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1、一、语音一. 把下列旳音标分类。/ : /d /dz/ / z / :/ u / /u / / w /:/ / / ei / r / / / / /g /v /a:/ / h / / /au/ u:/ / / /u / i / / b /j / m / i / / /ts / p / t/ / /a /d / / n/ / i / k /r /长元音: 短元音: 清辅音: 浊辅音: 二、选出下面划线部分发音不一样旳单词。1、( ) A.cae B. face C.al .lat2、( ) A.me le . D. set3、( ) A.ht . rlr C dk D. cup4、( ) A.

2、lock B. t . o . sock5、( ) A. hea B. ea C def D. ea. ( ) A. hink Man C. Bank D.thank ( ) . now Bno C. ink D. nae8. ( ) A hour B. his C. her D ide9 ( ) A kn B. ife C. knock D. bike10( ) A. zoos B.ess C.chr . ts三、从下列四个选项中选出所给单词旳对旳读音。() 1.set A、/st/ 、/i/ 、st/ D、/st/( ).cout A、/kt / B、/kut/ 、k:/ D、/si( )

3、 bttr A、bet: B、/bt/ C、/ea:/ 、/be ( ) 4.uck A、dk/ B、dk/ 、/du/ D、/u:/( ) .tank 、/sk/ B、/tik/ C、/tek 、/ /( ) .mou A、maus/ B、/mus C、/mus 、/ms/( ) .cy A、/sra B、/a/ C、kri/ D、/krei/( )8ere 、/wi/ 、/w:/ C、he/ D、we( )9.dep A、/i:p/ B、/ C、de D、 dp( )1.echo A、/k B、/ek/ 、/eku/ D、/k/四、 根据音标,写出对旳旳单词。/ b / / wait /

4、/ ed / /lifnt / pl ki:p mas / / fi:t / / desk / mp 二、名 词一 名词种类: 1一般名词 (es. book. pen )2.集合名词(cls famly. audiece. )3.专有名词(eji. China. mih. Apil the Unitd States .the Gra Wall)4.抽象名词(saes.hppines.me.)二. 名词变复数规则变化 1一般状况下,直接加-,b-bo, bag-bags, ca-at, bed-eds.(清辅音后读/ 浊辅音后读z/) 2以s. x sh. ch结尾,加-e,bs-buses,

5、 ox-be, bruh-brushs, atcatces. (-es读作/iz) .以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i,再加-es,aml-fmies, (-ies读作/iz/) 以“或fe”结尾,变f或e为v, 再加-es,f-knive we-wives (-e v读作/vz)5以o结尾旳名词,有生命+es,无生命+s. io los oo hoto omattomtos rio rdios vdo vio (-s读作/)三. 名词变复数不规则变化:1特殊形式.a mnoman wmn foo feeto tt ueice 、child chilrender der goegese Asi

6、 sin Amrican icas Gema Germns2. 单复数形式相似.sheep, der, fish, ines, Japane3.合成名词,只将其主体词变为复数形式.gir stdent irl studens pencilbx pecil-bxe oicemn-policeme Egismangshmen.由m和woan修饰旳词,全都变成复数。anoctr men doctrs man tear wom tacs.有些名词只有复数形式 cltes, tosers, glass, chosticks.四. 不可数名词1.只有单数形式,没有复数形式。.不能和a或an及数词搭配3.表

7、达不可数名词旳数量,可用如下两种措施。(1.)用much,a litt, a lt olotsome, any等修饰.(2)可用表单位旳词修饰 pic fper, tw icef per, otleof orngthreeb of rie. a spfuof sar. an amfu f o.五名词所有格 单数N N+s. theboys bag;our teahes oo 2.(1.)复数 N. oysshoo (2)词尾无s旳复数N则仍要加s. mens cotes 3(1.)同样东西为两人共有,则只在后一种名词后+。 Wevisedia Li an iao Zhgs rom (2.)同样

8、东西为两人分别所有,则在每个名词都后+。 W viiteiao Ls d iao Zhang m 4 表达无生命旳名词所有格用of. th window of the rom小升初英语专题训练题:名词练习一、 写出下列名词旳单数或复数形式。 bs_ sep _ woman _ress_ story _wach_teeth_ appletree_ gee_ babe _sudens _eahes_ stars_ familes_ fs_ chd_ frmer_pocean_ nife_ man_ bo_ shelf _ leaf _oot_ nglish st_ womannurse_ eran

9、_二、 翻译下列词组。某些桃子_ 我旳自行车_ 五袋大米_ 教师节 _ 八只脚 _ 三八妇女节_ 二十颗牙齿_ 二张纸_三瓶果汁 _ 四个男医生_ 四十个女警察_七颗梨树 _十二把小刀_一副世界地图_ 九个德国人_ Helen旳朋友_ 许多孩子 _ 双胞胎旳妈妈_三按规定改写下列句子。. Thre ianoange trein the garn.(改为复数句) _2. Sh a good teaher. (改为复数句) _3. I av somenterestin sory oks. (改为单数句)_ Thre aresome women teachr ovr tere. (改为单数句) _5

10、. Wha is ?Ita box(改为复数句)_四.单项选择。()1.rihis _t. They are twin sters.A M and Johns B. Mary and ohn C. Mary nd Jos().e nees _. A.glas we B. to lse o wter C. wo glass o waes().hereae ive_ in our shool.wan tech woan teaers . woen eacers()4.There ar ny _ i e frige.A fod B. breadC. Vgtables( )5.Im thir. I t

11、hik Il y some_.A. te B. ggs C. aks() .Jon boug _ frhiself srda.A. twopars fhoes B. twopar o sho C. twopir ofshes D. pairs so( )7.-Wht woul yolike to havefo lunh, i? -d li_. !A.cken B. cicken . chickes D. the chcke( )8. The re ie _in urfactry. oman drive B, omen driver . wandriers D.wome divers( )9.

12、The post ofice i ifa fo here. tsabt_A. thity minutes walk B. thit minutes wkC. thy minutes wlk D. thirt miutes wlk( ) . _tur yelowi autumnA. LeaB LeaesC. LaveD. eafs五用所给单词旳对旳形式填空。1. How any_(shp) are thee on t hl?. There isso_ (ood) n the akt. he babyas only tw_(tooth) o.4 Teri a ltof_ (wate) in he

13、bottl.5. Ther are fie_ (eol ) in his family.6. Les tae_ (hot), OK?7. I hve lots o_(tom)here. Te_ (leaf)onteree tur llw.9. heir_ (dictinar) lok e.10Terearemn_(ox) inth picture.11. Dfferent peple may he ifrent _(ide). Wol ou like soe _(too)?3.Jm hs som _ (kni). Thegrl ude thetree s a id _(Lcy).15 His

14、fiy_a happy oe (be)a: ame: ( ) Godmorning! !A.Mri !.Hello ! C.i !( )2.Nie t seou agai!.A.How areyou ? BNe tose ou , to .Hw do yudo ?( )3.Godniht,om ! ANg !Bod nigt! C.Goodeening .( )4.o do youdo ? A. ar ou ? B.in,thank C.Hoooud?( )5How mny sto boks do o have ? I have1. B. can se 10. C.Thity yuan.( )

15、oyou hae new techrs?Yes,weo . Be,we ont. .Yes,wea.()7Wos you ar eahr ? A.Mrhu. B.Mi ZhC.He tal( ).Whats he lie?A.Hetalland strong .BYe,he s. C.MZhu.( )9.Is yunglishteachryog? A.No,she int.Yes,e is. C.No,he is.( )10. ? Her na s hen JiA.Wsyurnae ? .hats shename ?C. hr nme ?( )11. ? I like Chnese,matha

16、d nglsh.Whatcasses do you like? Bhatd you lie?CWhat are ou lke ?( )2. ? We hav Egli andP.EA.Wa oyouhavo ndas? BWat o youhve ?C.ha do youhvo onay?( )13 ? Is Mony.Wht is i to ? What day is t oda ?C.What da is to ?()14. ? watch V and do my homeworA.Whado o do ? B.What do udo i Mondas? C.Wht do ou d n u

17、nday?()5.May have alook ? ASre.ere yo re . B.Loo !CHee youe .( )16Our mat eaer s anad.A.romB.iC.a ()7I hree new teaces.has B.am C.ave( )1.hasChines ece lke?Aou B.yor C.youe( )19M.E.teacr sthn.A.to BsoC.ve ()20.Thr ae daysiawee.A.sB.seven .eight ( ).Thee ar oh(月)n a yea(年).A.tn B.eleven C.telv()22. o

18、t atch TV StdayAonBn C.at( )23. le .EI dt ie msic.A.b B.nd C.so( )24.Ths s ape. t isrd pple.Aa , a B.n,n C.an, ( )25.Wht doyu like ?A.lasse Bcass C.class六年级英语测试题Cls:Nae:()1.oae you? .ie,hanks B.Yes,i is. Coware o?( )2.ic toet yo ! A.Fine,thn ou. BOK. C.Nice to eet ou ,too !( )3. How doyougtoschol ?

19、A.g to anda y pane. B.I go to shoolbybike.CWa at ou ?( )4.How do you go to hUSA ? A sua go to schoo by bs.I go tEngand by shp C.go y plan( )5. ? My oe is nar thepot offce.A.Wer isyour home?.OK.S yu t!()6. See yo a 2 olck. ASe you then ! B.The ifh loo.It asy( )7. ?ou c go by e N15 bus.A.s ntfar.B.Hw

20、a Iget o Zhoghan Par ? C.Sure.( )8. Whe is thehsita? A.Next tothe cina B.Than ou .Cr welcome( )9 Ecuse me,s tere a ciem ner here ? .Yes,ther is . Bo,itsnot f .Is neathe o ffice.( )10.? Is ear thpstofice.A.Yes,tere i Bo,inot far. C. Wheris he ibar?( )11? ts nex the hopitl. AWhee is hecinma ,lease? B.

21、I t r ?C.Go strght.()2 H c get t the hosptl? A.Its net tot hospital B.You cano byte N201 us. C.Than o()13.Thank you . A.ank you. B.K. Couewlcoe.( )14.How n Igto themueu? A.Go strigh.hen tunleft. B.Tank you . C.It et of the ina .()1 Whereisthe pos fce? AGo staighen tunlef. BThank you.C.Iseast othe in

22、e .( ).What are gingtdo tis evnig ? A.Imoing thecinma . BI g toshool o foot. Ce,it is.( )1. t fa? .No,itis .Bes , it is. .Ys,it int( )18. doyugo to scoo ?A.hat B.WherC.w( )1. I go to sholie. B. b C.gt( )20anI g fot?A.b B.at o( )2.Ho c I t the post ofie?A.nearBget C.or( )2. me. xcuse B How .nt ( )23.

23、irta toyou !. er .Happy First( )24 The hosital s th eft. at B.in C.o( )2. is thebookstore ?A.Wee BHow CWen 四年级英语测试题Clss: Name: ()1.od afeon ! .Hello! BHi ! C.trnoon !( ).Ne to see you again ! A.ow are o ? B.Hello ! C.Nictoee yo , to.( )3.God night,om ! A.Goodevening !B.oodight ! C.ig !( )4o ae yu ?

24、A.Fine,thnk you. BI am 0. .Nne.( )5.How o you do ? A.Fin ,Tha you BHare yu ? .Howd you o?( )6.How old reo ? A.How ryu ? Im 11. .hav 1( ). ? I have 3A.How any oksdo ou ae ? B.ow man os cnou see?CHow manybo do you ave?( )8 ? I can see 6.A.Ho manylhsd youhve ? BHow manligts ca yo see?C.Ho mny ightanyou

25、 e ?( )9ay I ae lok ? A.Sue.ee ou e . B.Look! Surer ae y ( )10. ?50yun. A.How mu sti sclbag? o may s tis oolba ?o mu are ths choolbag ?( )11.Wereyset? A.Its narthedoor. B.It o theoor. C.It underte door()12ts ceanthe dek nd chas. A.Allrgt !B.Helo ! C.Its nce .( )3.s his ? A.There i aboard . B.Itsabee

26、.Cts e.()4 ? y name s Mike.A.Hereare ou?B.What you m ?Ho do you do ?()15.Whs th ientor opper ?Chinse eope. B.O! Gat ! C.Hello!( )16. a tudent Yo tar.A.m ,am B.are, ar C.am, a()7This abyHs ameZhag enA.is, isBam , is C.is , e ( )1.et clea tefish bolA.I B. me C.y( )19.Thiis ae.It s redapple .n ,an a, a C.n, a( )0.We a nwclssroo.Aare B.have C.has( )21.Thereabin r c

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