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1、宁波大学 2009 / 2010 学年第 1 学期考试卷(/B) 课号:_ 101G09XT1 _ 课名: 计算机网络_一、 单选题,每题仅一个正确答案,每题1.5分,共30分: 1. Which is not a network communication links?D.Subway 2.Which is not the types of protocol data unit in TCP/IP?C.datetime 3.In which state the delays of router become small?A. La/R 0 4.When congest occur in ne

2、twork, which delay become large?B.queuing delay 5.Application protocol define the types of messages exchanged, which are: A.request & response messages 6.Which version of hypertext transfer protocol are used in default mode now?C.HTTP 1.1 7.The Http client works on which port:C.TCP port above 1024 8

3、.To indicates end of message in Http, we can use:A.Carriage return and line feed 9.Which is not an email protocol:C.Emule 10. TCP retransmission can not be caused by:D. ACK 11. Which of the following measures the time from one segment transmission to ACK receipt:A. sample RTT 12. Which event will no

4、t be in TCP Receiver:C.Arrival of out-of-order segment higher-than-expect seq. # . No gap detected. 13.TCP Flow Control is a speed-matching service for matching: A.the sender rate to the receiving applications drain rate 14.Which one is not the mechanism of TCP Congestion Control:C.FIFO 15.In RDT pr

5、otocol, which can increase the use of physical resources:C.Pipeline 16. Which one is not the Key Network-Layer Functions in todays internet:C. Connection setup 17. Which of the following IP address belongs to category C address?A. 18.Network address translation implement in NAT router, it

6、 must use:CNAT translation table 19. ICMP do not error reporting about:D. unknown username 20. In Ethernets CSMA/CD Jam Signal make sure: A.other transmitters are aware of collision二、多选题,每题有2-3个正确答案,请在正确项前打钩(全钩不给分),每题2分,共20分:1. The communication services be provided to applications, It can be: A.con

7、nectionless B.connection-oriented2.Which are application architectures model in the internet? A.client/server model B.peer-peer model C.browser/server model3. User Agent is an interface with user “above” and network “below”, such as: A.Web: browser B.E-mail: mail reader D.Streaming audio/video: medi

8、a player4.Ftp protocol can work in which model that listed: A.PASV model C.Port model5. The problems with centralized directory of P2P maybe: A.Single point of failure C.Performance bottleneck D.Copyright infringement6.Which services are not available in TCP: A.delay guarantees C.bandwidth guarantee

9、s7. In TCP congestion control, there are those State in TCP Sender: A. Congestion Avoidance C. Slow Start D. Timeout8.In TCP three way handshake, it will be: A.client host sends TCP SYN segment to server C.server host receives SYN, replies with SYN/ACK segment D.client receives SYN/ACK, replies with

10、 ACK segment9.Those are the routing in the Internet: A.RIP B.OSPF D.BGP10.Those are the Random Access Protocols: B.CSMA C.CSMA/CD三、名称缩写选择,请在匹配项上填写缩写编号,如果在下列18个选项中没有,可以在1920项中自主添加选项。共10分: 1 往返时间 20 可靠传输协议 13 网络接口卡 17 自治系统 12 网络地址翻译协议 5 用户数据报协议 10 协议数据单元 9 动态地址分配协议 19 Internet协议 3 生存时间-19.( IP )20.( R

11、DT )四、问答题(共30分)1.(共10分)下图是运行RIP协议的一个网络:1.1 请描述该路由表的含义:(3分)答:该路由表说明了由路由器D到底各相邻网络和路由器的开销(距离),如w/A/2 表示由A路由器到w网络为2跳y/B/2 表示由B路由器到y网络为2跳z/B/7 表示由B路由器到z网络为7跳x/-/1 表示由D路由器到x网络为1跳(直接连接)v/-/- 表示由D路由器到v网络为1跳(直接连接)1.2 当网络上出现由A发给D的如下路由宣告后路由表的变化情况:(2分)答:z/B/7 = z/A/51.3 接着又出现由B发给D的如下路由宣告后路由表的变化情况:(2分)答:z/A/5 =

12、z/B/31.4 请问上述路由表中hops的含义是什么?(2分) 该数值包含了网络的带宽和延时等信息吗?(1分)答:hops代表跳数(路由器个数)不包含带宽和延时。2、(共10分)如图所示为TCP协议头部结构,请对照该图回答如下问题:2.1 一个基本的TCP头部占多少个字节?(1分)比UDP的头部大还是小?(1分)答:20字节大(UDP为8字节)2.2 TCP连接建立时用到那几个字段?(2分)答:sp# dp# seq# A/S/ACK#等2.3 TCP连接拆除时用到哪几个字段?(2分)答:sp# dp# seq# F/S/ACK#等2.4 TCP流量控制主要使用了哪个字段?(1分)答:Rec

13、eive window2.5 图中出现了number字样,其数值的单位是什么?(1分)两个number分别代表什么意义?(1分)答:byteSEQ#表示发送数据的第一个字节的编号ACK#表示希望下次接收到的数据的第一个字节的编号2.6 根据该结构TCP在发送数据时可以顺便确认对方刚才发送的数据,是如何实现的?(1分)答:在发送数据的时候用SEQ#记录当前数据的第一个字节的序号,在ACK#中携带对方刚才发过来数据的序号的下一个字节,顺便完成确认。3、(共10分)cache是信息技术中常用的一种方法,请回答:3.1 cache的一般作用是什么?(1分)答:缓存作用,提高性能和效率3.2 在http

14、协议中client cache的基本原理是什么?(4分)答:利用条件get实现客户端缓存,当服务器端文件没有更新过就不需要重新下载,提高HTTP传输效率。3.3 在http协议中利用server cache有何作用?(3分)答:可以实现http代理(PROXY),提高局域网共享上网的效率、降低成本。3.2 在http协议中的CDNs应用可以起到什么作用?(2分)答:可以实现分布式内容发布服务。六、文献分析(10分)根据文献中提供的信息,回答以下问题:1. What is the value of MTU in Ethernet? (2分)答:15002. So, How many bytes

15、can be carried by IP datagram?(2分)答:14803. Where is the IP datagram fragment operating? (2分)答:Router network layer4. Where is the IP datagram reassembly operating? (2分)答:Destination host (end system) network layer5. Which field of IP can be examined to determine the datagrams are actually fragments of the same bigger datagram?(2分)答: ID# (identification number) 第 5 页 共 5 页

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