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1、自考综合英语二作文题大全依照本人自考考试经验,每次考试作文题都不会极难,只要知道课文基本内容,文中出现人物性格,或者议论文关键句子,一些outline,关键单词就不会有什么问题。比较难议论文都不太会考(但不代表完全不会考,以下包含了31课全作文资料,全都准备就万无一失)常见一些语句:from my point of viewfor one thing,for anotherplay an important part/role in等(假如为了应负考试话记住一组常见短语既可,当然你掌握越多越好咯)能够在平时课文里累积.假如实在写不出为了凑字数话能够选择相同意思可是单词数较多短语,比如 beca

2、use 就能够用 on account of 都有因为意思,等等.较高分作文要求:短句、长句、从句结合。词汇尽可能丰富,句子结构能够用一些倒装句或者强调句。不要过多用简单句。适当加一些适合形容词副词来修饰。文章语句通顺,结构分明(能够分段写)。重点文章(往年重复考文章)为红色标识不太可能考为蓝色标识(不代表完全不考,可能性比较小而已)希望大家还是脚踏实地地把每课课后写作练习做一遍,参考一些往年例文,这些都有很大实践性益处。祝大家考试顺利! LESSON 1:Twelve Things I Wish They Taught at School1) are really deep question

3、s是很深奥问题2) requires courageand knowledge and patience问问题需要勇气回答下列问题需要知识和耐心3) Discuss ideas in depth with 和讨论深奥问题4) What it is that you dont know 什么是你不知道5) Its much braver tothan to问比不问勇敢得多6) key skill a student should acquire.学生应该有一个能力7) Everyone makes mistakes 每个人都会犯错8) in not learning from your mist

4、ake. 尴尬是没有吸收教训9) Asking questions ia the way to问问题是一个方式10) can be a gateway to real insights.答案是通往深刻看法一个路径11) Touch more great works 多接触文学作品 LESSON 2:IconDifferenceHeroesIconsAheroes are noted for enduring achievements, and self-sacrifice make for the benefits of others.Icons are distinguished by th

5、eir charm, good looks and legendary experience. BHard times help to produce great heroes.Icons are created by the highly publicity of the media.CHeroes inspire respect and worship, since they dare to do something we cant do.Icons stimulate envy, since they would be exactly like us without media.DTho

6、mas Edison,Mark TwainPrincess Diana1) Heroes:admired for their fine quality and contributions.品质贡献2) Pop icons:are media superstars媒体明星legendary life stories神话般生活故事good looks好看外表personal charm个人魅力a tragic death悲惨结局.3) Celebrities:have been publicized by media for different reasons因为各种不一样原因被媒体宣传.famo

7、us for their well-knowness因为知名而知名.4) Factors to shift the hero-worship to the celebrity-worship:1.rise of new forms of media新形式媒体崛起.2.the situations of America美国国情cold war is over冷战结束.overall crime rate is down犯罪率下降.poverty has been eased by贫穷被平息.medical science improved医学科技进步.5) An icons being invi

8、ted to a talk show is not due to their natural desire and ability to talk but a proof to show that they are somebody。LESSON 3:GO-GO Americans(详见课后翻译)1) generally value time通常都珍惜时间.2) want every minute to count希望每分钟都被利用3) No one stands still,if not moving aheadlagging behind(falling behind)没有些人是静止不动,

9、假如不前景就会后退.4) always in a hurry总是很慌忙样子.as quickly as possible竟可能快.5) Attitude results in the wide use of telecommunications这种态度造成了电子社交广泛利用6) To waste time is to waste life,make the best use of lifetime.a. Americans seem to be always in a hurry. For example, they elbow their way when they try to compl

10、ete errands. they eat in a hurry in order to make room for otherswhen talking business, they will not waste time on dinners and golf course.b. Americans always have strict schedule. They will have one appointment following hard on the heel of another and live according to it.c. Americans produce a l

11、ot of labor-saving devices and prefer telecommunications.LESSON 4:“Take Over,Bosn!”1) sense of responsibility责任感.2) Outline:shipwrecksurvivors floating on a lifeboat Sidney kept his gun aimed at othersBarrett ready to jump at the last canteen of waterSidney couldnt hold on any morethe instant he sun

12、k into unconsciousness, he said” Take Over, Bosn! ” In the end, they were rescued, and Barrett knew he couldnt afford to think only of himself as the man in command.LESSON 5:Are You Gving Your Kids Too Much?1) First,many parents have full-time job and unable to spend much time with their kids.很多家长没有

13、时间陪孩子.fell guilty about their kids对孩子有惭愧感.compensate by givingto kids赔偿孩子很多玩具和衣服.2) Second,parents usually want their kids to live a better life.家长想让孩子享受愈加好生活.have what they had/what they long for but were unable to have拥有她们有甚至她们渴望却得不到东西.3) Third,parents cant say no to kids家长拒绝不了孩子.afraid that kids

14、would feel unloved怕孩子以为没有被疼爱.afraid kids would be laughed自己孩子被别孩子嘲笑.4) may turn kids into greedy、ungrateful、self-centered、selfish溺爱孩子会把孩子变成贪婪忘恩负义自我为中人.less creative than children with fewer playthings.比那些拥有比较少玩具孩子缺乏创造性.be upset when their requests were not satisfied.当她们要求没被立刻满足时感到难过.5) The more thin

15、gs they give,the morelove their kids get.给越多物品,孩子就越感受到爱6) Be cheerful and in control to refuseits a long processaccept the occasionally slips.LESSON 6:Cultural Shock(详见课后翻译)1) is a feeling of confusion and anxiety caused by contact with another culture.因为不一样文化造成惶惑和焦虑感.2) Four stages:honeymoon、crisis

16、、recovery、adjustment.四个阶段:蜜月、危机、恢复、适应.3) Honeymoon:feel excited and everything seems interesting4) Crisis:begin to think things are not as bright as we thought.become homesick5) Recovery:You can cope with the host environment on the basis of some mastery, competence and comfort.6) Adjustment:you fun

17、ction automatically in the new culture. you regain the initial positive regard you had in the honeymoon stage.7) 表现:a.They will reject the host environment and grumble about the difficulties. b. Regression: Home environment suddenly took on tremendous importance and it usually take a trip home to br

18、ing them back into reality.c. Some specific indicators of culture shock include: washing hands excessively, fits of anger over minor frustration and terrible longing to go back home and so on.LESSON 7&8 The Model Millionaire1) Hughie Erskine:a wonderful good-looking、charming guy帅气迷人.intellectually,h

19、e was not of much importance.智力平平.so poor and no professor没钱没工作.2) Laura Merton:fell in love with Hughie与休吉坠入爱河.her father didnt agree with their engagement unless he had 10 thousand pounds.不一样意她们结婚除非休吉有一万英镑.3) 故事情节:charming but uselesshe could never settled down to do one thing / kind-hearted he sl

20、ipped all he had to a miserable-looking beggar in his friends studio.it turned out that the poor begger was a millionairesent a present:10 thousand pounds for his kindness4) Two things combine to make a model millionaire:have a lof of money有很多钱readiness to give/are willing to give/to contribute to t

21、he happiness of others随时准备付出贡献.5) Baron Hausberg:found Hughie is a sympathetic and kind-hearted guy,He wisely use his money to help a person who deserved.LESSON 9:Only Three More Days1) 计划William, an American reporter, intended to take Berlin diaries out of the city enough in them to get him hangedp

22、ut diaries at the bottom of the suitcase and put broadcast scripts and General Staff maps abovephoned Gestapo and asked to be inspectedat the critical moment, he mentioned he reported on the great success of German armyat the airport, due to dozens of seals from Gestapo, he successfully flew off. 2)

23、 If Gestapo seized sth they would be satisfied and would not go on with the search.LESSON 10:The Washwoman1) had a very strong sense of duty有强烈责任感2) indomitable will to fulfill the task she had undertaken为完成责任而不屈不饶毅力.3) an inborn love of labor: for every piece of laundry to come out clean, she will

24、handle ten times or more. every piece of laundry will be as cleaned as polished silver.4) Stubbornness: she could have lived in the home for the aged, but she insisted on making a living by herself. in spite that her son treated her cruelly, she never complained. she returned the laundry to its righ

25、tful owners even when she was severely ill.5) To be a respected person,what kind of work you do is not important,what counts is attitude.LESSON 11:How I Served My Apprenticeship1) He felt very proud that he had become a contributing member of his family.她为自己成为对家庭有贡献一元而感到自豪.2) He was filled with a fe

26、eling of satisfaction because the money was the hard-earned reward of honest work.充满了满足感3) He believed that he would get into a better position some day.相信自己会得到愈加好工作.4) 关键词:found himself grown up when拿到第一份工钱时发觉自己长大了.no longer a mere boy but quite a man不不过一个男孩而是一个男人.5) Poverty is not an evil,on the c

27、ontrary,it is the soil upon which certain virtue are produced.These virtue have enabled the human race to reach a high-level civilization.enables children of the poor to grow up in the genuine loving care of their parents.At an early age,children of the poor family began to share their parents respo

28、nsibility of supporting the family.This helps to develop a sense of responsibility in them,this is why many outstanding people come from poor families.LESSON 12:A Friend of the Environment(详见课后翻译)1) When she was young ,she began to love birds,plants and animals从小就喜欢大自然the biology course she took wid

29、ened her horizon and made her aware of the wonder and excitement of the scientific study生物课影响了她after graduation,she engaged in research on the ocean creatures and published1951毕业后钻研于海洋生物研究而且出版了我们周围海洋another book1962,she sounded a warning:if a man continues to use the poisonous chemical pesticides in

30、discriminately,he will wipe out(消亡) all birds and other animals and plants.发出警告,拒绝用化学杀虫剂aroused the public attention to the important issue of environmental protection引发社会关注环境保护问题. and became a landmark of mans effort to save the earth成为人类努力拯救地球里程碑.LESSON 13:Who Shall Dwell?1) The man and his wife w

31、ere both loving parents.whenboth first thought of their kids.当核弹警报降临,父母同时都先考虑到自己孩子.2) However,they didnt agree with each other on whether they should share their shelter with their neighbours.她们对于该不该和邻居分享自家避难所而意见不一样3) The man thought:a mans primary duty was to protect his own family父亲以为一个男人主要任务是保护自己

32、家庭.4) His wife thought:we cant deny safety to our friends when the crisis comes.母亲以为我们不能在危机来暂时拒绝挽救朋友生命.5) When a women begged them to let her daughter inthe mans wife dashed out and pushed the girl inthe man changed her mind and made a big decisionhe went out and shoved 2 kids intheir actions expres

33、sed their devotion to each other.6) 关键词:no one could deny a child the chance to live.LESSON 14:Cipher in the SnowOutline:Cliff dropped dead on his way to school when news came, students and teachers had no idea who he wasprincipal sent his favorite teacher to his familystep-father owed his death to

34、his silenceAt school, teacher gave him unfavorable comment (low IQ, slow-witted) students excluded him from activitieshe was never legally adopted by his step-fatherIt was cruel educational system and lack of care from his family and school that lead to his death.残酷教育和缺乏关爱.1) cruel educational syste

35、m:when he began school,his I.Q.was above average though he was a bit shy and timid,he was never given an opportunity to take part in activities of any sort at school.Then he began to believe what teachers said about him.Finally turned into cipher.2) This recognition made Jean a big resolution:she ta

36、ught her students not only the knowledge but also the way to be happier and more useful.Teachers should be the guide like Jean did.LESSON 15:BriberyAn Inevitable Evil?(详见课后翻译)1) Offering bribes refers to giving or offering someone a sum of money or some valuables to make him do something favorable(有

37、利,赞同) to the bribe offerer.行贿是指向某人赠予钱或宝贵物品,使其做出有利于赠予者事.2) Bribery is widespread because it helps certain people to get what they want行贿广泛性:让许多人得到她们想要东西.3) For the giver:bribery helps to secure contracts帮助取得协议,to break into new market进入新商业市场,to get things smoothly and quickly做一些事快且无妨碍.4) For the rece

38、iver:it seems a steady flow of money.5) If everyone rejects bribes,there would be no such thing as bribery.假如每个人都拒绝贿赂,就不会有类似事发生.6) The root cause of bribery is mans greed.因为人类贪婪.LESSON 16:A Social EventOutline:Randy and Carole were a promising Hollywood couplethey didnt get the invitation to the fun

39、eral of Scotty Woodrow It was in the best interests of their career since all the big names might appear. they thought of food poisoning they knew Muriel, the maid was invited they persuaded her to take them to the occasion as her family they sacrificed their dignity(尊严高贵) for vanity(虚荣心).1) It seem

40、s that less well-known actors and actresses often do their best to establish connection with famous actors and actresses.And only in this way they can succeed more quickly比较不知名演员经常与有名演员建立好关系这么才能很快成功.2) But I think acting skills are the most important factor for success.So the most important thing fo

41、r a beginning actor or actress is to improve themselves.演绎技巧才是最主要,一定要改进自己才能成功.LESSON 1:Courtesy:Key to a Happier World1) Three“basic ingredients”of courtesy/politeness/good manner: a strong sense of justice强烈正义感, the ability to share another persons inner feelings(compathy同情感)and the capacity to tre

42、at all people alike能够一视同仁.2) Three things helps people improve their manners:practicing courtesy联络有礼貌行为to think in a courteous way对人有礼貌方式去思索问题to accept courtesy gladly愉快地接收她人对你文明行为3) 关键词:be considerate of others为她人着想.identify with their problems体谅她人.dont let other peoples bad manners goad you into r

43、etaliating不要让她人不礼貌促使你产生报复感.4) 例文According to the essay, a courteous person should possess some essential qualities, such as a strong sense of justice, the ability to share another persons inner feelings and the capacity to treat all people alike.2.That is to say, a courteous person is careful about

44、observing the rules of a competition, considerate of the feelings and troubles, and in addition, he will treat persons with good manners in spite of their status.3.For example, I have a friend whom I think has good mannersLESSON 2&3 The Man Who Could Work Miracles(详见课后翻译)1) Until he was thirty years

45、 old,Fotheringay didnt believe in miraclesbut one day he found that he could do things by his willat first he was confused and worried about this extraordinary powerbut after he did a number of useful things by his willhis state of mind passed from wonder to delighton Sunday,he told Mr.Maydig about

46、hisand showed him by a sort of experiments,Mr.Maydig was very surprised at it and urged him on working miracles continuouslytheir ambition enlargedat last,at the request of the priest,he stopped the rotation of the earth. the earth did stop but the movables upon the earths surface hadnt stoppedthey

47、kept moving rapidly and caused great destruction(毁灭)he felt that his miracle had miscarried and ordered everthing to be put rightfinally,he let himself lose his miraculous power by his will2) His experience shows:if it not used properly,any powerful thing would not bring benefit to human beings,but

48、destruction.她经历说明:任何强有力东西,要是使用不妥就不会为人类造福。只会带来破坏.LESSON 4 Zero Hour:Forty-Three Seconds over Hiroshima1) When she saw a B-29 bomber approaching,it didnt frighten her,because she thought Hiroshima was the only peaceful city during the war.开始不害怕2) But,then,Kaz saw the bomb falling away from the plane and drifting down towards her.The journey took 43 seconds.A loud explosion reverberated(V.反射,回响

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