1、History of medicine-from Columbia Encyclopedia Prehistory The middle Ages The Birth of Modern Medicine Modern medicineGoGoGoGoPrehistorylPrehistoric skulls found in Europe and South America indicate that Neolithic man was already able to trephine or remove disks of bone from the skull successfully.P
2、rehistory skull But whether this delicate operation was performed to release evil spirits or as a surgical procedure is not unknown.Prehistory skull Empirical medicine developed in ancient Egypt and involving the use of many potent drugs,especially they skilled in embalming.What is the most known,mu
3、mmyHowever,the Egyptians had little knowledge of anatomy.The Laws of Hammurabi The Laws of Hammurabi established the first known code of medical ethics and laid down a fee schedule for specific surgical procedure.HerodotusMosaicHe said,according to the Laws of Hammurabi,they gave advice freely to th
4、e sick man who was willing to exhibit himself to passersby in the public square.The Mosaic Code,which indicated concerns with social hygiene and prevention of disease by dietary restriction and sanitary measures.The Nei Ching The Nei Ching contains a reference to a theory of the circulation of the b
5、lood and the vital function of the heart that suggests familiarity with anatomy.The emperor Huang Ti(2698-2598 B.C)Shen Nong一说神农氏即炎帝。中国传说中农业和医药的发明者,所处时代为新石器时代晚期,淮南子修务训:“神农乃始教民,尝百草之滋味,识水泉之甘苦,当此之时一日而遇七十毒,由是医方兴焉”。帝王世纪称:“炎帝神农氏,尝味草木,宣药疗疾,救夭伤人命,百姓日用而不知,著本草四卷”。古代文献论述神农氏尝百草而始有医药者相当丰富,正因为此,我国第一部系统论述药物的著作,约成书
6、于汉代,被命名为神农本草经,即寓有尊崇怀念之意。In additionAcupuncture Accurate location of the proper points for the traditional Chinese practice of acupuncture implies some familiarity with the nervous and vascular systems.Hua Tuo(145208)后世尊华佗为“外科鼻祖”:“魏有华佗,设立疮科,剔骨疗疾,神效良多”。Five-beast fight 华佗认为“人体欲得劳动,血脉流通,病不得生,譬如户枢,终不朽也”
7、。麻沸散He used it in the surgical operation,Its the earliest anesthetic in the world.Hippocrates(460 BC-370BC)The Oath of hippocrates The father of Western medicine,who taught the The father of Western medicine,who taught the prevention of disease through a regimen of diet and prevention of disease thr
8、ough a regimen of diet and exercise and emphasized careful observation of the exercise and emphasized careful observation of the patient the recuperative powers of nature and a high patient the recuperative powers of nature and a high standard of ethical conduct as incorporated in the standard of et
9、hical conduct as incorporated in the Hippocratic Oath.Hippocratic Oath.AristotleBy the 4th century B.C.Aristotle had already stimulated interest in anatomy by his dissections of animals and work in the 3rd century BC on human anatomy and physiology was of such high quality that it was not equaled fo
10、r fifteen hundred years.BackThe survey of the European Middle Ages During the economical cultural decline period of the European Middle Ages,with the destruction or neglect of the Roman sanitary facilities,theology dominated all the knowledge departments.Connecting cures and the sacred miracle must
11、has impeded the development of medicine.The Black Death There erupted a series of local epidemics that culminated many centuries later in the great plague of the 14th century known as the Black Death,which takes away many peoples life.The first real light on modern medicine in The first real light o
12、n modern medicine in EuropeEurope lIt came from the translation of many writing from the Arabic at Salerno Italy and through a continuing trade and cultural exchange with ByzantiumlBy the 13th century Padua was the site of production of the first accurate books on human anatomy lVesalius proved that
13、 Galen had made anatomical mistakes Fabricius(1537-1619)The valves of the veinsFabricius discovered the valves of the veins.Native Chinese Plants Li Shi Zhen In ChinaBackQuinineThe introduction of quinine marked a triumph over malaria,one of the oldest plagues of mankind.William Harvey(1578-1657)In
14、the 17th century,he used careful experimental methods and demonstrated the circulation of the blood,although the concept that met with considerable early resistance.The early microscope The discovery of minute forms of life and the discovery of the capillary system of the blood filled the final gap
15、in Harveys explanation of blood circulation.DigitalisIn the 18th century,the introduction of the heart drug digitalis controlled the scurvy.In addition Edward Jenner(1749-1823)introduced vaccination to prevent small pox laying the groundwork for the science of immunization.Jenner was giving the litt
16、le boy a vaccineGermsIn the 19th century,Pasteur Koch Ehrlich and Semmelweis proved the relationship between germs and disease and those suggested the beginnings of modern medicine Other invaluable developments included the use of disinfection;the introduction of anesthetics in surgery;and a revival
17、 of better public health and sanitary measures.A significant decline in maternal and infant mortality followed.BackThe origin of the penicillinThe20th century In Mar.1935,at Cambridge Univ.England,Francis Crick age 35 and James Watson age 24 announced that they discovered the secret of life.Indeed t
18、hey had unraveled the chemical structure of the fundamental molecule of DNA.This discovery established the basis for molecular genetics and led to a continuing revolution in modern medicine Currently,the largest worldwide study is the Human Genome Project What is the Human Genome ProjectAbout usIn F
19、er.1997,with the news of the birth of the sheep Dolin disclosed,there aroused the whole world attention immediately.1952年:科学家证明,他们能把细胞核从一枚青蛙卵子中取出,然后把年:科学家证明,他们能把细胞核从一枚青蛙卵子中取出,然后把另一个青蛙胚胎细胞的细胞核注入这个卵子中,并让这个卵子孵化为一另一个青蛙胚胎细胞的细胞核注入这个卵子中,并让这个卵子孵化为一条蝌蚪。这种条蝌蚪。这种“核转换核转换”可以把一个动物的基因注入一个卵子。这条蝌可以把一个动物的基因注入一个卵子。这条蝌
21、隆出数代、共50多只老鼠。同年,源自同一头成年奶牛的多只老鼠。同年,源自同一头成年奶牛的8头克隆小牛诞生。头克隆小牛诞生。2000年:使用成年动物体细胞克隆猪和山羊成功。年:使用成年动物体细胞克隆猪和山羊成功。2001年:使用成年动物体细胞克隆猫和兔子成功。年:使用成年动物体细胞克隆猫和兔子成功。Monoclonal antibody Using把单克隆抗体与抗癌药物或毒素结合起来,就成为威力强大的抗体“导弹”。把这种抗体“导弹”注射到癌症患者的血液中,它就会发挥导弹样的作用,在患者体内追踪并附着于癌细胞上,然后与抗体结合的抗癌药物或毒素杀伤和破坏癌细胞,而且很少损伤正常组织细胞。这种抗体“导
22、弹”具有高度选择性,对癌细胞命中率高,杀伤力强的优点,没有一般化学药物那样不分好坏细胞,格杀勿论的缺点。美国约翰霍普金斯医院应用抗体“导弹”治疗晚期肝癌病人,收到惊人效果。肝脏肿癌显著缩小,生存期延长,而且没有副作用。单克隆抗体技术的发明,是免疫学中的一次革命,打破了过去只能在身体内产生抗体的方法,而成功地在体外用细胞培养的方法产生抗体,同时繁殖快,可以产生在体内达不到的高滴度和高专一性的水平。About Genetic engineeringlGenetic engineering has led to the development of important pharmaceutical
23、products and the use of monoclonal antibodies,offering promising new approaches to cancer treatment;meanwhile,bringing a series of problems about Moral ethics.lAn obvious one is whether we should permit to clone ourselves.lEvery coin has two sides,time will prove everything!lLooking forward,the medicine is developing every time!-05 临床4大班23小班 张宁Thanks