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1、同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平模拟试题一(1)Pape ne 试卷一Part LiennCpeesion略art I Voauar16 Some teeagers hrbr generazed reentment gais soiety,wch_ m therighsadrivilegesof adults, alhughphysicy te are matre. rejects B. deniesC. dprives retrit17.Theres littl hnce thamakd woud_ a nuceawar.A retain B. endeC. mainai .srvive18

2、 His ong servce wth thecopan wa_ with a resent.A adi B. ackowledgedC. atibu D. aceped1.The orythat follows_ tw amus harcters of Roy Mounta gold rush daysA.reaeBsttC onersDprolais Chinatrted t lear power inry ny in cent yrs,nd shoud _no time in cachng up. lag .lseC. delay D. ssn21 Hi parents ean o _

3、asmall um ofoney every oth for hi collgeedction he he wasstll little hild.Au p B aydowC.etaie D. laapart22 Yu reay ought o_;a theseate nighs are dong you no good.A.brin o B.sl doC. pull huh D. pass throgh. When e noted htnoo wainterested, Ned _ tal aou filmA. left off B rked onC.e don D. ize up2.he

4、easn he haeen suchasucess i _ he nev gvs uA. a B tt:C. since . bcause25A ma ecad from prisoat nigh Itas along time_the guads iscovered wat had hapene.A.unilB. bfre since. when2.No ther workimore imotantrigh no _ pevnt hespead o this dieas.A. as t . tha toC. as . t2.A mcnnot aly happy i_ e eoys doig

5、isignredb oieyas f o value. wt B. whenC tht Dall wha28.Th recip sai tose btr, b swed run ut wead o_wthmiA. dawa . make oC.mke up. make t it29 Its importnce as been _ me vey trogl.A. bough ntoacton . rughthome t brogt tomin D.bohto ight0. Mex, a student fChies literaure frm Autraa,is ery_ eing opea.A

6、. fon n fnd forC. en for D. kn 31Ae d(whred)t pety lays fae.dstoyed htC. ma decrepitD. ecked32 Theirreqes was (asud) donsntly rejeced.riulos . ecssive .C.feasie. ash33 H wa gven iisonme wihot te (ption of) a fine.A. punishmt B.requesC.freedomto chose. Demand34t uly te ome tim to (getover) hock of sb

7、sdeatA.ovecome. do wioutC ignore . deal wth35. Tey (acre ) upase to imfor eceedg his fellow okers in produon .athedB. suliC. wardedD.realePat II Redi omehesinPasageIn 16,in espe to widepreadublic cern arused by edical repots asbstos-related deaths, th National Meical esearch ouil oranisd acommitee o

8、f enqury investigte the heath ras associeith the useof sestos in th uiing idur.Afte xaming evidence providy dical rsechers ad buildigwrrs nd mnamn,te Cocipublihe a pothih incled advie ordengt abestos. he repo cnfirmed te findg similr rserch i he nid tas n CanaExpoureo relteysma quatito asbeosibres,

9、they onced, was directlesonsibe r deveopment of cer, sbosis andrelaed diseses.Taking into account vience providd by ecoomists and bulding ndustry managemet,oevr,h report asued tht desite te avbilityfthe mateials, asbet woud cntinue t pla a aorole inte Briis buldn idsy o man years to oebecause o its

10、avalabilty and lo co.s aresult, heoucil gav aseies oremmedatios icwe intnded toredu h riks tthse gtbe xposedtoas es as in wrkng vironents ey remmendtha, whereosble, sbtos-fre mateialssoul e eplyedIn cases whre sbestosas emloyd, twas recommded thattshould be ued insca wayhat loose fibres we less ily

11、to enter the air. Te port recmmendd that speil careshulbetken durin ork ineinments hchcotaisesoWrrs should eaprotctive equiment d ake peci care toemoe sfro e enviontand clothig wit te se of vacum cleaners.Th report identii vefactos whihdeermine th leelf sk ivove. e ate n ype f sesis critic to etermi

12、ningte riskfacts. In ddtion, dt ormatin w ound to belitdwhere the absto as usedwen trtethan dryThe oceoftols was alsofond toaffet e uatities f asbestos prtiles tateter the ai. Machine too prodce greaterqantitie of dut han hatools ad, h posbe, he useo tlatter was eommene.A tc actor which tes place i

13、ri reducionis th aequate venilion of heworing eronm. When wrk takeplc inan encosed pace, mr asbets paicls cirulate an t was therefore recmened that atral rahie vtilaon shud be use.By cloly ollowng thesadvice, i was clmdthat expoure can bereuced t areasonaby prctia nim .36. Exposuetoabestos fbescan a

14、usecancer _.A. only wnabstos s used in bding indutry.B. onlywen it s usedin lge qntites.C. even if it s used in mall anitisD. if they are usd when etrathr than ry.3Eosreto asbestsfibres s harmfl to peoples heatA s tu of asbetos isliitdB.but asetswll co to be usedf ong time cm. stherew knds of materi

15、al re uder delopn.D. bthe) ntbe sowhen ventan deces areus38. t can be infred frm teasage tht thea dangercome fm _A.the 3sbstos s that pple tke in t contc f thewrks kin wit abetosprticlsC.heifri quality f t asbestos itselfD. t cessive of man-ade asbeso matrial3. Edee fo the est ndhe biling nstres hows tht _. exosr oasbetofbess ance caungBbesoss iextenves buildng ndustryC. use ofbstos is beig eded grallyD. esureto asbsos ibre can reducedsigniicantl(完)

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