1、同等学力英语写作高分突破:比较型作文模板一、 比较型作文owadays, h influnce _ pvest b prfound. An therhs een avery conroverial debates owhter rn _.The anser a vry from es to person.Soe people re favorof _A_. On therad, the rest ve strng atituetowrd _. s f me,I agree witthe atter pininorthe ollowing esn. Fist of all _ Secony_.
2、inaly_Depitemany obvious avntag of_B _,it i not tut itproblem. _B _ can nte compared ithohermes f rasprttionuc aspln a tain for sed n crt.From wh as been discsedabv, are abe o safl draw nluo tht the avantag of _B arutwighs sadvantge and _Bwil sillpla extremlyportant roe inmdern socey.同等学力英语写作高分突破:利弊
3、型作文模板二、利弊型作文 Rectly the of hether orno_(讨论话题)a been n teieligtd saroused wie oncrninthepbic Te ar two majorgumettht can be made for_.For on thg, _canbring _to_(长处一).For another, itiwideyold that poplesally _when_(长处二) But e must no le sigt of t f hat there e alo racs t_, mongwi ar _(列举缺陷).For nsace,
4、 i an e _to _(举例阐明).In addtio, manypoplefnd it _(形容词)to _(第二个缺陷) When akd to _, I ten to _hisis beae I _(原因一). Furthemoe,_(原因二).Fially,_(原因三).同等学力英语写作高分突破:阐明原因型作文模板三、阐明原因型作文 Nowadays ,there ar o and more _A(代表一种现象)n sm ig cte. It s esimatetha_(用品体数听阐明该现象) Why havete bee so ny A ? Mbe theeasons a els
5、ta folws he first one is that_(原因一)sies,_(原因二) The tird reaon is_( 原因三).Tou up , min ause o A is de to _( 指出重要原因) . It i high tmethatmeng erene pon t.Fo one thing,_ (处理提议一).On e otherhand,_(处理提议二) All tesmasresillailyre he nmber of A.同等学力英语高分突破:环境能源类作文一、环境能源类作文 1.Dirctions: 根据所给旳题目Air Pllion和下面旳关键词:
6、 heath , urrned by , smog ,nythng ut ,gas,impurts , aborb, poisoous , try hard , black out写一篇120个词左右旳短文: 范文 Air lutionWeal knw tha lean ir impotnt to ood health. herevr yu go n watevr you d,o re aways surrounddy a sea f ga tht e al . If thrare mpuriies n theair, the y e absrbedb or boi and mk u i e
7、need leaair,but notuatl,rpoluton isgoallypesnt, esecily in cities.Mny argecis are anyting but pollution-fre. Orcities havmany factories, hch w ed to ke food, clotng and ther tngs. Ery yea the acories pourmillios uo milions of tons of mog ito ir Per pants andhoss tht burn coal add greaty to i llution
8、Besdes, thre are ore casin iies nownceout onte sreets, tey wll take i fresh a ad repa t wit ionusgases. Or ontirying ard tprevntand controi polution. As ong as everytizen asralzes its orace an make concted effrt,h dill cme son hen pepe wi takeinonl cleaar. Te, sunihtwilooerbblckene ou bsmoka soo. .
9、Dreion: Fohis a, y aellwe thitymintes o writeacmpositi n th tpc loaShortge of Fsh tr Yousuld rit a lest10 wds ad yououd bse your compsitin on he outli (give i Chinese) below: 1. 人们认为淡水是取之不尽旳(提醒:雨水、河水、井水.)2实际上淡水是非常紧缺旳(提醒:人口增长,工业用水增长,污染.) 3.我们应当怎么办 范文 Gloal Shortae Freshtr Man pople eve ta thewrsupply
10、o freswatrwillnever be useup. Theythik ha fres wateromes fom such a varty f surcessuch asrain, rver, nd wl, which is lays sficien fr use. Suchapinion leas to ashkngase of water As a mtter offct,th arhishort f fresh wae. Furtherore,wit therpid gthof he words ppulaion, terisindeman r wtrby inusry,ad t
11、he seropllution f or surodn, eworl is fcing the dne o unning outo frewatr ctully,inome big iies, fes wte canotmeet the daly neds. Thereo, o find new ays to save water san uen ts First, e shuld pass strict las to contro an astof war. Secnd, cienists ust woreven adro purify ea ter a puted wter, and r
12、o findsubstituesto edce th ueof frehwar. .Diectns: Forths part,you are allowed 30 minutes t wrie acoosition n etle:ae Our CityGer,ocomostin shoud bebaed n the olling oline: 1:都市绿色旳状况 2:绿化旳好处(如:清洁空气,美化都市,改善气候.)3:怎样才能实现绿化 范文: Recet efforts twrdte greningf our ii have achieve muc, althugh h reults aeti
13、llarfromsatitoyIn cn ears anyes have been pted in th ctiesadmuch are s ben aen th planedtres. Insite f ll this, th greening process i reltivlyslo ompad wit citis nmanyohe couresFoeamp, te ren sace avaiabe n aveet eachSanghai ciizei ony 0.4 M whlevey Lndonerhas mo than0MuW cn enefit mc fr akngourcite
14、 grener b plantngtesirs, res absobarbon dioide to producogen whchi essntil to hehealt fhun bingsecond, tree a ohr greenery me our citis mreeautful Tird, trees caso mrove t climat theiti. Since we can gtso much fom makinurcitiesrener,wehould pa o effortto o thaW shod pa more tees and ake btt ae othem
15、. We also shoud n cutdown he trees. I awor, e shld do eryhint adtothe greeng four cites. 4.Sin aims Te isanueble fc ha te nmerof anmal is deciing astr than efor. Acrng to recetsuey mae byse experts, bout 37spes dsapa rom or earh every year.It obviu tht th rblem hasbome a sious oneworth our conrn. he
16、n we xplore this roblem,soe unerlying ctemerge.n he ry irt plc, umanbengs hav layed a igpart. Wiht astdevementf huansociy, te nvrnent shdstoyd,and nima ostheir ho.ccordgly, sme pecis bcomextint. Wts r, eole unt imls for foodand sn. A goo asein poit shatte Japanese ve killed a lt fwhale bause they lk
17、 to eatemeat. In addin, umnbeing ae lrey reposile or te poution onatralenvionmt, and poison animals ny way ecurrent problem,Iblieve, hould solve immediately. Firs o al, our govrnent shoudpa a y role in migelvantrule andrtectganimals he generl bicshouldao e educae to vae teexistece of these imls on u
18、rpaet 5The Balance o Ecoy Mn i prt of ntu. Teyca only survive if theylive in hmoywith nature. Otherwise th loica ance wi beran an a a for wathe has onetois enironent.In ts arw ne,ature hre refers o t ntral evironmen roud us includg lants an nmas. resa cleanthe air byorin hrmu gaeslike can ioxie. For
19、ss anminaina d stable clma, prvide aita foildlives, nd prevent sad windfompssing people.Almt alhe reen plansa veasspeciais n baifing natureand pufying i.Anmas are gofrens or makind. wl, cat, nae can elp us timinate some iftiousseases by illingmice. Eve littlinecply a veryimortantrle in brining a ric
20、h, musilapotic wor. Soeie enmae eletblhoney; some hae the sam ability asirds to asp injousinsec. Oherwise,th ar may et s much ranas thy li untl farer canhrest nothingr watey gro Inshort, evr secie has it reasofr eisting. Whout tem, the logal yst idestroed andtherewil be no armonius envronment fr an
21、to le.People hould learn oknwtheseriouresult.同等学力英语高分突破:图表图画作文图表图画作文: 4 Studthelowngchacrefuly andite anesato 1) depicthehart, and 2)educe(推测)h reaso behin teact Yo shoudwrite ou 50 words考研人数从2223年持续上升 范文 he cht above showsthenumeofM/MA cnddates has ben imbig he ps ear. It has roketed t 1.3ilion inh
22、e ear f 202. People at dffrent walks of lie may askwy. n the irst a, we ar livin n a ea okowlee xplsio.I e wt t sive in the uent sie, weushave ood cmman ofkolgTherfore, moe and opeople apply foMA/MS degree fter therfuryea colleeeducon. In the econd pae, owdays,its diffcult o fin ood job ust ith olle
23、e deree. I ore o fnd a btte ob,or eoe furer e educatin. Trere, eywudlike onductfrther study insta f ding he wrthattheyiike. As ansequnc, ore nd more ppaply for MAS degree, wh haled to te get ncreae of MA/MS cadiates. . Styth ollowing char crull n witen essy in which u should 1) esribe chart, 2) coun
24、t for e sttus revealed, ad3)mak evt preitio.You shul writeabut 1600wordsabutThenumber ofcienfi breakthrugs overe past years n hina (Estime) 从223-202年4年当中中国在科学成就上突破表范文 is apparentlhowd n the chart ave, h numbeof inic ektho vethe pat yersn hnahasins to0 casesintheear o202, whih is a soking nws to peop
25、e both at homeand aroad. oey odwa i behndth great acvent The main rasnsfos icrease abe explaied asollos Fis, cienand tchnology hs ecome roductivy.er e yers, more ad morepeople aliz thate e liin in aer knlee xposin. we want t suvivn devlop inthe current world, mus ke pae with t devepet fscincand tcno
26、logy Thus, ientifi reakhroughcro up each passing dy. ecod, e Opening-up a efor a also bugt bouthe creaefscietific breakthrugs. I has imred the evlopmn o hinasecnomy, ich has lai aoliundationorhe increse fscintific beakhrougs n sm, h fo are he prcditon o the trmenou incrase o scintiic eathrs.Asor cotry deelopsfast, mre cientificbrekthrouhs wllome to ur fe.