类型,那么各类型的雅思写作话题更适合怎样的文章构造呢?今日给大家讲解雅思写作中常见的作文构造。 纵观历年考试中,雅思写作的题目会经常消灭重复的题,今日我们通过?图书馆功能?这个题为例,来具体讲解文章构造。 Maintaining public librariesis a waste of

2、money since computer technology can replace librariesfunction. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree? 从题型上来讲,这是个特殊典型的“同意不同意观点辩驳类型的题目。在分析这个题目的时候大家应当留意分析其题眼所在。 整个题目是一个因果关系的命题,即“由于电脑科技可以替代公共图书馆的功能,所以花钱维护公共图书馆是一种铺张钱的举动。考生需要论证自己同意或者不同这个命题。 在认真分析后我们不难觉察这个命题有两条主线: 1. 因果关系是否成立; 2. 电脑科技是否能够取代公共图书馆。 一篇好的文章应当

3、该将上述两条主线都要提到,这样子才能保证有较高的文章解析程度。在分析好题目之后如今我们就开场谋篇布局。 换言之就是这篇文章我们考虑要写几段,每一段具体写什么内容。 一般来讲常见的雅思作文段落构造有两种,即我们所常见的“五段式或者“四段式构造。 所谓的“五段式是指Introduction和Conclusion各写一段,然后文章主体局部用三个理由段落来论证自己观点。 所谓的“四段式就是指主体段落只用两个理由段落来论证。 两种分段方法都有其优势所在: “五段式构造层次感强,表态更鲜亮有力。 “四段式更加简洁操作,客观分析论题的正反两面所以简洁组织思路。 大家应当学会依据题目和自己的习惯来选择。例如本

4、次考试的文章,下面分别给出其“五段式和“四段式的布局构造供大家参考: 四段式: 第一段 引言:描述题目背景,提出观点。 其次段 主线一:不否认电脑科技可以替代公共图书馆的一局部功能。 第三段 主线二:但是公共图书馆作为社会生活的一局部有其不行替代性。 第四段 总结:综上所述,花钱维护公共图书馆不是一种铺张钱的行为。 第一段落: Maintaining public librariesis not a waste of money since computer technology can replace libraries function. 其次段落: We can not deny tha

5、t computertechnology can replace certain function of library, such as, because 第三段落: But as a necessary part ofour social life, public library can not replace by computer technology in thefollowing aspects. 第四段落: All in all, maintainingpublic libraries is not a waste of money since computer technolo

6、gy can replacelibraries function. 五段式: 第一段 引言:描述题目背景,提出观点。 其次段 主线一:公共图书馆作为社会生活的一局部有其不行替代性之一。 第三段 主线一:公共图书馆作为社会生活的一局部有其不行替代性之二。 第四段 主线二:不否认电脑科技可以取代公共图书馆的一局部功能,但远远缺乏以完全取代其社会地位。 第五段 总结:综上所述花钱维护公共图书馆不是一种铺张钱的行为。 第一段落: Maintaining public librariesis not a waste of money since computer technology can repla

7、ce libraries function. 其次段落: Firstly, as a necessary partof our social life, public library can not replace by computer technology,since (reason 1) 第三段落: Secondly, as a necessary partof our social life, public library can not replace by computer technology,because (reason 2) 第四段落: At last but not le

8、ast, we cannot deny computer technology can replace certain aspects of public library, butthere is still a long way to go for it to replace public library completely. 第五段落: In a word, maintaining publiclibraries is not a waste of money since computer technology can replacelibraries function. 从上面的构造中

9、我们可以看到,题目中的两条主线都有具体的文字进展论述,这样一来我们对文章分析题程度就很精细,题目中所提到的各种要求我们都分析到了,这样我们就能在这一项上拿到一个较高的分数,也就是我们通常所说的评分标准第一项(Task Response)。而假设文章始终在论证电脑科技能否取代图书馆的话就会有些偏题,分数相对也会受到确定的影响。 以上就是实例分析雅思高分写作的构造的全部内容,大家可以看出雅思写作的每一段是一个典型的总分总的构造,整体的文章构成也是总分总的构造。这个构造是英语写作中的典型构造。文中对于这个题目,进展了细致的写作前的写作思路讲解和大纲的排列,同学们也可以参照这种方法在写作之前先想清楚要

10、写什么,怎么写后再动笔开场写。 雅思写作:Task1书信考官范文 You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the hank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will he charged $70 which will he taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a

11、 letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. Model Answer: Dear Sir, I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago. In your letter you state that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70. I would like to point

12、out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake made by your bank. If you look through your records you will see that I wrote several weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last twelve months, I have been paying $300 a month for a car I bought last summer. The monthly payments were t

13、aken directly from my bank account. However, two months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you instructing you to stop paying the monthly installments. I received a letter from you acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it. Another $300 installment has been paid this m

14、onth and this is the reason why I am overdrawn. I would like you to contact the garage where I bought the car explaining your error. I would also like you to ask them to return the money. Yours faithfully, Jennifer Arson 雅思写作:Task1书信考官范文 A friend has asked you to babysit on Saturday and wants to kno

15、w how much you charge per hour for this. Unfortunately, you already have a commitment this weekend and cannot help. However, you free the following weekend. Write a letter to your friend explaining that you are not able to help this time, but could help later. Explain also what your fee for the serv

16、ice is. Model Answer: Dear Margarita, Thank you for asking me to babysit for you. As you know I enjoy looking after Anthony and would be happy to help you out. However, this weekend I have a commitment which I cannot break. My parents are coming to visit and I am going to take them down to the coast

17、 as I have always promised to do. They are getting older so I like to spend as much time with them as possible. Also, it is my fathers birthday and I want to celebrate with them. I am really sorry that I am not able to help this time, but I am free next weekend and I would be glad to babysit for you

18、 then, if you should choose to go out for the evening. My charge is fifteen dollars per hour until midnight and twenty dollars per hour after that. You would need to give me any special instructions you might have and, of course, leave a phone number in case of emergency. Yours sincerely, 雅思写作 第 6 页 共 6 页

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