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1、Life on Mars(一) 题一: 翻译:1.你觉得汤姆昨天晚上的演讲怎么样啊?2.我不喜欢甜食。3.男孩们讨厌在星期日做家务。4.今天早上她不想早起。题二: 翻译:1.先生,您对这顿饭还满意吗?2.我讨厌这种药的味道,但我还是吃了。3.我讨厌在大热天里穿西装。4.昨天他不愿意步行上学。题三: 翻译:1.我认为你非常勇敢。2.我原以为他知道开会时间。3.这首歌把我们的国家比作一个大家庭。4.人们常把孩子比作早上六七点的太阳。题四: 翻译:1.我认为这项工作能提前完成。2.我原以为天要下雨的,可是个好天。3.我把书比做朋友。4.他在诗中把那姑娘比作月亮。题五: 翻译:1.她要照顾病人,所以不

2、能和我们一起去。2.您再来一块蛋糕好吗?题六: 翻译:1.如果你外出了,谁来照顾你的孩子?2.我真的喜欢看英语小说。题七: 翻译:1.每星期将以支票形式将钱寄给你。2.老板逼着汤姆长时间地干活。3.让我看一看好吗?4. She had planned tohaveher daughter _ Mike. A. married B. to marry C. marry D. marries题八: 翻译:1.我的园子是方形的。2这台电视机我修不好。3.母亲让我去参加露营。4. IhadJohn _a work for me. A. finds B. find C. to find D. found

3、题九: 翻译:1.下星期他们将迁入新居。2.我需要一些帮助来搬这张桌子。3.那台机器是固定的,别去移动它。4.他们苦难的经历深深地感动了我们。题十: 翻译:1.两年前他迁居到了伦敦。2.箱子太沉,没人能把它搬走。3.他打算把家具移动一下位置。4.我被她所讲的话感动了。题十一: 翻译:1.恐怕目前他不在。2.现在他正在看地图。3.我可以清楚地想象出那个情景。4.我无法想象夏天没有电和水该怎样生活。5. My son has a rich_and he is good at drawing.A. imagine B. imagination C. imagines D. imaginative题十

4、二: 翻译:1.目前我有很多事要做。2.谁是现在最受欢迎的电影明星?3.你能想象你身处荒岛的情形吗?4.他经常想象他成了超人。5. Our_was quickened by his story.A. imagination B. image C. imagine D. imaginative题十三: 翻译:1.对他来说,先道歉很难。2.对她来说,晚上独自出去很危险。题十四: 翻译:1.对我来说,解决那道题目很容易。2.对他们来说,努力工作是很有必要的。题十五: 翻译:1.杰克,你能帮我一下吗?2.我没有笔,你能借我一支吗?3.-李老师,我能用一下你的手机吗?-可以。4.我能进来吗,先生?5.-

5、爸爸,我能去看电影吗?-可以。/不可以。6. -我可以建议另找个时间吗?-可以。/不可以。题十六: 翻译:1.我能试试你的新外套吗,汤姆?2.妈妈,我能看会儿电视吗?3. -我可以打开窗户吗?-对不起,不可以。4.先生,请问你叫什么名字?5.-我可以再吃一块巧克力吗?-可以。/不可以。6.-我要一张你小宝宝的照片好吗?-可以。/不可以。题十七: 改错:The journey was long and tired. We left London 1._at five oclock in the evening and spend eight hours 2._in the train. We h

6、ad been traveled for 3 hours 3._after someone appeared selling food and drinks. 4._It was darkness all the time we were 5._crossing Wales, but we could see nothing through 6._the windows. When we finally arrived Holyhead 7._nearly everyone was slept. As soon as the train 8._stopped, everybody come t

7、o life, grabbing their 9._suitcases and rushing onto the platform. 10._题十八: 改错:Paul finished the school when he was 17, 1._and than his father said to him, “Oh, my dear, you 2._past the exams now, Paul, and you got good marks 3._of them. Now go and find some good job. 4._They are looking clever peop

8、le at the bank 5._in the town. The clerks could get 6._quite many money now.” A few days later, the 7._man in the bank asked Paul, “Your birthday was 8._in June 12th?” “Yes, sir.” Paul answered. “Which year?” “Oh, every year, sir.” 9._Paul said. At the last the man said to Paul he wasnt the good per

9、son. 10._第1讲 Life on Mars(一)题一: 1. How did you like Toms speech last night?2. I hate sweet food.3. The boyshatedoing housework on Sundays.4. She hates to get up early this morning.解析:1. How do you like.? “你觉得怎么样?”主要用来询问对方对某事的印象,相当于“What do you think of ?”。2. hate “讨厌、不喜欢”,后可跟名词、代词。3. hate后跟动名词,表示习惯性

10、或经常性不具体的动作。4. hate后跟动词不定式,不定式后面的动作通常是一个具体或一次性和特指的动作。题二: 1. How did you like the dinner, sir?2. I didnt like the taste of the medicine, but I took it anyway.3. Ihatewearing a suit on a hot day.4. He hated to go school by foot yesterday. 解析:1. How do you like.? “你觉得怎么样?”主要用来询问对方对某事的印象,相当于“What do you

11、think of ?”。2. hate “讨厌、不喜欢”,后可跟名词、代词。3. hate后跟动名词,表示习惯性或经常性不具体的动作。4. hate后跟动词不定式,不定式后面的动作通常是一个具体或一次性和特指的动作。题三: 1. Ithinkyou are very brave.2. I thought he knew the time of the meeting.3. Thissongcomparesourcountrytoabigfamily.4. People usually compare children to the sun in the early six or seven.解

12、析:1. I think “我认为”是指现在这样认为,往往与事实是相符的。2. I thought “我原以为”,是指过去曾有这样的想法,但事实却不是这样。pare “比喻、比作”,compareto“把比作看待”,一般用于两个不同性质的事物比较,异类相比,表示比喻。pare “比喻、比作”,compareto“把比作看待”,一般用于两个不同性质的事物比较,异类相比,表示比喻。 题四: 1. Ithinkthe work can be completed ahead of time.2. I thought it would rain, but its a fine day.3. I comp

13、are books to my friends.4. Hecomparedthegirltothemooninthepoem. 解析:1. I think “我认为”是指现在这样认为,往往与事实是相符的。2. I thought “我原以为”,是指过去曾有这样的想法,但事实却不是这样。pare “比喻、比作”,compareto“把比作看待”,一般用于两个不同性质的事物比较,异类相比,表示比喻。pare “比喻、比作”,compareto“把比作看待”,一般用于两个不同性质的事物比较,异类相比,表示比喻。题五: 1. She has to care for the patient, so sh

14、e cant go with us.2. Would youcare foranother piece of cake?解析:1. care for“照顾、照料”,相当于look after / take care of。2. care for还可表示“喜欢、愿意”。题六: 1. Who willcare foryour child if you are out?2. I reallycare forEnglish novels.解析:1. care for“照顾、照料”,相当于look after / take care of。2. care for 还可表示“喜欢、愿意”。题七: 1. T

15、he money will be sent to you each week in the form of a check. 2. The bossmadeTom work long hours.3. Letme have a look, will you? 4. C解析:1.form“形状、形式”in the form of “呈现形状,用的形式”。2.make/let/have“使、让”,为使役动词,后接不定式时,动词前面省去to,结构为make/let/have sb. do sth.“使/让某人做某事”。3.make/let/have“使、让”,为使役动词,后接不定式时,动词前面省去t

16、o,结构为make/let/have sb. do sth.“使/让某人做某事”。4.make/let/have“使、让”,为使役动词,后接不定式时,动词前面省去to,结构为make/let/have sb. do sth.“使/让某人做某事”。题八: 1. They are going tomoveto a new house next week.2. I need a little help tomovethe table.3. That machine is fixed, dont try tomoveit.4. The story of their sufferingmovedus d

17、eeply.解析:1. move“迁居、搬家”,不及物动词,常跟to 连用。2. move“搬动、移动”,及物动词,后可直接跟名词,代词。3. move“搬动、移动”,及物动词,后可直接跟名词,代词。4. move“打动、使感动”,及物动词。 题九: 1. He moved to London two years ago.2. The box is so heavy that no one canmoveit away.3. He is going tomovehis furniture.4. I was moved by what she said.解析:1. move“迁居、搬家”,不及物

18、动词,常跟to 连用。2. move“搬动、移动”,及物动词,后可直接跟名词,代词。3. move“搬动、移动”,及物动词,后可直接跟名词,代词。4. move“打动、使感动”,及物动词。题十: 1. Im afraid he is outat the moment.2. At the momenthe is studying a map.3. I canimaginethe scene clearly in my mind.4. I cantimagineliving without water and electricity in summer.5. B解析:1. at the momen

19、t“现在、目前”。2. at the moment“现在、目前”。3. imagine“想象、设想”,为及物动词,后跟名词、动名词或反身代词作宾语,也可跟复合宾语。4. imagine“想象、设想”,为及物动词,后跟名词、动名词或反身代词作宾语,也可跟复合宾语。5.根据空前,a rich可知空处应填名词,故答案为B,imagination“想象力”。 题十一: 1. Ive got a lot of workat the moment.2. Who is the most popular film starat the moment?3. Can you imagineyourself to

20、be on a desert island?4. He oftenimagineshimself becoming a superman.5. A解析:1. at the moment“现在、目前”。2. at the moment“现在、目前”。3. imagine“想象、设想”,为及物动词,后跟名词、动名词或反身代词作宾语,也可跟复合宾语。4. imagine“想象、设想”,为及物动词,后跟名词、动名词或反身代词作宾语,也可跟复合宾语。5.our为形容词性物主代词,其后修饰名词,先排除CD;再结合语境,“我们的想象力被他的故事所激发”故选择A,imagination“想象力”,选项B中im

21、age为“印象,形象”,不合语境。题十二: 1. Its difficult for him to say sorry first.2. Its dangerous for her to go out alone at night.解析:1. Itsadj.(for sb.) to do sth.“做某事对于(某人)来说很.”,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。2. Itsadj.(for sb.) to do sth.“做某事对于(某人)来说很.”,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。题十三: 1. Its easy for me to solve the problem.2. I

22、ts necessary for them to work hard.解析:1. Itsadj.(for sb.) to do sth.“做某事对于(某人)来说很.”,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。2. Itsadj.(for sb.) to do sth.“做某事对于(某人)来说很.”,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。 题十四: 1. Jack, canyou help me?2. I dont have a pen.Canyon lend me one?3. -Mr. Li, could I use your mobile phone?-Yes, you can. 4.

23、May I come in, sir?5. -Dad, may I go to the movie?-Yes, you may. / No, you cant.6. -Might I suggest another time?-Of course you can. / Sorry, you cant.解析:1. can 常用于口语中,表示非正式的请求,请求对象一般是朋友或家人。2. can 常用于口语中,表示非正式的请求,请求对象一般是朋友或家人。3. could常代替can来向对方委婉地提出请求,比can正式,请求的对象一般是老师或成年人,这时could不表示过去时态,回答时一般用can或c

24、ant。4. may 也可用来征求对方的意见,表示“可以”,相当于can,但比can更正式和礼貌,请求的对象一般是陌生人或你所尊敬的人,肯定回答用may/can,否定回答用cant。5. may 也可用来征求对方的意见,表示“可以”,相当于can,但比can更正式和礼貌,请求的对象一般是陌生人或你所尊敬的人,肯定回答用may/can,否定回答用cant。6. might 是may 的过去式,但它也可以用来征求对方的意见,比may、could更礼貌,但很少用。这时might不表示过去时态,肯定回答用may/can,否定回答用cant。题十五: 1. Can I try on your new c

25、oat, Tom?2. Mom, can I watch TV for a while?3. -Could I open the window?-Sorry, you cant.4. May I have your name, sir?5. -May I have another chocolate?-Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 6. -Might I ask for a photograph of your little baby?-Of course you can. / Sorry, you cant.解析:1. can 常用于口语中,表示非正式的请求,请

26、求对象一般是朋友或家人。2. can 常用于口语中,表示非正式的请求,请求对象一般是朋友或家人。3. could常代替can来向对方委婉地提出请求,比can正式,请求的对象一般是老师或成年人,这时could不表示过去时态,回答时一般用can或cant。4. may 也可用来征求对方的意见,表示“可以”,相当于can,但比can更正式和礼貌,请求的对象一般是陌生人或你所尊敬的人,肯定回答用may/can,否定回答用cant。5. may 也可用来征求对方的意见,表示“可以”,相当于can,但比can更正式和礼貌,请求的对象一般是陌生人或你所尊敬的人,肯定回答用may/can,否定回答用cant。

27、6. might 是may 的过去式,但它也可以用来征求对方的意见,比may、could更礼貌,但很少用。这时might不表示过去时态,肯定回答用may/can,否定回答用cant。题十六: 1.tired改为tiring。2.spend改为spent。3.去掉been。4.after改为before。5.darkness改为dark。6.but改为so。7.在arrive后加in。8.slept改为sleeping。e改为came。从上文时态可知。10. 解析:1.tired“累的”,修饰人,而句中在修饰the journey,应用tiring“令人劳累的”。2.根据上下文可知时态为一般过去

28、时,故用spent。3.主语we和travel之间为主动关系,故去掉been。4.分析句意,“我们旅行了三个小时后才有人来卖食物饮料。”故把after改为before。5.darkness为名词,而此处需要形容词,故改为dark。6.上下两句,当为因果关系,故用so“所以”。7.arrive为不及物动词,其后加介词in+大地点或at+小地点,而Holyhead“霍利黑德”为一个城市,所以用in。8.此处为过去进行时,故把slept改为sleeping。9.分析上下文可知时态为一般过去时,故用came。10.无错误。 题十七: 1. 2. than改为then。3. past改为passed。4

29、. job改为jobs。5. looking后加for。6. could 改为can。7. many改为much。8. was改为is。9. in改为on。 10. 去掉the。解析:1.无错误。2.and then“然后”,为时间副词。3.past为介词,而此处缺少谓语动词,故改为passed。4.job为可数名词,前面有some修饰,用复数形式。5.look为不及物动词,其后接宾语需加介词,look for“寻找”。6.根据now判定,本句为现在时,故用原形can。7.money为不可数名词,用much修饰。8.生日在某一天为客观事实的描述,故用一般现在时。9.在几月几号前,用介词on。10.at last“最后”为固定用法,故去掉the。10

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