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5、业翻译领域相关联得专业知识,已经成为一名合格译员得标配。六、持续得学习能力,不断使自己与时俱进行业知识得老化就是每一名译者必须面对得问题。技术日新月异,经济起伏翻转,世界剧变都成为知识变化得强大动力。汉语与外语新词新意不断涌现,技术创新推动知识不断更新变化。翻译不就是简单重复式劳动,需要有创新思维,更需要有丰厚得新知识作基础。学习成了译者工作得有机组成。更多0he eetsothe translto slected towork on anyg tnsltproe sb arthe best uge ofsing higqualit utput.We us 8 ore citeria tohe

6、lpgudeourtraslator recriet prss。 ea no learn moreWhile there are so nydifferent factr tht fiur to eah ndidul tranor expis,we belev ht th ollowing ritarepresent th ore element fo sucesful translto ecruitet: Ntive speae f thtaretlngug、 eree o euivlt certicatonin trnlati nd/or dgee in source na、 grer c

7、oncetton ipei sbet terin cmbinatio wih abov tnslatin reuiren。 (Ti equirement can also bet by wok xperic。 Se bow、) Suec Mattr xertise: 3 yeas f working experiece eld of exrtiseandor ranslng inildf expti a an nhou r fltm freelnce traslorefered、 xcellt glwritngndmniction skils。 ccratio and/or ct emerhi

8、 in arelevan tralation asociatin pfrred、 For an exmple o a certiicion progra refer t: merc Transatsssociation Certificatin rogram。 Poofofredntial、 ayinlude oe r moref th fooing: V, tscos,rnscrips, certicaons,and rerecs frmrelated work exprience、 Smple ranslaion: Suplied o trnsar b Lnguae Iteigne d e

9、valuatd by a vettedanuage Intellgence anlto woking ithmelnguage par nd subjetmatte xetises prosetiveaslto。 Trnslaors who meet thes criera an rceiv xcellnt aluatiosar ciderd aproved andddtooutabse of tanslatos。 ach aprove trasorsigs Consutant Agremet and ny oterequird codentiality ocumeatinaqiredb La

10、nguageIntelligences clients、dditionll, ollwig aproal, wonnue tomeaurh qai of whtetransat deliversintis ay: vluation for first 3 rojects h redminteeyanguag ntelligencLocizaonPrec Maners. Incluin n aslaiotaswit ette Lanuage ntelgencetranslatrs。 Ongoig valuations or or all tranlators rgardss of thei it

11、ory it Lanuage Inteene。 Thabove criteri are al facore to Language ntligene trnslatorqualficaton prces、 Hweer, ech ber rid sgnificace n t procss epnin on th nivialcrdnls, etiicaion, eucaton or eperience. Man,ifa translator doeso crry a ceticatio n e argtaguae buta many years of xpeience transltig hic

12、h s rlected in a xcelent al tanslation, e weight ofthe seection is naturally laced on the xpien an evaluatn、Wewud be veintrsedi herin our prspecties on ranslatorvalution。Please rode feda anens!Maybe yovealrady done som translao wrk, a or p-bono, mayb arepltelyneto the iness ad ae wondrig if in a trl

13、ato aybe th job for you. ou m be skinyourself what it taetbco a aslatr、Basi RequiresNatally, ou hae to know at least two laguages - hatsbvious.Howuentdo you ave to be。 Let talk bt yoursue andyor target lngage。 The sourclguae she lnage of teoriginl tet yurersatg。Thetaget lnguage is thlanguageyouetran

14、slating no、 ost ransatorwil only raslate ino theirnative laguage or moter tgue、 here are exceptns, f ours, especillywhere trnlator as beeiviabroaf many year。 enrally, toh, ost people ony hae ativ prficienc , wll,er nativelanguag。 am a Germatranslato andI hve ben liingi anada for ve ear。 stil hve my

15、trnslatins pofead bya native speaker、 (Its goo fue mrie toone、) owdo get er ,0 visito amnh othis ste ander a niupplemental inome? Radthe sry her.。、Hoevr, just being a nativespeaker i not og、 fyorea ood wrte i your fis anguge,yu hae pobaby coe accros soe witing,ven puished wrting, thmaes you hder. Na

16、te spake anritepoory, t! I you want tobe ranlato, o eed uperiorwrting skils inyour arg lauae。 ou nee an exllent man of rammarand syle、 If a mpa pas hundrs thoands of dllrs ora trasltn, he docue must iportat o hm and th willexpe qualiy。 Thruirmens for you souce nguageare ot qute as demanding、 You sho

17、uld haan excelent cmpreension of o secod nguage, ocurse。However, hen yore taslan, youhopfully hv accesso l o dictinris ndreferene mateial (mre tat te)。 ee nd, thoug, that havin to lok p alot ofordfthe ource text ill severy reduceyor outpt adseed i transltg、I oasionally trnslate fro Fenc to German, b

18、t I do ve to cons ydictionary a omore、 I blie tha my tranlaion isill good, bu it ke me ccordngl longer、Ll, i is good o have rod eduatioand gera nwldg fcertan specialis ieds。 Trasaion agncies ndclients lok fotrasators tha are fmiliar with the opc of the tanlation.hees nhig arderorste than attthatyo d

19、nt reall udertd、Spealizingin certai fies aoies you amrliited oabulry youned to aster,speciallyconernigechn terms。 You ay acque yourknowlee hgh a fomalcollge runersiygree(I have a achelor eree n Phsis), o smply thrg rean upon he sjct mate rgularl。Tecical Rsources anabsolut minimum, you eed toown, or

20、avunlimted ccess to, the folow: Apute、CanbeWios M,uI wulremend Windwsf youhv the hoie。 ou ight hve peroalreferences, but Wdows wil givyou etter mpatibiity ityour clints、 (I don n et inttewhoeBill s evil issionhere。 UnunatelyWndws has a de-fact poy in t market, and sme mportantsoftare is t vilable, o

21、no100% ptile, nMac). * An Intenet conecton。 With document geti larger adrger, broaband would be reeae, but dial-upif for arers too. Its imora tat you ble o heck ore-ml seral tmes a ay, so an Inernet af is t goo id. n ofice sit、 o il e at letMSWor、 (DO veonsdont coun hee。) Excel is mpotan, to、 Powerp

22、in may be agod idea, buisnotasmol requid。If yo ar tralatig web pages, u ill need a HTMLeditr。 ontPisgood, btot frewae sowar wi dojus fine foths purpos。 Fax capbili。 his coud afxodr ane-fa service. Afax ahi s bete causeoumay have t sign ontracts wthtranslton agncie an fa them.* A mob pn r a pagerwud

23、b a gd ideaif you o ou durn usnesshours a lt。 Dictnaes nd refrence boks。 Yu n never havetomay f those。TheInernethas bomean exceln esource to。 Ad stly, a uiet ffice。 It doent haveto be large, jst eoug toacmodate your puter, you ooks an youself. Y shu e abl t orwtho dstractions、 If you lie alone, yu l

24、vg roomor yur bdoom ma e just ine. Iyohae a y, especiall kid, rroomates,you mustbe sure t eir havan officewhee yu ca coe theor, or ter mst be timeswher yur fmil is out(rkor school) Other good thnst have,but notablutely equid, inlude esto pubihing oftwae(uc a PaeMke), aransaon emory (DjV, rds, ordfas

25、t, tc。, mo on tht later), nd more dictinaries anreferece bos. Wat software seured often deds o hefed e woring in, and you er as you go。Translaion Dego ou eed atanlatio dgeeto e ranslator? Ye ad n。 ead more aott e。 ee god intrpreter is the aspiatin erishe yever stunt ofnglis. en,wa are thenecesary qa

26、ies tt mak good nterpreer? odero gtte nswer, ave o ndestade natue of wrk ofan terpreter。 The work of n tepreter s to reprdue rall in aothe aguagewhathas s been said、 To put inanothr wy, t is ol ranslationon e pot。 Iepreation anbe consecive, tht is, reodctioafte the spaker as stoped,o imuneou, tha is

27、,the ame tim as thseakeri eakng。heefore, pecial equrentisefr tepil natu oftrpretation、 Some veen nterprer he summaizeterquieent ofinerprtai ”accat, quickand smoot、 Obvil, acorrect ndertadng andrprdciono he pears mein mes frs, bcaue an interpreter i mrely dim amg speae ofdiferenlanguge i their cuniti

28、n. the ae tim,a interpretr must be qck inhrwrk。Teymus not dely、heiinterptaio suld b smoot so that i can be ei undrstood、 To aciveaccuracy n iterpretion, an intrpretermust coreenorrectly in te fistlc。 tr wit smohreprouti, i is not difficut to see tht goodcad of Enlih (roerlguages) and Chinese sthe pr

29、erequii onditon”、 A clear pronnciionand intonation are rucial frn inepe. Hoevr,e chievement of seed needs seciatraning. neof he dffultiesis emory. aystudents plain that they anot remmrwht has jutbeen sd、 ere, note-taing a help. Notetakg sers as anid to memoy o thepot, so you o noth to take ow every

30、wod bing sn whichi boh ipossibe and ueesary、Yuonl nedtotake own te key ors whic reprset themain idasd f curse, nuersand figue。r note mus aea clear preseatioor pterwhic indicate thelicadelment of speasdeas、 Ti ismptnt ecuse t wil hep yournrpretaton sensibe and ohrnt。 Beside, syml, brviation and diagr

31、ams y alsbesdt a yor tking faster. T itegrte corct prhnsion,proper memorandquc erodcion dandsigh ccentration and quick ectin. This ia process whh rquires mutaneous working of onesheart,mind ad hand、 Tis swereiteive traing es in。A formertrane of te nereter is mae by t tpehoushe has had which eas that

32、h more ursyouhvhd beenprcticing by isteingto aps nd inerpring,tmoepetent ou bee。 Wideraning nowledge s as imrtanas hema of lanuaes、 To kosomenabout everytignd te sn isanotr moo ereters bserve、Yu havt concrnyourel with wat s hpeningt hm brad all the tie. Yououl cstantlyboaenyou hoizo nimrov yur cmprhnsion and iterpetaion、 aly, goo manners ad a strog sse of rsnsbilya also necsar alitiesof anitrprer. Based on th avediscusson, we may lude thatagoo interreters cmpeence is may-faceted。 To hm/he,challngeare onstnt an hene, slfprovemen must beonssten.

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