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1、SAP的阴暗面研究报告212020年5月29日文档仅供参考附件二:SAP的阴暗面- 有限的业务效益不值得承受这么大的痛苦众所周知SAP的阴暗面是:有限的业务收益,缺乏灵活性,很难实施和使用,复杂 。等等,导致用户排斥和高额的推广费用。 一家独立的咨询公司Spikes Cavell & Co.最近调查了一些英国SAP的用户,进一步证明了以上问题。以下附上调查摘要(文章一)。为了更加具体地说明SAP的弱点,我们来看一下 ”CFO Europe”杂志(文章二)中列出的Pirelli项目情况.这是一个典型的SAP项目:1994年一月启动, ”预期”今年年底完成.(有没有搞错?对!是需要六年.ASAP大

2、概是代表As SLOW As Painful!)最后发表在英国媒体的文章(文章三)足以说明SAP在开放性方面如何落后.正如文章所说:一个公司如果试图将用户锁定在它的系统里,就不可能考虑解决现代最新业务需求. 文章一 Computasoft Consulting reveals SAP Hurdles and Solutions , Press Information Computasoft咨询公司揭露了SAP的障碍和解决方案,所发布的资料来自1999年7月1日的from Computasoft Consulting, July 1, 1999 Independent market resear

3、ch sponsored by Computasoft Consulting reveals that despite 由computasoft负责的独立市场调查揭露,尽管SAP得到了广泛应用,可是几乎2/3的已经应用此软件的公司感到没有获得充分的收益。the wide uptake of SAP, almost two-thirds of corporate businesses that have implemented the software do not feel they reap the full benefits. The research, undertaken by 该调查

4、由Spikes Cavell 负责,她于1999年5月,在英国调查了100个SAP的项目经理和商业经理。Spikes Cavell & Co, surveyed 100 SAP project managers and business managers in the UK during May 1999. The survey was designed to assess the impact of SAP on UK businesses 这个调查的目的是评估SAP在英国商界的影响和展示她们将来依赖原有投资来发展的方式。and to demonstrate the ways in whic

5、h they plan to build on their existing investment in the future. Two-thirds of SAP IT managers and 62% of business managers admit that their companies 2/3的IT经理和62商业经理承认她们的公司当前没有从SAP的解决方案中获得充分的收益。do not currently receive the full benefits of the SAP solution. 59% of those surveyed 59的被调查者stated that

6、a lack of flexibility was reducing the benefits they received, while 表明SAP缺乏灵活性,并因此减少了她们的收益,56% found that more training was needed than originally estimated. A further 54% 56的调查者表明SAP需要的培训比她们原先估计的要多。found that fine-tuning the solution to match their business needs caused problems. 另外54的调查者表明调整SAP的解

7、决方案以匹配她们的商业需求将导致问题。Reasons for not realising all expected SAP benefits. Base - all respondents 没有从SAP中获得预期收益的理由还有很多。对所有的回答者来说,其IT和商业经理面临的最大问题之一是最终用户的的接受和系统的使用。However, one of the most telling problems facing IT and business managers was generating end-user acceptance and use of the system. 70% of IT

8、/SAP managers and 70%的IT/SAP经理和90的商业经理认为职员感觉在企业的软件应用和信息共享是重要的。90% of business managers view it as important for staff to feel involved in enterprise applications and information sharing. Yet over one third (37%) of these business 可是超过1/3(37)的商业经理感到SAP的界面不友好导致了最终用户对系统的使用降低。managers feel that the SAP

9、interface is not friendly and leads to low use of the system by end users. Surprisingly, one third of the companies taking part in the 让人吃惊的是,参加培训的1/3公司只运用了SAP所有功能中的10%.study only extend the SAP client to around 10% of their organisation. SAP provides a foundation for efficient business operations a

10、nd is absolutely invaluable to most ”SAP提供了一个有效的商业运作基础,可是对许多公司而言是完全无价值的。companies. However, it is too complex and inflexible for users in the front office 对公司最前端的用户来说,SAP太复杂和不灵活引起信息的存取和流程的管理没有效率。”,Computasoft咨询董事 Toby Conrad 评价,of the organisation to access information and manage their processes eff

11、ectively commented Toby Conrad, Managing Director, Computasoft Consulting. Providing and sharing information to end users is becoming increasingly important - particularly in sales, marketing, and business management functions. Self-service applications that support the front office and integrate wi

12、th SAP provide the flexibility and reach needed by the business. They promote the sharing of knowledge across and beyond the organisation, Conrad continued. ”对最终用户提供和共享信息变得日益重要,特别是在销售、市场和商业管理的作用中。支持前端办公和同SAP的集成的自我服务提供了灵活性而且满足了企业的需求。它们提升了信息在整个组织和超越组织的知识共享” Conrad 继续说。Computasoft Consulting is the UKs

13、 leading integrator of SAP R/3 with Lotus Notes and intranet technology. Its Enterprise Involvement Suite of self-service Computasoft 咨询公司在SAP和Lotus软件群集成和内联网技术领域在英国处于领导地位。它的企业applications is a user-friendly range of solutions that extend the reach of back 拥有自我服务软件套件,此套件在解决方案中实用,它扩展了后台ERP信息和流程,这些流程遍及

14、和超越了组织。1. office ERP information and processes throughout and beyond the organisation. Computasoft Consulting defines self-service applications as low cost, easy-to-use and easily deployed applications that allow people to retrieve information and interact electronically with centralised departments

15、 and back office systems. Computasoft 咨询公司定义自我服务应用是低成本、易使用和容易扩展的应用软件,此应用软件允许人们方便检索其所要的信息和与集中管理部门及后台系统能电子互动。 Computasoft Consulting is an innovative provider of world class business solutions to corporate clients wishing to use groupware, workflow and internet related technologies. A UK based Lotus P

16、remier Partner with access to over 120 SAP consultants, the company offers corporate clients the ability to leverage their SAP investment. Computasoft Consulting is accredited by key IT companies, including IBM, Lotus, Microsoft and Sun. Clients include Pharmacia & Upjohn, Mobil Oil, The Halifax, So

17、ny, Royal & Sun Alliance, Kraft Jacobs Suchard and Tesco. Computasoft咨询公司是创新提供者,它提供世界级企业解决方案给那些被代理公司,这些公司希望使用软件群、工作流和互联网相关技术。作为一个英国基于LOTUS第一位的合作伙伴,它访问了超过120个的SAP顾问和对那些使用SAP的用户帮助它们提升其SAP投资回报的公司。Computasoft 咨询公司是能够信赖的,它在主要的IT公司中享有盛誉,如:IBM 、LOTUS 、微软、SUN。客户包括:Pharmacia & Upjohn, Mobil Oil, The Halifax,

18、 Sony, Royal & Sun Alliance, Kraft Jacobs Suchard and Tesco。Computasoft Consulting is part of the Computasoft Group, with offices in London, New York, Hong Kong and Walldorf. With a turnover of more than GBP21 million per annum, the Group has grown securely and steadily since it was established in 1

19、984. Today, it has more than 500 customers around the globe and a reputation for delivering measurable business improvement. Computasoft 咨询公司是Computasoft集团的一个部分,它在伦敦、纽约、香港和Walldorf都有办事处。它每年的营业额超过了2100万GBP,自从1984成立以来集团就一直稳健地发展。至今,它已拥有超过500家的顾客,这些顾客遍及全球,并在陈述可测量的企业改良观点方面享有较高的声誉。文章二 ERP, Plug and Play ,

20、 CFO Europe , June 1999, Janet Kersnar and Matthew May资料来源:”ERP,即插即用”,”欧洲财务经理”,1999年6月,作者:Janet Kersnar 和 Matthew MayMany large European companies have already embraced ERP systems, or are about to do so. Italys Pirelli is among them. We started implementation of a SAP R/3 system in January 1994 and

21、 it will be completed by the end of this year, which is on target, says Enrico Parazzini, director of administration planning and control of the tyre and cable company, which had 1998 revenues of 10.7 trillion lire (E5.5 billion). Thats quite a long period by industry standards-according to Meta Gro

22、up, a technology research firm, the average time it takes to implement an ERP system in Europe is around 23 months.许多欧洲大公司已经拥有ERP系统,或正准备这么做。意大利Pirelli公司就是其中的一个。”我们已在1994年1月开始实施SAP的R/3系统,而且将在1998年年末完工,这是我们的目标” 轮胎和缆车公司的行政计划控制董事如是说,些公司1998年收入是10.7万亿里拉(E5.5十亿)。以工业的标准来衡量,这是一段非常漫长的过程,根据Meta集团 -一个技术研究公司,它在

23、欧洲实施ERP系统的平均时间是23个月。Parazzini acknowledges that overcoming internal resistance to replacing Pirellis custom business software took time. It was very difficult at the beginning, he recalls, .but by 1996, we no longer had to convince people inside the operation. They were asking for ERP, and then we f

24、ound it easy. The firm has already implemented R/3s finance, cost accounting, material management, service distribution and asset management modules, and is currently working on the production ones. (.)Parazzini承认在克服用R3替代原来商业软件的内部抵制上花费了时间。”开始非困难,”,她回忆说,”但直至1996年,我们就再也不必使人们信服内部的运作。她们开始要求ERP,而且我们发现非常容

25、易。”公司已经应用了R/3的财务、成本会计、材料管理、服务分配和资产管理模块,现在的工作运行在SAP上”。SAP packages, come with an incredible number of options and you have to evaluate the combinations, notes David Garrett, a consultant with KPMG. Doing so didnt tire Pirelli. Parazzini says that the company picked SAPs R/3 system for three reasons :

26、 the fact that it was relatively new at the time ; its ability to integrate other applications effectively ; and SAPs ability to offer support in all of the 16 countries in which the Italian firm operates. Parazzini acknowledges that R/3 is a particularly rigid product that cant be tailored easily,

27、but notes that Pirelli has dealt with this by providing staff with intense training in its use. The company also decided to switch from various hardware platforms to using Hewlett-Packard hardwar and Unix. David Garrett,KPMG公司的一个顾问说,”SAP软件包,有多得不可置信的选项,你不得不去评价它们的组合,” 。 David Garrett说, 这样做不是整理PIRELLI公

28、司。Parazzini说公司选择R/3系统有三个原因:一、事实上SAP在当时是最新的;二、它能和其它的应用软件有效集成;三、SAP有能力在16个国家包括意大利运营的公司提供支持。Parazzini承认SAP是一个不容易适应的非常”钢性”的产品,可是她同时表明公司已经过培训职员如何使用该系统来解决这个问题。公司也决定从不同的硬件平台转到使用HEWLETT-PACKARD硬件和UNIX上。Typically, the expense of buying ERP software and hardware is only a small part of the overall cost of a p

29、roject. As soon as the go button is hit, CFOs can expect to sign off fat cheques for everything from consulting work to training fees. About 60% of the cost was on implementation and 40% on software, says Pirellis Parazzini, whose project is estimated by The ROI Report, an industry newsletter, to ha

30、ve required a total investment of 98 billion lire. (.)典型的ERP软件和硬件费用的成本只是全部项目成本的很小的一部分。一旦开始运作,财务总监希望能停止大量的因培训而支付的费用。”60的成本是实施费,40是软件件费”PIRELLI公司的PARAZZINI说,她的项目被ROI报告(一个工业通讯刊物)估计,总额需要投入980亿里拉。A company should mould its own processes in response to the software. We succeeded in that, overall, we kept

31、most of the standard solution, says Parazzini, though he admits Pirelli occasionally tweaked it to fit local needs. (.)一个公司必须制作它自己的流程来响应软件。”我们全面地成功了,我们保留了大部分的标准解方案”PARAZZINI说,虽然她承认PIRELLI公司偶然也改变标准方案去适应本地需要。Many senior executives continue to treat ERP implementations as IT projects. They fail to unde

32、rstand that ERP rollouts fly in the face of the mantra of decentralisation that was popular in the 1980s, not least because modules often cut across traditional departmental lines, requiring job descriptions to be rewritten and forcing managers hoarding data to share it. And they underestimate the i

33、nternal resistance to change this can inspire.许多高级行政人员依然将ERP实施看成是IT项目,她们不能理解ERP的出现与20世纪80年代流行的分权完全相反,并不因为模块缩短了传统的部门流程,而是ERP需要重新明确工作细则并使储存资料经理不得不共享。她们认为内部抵制的改变能够起到激励的作用。At Pirelli, support from the companys CEO, Marco Tronchetti Provera, and other top managers including the CFO, Carlo Buora, was esse

34、ntial in driving the project forward. The key reason for what we see as success is commitment from top management.and the opinion leaders inside the company, says Parazzini.在PIRLLI公司,最高执行官,Marco Tronchetti Provera和其它高级管理人员包括财务总监,CARLO BUORA,认为推进项目是必要的”我们认为成功最关键原因是 高层管理人员的承诺和公司领导的观点”PARAZZINI说文章三SAP

35、rapped by analysts, Computing, UK, May 6, 1999”SAP被分析家们斥责”,”计算”,英国,1999年5月6日。SAP is blocking rivals from creating products that compete with its own data warehousing product, say some industry analysts.一些工业分析家说,SAP阻碍竞争对手生产与SAP数据仓库产品竞争的产品。The analysts say SAP has failed to simplify an extremely compl

36、ex application program interface (API) within its flagship R/3 enterprise resource planning software. The interface makes it very difficult for rival companies to write data warehouse products that can extract data from R/3. Even if other vendors can overcome the difficulty, SAP will often refuse to

37、 certify or approve their software for use with R/3.分析家们说SAP未能简化在它的R/3企业资源计划软件中复杂的应用程序界面。这些界面使得竞争对手很难写数据仓库产品来榨取R/3的资料。既使其它的卖主能克服困难,SAP也拒绝保证或赞成她们的软件与R/3一起使用。Other parts of the API for R/3 have been simplified in the last three years. SAP has also developed an API which allows data from rival ERP syst

38、ems to be exported to SAPs data warehouse software Business Information Warehouse (BW).在最近的三年其它部分的应用程序界面已经简化。SAP已经开发了API,它允许数据从竞争对手的ERP系统输出过入SAP的数据仓库”商业信息库”By refusing to open the whole of its platform, SAP is effectively locking R/3 users into a SAP environment, according to Mike Thompson, research

39、 manager at analyst Butler Group. Its obvious why SAP is doing this. Its because it wants people to use its own tools and lock users into SAP, he said.因为拒绝开放所有的平台,SAP有效地锁定了R/3的用户在SAP的环境中。依据MIKE THOMPSON ,”非常显而易见为什么SAP这么做,因为她想人们使用它自己的工具和锁定用户于SAP中”R/3 users are being affected by the strategy. SAPs app

40、roach leads to less choice and higher implementation costs for users, said Thompson. Any company that tries to lock users into systems isnt really addressing the requirements of modern business. R/3的用户受这种策略的影响,”SAP的通道导致用户选择的减少和高额的实施费用” THOMPSON说。” 一个公司如果试图将用户锁定在它的系统里,就不可能考虑解决现代最新业务需求Mike Norman, pri

41、ncipal analyst at researcher Makespan, agreed that SAPs actions are not helping users. What users want is not necessarily what SAP wants to do. Its clear that creating an open API is not high on SAPs list of development priorities, he said.MIKE NORMAN是MAKSPAN的主要的分析者,她认为SAP的行为不是在帮助用户,”用户想要的并不一定是SAP想要

42、的。非常明显创造一个开放的应用程序界面不是SAP最先发展的选择。Other analysts have also criticised SAP over its data warehousing interfaces. Nigel Pendse, author of the Olap Report, recommended that users stay clear of BW.其它的分析家也在SAP的数据仓库界面上批评SAP。NIGEL PENDSE,OLAP报告的作者,建议用户避免使用BW No doubt SAP will have some sales success with BW,

43、 particularly by selling into large accounts. But I dont think that too many of those will be viewed as successes by the users, he said.毫无疑问SAP因BW而取得销售的成功,特别是的大额的销售中。 但我认为这么大的花费对用户而言并不意味将取得成功”,她说。Nigel Ford, product marketing manager for complementary software at SAP, said : SAP hasnt deliberately locked users out. But for obvious reasons we want to make it easier for people to use BW. NIGEL FORD,SAP的补充软件销售经理说:”SAP不是故意锁定用户,可是出于显而易见的原因,我们想使得人们在使用BW时感到容易。

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