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1、2023年重庆学位英语考试题答案扣扣 37516206ba过模拟练习题. Joyce: Coudyu pass he sgar? Lr: Sre. _ A. Iall riht B o role. C. Hr you e D. Thank u. . Peter:Ihvent een ofor e. _:Justine.O, got mried st yer A. Wat haveou done?B. Ae oall righ? C.Hware yun? Ha yougot marred? 3. Opeao: Godmoring. FureSoftware.Ho aIdector call? C

2、usto: After Sals SrviceDparmen, plea. Orar: _. Ill put you trouh. A. usa moment plaseI see ChankyouD. problm 4Suent: _, like t rtrn tese books.Assstant: K Oh, teseboos are a ont overdue. Sorry, you hae t pa fine. now. Btho muchshould I py? Asistat:us a iut. Let cec. . i B. owa you C. Excuseme D.elo

3、.Witer: Prn als Rstaurant. Good onig! Can I helpou? Cusomer: Yes, Iud likto boo a able for tw for tmorroweeni iter:Sur, s. _? tomer: Arund :30. A.ha timeold you lke tohaeyurtabeB. Whn are ycming C.What tmedoyo want it . Whenwoudou lk to om 6 Lee: Than oforyur liciou fod lst nght.When I ent ome, oult

4、 fget the apezn shes. Mrs. es: _, an ou ar wecome, a ytim.s vry knd of youB I gad you li he ishes C. Not allD. Ta yu o much7. Jhn: Hello, m John. I ea th postethat oure loking or a studen to wr s lnguage sistant. Cerk:_ Are ou inesedin he job? ohn: I tink s. Butbefoe l, cud you tel m ou thewok? A. H

5、ow are yo? . Yes,w a. C. Hello. D Thts rht. 8. Lly: Im really maat Moa Da. Ann: Why? hathave e don? Liy: aked them fo leather jacktor yirthay andte jusgo e tstid raincot.: Oh, _!Isabauilat. A. dotwor . it doest mater C. dontcomlan .com n ean: Wh coldn youoeo teparty last nght? Betty: el, culdnget wy

6、 from orkearly. Jea: _.A. I fee sory B What a same . Itdsnt mtter co ne tme 10. Frank: Are ouoig anythig o Satday evening? Bb:othn seil, _?rank: Wed liketohave yu an yor wif oer fr inner this Strday vening. Woud yo babl coe? A. w B.why C. what he maerD. waoou a11. Geoge:Yourenotlokig very cheerul _?

7、 Joe: Oh,nothing in partilar.Im just at fe p.George: With u jb?oe: Yes,thats rgt. A. Ar yo OK Areyoufeng wellC. How ar ou D.Wha he mter it yu 12imm:Hy, I heard thayou hve won th hapionin he game. Conratultins! Pau: _. wt as, you know. A: Tank . ever mention i C.Pleae dont D.s, I a alwysthees. 3. Bil

8、l: I got te jb yo reommnded m fo last week. Jc: Tht geat! _ Bl: Irelly dnt kno how anthank yonugh A.Congratulatins. B. ood ne.C. Ifel ohpy. D God uck. 1. Tom: M Wi.Im caling tosa goodbye. Il b eaing tmorrw Butbefoe I leav, ant o thank youfr wha uvedoe om durigmy viste Mr. ite: _,Tom We ae lad to hve

9、yo.N Im eyour excitedto be back omeoon. Tom:Oh, s.A. Dnt that B. It very kin ou osy that C. Come nD.has al rht 15. Ro: _? r:otrealy, hnkIe brken m knees Ry:Oh, myGod,ed betr sen for theoco. . Are ou OK ow do you do. I it yu .Wat cn I d PartII Readngopreension(0 poin) Direios: hre re4 passages in ts

10、par. c fthe pasages isfllod by 5 qusonso uninished steent. For each of them tere are choces mrkedA, , ad . he the be on ad mark ur nr on tANWSHE wit sinlele trouh he entr. Passag One e jouney twoivers made metimago to thevery eepet poi o te earth kes us realizhow uc of the wrld l minsto e studied he

11、 womn went ownseven mies he bottmoe Pacific Oceanisde asmalltel bl t fnd ot if theare any ocacurent or ns o ife. It ws ecessary to et outerl, ta th bal old co othsuface in dylight, andso be easy fndb the mothrsh hichou b waiig fo i The vers bean ppaaions earl inthe monn an n ftrwas, wen all s read,

12、te steelbll disppeaudr th urfacef he wter The diers lt as ey ere goinwste asthypsed through wam and cold ayrs ofwe. In te, h mperaue ropedt freezgpoint. hey ket ouc wthte mother shp bytelephoetelln how tey feln, aa depth of 3, 00 f,the telepn stopedworking and the wereqie cut off fom th otside wo. A

13、ll went weluntil smefohours later t 30, 00 fet,then ere frihtee by alo, racking noise: evn thesmallst heinhe blllv ent tnt death. Luckily,touh, it was only oneof thouer ows ta hd bron. Soon afterwrds, hebll touched th soft oanfoor raisia big clou f “st” made uof mal dea seacreatures. ee,oeu ights li

14、u e darkate and te men wee suprisedtosefsh imming just ave themquie untroe bygreatat-pressure Bt theydi no e to ev the ights onfo long, thehearo them made the wter il Qute unxcedly, the tepone ea workgaanhe faitbu clearvoce of he ders e eard on th mothr ip seen mies ay.Aer a stay of thirt inehe mnbe

15、gn the jrneyup rrivg three hous ltr, cold and wet throuh, noe t wr thirexerien16Th upose of he ivers oy to the depet ointon heear was o find _. A. if thre are waterrret nd lfen he grea dpths peopl canstan he seere cod n te rtpths i her ae stes th great pths D.i th tephoe orks ell n grdephs1.T ves se

16、t ou arly n the ornng so _A. they couldetun to h surface dug the day B.thyculd see t h booof the cean they could vod the cod atnght. theycould ty long at te bttom 18. c fth statementsis true? A T ocean wer emperature decreases teaily with hedeph. B. Threa stps on h way to te bottomof tePaic Oea. . T

17、here ar eps between e aer layersof difeent temperatues. D. The waterlyers f differen tempeaturs ade he dver eel sif thy going dow step. 9. As he dis wet own t oeafloor, he telpone _ A. ketworingall the me .tpped workngata depth of 3,000 fet and begwoingaganfter tyeheteotto C. stoppe working ata dpth

18、of 3,00 feeand ban workigagant 30,000eet .stoppd wringat a deph o 3, 0 fet adbegan okng again whentherturned them th 20. Onhe ocan floor,tediver fund tht_ A threwasn lfe but som smalldd a-reatur B.fish were swimng frely as he do n thesuraceCis we not swmmn freely hedrk tr D.fsh wereot swimmin fly ud

19、 th hghwter-presure asse Tw e arto kin of memr: hrtemand ong-erm Inortin i lg-trmmemo ce recalled t a lter ime whent i neede. Te nforation m kept r day r weekI otras, information n sho-ermmemoy s kep for onyseconds, usllyby repeating te informaton over and ovr. Theoloing expmen hshow shor-te memory

20、be studied. Hningued htdenwhore lei Englisha a seconlangue rememer vocabar hebjts in his xperiment wee 75 college suds. The represntd al levl f ailit in Englih: beginig,ntemediate, aanced, d ive-seakn stdens T egn, the bts lisend to a rcordi f natve speker readn pagrah Engls. Foing the cding,te suec

21、ts took a 1question tosee whch wrd they rmemed. Each questin had four choies. Theubj h ocicle th word theyhadherd in te reodig. Some o th uestns ha fourchoces hatsound alie. Fexam, wahr,whth, wite,anwer aefurwords thatsounda lke. So o th questionsh furchoies that haetheamemeaning. thd, way, manr, d

22、syste wold be ou wodsth heme meanin. inllythesjects took laguag roiciency test. Henig found hat stnt t lowerrofcien in English ade moreof their istake owords that sund alie; studentsitha gherienc mae more of irmstes onwords ha ha he same meaning. Henning results uggst tht beginnin students hold te s

23、und f ords in their sr-te mmoy, and avancd udent hodhemeaning f words nthirhort-trmmeoy.21 ennin mdethe experiet in rder to study_. A. ow stues emember Engish ocablar yshot-term memor B.owstudns lernnlish ocabary C. hotdevelpstud bt in EnglshD.how l informatin i hrter mmoryis kpt22 ihf h folwing sat

24、ents is accoingo thpage? A. nforation i shrt-term mmoy is iferet fr that longte eory. B Lonterm mmory anbeachied oly by training.C. It s easir toes short-term memorythn lon-term emory nnng gave a epae test ooabulay is sbects.23. Fro Henins euts we can se that _ A begnners ve ficlt istingising the pr

25、ociaion owod B. danced stdens rememr wordsby irning. it is dficult rmemer or ta n alike . it sdiffult to remebewstthave the saemeaning4.The word“bjet” in he ass means_ . the clleg orse the tdnts take B.te tee ofthe istnng atrial a brach fknowlge studied D.he stdent expeimented n 25. h sae cetres on_

26、.A meoy B.o kidsf mmoy C.sht-tem mo D. an experiment on students Passage heEasteri probly most importt Chrstn olidy o the calendabecau commetesChrit resurectionfr he dead. Limny other egius holidays,hough, Easter as icrpotedmny trditons frm paganbelifs pre-Chistian ris esona rgeneraton. Te wod ste h

27、asIdo-Eropean rotsa as“dawn”. Thisis aiec referenceoh pgangoddess ofdawn and ne life.T , asyml f Eater, is a sg offetilywhchelects niet sping rnewlritean blies tat ha been absorbed nto the Chistan tradion e th Easter unny wh big he egg s the scort ofthe Germanicgddess stara, who had a hliay named af

28、tr er that ell nteveralqunox.his serves tunderce th aan elements hatstil emain apart of his qtesseniahstinholy day. Inth ited State, aster i elebated i several way. O Eaer mrngchildren usaly begin their day byoking forEaster gsha the Easter bunny hashidden ohe. Of cors, mst children know thatteggs e

29、re hiddby their parents, nthEater y. In fct, m hildrn hepteirarents olor th Ester es, kowing tht son thy wll be eang tem as snacnEasterySoe citiehvEater eg hunt at th local parks. Sie astr is awayslebrated onSunay, manypepe an “Sni serics” at hei cal church In fact, mpeopl go to churh on Eastundayth

30、a a ny othrt the er. Sunrise servie beginvy early i hmonng, sully rihautte same ti wen the su bgin o rie, l unti aot noon fter hurh famle athr ad have a bg hoidayeast. aer asarks the oming of sprng. Peoe e uuallyhappy tht wintr i ve, soaraesullyfull ofpple who want t geotsid nd enoy he res ar. Wih o

31、f thefollowng best deines atr? A It rtiallyreligus B. Iis aChritian holiday. . Itis purelyaeliiou tadiion. It s the mt iprat Chrisianholiday.2 Thaster egg epesents_.A.springB. new li C. prducity . aster 2 Wht ish main point of t third pgrph?AChd lk eang eggs on aseB. Chdn help thirrets on E. C. Pepl

32、e pticipae nmanyactivsnEastr. D loof pople go tochr o ater.29. The clebratio of Eastedos not inlude_. A. eain Easter ggs B. hunti Easter egs C buyng ft forchden D. aving rligos ceemonies 30. Why oeopleg t parksn ater? Because spring is ong. B Beus it is pr of the bration. . Bcue the ai i freshon tha

33、t dy.D.Bcas heyfl fre hat dy.Passage For Oe of Britins ew ditinctiv onriution tote wordculturma be doomd, acoringtoa se tat sgsshliday osads r being eale and txeetincti. Mor han lf o he1000 holidayakersnervewesaid hey had ecidd tosndfrcads, trning intedto theielctonic rials. quarer ohe esponents smi

34、ssed poscards old-ashond a low tarrive. furher 1% admttedtthii osoethn tofil t pacewa oo chalengin,cmparedwith a cal hom. Athuh oicilly invne by a naria, Emanue errann, 169, he idf ilutatedcd was taken u ith mot entham in Victrin Brian,oingGothic acicture andlandsae gardening asildsin whithe contrye

35、lled “fthe Briish postardddbecomeexinct wewoul oe for er sometg f reat imtane henatin,” aChr Mottershed ofhon Holida, which cmmssioned the poll arieAgelou ofssex Univerity,who hs invstiatdthempotanceof sendinga eivin stcar, backed hi “Pstardsare nothinik phone calls, inatttin an diret poo shts via mobile,” she id. “llthesaeuseful, pacticaldevices,bt tcars ffer somethng else, somehi addtnal hat is notmndaeand smply funtina, t iginativ an prsonal. They can eo the real atmspere of ou holiy ina wayht ohi elseao They al ormorean

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