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1、进口肉类国外生产企业注册申请表APPLICATION FOR EXPORT OF MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS TO P.R.CHINA这是中华人民共和国国家认证认可监督管理局(CNCA)要求向中国出口肉类的国外屠宰、加工企业必须提供的用于评估和注册的申请,请用中文或英文提交,申请资料内容要求完整,以避免导致申请过程的延误。并请提供其它任何支持本申请表的资料。NOTE: This application on foreign slaughterhouse and/or meat processing establishment is required by Certificat

2、ion and Accreditation Administration of the Peoples Republic of China (CNCA) for evaluation and registration to export meat and meat products to China. All information must be submitted in Chinese or English. Complete Information must be provided in the information as inadequate/incomplete submissio

3、n will result in delays. Please provide any additional information to support your application.1. 企业基本情况Particulars of Establishment 1.1 企业名称 Name of Establishment:1.2 地址 Address:1.3 企业注册编号 Registration Number:1.4 注册批准机构 Approval Authority:1.5 建厂日期 Year Constructed:1.6 总占地面积 Total Land Area:1.7 总建筑面

4、积 Total Built-in Area:1.8 加工产品种类 Types of Products Manufactured:1.9 拟出口到中国的产品名称(附成品的标签或照片) Products Intended for export to China (attach the labels or photos of finished products):1.10 畜/禽/其他动物的来源 Source of livestock/poultry/other animals:1.10.1 屠宰加工畜/禽/其他动物来自的省份/地区 List provinces/districts from whi

5、ch the livestock/poultry/other Animals are obtained for slaughter/processing:1.10.2 送宰畜/禽是否随附有检疫证书(如有,请附样本复印件)Whether the livestock/poultry are companied with the quarantine certificate (if have, attached a copy of the sample):1.10.3 是公司自有农场还是合同农场Whether companys farms or contract farms:1.11 列出已批准本企

6、业出口的国家、注册日期、注册产品的类别、首次出口年份和最近出口日期, 并随附最近一次出口至各国家的兽医卫生证书复印件List the names of countries approving the establishment to export, dates of approval, and types of products approved, year of first export, dates of most recent export. Attach copy of veterinary health certificate that accompanied the latest

7、shipment to each country.2. 企业位置和布局Location and Layout of Establishment2.1 描述企业所处的地区(例如: 市区、郊区、工业、农业和居民区),并需标明企业周围环境Description of the area where establishment is located (e.g. downtown, suburb, industrial, agricultural, residential, etc.) and showing clearly the surrounding where the establishment

8、is located:2.2 企业布局平面图(标示出不同的操作区域包括重要的设备设施,并用彩色箭头标示出人流和物流)Layout Plan of Establishment: (Attach layout plan showing properly rooms for different operations, including the important equipment/facilities and the personnel and process/product flow must be in color indicated by arrows) 2.3 车间设计和使用的建筑材料

9、Materials Used & Design2.3.1 地面Floor:2.3.2 墙壁Walls:2.3.3 天花板和上部结构 Ceiling & Superstructure :2.3.4 照明Lighting:2.3.5 通风系统 Ventilation System:2.3.6 进入屠宰/加工车间或区域的鞋靴清洗设施Footbaths for entrance into slaughter/processing rooms/areas:3. 水/冰的供给Water Supply/Ice3.1 水源 Source of water:3.2 加氯处理(是/否)Chlorination:

10、(Yes/No)(如果是,说明加入多少ppm)If yes, state level in ppm:3.3 细菌学检查 Bacteriological examination3.3.1 检查项目和方法 Item and Method:3.3.2 频率 Frequency:3.3.3 有无记录: 有/无Records available: (Yes/No)3.4 车间是否有制冰机: 有/无Ice making machine available in premises: (Yes/No)3.4.1如果有,机器的制冰能力If yes, capacity of machine:3.4.2冰的储藏和容

11、量Ice storage and capacity:4. 人力资源Manpower4.1 员工情况(列明企业的专业技术人员、一般工人等的数目、资格) Staff Information (List the number, qualifications of technical, general workers, etc, employed by establishment):4.2 健康检查和健康史Medical Examination and History:4.2.1 雇用前员工是否进行体检并证明适合在食品加工企业工作Are employees medically examined and

12、 certified fit to work in a food preparation establishment prior to employment: (Yes/No)4.2.2 工人是否每年体检及保存记录的情况Annual Health Check and Records for Workers: (Yes/No)4.3 驻厂官方兽医和官方检验员人数Number of official Vets and official inspector:4.4工作服的清洗(在工厂内或由合同点)Laundry (in-plant or by contract):5. 屠宰分割车间Slaughter

13、ing and Boning /Cutting Premises 5.1 设备Equipment附所用主要设备清单(型号、品牌和制造商)Attach list of equipment (types, brand and manufacturer) used.5.2简要描述屠宰程序(附工艺流程图)及屠宰线速度:Brief description of slaughtering processing (attach process flowcharts) and slaughtering line speed:5.3 食品安全控制程序Food Safety Programs5.3.1 是否基于或

14、等同于HACCP 体系: (是/否; 如果是,请附HACCP 计划)Whether based on HACCP system or equivalent: (Yes/No; if yes, attach the HACCP plan)5.3.2 说明在企业内部检验还是由具有相应资格的社会实验室进行检验。如果是在企业内部检验,列明检测设施和检测项目(附实验室手册复印件)。 State whether testing done in the plant or provided by an external accredited laboratory. If in the plant, list

15、facilities and tests (attach a copy of manual).5.3.3 采样和检测程序Sampling and testing procedures:5.3.4 原料和产品检测的判定标准Criteria for rejection/acceptance of products/raw materials testing:5.4 简要描述产品追溯和召回体系 Brief description of products traceability and recall system:5.5 卫生标准操作程序Sanitation Standards Operating

16、Procedures (SSOP)5.5.1简要描述Brief description:5.5.2 实施和维持SSOP 活动的人员名单和职务Name and designation of individuals implementing and maintaining SSOP activities:5.5.3提供屠宰分割所用的SSOP手册的复印件Attach copy of the SSOP manual used for slaughtering and cutting:5.6 日加工能力Daily Throughput5.6.1 每天几班Number of shifts:5.6.2 每班

17、的屠宰能力Slaughter capacity (tones) per shift:5.6.3 每星期工作天数Number of working days per week:5.7 年屠宰能力(吨)Total annual slaughter capacity (tons):5.8 肉类检验Meat Inspection5.8.1 是由官方兽医检验还是由企业的质量控制人员检验By government inspectors or companys QC staff:5.8.2 检验员总数、资格和培训情况Total number of inspectors, qualification and

18、training:5.8.3 每班检验员的数量Number of inspectors per shift:5.8.4 检验程序(附检验手册复印件) Inspection procedures (attach a copy of the inspection manual):5.8.5 胴体/肉类拒绝或接受的判定标准(附最近的不合格情况记录复印件)Criteria for rejection/acceptance of animal body/section: (attach a copy of the latest condemnation record):5.9 去骨/分割车间Boning

19、 /Cutting Room5.9.1 温度控制特点(说明多少度)Temperature control features(state temperature): 5.9.2 去骨/分割能力Boning /Cutting production capacity:5.10简述胴体/肉类冷却程序Brief description of cooling procedures of animal body/section:5.11可食性副产品处理 Edible Offal Handling 5.11.1简要描述可食性副产品处理程序(附工艺流程图):Brief description of edible

20、 offal handling (attach process flowcharts)5.11.2可食性副产品车间数量及面积 quantity of offal handling rooms and theirs area:5.11.3可食性副产品处理能力edible offal handling capacity:5.11.4可食性副产品车间温度控制特点(说明多少度)Temperature control features in the offal handling rooms(state temperature):5.11.5提供可食性副产品处理所用的SSOP手册的复印件Attach co

21、py of the SSOP manual used for edible offal handling:5.11.6可食性副产品拒绝或接受的判定标准(附最近的不合格情况记录复印件)Criteria for rejection/acceptance of edible offal: (attach a copy of the latest condemnation record):6.肉制品加工车间 Meat Product Processing Premises6.1 肉的来源Source of meat列明用于肉制品加工的原料肉来自的国家、企业及其注册编号List countries an

22、d Registration No. of plants where meat is obtained for processing:6.2加工类型(如:香肠,即食肉制品,罐头等), Type of Processing: (e.g. sausages, ready-to-eat, canning, etc)6.加工程序Processing Procedures 6.3.1 拟出口到中国的每种类型产品的加工流程图,包括关键控制点Attach process flowcharts for each type of product for export to China showing clear

23、ly the critical control points (CCPs).6.3.2 简述出口到中国的每种产品的加工方式(包括肉制品/罐头产品加工的时间和温度)Brief description for processing methods of every product planned to export to China, including time and temperature of meat product processing /canning:6.3.3列出拟出口到中国的每种产品的成分和原料List ingredients and composition of each p

24、roduct for export to CHINA:6.4 食品安全控制程序Food Safety Programs6.4.1 是否基于或等同于HACCP 体系:是/否(如果是,请附HACCP 计划)Whether based on HACCP system or equivalent: (Yes/No ; If yes, attach the HACCP plan) 6.4.2 说明在企业内部检验还是由具有相应资格的社会实验室进行检验。如果是在企业内部检验,列明检测设施和检测项目(附实验室手册复印件)。State whether testing done in the plant or p

25、rovided by an external accredited laboratory. If in the plant, list facilities and tests (attach a copy of manual):6.4.3 采样和检测程序Sampling and testing procedures:6.4.4 原料和产品检测的判定标准Criteria for rejection/acceptance of products/raw materials testing:6.5 简要描述产品追溯和召回体系 Brief description products traceabil

26、ity and recall system:6.6 卫生标准操作程序Sanitation Standards Operating Procedures (SSOP)6.6.1 简要描述Brief description:6.6.2 实施和维持SSOP 活动的人员名单和职务Name and designation of individuals implementing and maintaining SSOP activities:6.6.3 提供肉制品加工(包括罐头)所用的SSOP手册的复印件.Attach copy of the SSOP manual used for the meat p

27、roducts processing /canning.6.7 日加工量Daily Throughput:6.7.1 每天几班Number of shifts:6.7.2 每班的生产能力(吨)Production capacity (tones) per shift:6.7.3 每星期工作天数Number of working days per week:6.8 每种产品的年生产能力(吨)Total annual production capacity (tons) of each product:7. 储藏设施Storage Facilities7.1 包装材料/罐装物料贮存间:有/无Pac

28、king materials storage room: (Yes/No)7.2 干配料储存间:有/无Dry ingredients storage room: (Yes/No)7.3 化学物质、消毒剂和其它清洁剂储存间: 有/无(附最近使用情况记录复印件)Chemicals, disinfectants and other cleaning agents storage room: (Yes/No; if yes, attach copies of the latest records)8. 冷却库/速冻库/冷藏库数量、类型(静冷、风冷等/氨制冷或氟里昂制冷)和容量Numbers, type

29、 (static, air blast etc/ammonia or freon), capacity of chillers/deep freezers/cold storage:9. 废物处理和排放Waste Treatment/Disposal9.1 非食用/不合格产品处理程序Procedures for treatment of inedible/unqualified products :9.2废物处理排放程序Procedure of waste treatment/disposal:9.3 污水处理方法和日处理能力Procedure of effluent treatment/di

30、sposal and daily treatment/disposal capability:9.4 虫害控制 Pest control system:虫害控制系统的简介(随附虫害控制点的平面图以及最近虫害控制记录复印件)Brief description on the pest control system implemented.(Attach copy of layout map of pest control points and latest copy of pest control records)10. 福利/卫生设施Welfare/Washing facilities 10.1

31、 职工餐厅、更衣室、更衣柜、淋浴设施:有/无Staff canteen(s), Changing rooms, Lockers, Shower facilities :( Yes/No)10.2 洗手消毒设施和厕所冲水设施:有/无Hands-free operated features for taps and toilet flush and washing and disinfecting hands facilities: (Yes/No)11. 企业有关照片、录像(CD)、宣传画册、年度报告以及相关材料(可与该申请一起提供):Photographs, video (in CD form

32、), brochures, annual reports and other relevant information of the establishment (to submit together with this application):12. 企业声明Declaration by Establishment声明上述情况真实无误I HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE INFORMATION GIVEN ABOVE IS TRUE AND CORRECT._ 提交人姓名和职务Name and designation of person who submitted above

33、 information_法人签名和公司盖章 日期Signature of the owner and Company Stamp Date13. 兽医主管当局确认Verification by Veterinary Authority经审核确认,兹证明该公司提供的上述材料真实,无误。I HAVE VERIFIED THE ABOVE INFORMATION GIVEN BY THE COMPANY AND CERTIFIED IT IS TRUE AND CORRECT._主管兽医姓名和职务Name and designation of veterinarian who verified above information _主管兽医签名和主管当局盖章(日期)Signature and official stamp of veterinary authority(Date) 11 / 11

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