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1、23Ntional English ontest forClgeStudents(ev C Preliminar)(总分:0分 时间:120分钟)ar I litenig Coreensio (3 mars)ScionA (5 mrs) n sscton,you wil har shot covesatio.ach convrsation will b aonl once.fter eaconersan, tere illbe a tnt-ecnd ause.Duri he paue, ead te queston and th t coics arkeA, B ad C,an decd hi

2、hs th bes answer Then mk teorrsponi leer othanswe sheet wiasingle lne tog he centre.1. Wha oes the man a we candotodal wtol cisis?A.T mae full ue of oi. B.Touse s tle oil aosslC.To find lternte energ. here does this conersatimost pobabl take plae?A.In an inuranc copan B. In an.C.n a suermaket.3. Acc

3、rdng tohe man, who igog totakeove th postin he e talking abt?. Janice. . Somoe ele.C. el4.Whatdes the oman say au the n rrtforthe etig? Hehasto getiredy befo tomoow non. e as dnewell enoh.C. Hehas ng tim to prepare i.5. Ho manypeple wl be on theearthy thyea 2023 acorttheprofesor?A. Soe 5 billion B.

4、Neary7 billon. Over . illon.SetiB (1 marks)Inths sc, u will her wo lon oversaios Ea conerstion wil radonly At the enf each convratio, ther will e a onemint as. Durng t a, rea the question ndthe re hoicesmarkd A,BandC, and decwhch the bstanswr.hen rkthe coresponding lettr o thene she wt asglelinrgh t

5、hecntrCvrsationOne 6. Wats th manjo of Simonorganztio?A. hey sen utradi signls to comunicat ih othrplanets.B.he loo for lfe and inteligenceon therplanes. They tudy that avepet bitingroundthm.7. Wydoes the oraizatn search for radi sgnsfrom space?. Their reencmay proe the existence f als. Tmy help sci

6、ensts find ou ho the niverse strt.C Tecvemssges abut life onh ert.8. Does Simon belive hose stre but aliens vsing our pane?A.o, hdoesnt believe thematall. Yes, hedoe eieve those stoies cau f his sudyYes, e beee them alhogh e ha o evdene9. Whih of the fllwing factr is cosdere tb imrtantiformin lfeacr

7、ding o the passage?A. Gravt. B Mneral. C. Wte.10 hen did the“bigbang”occur?. No oeknows. billon easgo. C. 20illion yer agoConveston Two11. didB akethe nsasmn?. Because iiized tradionalobsB Becaue heeareda l ofne.C. ecase h rdnew straegies i fiig ajo.1. In h way do hbestselersk “herandCalled You” and

8、 “The Personal ndngPhenomenon” hlp peope?.Tey advie people to pomot themselve brands.BThy eac peple how tob a perfecparner.C.Tey ve pople ti for jobintevew. Whn di Bb come up wthe iea of sing the nternet tfin jb?A. Tenyear ago hne was colleestudent.B. hen h bean tdo reserch betwen jo.C.fter he lunhe

9、d h cmpagn “Gie Bob Job”.1 Watste purose f Bobai th vieo? ofulflis ambitin asa drector.B. To sell hisrodcts ke Teddy ears nd T-htC To adverise is skillsad ats.15 How cn the ternt hel Bobin s jobserchxactly?. By epng h makfris.B. By passing n e video emde.C.Byprovidin job nforaio or him.Section C (5

10、marks)Inthis setion, y ll earfi sort newsiem. fter each ite,whihwllbe red nlynce, thee willbe a use.Durin hepause, rad equestio anhe hree choicesmkedA, B n C, d decide hiis the bestner. Then markhe crreponding letter o te anwer she wih singe ine trough cente16. many roops ar going towitdrw fm Afgnia

11、y te edof next year?A. 43,00. . 10,00. C. 33,000.7What is the findingof the sty?A Low-clri oods may lad o moreweht.B. Hgh-caore odmay a to me weight.C. igh-clor oo ay le tole weght. Wha do the oflitng reotshow aboutrdiion?A. The diatn levelgiven by Toko lectri much smallrthn tha iven byther esB.Th r

12、diaion lee in yothr tsts i smallertha that ivenby ToyoElectrc. The aiion level is loseto10,000imesthe noma lvl9.Wy areCaribeaServe andEurope Tody ut do b BC?A.Because of thir outdated evice. Becase f cutsingoernmetundin.C.Because o a o targt audiene.20 Whats the cause of demonsration in ctisdowns ac

13、rossSyria?A. They acallin for more freeoB.Works eadhger ayC. ome ity pople er killed theolice.Stion D (1 mr)In is scion, yoll hear a ort pasage. There r 1 issgor or phrases.Fil in h lans withe exac wodsr phrase ou ea Thepasag willbere twice emer t wte th aswrson the asr sheRecvr fmjetlg nt as lon s

14、day oeveytime one cosed So i youreflngeat-wet foryooiday o nbusiss, it slikl to mn a few das felin tird r even uwellJelags the (2)_ o he odys natral ccle and omfactors aketwore. The arificil atmospeinsdea pe cn fect thebdyn a nuber ofways an d o the effcts of jetag.Exercsing efreflihts els offe he e

15、ffetsohe bod frduced(2) _, an erobiexercse aftewdhels to reoxgnate it. Drinlety ofwer. Chldr may ned ore. rnkingcarro juice bforeflyngercom oxygen efcien.Elight, freqentmls. Hvy meals (23)_ he blood cirulation, whch calea to dizzinessad faing.For owks bore you fly, a pey of foodcontaining vtamins Aa

16、nd E;tey will buildu ou (24) _ nd elpto keep yo fit. Sep as much s you cnbeoe te fligtand onit. n board, wea eplugs a eye d becaue darness() _secretionof thhormoes tat ehaneleepAvid alchol,which estricts th brins oxygni. Lik teaad coffee, alcohl ieasesthe dehydrtioneffectf flyig If you ne t drin o r

17、elax, (26) _ thathe cainenvironment itsifies th eft of alcohol.ar os, cmorble, arm ohes animr udurn flht. Sittngdw for severaours lows downh (27)_, ledg to loal stiffes, ams and dizzinesse-adustto local tim as so s yo ca. Bightlit helstod say alert, so if you are gingsmewhere suy, sayouide. not soe

18、befre r durg the flighsince moing (2) _ the lodoxgne If e ocour nres, tr aromatherapy is which av a sedtiv effect. (2)_ your dtr beforeflyig ifyouae nmdicati. Te ffects of soe drgs resenhed hgh aitudesnsome may pdue (3)_.art I Vocabular ad Strctre (1ars)here are 15ncomlete sentnces i hs scton. Fo ea

19、chblakhere are four choiemare A, and D. Choose the oe tat best cmpetes thsentence. he mak the orepondg lette n thane shet with asngle line throug te cente.31 Whatwell ok or is to fre_tim fothe things weraly watoo.A. ff B. u C. aide D. in32. You_his wrds seriouly.Hastlkinnonsense.A. wot take B. may o

20、t tke. unt have tak D eednt hav take. Never hesitat to _ hers oportuni tt omes along.A.iz B. daw C. ho;ta . obtn34 H mr _ hted city life lnged to retu tthvillagin _he grew p. that; were B.wo;hic .who; tht .ho; were35. Al ting _, I hnk d better e you dvieA. cosidring B. tbe cosidered . cnidee D. have

21、 ben consed3. TveEuropan countr _ v tohe Er onJanay 1s,0.A tasformed B switche . reved . alteed3. Sh istanythn _ uneasantas pepl sy seis.A. as ik ie .a D. likas38. Stp copinin. Yreay _ mynervs.A gt dwn et lo Cget off D. et 3. There wast_ uh n wah sai.A. arai of B. a ray of .poin f D a dropf40 _ fo m

22、y saving, wouldn abl to survv semisrabeday.A as it no B. Were i notC. ad i bnnt D.Hdt itbeen41. Ter waspoe ismring. _, Icouldnt o anhin wit y comter.A. Supsedl B. Prsmabl C. Cnseently DEsentially4 Alr cocks nedslywae_ households. I a t designmehin trt at individua leper.A. whole B toal C.full D. hig

23、3. _ oth pares agree o tes issue wla nrac be sinedoonA. If nly B. Unles Shod D. Onlyif 44Ive rn ou f ash Could yu end me a fewpounds hs evning?_ Iljstave find ime to get ohe bank dmk awhawl.AI can ed you somenw.B. Im not sure Iveot anyeter.C Sry, Ihavet gopn in accountD. M redt car mut elet o.4 Were

24、 al go toth New Skyline Retrat fo ourd-f-yagettogee. a we cunt yo ? Oh, tanks,Sra, ut _ A. didnt fd yu then. B Ie be theesauran oce. C. llpass this ime. . ll eet you h t 5:0.Pat II loze(10 mars)a eolingpassage n f eh bn wthon word. Chose he crrect ord in on f he folloing thee y: accoing oh otext, by

25、uing thecrect for of the ivnord, or by ung th gven tters othe wr Remebe to rte the answron h answershet.Didounow th oever 20,000 novel wrin, oyoe ges publshed? S (46) _ (likely) tht Il everfulfil abtioo becoming a proessioa mystewrtr does see v hh. But herspect o trning mylfen passion into myliveiho

26、o ndaievg fameand (7)f _ at the sae tme s justtoo eiting fr me o beut o ydull statics.Swdos (4) t_ to becomeawriter? Rding imrtantll rirs needtresearch heir nr toroughly toamiliaiethemseves (4)_ itcs ad nventios. y bokseves at homee stcke wth ovs ofll te gratmty writes, wchv ead and inmany ase, -rea

27、d, espte (0)_ (know) althe tie “whoddon it” cure, bga iter equirs imagnion.You hve o eelop yuwn ponl sylerther tan simplycoythe work o “the greas” Ivetuneou () _ of hortcre stre fo y uivrsiy stuntmagazinsomeha beenused, soe not, utvealways aime t ruce orinan imaginatie mteil.Lst but not (2)_, ucessf

28、ul rites pssess nomous ef-isciline. I oftensacrificed y sol le in orde t deote te neesay ie adefort toprdcinga good qat story. Admore tan oc tat hsmeant (5)_ th might il.Wev o a novel insid u. Gttng it outin anwhenea publisabe for is no(54) _tas, but with imnion an etminaion, and the hp o an experto

29、n “asterclas”, who ol possibl fail to(5)re_ thiamiion?art IV ReaingCoprehenson ( mak)Red th following pasags. Each passag is olloeby seeral qusios. spond t he quesins sing nformton from the ssage. Rmmber to writ theanswers on te anwe sht.Sectn (10 ark)Quetis50 re aseo th olowing asag.Th te ulture sh

30、ok wasntrouefth firsttime in 1958 t describthe anxietoded wen a peronmovs t compleelynew enironmnt.Thstem expressestheelingof ot knong whtodo how t o thingsina ne envomet. istrm exreses hefeelingono kwng wht to do or howto do hingsia new evirnmetWe can descrbe culue shokas tpycal and emoiol iscomfrt

31、 a per uffers hen oiglven a place iferent from he pce o oriin.Ofe,thwy tt w ie befoenotaepte or nsderedasnormal in the neplac Eeythings differen, fr mple, nt peaing the anguage, o knowinghtou bnking machies, not nowinghow ou tephones, ad sofort.Th symptomsf ltr sock can ppratdffnt times. lthough a p

32、er can xperienc rl aifrom culture sho, s al anortuiyor rongandning new psectves.Cultur shc an help peole dvlop beer destading of themelve and smulte personalcreivityCulre shoc hs many stags. Each stage anbe nging, r ppear oly t certintimes. In th first stage, the ne arial mafeel very hppy abou all o

33、 tenew expriece. Thstim caled te hoeymon tag. Aeward, heseod s pesent ielf. pron may eounter soe ificltein dai fe.or expl, ommuncation ificultism cu, suchas not eng undstood.In ths age,thr a be eelingsoimpatince,ange andsadnes. Tnition beween heolmtods and those of the ew contrys a ificult procesnd takesi to complet. The thrd stage i chaactrized by gainsomeudrstadng othe new ulure. An eelng fpeasure and ens ofhmor maybe epeinced.Aper

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