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1、1、In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )窗体顶端 A、Family name B、Last name C、Surname D、First name正确答案: D我得答案:D得分:33、3分窗体底端2Bill is the short version of ( )、窗体顶端 A、William B、Steven C、Robert D、Richard正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:33、3分窗体底端3There is only one given name in western name、( )正确答案:我得答案:Wh

2、ich one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )窗体顶端 A、Chinese food B、Spring Festivel C、Chinese medicine D、Football正确答案: D我得答案:D得分:33、3分窗体底端4Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and wayoflife of a munity or society、窗体顶端 A、traditions B、habits C、customs D、costumes正确答案: C我得答案:C得分:33、3分窗体底端5Chinese culture i

3、s better than American culture、( )正确答案:我得答案:Topography of the USA已完成成绩:100、0分6( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland、窗体顶端 A、Colorado B、Indiana C、Alabama D、Alaska正确答案: D我得答案:D得分:25、0分窗体底端7The two significant mountain ranges of American are ( ) and Appalachian Mountains、窗体顶端 A、Rocky Mount

4、ains B、Andes Mountains C、Alps Mountains D、Atlas Mountains正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:25、0分窗体底端8Which is the largest states by population?( )窗体顶端 A、Texas B、New York C、California D、Florida正确答案: C我得答案:C得分:25、0分窗体底端9Boston is on the West Coast of America、( )正确答案:我得答案:Three icons of America已完成成绩:33、3分10Why is Yellow

5、stone National Park important?( )窗体顶端 A、Because it is the first national park in the world、 B、Because it is in America、 C、Because it is the biggest national park in America、 D、Because it is the first national park in America、正确答案: A我得答案:D得分:0、0分窗体底端11Washington, Jefferson, and Lincolns faces are mad

6、e on the Mount Rushmore、( )窗体顶端 A、Madison B、Roosevelt C、Kennedy D、Adams正确答案: B我得答案:C得分:0、0分窗体底端12Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )窗体顶端 A、The United Kingdom B、Canada C、Australia D、France正确答案: D我得答案:D窗体底端parison of the USA and China已完成成绩:83、5分13Which is not the major environm

7、ent issues of America?( )窗体顶端 A、Air pollution B、Water shortage C、Loss of agricultural land D、desertification正确答案: C我得答案:C得分:16、7分窗体底端14Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )窗体顶端 A、China has more railways than America、 B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico

8、、 C、Both America and Chinas climates vary greatly、 D、Americas land is less than Chinas, but water in America is more than China、正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:16、7分窗体底端15The most fresh water used in China is in ( )、窗体顶端 A、Domestic B、Industry C、Livestock D、Agriculture正确答案: D我得答案:D得分:16、7分窗体底端16In 2013, the populati

9、on of China is about ( ) more than that of America、窗体顶端 A、3 times B、4 times C、5 times D、6 times正确答案: B我得答案:C得分:0、0分窗体底端17The total area of China is bigger than America、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:16、7分18Americas population growth rate is lower than Chinas、( )正确答案:我得答案:parison of the USA and China 2已完成成绩:60、0分19

10、The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( )、窗体顶端 A、White, Hispanic and Black B、White, Black and Hispanic C、White, Black and Asian D、White, Asian and Black正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:20、0分窗体底端20In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years、窗体顶端 A、70 B、72 C、75 D、79正确答案: C我得答案:C得分:20、0分窗体底端211 kilogram is ( ) po

11、unds、窗体顶端 A、0、6 B、1、7 C、2、1 D、2、2正确答案: D我得答案:D得分:20、0分窗体底端22All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia、窗体顶端 A、the UK B、the USA C、France D、Japan正确答案: B我得答案:C得分:0、0分窗体底端23Everyone in America and China can read and write、( )正确答案:我得答案:24Which country is the s

12、econd largest economy in the world?( )窗体顶端 A、China B、Japan C、South Korea D、Germany正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:33、3分窗体底端25Which one of following is not an American pany?( )窗体顶端 A、Google B、CocaCola C、Facebook D、Airbus正确答案: D我得答案:D得分:33、3分窗体底端26Per capita means a person、( )正确答案:我得答案:parison of the USA and China已完成

13、成绩:42、9分27According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )窗体顶端 A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture、 B、The biggest part of GDP position in America is Services、 C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China、

14、D、In 2013, Americas inflation rate is lower than Chinas、正确答案: C我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端28Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )窗体顶端 A、Most of American labour force are in services、 B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture、 C、Most Chinese labour force a

15、re in agriculture、 D、American labour force is more than Chinese、正确答案: A我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端29( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China、窗体顶端 A、Water B、Nuclear C、Wind D、Coal正确答案: D我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端30The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China、窗体顶端 A、Canada B、Mexico C、J

16、apan D、South Korea正确答案: C我得答案:C得分:14、3分窗体底端31Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in the economy、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:14、3分32Now services in China grows very fast、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:0、0分33The poverty lines in America and China are the same、( )正确答案:我得答案:Agriculture in the

17、 USA已完成成绩:20、0分34( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA、窗体顶端 A、Arizona B、Maryland C、Texas D、Nevada正确答案: C我得答案:C得分:20、0分窗体底端35Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )窗体顶端 A、Large family farms are much more productive、 B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few

18、 in America、 C、Most ine of farm households is from nonfarm sources、 D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities、正确答案: D我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端36In 2012, the top 5 agricultural modities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat、窗体顶端 A、Corn B、Potato C、Tomato D、Cotton正确答案:

19、A我得答案:D得分:0、0分窗体底端3796% of the farmers are black people、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:0、0分38In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China、( )正确答案:我得答案:Global Financial Crisis已完成成绩:20、0分39Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth、窗体顶端 A、1 quarter B、2 quarters C、3 quarters D、4 quarters正确答案: D我得答案:B得分:

20、0、0分窗体底端40The GFC Recession started in ( )、窗体顶端 A、the USA B、the UK C、Japan D、France正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:20、0分窗体底端41The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( )、窗体顶端 A、Stock bubble burst B、Property bubble burst C、Dot bubble burst D、Asset price bubble burst正确答案: B我得答案:D得分:0、0分窗体底端42Which one of following

21、 is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )窗体顶端 A、Banks stopped lending、 B、panies cut jobs、 C、Stock market crashed、 D、People got more job opportunity、正确答案: D我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端43China was not affected much by the GFC Recession、( )正确答案:我得答案:A Hero and a Villain已完成成绩:33、3分44Bernie Madoffs clients lost about

22、( ) billion dollars、窗体顶端 A、10 B、20 C、30 D、40正确答案: A我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端45The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( )、窗体顶端 A、Villain B、Hero C、Monster D、Saviour正确答案: C我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端46Warren Buffett was born in a rich family、( )正确答案:我得答案:Discovery of the New World已完成成绩:33、3分47The main European power

23、was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain、窗体顶端 A、Italy B、Portugal C、Russia D、Germany正确答案: B我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端48Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean、窗体顶端 A、Pacific B、Indian C、Arctic D、Atlantic正确答案: D我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端49Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503、

24、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:33、3分British Colonies已完成成绩:40、0分50The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America、窗体顶端 A、11 B、12 C、13 D、14正确答案: C我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端51The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( )、窗体顶端 A、Washington D、C、 B、New York C、Boston D、Lexington and Concord

25、正确答案: D我得答案:C得分:0、0分窗体底端52John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( ) wrote The Declaration of Independence、 窗体顶端 A、Benjamin Franklin B、Abraham Lincoln C、George Washington D、Paul Revere正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:20、0分窗体底端53British people migrated to America with the ship called Mayfl

26、ower in 1620、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:0、0分54The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775、( )正确答案:我得答案:American War of independence已完成成绩:66、6分55The war of Independence was between ( )、窗体顶端 A、America and France B、America and Holland C、America and Spain D、America and Britain正确答案: D我得答案:D得分:33、3分窗体底端56In 177

27、8, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America、窗体顶端 A、Spain B、Holland C、France D、Britain正确答案: C我得答案:D得分:0、0分窗体底端57Britain won the Battle of Yorktown、( )正确答案:我得答案:Building the New Nation已完成成绩:60、0分58The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( )、窗体顶端 A、1778 B、1779 C、1780 D、1781正确答案:

28、D我得答案:D得分:20、0分窗体底端59The first president of Amercia was ( )、窗体顶端 A、George Washington B、Abraham Lincoln C、Benjamin Franklin D、Thomas Jefferson正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:20、0分窗体底端60Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America、窗体顶端 A、State B、Law C、Treasury D、War正确答案: C我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端61There were

29、 ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court、窗体顶端 A、1 B、3 C、8 D、9正确答案: A我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端62Thomas Paine was born in France、( )正确答案:我得答案:A Hero, Traitor and Genius已完成成绩:33、4分63George Washington declared ( )窗体顶端 A、Thanksgiving Day B、Christmas C、Halloween D、New Years Day正确答案: A我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端64Which one i

30、s right about George Washington?( )窗体顶端 A、He was graduated from college、 B、He had three children、 C、He had no experience in military action、 D、He was revered as the Father of the United States、正确答案: D我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端65Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )窗体顶端 A、He was also a Doctor、 B、He l

31、oved reading、 C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia、 D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention、正确答案: A我得答案:C得分:0、0分窗体底端66Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( )窗体顶端 A、The Declaration of Independence B、Treaty with France C、Peace Treaty D、Article of Confe

32、deration正确答案: D我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端67During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:16、7分68Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated、( )正确答案:我得答案:Timeline of Major Events (18001899)已完成成绩:33、3分69The first railway was built in ( )、窗体顶端

33、A、1827 B、1828 C、1829 D、1830正确答案: B我得答案:D得分:0、0分窗体底端70The war with Mexico was started in ( )、窗体顶端 A、1846 B、1847 C、1848 D、1849正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:33、3分窗体底端71The first telephone line was built in 1877、( )正确答案:我得答案:Territorial Expansion已完成成绩:66、8分72America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million doll

34、ars from France、窗体顶端 A、2 B、5 C、10 D、15正确答案: D我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端73The USA purchased Florida from ( )、窗体顶端 A、Spain B、the UK C、France D、Italy正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:16、7分窗体底端74Texas was the ( ) state of America、窗体顶端 A、26th B、27th C、28th D、29th正确答案: C我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端75Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )窗体顶端 A、I

35、t is in the Atlantic Ocean、 B、There are 8 main islands、 C、It is the 50th states of America、 D、America took over Hawaii government from the local king、正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:16、7分窗体底端76Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:16、7分77The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, whi

36、ch is also the capital city、( )正确答案:我得答案:The American Civil War已完成成绩:33、4分78The Civil War started in ( )、窗体顶端 A、1861 B、1862 C、1863 D、1864正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:16、7分窗体底端79Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )窗体顶端 A、America was kept as one country、 B、Slavery was abolished、 C、After the Battle of Gettysburg

37、, the North started to win、 D、The South was strong in hard power、正确答案: D我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端80Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )窗体顶端 A、He was the 16th president of America、 B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished、 C、He was a businessman and then became politi

38、cian、 D、He was born in a poor farm family、正确答案: C我得答案:B得分:0、0分窗体底端81In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:16、7分82Modern weapons were used in the Civil War、( )正确答案:我得答案:得分:0、0分83In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South、( )正确答案:我得答案:84Which o

39、ne is wrong about the American political system?( )窗体顶端 A、The government is small、 B、Leaders are educated、 C、There are many traditions、 D、The society is classless、正确答案: C我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端85Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )窗体顶端 A、He was educated in school、 B、His first job is telegraph operat

40、or、 C、He had many patents、 D、He invented electric light bulb、正确答案: A我得答案:A得分:25、0分窗体底端86Which one is wrong about John D、 Rockefeller?( )、窗体顶端 A、General Electric is one of his panies、 B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper、 C、When he was 20, he started his own pany、 D、He donated all his money to the R

41、ockefeller Foundation、正确答案: D我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端87Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter、( )正确答案:我得答案:Timeline of Major Events (19002014)已完成成绩:33、3分88The first long distance telephone was built in ( )、窗体顶端 A、1915 B、1916 C、1917 D、1918正确

42、答案: A我得答案:A得分:33、3分窗体底端89In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon、窗体顶端 A、1967 B、1968 C、1969 D、1970正确答案: C我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端90President Nixon visited China in ( )、窗体顶端 A、1971 B、1972 C、1973 D、1974正确答案: B我得答案:A窗体底端The Panama Canal已完成成绩:33、3分91The Panama Canal was built by a ( ) consortium、窗体顶端 A、Amer

43、ica B、Italy C、Britain D、France正确答案: D我得答案:A得分:0、0分窗体底端92Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )窗体顶端 A、Because it was too expensive、 B、Because many people died、 C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal、 D、Because the American government decided to buld it by themselves、正确答案: C我得答案:D得分:0、0分窗体底端93The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama、( )正确答案:我得答案:The Great Depression已完成成绩:40、0分94The Great Depression started in ( )、

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