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1、徐SIR最赞的一篇调研报告堪称模板372020年4月19日文档仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。“压缩空气蓄能(CAES)+风电”国内外研究情况调研报告刘文毅,徐钢,田龙虎,李乐,李守成1. 背景压缩空气蓄能(CAES)是一个重要的电网调峰技术路线。随着可再生能源特别是风电的飞速发展,CAES的诸多优良性能体现出与风电等可再生能源结合的巨大潜力。众所周知,随着中国再生能源发展战略的实施,可再生能源发电特别是风电在电力供应中的比重逐步增加,但可再生能源(特别是风能)的间歇性限制了其大规模发展,据报道当前风电装机容量迅速增长,但电网已越来越无法接纳这些不连续、随意性强的风电资源,从而导致不少风电场不



4、国内研究情况分析)。有鉴于此,我们计划在此基础上继续开展“压缩空气蓄能(CAES)+可再生能源”的深入研究。这份调研报告既是确定研究方案的重要依据,也可作为未来发表论文、申请项目的重要数据来源。2. 国内外研究情况2.1 国内调研情况:(1)调研数据库说明国内研究情况调研涉及数据库是:中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI) ,该数据库文献总量达7242万篇。文献类型包括:学术期刊、博士学位论文、优秀硕士学位论文;期刊方面包含有当前国内的8000多种期刊的相关论文。能够涵盖本专业的主要出版物。(2)调研结果: 检索词是:“压缩空气蓄能” 检索方案是:所有题目中包含“压缩空气蓄能”的学术期刊。 检索结

5、果:共发现27篇相关论文报道,但其中有13篇只是简讯,如介绍德国等国家建设了蓄能电站的简讯,100字左右,不具备学术调研的价值;剩余14篇论文的研究内容大致情况如下图所示:图1 国内关于CAES学术论文的研究内容分析在这14篇文章当中,只有一篇综述文章提到了美国有风电与压缩空气蓄能一体化项目,其它都没有设计风电等新能源电站。另外,比较有学术价值的3篇集成优化和2篇经济性分析的论文都来自于本课题组的刘文毅老师和杨勇平老师。(3)调研结论:经过调研,基本能够发现以下几点: 当前国内的CAES研究尚处于起步阶段,对“CAES+风电”的研究几乎为空白。 对于CAES国内研究比较深入的当前还是我们课题组

6、,主要是刘文毅老师和杨勇平老师在系统建模、技术经济分析方面具有绝对领先优势。 CAES中采用燃料主要还是天然气,采用的热集成方式主要是回热。几乎没有涉及联合循环和煤气化等研究内容。2.2 国外调研情况:(1)调研数据库说明:本次调研主要针对三个权威数据库:(1) Elsevier ScienceDirect数据库(2) I EEE/IETElectronicLibrary(IEL)数据库(3) 美国机械工程师学会期刊数据库(ASME)(2)调研结果: 检索词为:compressed air energy storage; wind; 检索方案是:所有题目、关键词和摘要中包含“compresse

7、d air energy storage”和“wind”的学术期刊。 检索结果:对检索到的文献进行阅读与整理,共有24篇文献与本课题相关。对这24篇文献的系统集成方式以及研究内容进行分析,如图2和图3所示:图2 CAES系统集成方法分析注:其它是指没有介绍具体技术,只是提到了CAES与风能的结合的综述类论文。图3 论文研究内容分析(3)调研结论:根据调研的结果,我们发现: 国际上对CAES研究比较深入,相关论文达数百篇之多,但对“CAES+风电”的研究仍处于起步阶段,当前有几十篇论文与此相关,且大多都是在最近5年内发表,体现“CAES+风电”正逐渐成为国际学术界研究热点。 研究内容上与国内期刊

8、大多介绍性和综述类不同,系统模拟、佣分析和技术经济分析合计占80%左右。 燃料方面:还是偏重于天然气(燃气轮机和联合循环占80%左右),极少数使用沼气和生物质气化;煤气化的几乎没有报道,这可能是由于能源结构引起的。但这也表明:适合于中国国情的、以煤气化为燃料的“CAES+风能”研究当前几乎是空白。 系统热集成方面:主要采用燃机回热,采用联合循环的比较少。3. 结论及研究思路探讨:综合国内外研究现状能够发现:(1) 国内CAES研究尚处于起步阶段,对“CAES+风电”的研究几乎为空白。国际上对CAES研究比较深入,相关论文达数百篇之多,但对“CAES+风电”的研究仍处于起步阶段。再综合“CAES

9、+风电”对中国可再生能源发展的深远影响,现在开展“CAES+风电”研究意义重大、预期研究成果丰富。(2) 国内外CAES研究在燃料方面当前都侧重天然气(燃气轮机和联合循环占80%左右),更适合于中国国情的、以煤气化为燃料的“CAES+风能”研究当前几乎是空白。当然,煤气化由于其系统的复杂性是否适合于CAES系统还需进行学术上的研究与讨论。(3) 系统热集成方面:主要采用燃机回热,采用联合循环的比较少。考虑到联合循环热集成手段更丰富、效率更高,因此未来研究可考虑将联合循环作为研究重点。有鉴于此,我们初步设计研究思路如下:1. 基于中国背景的“CAES+风电”系统建模、技术经济分析。相关研究成果可

10、汇总发表23篇国内学术期刊(电机工程学报or工程热物理学报)。2. 结合中国国情,开展“CAES+风能”深入研究,重点是:煤气化与CAES结合的可能性、将联合循环作为系统集成主要方式,全面开展系统建模、优化集成以及技术经济分析等研究。相关研究成果可考虑发表国际期刊论文多篇,并考虑申请相关专利。3. 在此基础上,探讨“CAES+风能”与煤+生物质多联产的可能的集成思路。相关研究成果可考虑发表国际期刊论文多篇,并考虑申请相关专利。4. 研究重点区域,如内蒙古等既有丰富风能资源,又有大量煤炭资源的地区发展“CAES+风能”带来的战略意义,进一步将相关研究提升到战略层面。附录1. 14篇国内CAES相

11、关论文列表:1 郭新生,傅秦生,赵知辛,郭中纬. 电热冷联产的新压缩空气蓄能系统J.热能动力工程, ,20(2):170173.2 王亚林,陈光明,王勤.压缩空气蓄能系统应用于低温制冷性能分析J.工程热物理学报, ,29(2):1998 .3 陶芒.压缩空气蓄能电站的比较优势和市场前景.科技财富, .11:2627.4 刘文毅,杨勇平. 压缩空气蓄能电站综合效益评价研究J.工程热物理学报, ,28(3):373375.5 施慧聪,张炯. 压缩空气蓄能及其它蓄能技术在美国的应用.华东电力, ,37(2):291294.6 刘文毅,杨勇平,张昔国,辛以波. 压缩空气蓄能(CAES) 电站及其现状和

12、发展趋势.山东电力技术, 第2期:1014.7 周波.大型压气蓄能发电系统的开发.电工3.15专辑:4345.8 孔旭. 压缩空气蓄能发电技术如何提高电站经济效益. 科技财富, .11:2829.9 杨 联合循环电站采用压缩空气蓄能可使发电功率加倍.上海大中型电机, ,NO.3:4649.10 宋卫东. 国外压缩空气蓄能发电概况. 中国电力,1997(9):5354.11 刘文毅, 杨勇平. 微型压缩空气蓄能系统静态效益分析与计算. 华北电力大学学报, ,34(2):13.12 刘文毅,杨勇平.用于分布能量系统的微型压缩空气蓄能(MCAES)系统性能计算与优化.工程热物理学报, ,27(2):

13、911913.13 刘文毅,杨勇平,宋之平.压缩空气蓄能(CAES)系统集成及性能计算. 工程热物理学报, ,26:2528.14 刘文毅,杨勇平. 压缩空气蓄能(CAES)电站热力性能仿真分析.博士论文.附录2. 国外“CAES+风能”论文简介: 具体数据库搜索方式说明:Elsevier ScienceDirect数据库19 articles found for: TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(compressed air energy storage) and TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(wind)20 articles found for: TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(comp

14、ressed air energy storage) and TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(RENEWABLE energy)剔除重复与相关性很低的,共有15篇相关论文IEEE/IETElectronicLibrary(IEL)数据库You searched for: (Abstract:compressed) AND Abstract:air) AND Abstract:energy) AND Abstract:storage) AND Abstract:wind) 14篇文献,剔除重复与相关性很低的,共有5篇相关论文美国机械工程师学会期刊数据库(ASME) 在Abstract内搜索: “

15、compressed and storage and wind”共搜到9篇,4篇有我们所需要的关键词(reheat, combined cycle),学校内网不能下载全文,从摘要中看主要是涉及回热和联合循环(摘要中已经标出) 相关论文列表及说明:1、 LiWang, Dong-Jing Lee, Wei-Jen Lee, Zhe Chen, Analysis of a novel autonomous marine hybrid power generation / energy storage system with a high-voltage direct current link, J

16、ournal of Power Sources, ,12841292一个庞大复杂而又细致的系统模拟,对CAES的利用没有具体讲燃气轮机。包括了:wind-turbine generators, diesel-engine generators, fuel cells, and wave-energy turbine generators, a compressed air energy storage system, and a flywheel energy storage system.2、 D. Zafirakis, J.K. Kaldellis, Autonomous dual-mod

17、e CAES systems for maximum wind energy contribution in remote island networks, Energy Conversion and Management只有简单循环+回热,做的比较深,从能量回收与消耗角度,分很多情景做的模拟。3、 Jeffery B. Greenblatt, Samir Succar, David C. Denkenberger, Robert H. Williams, Robert H. Socolow, Baseload wind energy: modeling the competition bet

18、ween gas turbines and compressed air energy storage for supplemental generation, Energy Policy, , 14741492CAES运用的是回热,从煤耗角度进行分析和比较了wind+gas, wind+CAES, CC, 和IGCC+CCS,传统电厂。Robert H. Williams作者。经济性分析4、 Septimus van der Linden, Bulk energy storage potential in the USA, current developments and future pr

19、ospects, Energy, ,34463457广泛的讲了多种蓄能方式,提到了GT,CC,IGCC,没有具体分析。5、 Martin Pehnt, Michael Oeser, Derk J. Swider,Consequential environmental system analysis of expectedoffshore wind electricity production in Germany,Energy 747759提到CAES采用的是联合循环(CC) 经济性分析6、 Alfred Cavallo,Controllable and affordable utility-

20、scale electricity from intermittent wind resources and compressed air energy storage (CAES),Energy 120127Princeton的作者。综述性文章,只研究了CAES系统。间歇性风力发电能够转化为一个混合风可控电源/压缩空气蓄能(CAES用)的系统。没有提到CAES的具体方式,没有IGCC等关键词。7、 D. Zafirakis, J.K. Kaldellis,Economic evaluation of the dual mode CAES solution for increased wind

21、 energy contribution in autonomous island networks,Energy Policy, , 19581969与2类似,以希腊的小岛为例子,采用的也是简单循环,只有gas turbine,有回热利用。模拟集成优化8、 Paul Denholm, Improving the technical, environmental and social performance of wind energy systems using biomass-based energy storage, Renewable Energy 13551370CAES用到的是生物

22、质气化,根本上降低排放。以下是气化系统。模拟集成9、 Henrik Lund, Georges Salgi, Brian Elmegaard, Anders N. Andersen,Optimal operation strategies of compressed air energy storage (CAES) on electricity spot markets with fluctuating prices,Applied Thermal Engineering 799806没有风电一体化的内容,中间过程没有写,注重的是效率和投入的资金,只有CAES+GT10、 H. Ibrahi

23、m, R. Youns, A. Ilinca, M. Dimitrova, J. Perron,Study and design of a hybrid winddiesel-compressed air energy storage system for remote areas,Applied Energy 17491762烧柴油,只有回热,系统庞大,分析完善,模拟集成11、 Georges Salgi, Henrik Lund,System behaviour of compressed-air energy-storage in Denmark with a high penetrat

24、ion of renewable energy sources,Applied Energy 182189以丹麦风电为研究对象,少量涉及有热电联产的内容,没有具体的CAES方法,没有IGCC。经济性研究12、 Paul Denholm, RamteenSioshansi,The value of compressed air energy storage with wind in transmission- constrained electric power systems,Energy Policy 31493158传统的燃气轮机,经过一个空气透平和一个燃气透平。经济性分析13、 Y.M.

25、 Kim, D. Favrat,Energy and exergy analysis of a micro-compressed air energy storage and air cycle heating and cooling system,Energy 213220对CAES的能量和火用的分析。只提到了用间歇式的可再生能源,主要在火用分析上。多级压缩带冷却,多级膨胀带回热。14、 H. Ibrahim, A. Ilincaa, J. Perron,Energy storage systemsCharacteristics and comparisons,Renewable and S

26、ustainable Energy Reviews 12211250介绍了许多种能量的储存,其中,CAES给了一些参数(压力等)(GT)。15、 Paul Denholm, Gerald L. Kulcinski,Life cycle energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions from large scale energy storage systems,Energy Conversion and Management 21532172其中一节提到了CAES,没有提到利用可再生能源;用的是天然气燃料,有回热,全生命周期过程。经济性16、题

27、目:Compressed Air Energy Storage in an Electricity System With Significant Wind Power Generation作者:Derk J. Swider期刊:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 22, NO. 1 时间:MARCH 普通的air turbine膨胀,在压缩空气膨胀之前,要进行热量的回收(heat recovery),有回热。经济性17、题目:Concepts for the improved integration of wind power into

28、the German interconnected system作者:P. Siemes1 H.-J. Haubrich2 H. Vennegeerts2 S. Ohrem1期刊:Published in IET Renewable Power GenerationSpecial issue - selected papers from EWEC 时间:Received on 31st July Revised on 12th December 针正确是一个已建的德国风力发电厂,加上CAES,都用wind turbine,没有回热。集成模拟18、题目:Optimised Autonomous

29、Power System作者:P. LOMBARDI, P. VASQUEZ, Z.A. STYCZYNSKI(德国)出处:power and energy society在多级压气机中,内部冷却器减少了在压缩过程中的耗能,在压缩完后的一个冷却器用来减少储存体积。用的是天然气的turbine,也提到了biogas(沼气)turbine,有热交换,利用存储的相变的热量来加热出口空气。模拟集成19、题目:STORAGE OF FLUCTUATING WIND ENERGY作者:Dr. Edwin Lerch(德国)利用一部分产生的电能和wind park里的风能。用电来压缩,没有热回收用电来压缩空

30、气,有一次热交换,交换的是在GT中出来的气体和压缩气体之间的热量有热交换,储存压缩空气相变的热量,与出口空气进行热交换,集成优化20.题目:Study of a Hybrid Wind-Diesel System withCompressed Air Energy Storage作者:Hussein Ibrahimab, Adrian Ilincaa, Rafic Younesc, Jean Perronb, Tammam Basbousa出处: IEEE Canada Electrical Power Conference多个模型,包括压缩一次,有热交换;压缩两次,有热交换。21.Runni

31、ng the World on Renewables: Hydrogen Transmission Pipelines With Firming Geologic StorageASME Power Conference (POWER ) July 2224, , Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA Sponsor: Power DivisionAuthor(s): William C. Leighty The Leighty Foundation, Juneau, AKABSTRACT:The worlds richest renewable energy reso

32、urces of large geographic extent and high intensity are stranded: far from end-users with inadequate or nonexistent gathering and transmission systems to deliver the energy. The energy output of most renewables varies greatly, at time scales of seconds to seasons: the energy capture assets thus oper

33、ate at inherently low capacity factor (CF); energy delivery to end-users is not “firm”. New electric transmission systems, or fractions thereof, dedicated to renewables, will suffer the same low CF, and represent substantial stranded capital assets, which increases the cost of delivered renewable-so

34、urce energy. Electric energy storage cannot affordably firm large renewables at annual scale. At gigawatt (GW = 1,000 MW) scale, renewable-source electricity from diverse sources, worldwide, can be converted to hydrogen and oxygen, via high-pressure-output electrolyzers, with the hydrogen pipelined

35、to load centers (cities, refineries, chemical plants) for use as vehicle fuel, combined-heat-and-power generation on the retail side of the customers meters, ammonia production, and petroleum refinery feedstock. The oxygen byproduct may be sold to adjacent dry biomass and / or coal gasification plan

36、ts. Figures 13. New, large, solution-mined salt caverns in the southern Great Plains, and probably elsewhere in the world, may economically store enough energy as compressed gaseous hydrogen (GH2) to “firm” renewables at annual scale, adding great market and strategic value to diverse, stranded, ric

37、h, renewable resources. Figures 2 and 3. For example, Great Plains, USA, wind energy, if fully harvested and “firmed” and transmitted to markets, could supply the entire energy consumption of USA. If gathered, transmitted, and delivered as hydrogen, about 15,000 new solution-mined salt caverns, of 8

38、 million cubic feet (225,000 cubic meters) each, would be required, at an incremental capital cost to the generation-transmission system of 5%. We report the results of several studies of the technical and economic feasibility of large-scale renewables hydrogen systems. Windplants are the lowest-cos

39、t new renewable energy sources; we focus on wind, although concentrating solar power (CSP) is probably synergistic and will become attractive in cost. The largest and richest renewable resources in North America, with high average annual windspeed and sunlight, are stranded in the Great Plains: exta

40、nt electric transmission capacity is insignificant relative to the resource potential. Large, new, electric transmission systems will be costly, difficult to site and permit, and may be difficult to finance, because of public opposition, uncertainties about transmission cost recovery, and inherently

41、 low CF in renewables service. The industrial gas companies decades of success and safety in operating thousands of km of GH2 pipelines worldwide is encouraging, but these are relatively short, small-diameter pipelines, and operating at low and constant pressure: not subject to the technical demands

42、 of renewables-hydrogen service (RHS), nor to the economic challenge of delivering low-volumetric-energy-density GH2 over hundreds or thousands of km to compete with other hydrogen sources at the destination. The salt cavern storage industry is also mature; several GH2 storage caverns have been in s

43、ervice for over twenty years; construction and operating and maintenance (O&M) costs are well understood; O&M costs are low.22. Integrating Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) With GT-CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) Stabilizes Power Delivery With the Inherent Benefits of Bulk Energy StorageASME Inte

44、rnational Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE ) November 1115, , Seattle, Washington, USA Sponsor: ASMEAuthor(s): Septimus van der Linden BRULIN Associates LLC, Chesterfield, VAABSTRACT:The installed capacity of WTGs in the US and worldwide, while impressive, suffers from a low cap

45、acity factor of 30% or less due to the variability of wind as the motive force. Installing larger wind farms to cover the deficiency of capacity results in high costs per delivered kW/hr. This begs for continued tax incentives to deliver “green” energy to the consumers. The full capability of the WT

46、G is never realized as, at high wind speeds, some of the wind energy has to be “spilled” to maintain a smooth delivery profile. Technology improvements have not overcome the “wasted” capacity of these modern marvels except where Hydro or Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) facilities are utilized. The Hydro

47、power station can compensate for wind variability while PHS provides energy storage and delivers power during high demand periods. Wind Energy Storage results in a much higher capacity factor, in effect reducing the cost of delivered kW/hrs. The problem with this excellent solution is that the USA o

48、r the worldwide installation of WTGs do not have such facilities readily available, are expensive to construct and difficult to permit in the USA. A readily available, cost effective alternative bulk-energy storage technology is ready for deployment throughout most of the continental USA. The GT-CAES concept incor

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