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1、开头:Godmorning / afernoon,juer. I am umber_. Im glad t shae leson with yu.My eaingcnteny Wrs & rg / Stry /Sunds a words ofUni _ o FrienswithEnlih, Bk _ Tis unt ain about (一般是单元旳主题)ow,Iwil exn he esson fromthfollng aspects. 一、说教材(eaching maeial)Firstly,lts fouson th teahin marial. I incude 3 part: tea

2、cncnens、teachig am、teke and dffcutpointNw,Iwilltal abo he analyss feachingcntets:1、 教学内容 (aching nents)Frty, les fcs on he anysis of acing ontnt he leson sa new ne nit_. Tis unitntroues nd eveos th theme of “_”, S areexpced o aster the nw word_ nd to s he ky snence pern_ in proper stuatio. Th tachig

3、conten mailydescribes _(新授旳重要内容), an t so l o the new nowledge poitThereore,i is i the iporatpoition of thisunt If s a maer iel,i will bbenefit o thm o ler th est of he unit2、 教学目旳(Teachingaims)eodly, is out he teaching ai.Acoring tene uriculumstaad antheyllbs, and after tuding the teching materiala

4、nd thefacs f the Ss, I st e 4 ams fllows:1, Kowledgeobjes1) s can understandth content crrty heycan eadandplay the aloe;2)Ssc liste, read, speand wrtete core words_;) S canuse th ne pater _- proerly.2, Ailiyojct) To tran S ilitis of listenin and speain;) Totrin S alit of workingin grups3.Imortantand

5、dficultpontsAccoding tote sbuad the impornt point: have Sfully undertand the content, elp t rea play the dialog.The diffcut points: 1)Help sto r te dialogue lueny, ndhelptem to read an play he dialogu; 2)make rethey can rathe or rd correty., oral ojectTo ostr S concosss o goodcoopratoan ror cmettin.

6、 二、说教法(teahing mehods)Next, I a talin abt teacingmethd. In his lesson, ill maily ue “Taskbaed acigmthd”, “Cmmunicatve languagetchin mehod” and “TPR ahingmetod”, nso . hat i to sy, Iwlllet he Ss larn n rlsituations,to h Ss oget btr undertndin f he ke sructureof th iaogue by fiisinga tsk. Iillarang f

7、kinds o atvitie:sngin,gues am,finhin a srvy and havg comptio and woring in goup. And n his leso, reordr,PT, picture, ardillbe need. 三、说学法(Lrn ethods) Thrdly, ittalksabot lenig ethd. Ou stuents e inGrae . ey areacie an rius, nterestedi ne hings.Aerlearning Engish or _ yars,they have ome asicngish ckg

8、round knowedge, sothetacher shul pa attentn toh ommuniatinwith hem, poiithem the chancs f sng lanuag. 四、教学过程(techinoedres)Ten, ets ocus o the teacng ceus Iwl finisteleson in se.Sp 1a-upI ill os aout min.Afe greetngi te S,Iwill eginthe son singing the son tethe with h Ss.(or revie te k ordsor sentees

9、ipt/ o heas an essthe wos)Purpos(目旳意图):Thepurpose of this i t fom bete Englis lari surudig or he Ss, and, at th same tie,it proides situaton review e earned knowdge fo next p.Step2 Prsention will cst abou min.ith the hlo ePT,I st sitaio o by to timulat the Ss itrest of hesson.BplayigthePPT, Ad then,

10、 (板书ayot)Th rps of th o preent the new ords ndsnencs i teituaion, whchres to the Ss eallife expries, toelp th Ssudrstadthe lngage eaily andnatrally.Afer pesetingah ne wd (th uessinggame), I wil imprtte knowled ofronniatonrules in tacin the ewords. I iscalePonics.I an facliae th Ssabtis to pronounthe

11、 wor, n help tem tremmberth pellig owodsSp3. PrcticeIt will cot i, including 1ehaic activitto helSstecgnizand read hew wors and setncs,and 2 aciviis in he meanigfu siuations tomae Ss us ew worwithentnc structues i , to hl su hagug in al ituatn. Due o thSs a, Imake Thepros of this is dra the wole tnt

12、io t pllng fthe wods. t is help S tlearn hruh tru sitationS.Deelpmnt is te, I willgie sa spact sother abilitie. wil (一般是讨论,小组合作,体现、演出部分)The, ask-baseeachingmtho ad ommunicaiveanguae tachngare ed hre.Thecty is t devlpSs ilty f communiction, nd lso, thei abilty of coopertoil b wevepd. Mkg a new dlogue

13、is to chec fs cau corretlyand skifulSep 5. Conclusionn hisstep,I ill guie the Ss to conludete ky wods An senteces nd l, Iwil T ppsof ths is tostimulate nteret ofeaning glih adwdether kowledeou conicati aculues.tep6Homewor五.板书再次简介(theblkboard design)Ad, thisis y ayut degn. (口头讲一下你旳板书设计)Thats all ry techidesign. hak yu lot for litening.

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