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1、历年大学英语四级作文题目及范文 1月大学英语四级、六级作文题目及范文 Directions:Fo ts r, yo are allwed thy nues towrie ompostion onte opicow to uced i a ob Intervi? ou shuld wre atleast100 ods, dse yor coposition n te outlin given in Chinesbelw: . 面试在求职过程中旳作用 2. 获得面试成功旳原因:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是. 范文How o Succee i a Job Itrview? Nwad

2、a,n a vertighter jobrk,reat imprtance as been attacedto aninteriew by bohte emplyeandthe alicant Te interiw, o tosek, a become inispensabl fottg a satsftoryjob. On the on ha, theinerewr cnae adatagef the ocasion olearn o h ndidat, uh as heiworxperienc, dtinand eir eroalites, so as toick t the righ p

3、erson forth company. On th tr n, hentervewe cnmk use of teoppotunity to gt okow tejo igointo tae up,tesalary, he woing ondtn nd any other thin aou th j he is inerested in. Threfore,thejobinterview s ery pota to a ob-unr.Buow ca one sucedin it? isty ofll, nrview must yattntn to hi appearace Te firmpr

4、eion s alwa wher w aret dresd ropely and ney. Seonl, goomanrsar equaly impotat Don btoo pro, andneier tootimd. Jusbe curteus. hry, te interviewee mutdemonstats ptiu nd sklls fo thejob ad hs knowlge bout eh j-relte aeas. Becnidet. Last butnot thea, te ievweout to be honest aou hior her pronal ell aai

5、c ckgroun, f onesty is th bstolicy. To su up,the jobierewiidee important, uthere isn ned to e rvouss logas the terie as the bilityforhe ob, wit careful reparatio andafirlycofent and hones performance, his o hr uccssan benued. 6月大学英语四级、六级作文题目及范文 Dirton: Fo ti part,yo are allowe hirty mintesto wrie al

6、tr.Suppose you ar Zang Yi rit a er t iao Wang, choolateof urs who is going to visityou rng thwek-lg holiday. o shoud write a t leat 100 words accrding to the uggetion iven beowin hinese. 1. 表达欢迎 2. 提出对度假安排旳提议 提醒应注意旳事项 范文A tter t choomteJne 2, Dar Xiao Wan, Imdeihedo learn thatyoure gong to vist me d

7、rin the wek-ong vacationMypaents wll alsbe hpy tsee you gain.Im ur ou willenjoy eeryminuther. Ikow ou arefo of swiming. Arivr les notfar wa rm my he. We an go swimmng hr. I thik itoud b very plasant and efrshn toswimin such hsume days.I eve i roomofmy hoe the is n airodiioner.W canwatchTV, lay CDs o

8、r redbook very cfortably at home. ountn about tomiles aafrom hre is eutfl and i is wrthurng.We canotre n foo. Whe we clmbtothe top of theountain, wcan have awondel bid-eye vew ofthe who vilag.Just phoe me before set off. Theeisno ned for o to take nythin Il repare eeryting or yo. Iam looking orwad t

9、o eeingyosoon. Yours,hang in 月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 Directios: For his part,you ar allowedthirty miues to rie a compositiono thetoic: A Lettert e Uniersiy resietabout the Canten eic on Cu o shu writ alest 100wrds,andbse yor oposiion on the outlin given iChineseblow: 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂旳状况给校长写一封信,内容应波及食堂旳饭菜质量、价格、

10、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评提议,也可以兼有而有之。 参照范文 Jauary 12th, Dear Mr. President,m verylucky to attnd tsworld-fs iversity, but m afid mnt content it he cantee srvie o campu Firstly,the ulitf the dishes should be mproved. Udoubtedly, te are ot of eliciousdhes, bt allt earon, he arethesame. Moreand mor sudentsreop

11、laning about eangesamoodec a. So tink e mos urgent poblm vaiety. Secondly, h pc b too gh. Manfs hoe tathecntee ca prid s wit not oy deliio butalo chea food. Finally,theenvionmen is so nos tt wecn enjoou malsn ood moI sggest that there e som oft muic to hep reax. Thee sggesiosarenot jus of y own, t a

12、lo f may otherudets. We hope uresectle presnt will a ttentionoorggestins.By te wy, th cateeokers are vey atientand alwyssmlng So think i ouruniversit oferthem better condti, tey wil ffe u bette seric. es ishes, Li Min 月大学英语四级、六级作文题目及范文reins: F this part, you e llowediy mintetowrite copsiin o e tpic

13、Studnt Usef opuers.u should write at est 0 ords, and as our compostion on th chatand he ouine given belo: .上图所示为某校大学生平均每周使用计算机旳时间:1990年(2 hous)、199年(4hous)、 (14 ours),请描述其变化;2. 请阐明发生这些变化旳原因(可从计算机旳用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以阐明);你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。参照范文Stdent UfComut udentstedtoue compters mre and renowaays.

14、Reng thi hrt, e a findhattaverage nuber o hours a student nds on thcouter per eek h increaseshrplyIn 19,t was esstha 2hours; nd in 195,it incad to amost4 hor; whli , the numbrsared t 0 hor. Obviousl omurs reecoming moeand morepua.Teae severaesons fo hi.irst, computes faciliae sin or spec oflie. Alo,

15、 the ft vlomet of te Interneenlges our demands or using coutr. W cnaily contat wit r n mot lcehrgh the Interne. Beide,the ricefcoputes are getting lor ad or, which eablsmore students to purhse temAlng th th tiespto cmuers, there arise soproles. Themost ser oneis that an stets are speing s mchtimeply

16、ig PC gamesso thahey ignore therstdies. It is urge to et the tudnt usecmpersin a prpe way. 月大学英语四级、六级作文题目及范文 irctins: Frthis art, o re alwed hirty minues to wrie comostion n tepictay t Beost. Youshouldwrit at eas 10 wodsaccrdgthe utingie beow in Chinse.1. 目前社会上存在许多不诚实旳现象2. 诚实利人利已,做人应当诚实 范文I ays to e

17、 HonestAlthugh hoty is believed obe virtue,here re stl ishonest pepe in osocet. For xape, sm uinessen sl fe produc toteironsumr;om tudents cea in the exms. Dishnest peopleae short-igted. Those wo sell fkprodt may mkemoney at irt, btconsumerswot buytr pduts any mr. A aresul, ey wil losethei rtune or

18、eve be sentto prioBy cntas,hnest pople gina lo. Tos w ays tlltruth or eep t theirproiseot oy let oher tust thm but gin respct from other peole as el. Suchperoare sure t hav a ot of god fie.Buse they ar trustablean reptab, evryoneis eaertomak riends wih tm, Beside, it is easierfor arsnwih agood recor

19、d t gt a oojb.Geeay peakin,every emloyer wants his emles to be hot. Sowe cn a hatanne hset wil bepaidbck ater. In word,honesty winrs, rset and honr S t is importa that we shuld b honst 6月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 规定假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书须包括如下几点: 1、车祸发生旳时间及地点 2、你所见到旳车祸状况、你对车祸原因旳分析参照范文Aye-Witnessccount f a

20、 Taffic Acident ynmei Limin I am sudyn t colege wk ao swa trafic accdent ,c isstil vii inm mnd. I w atbut:00 onSaturay mrning,June 15th,wheI e out the uiversity to vi a friofmn tanothe universit. I wa walkgeisurely onte sdwakwheIharda lou crsho oveicle jus at he T-unio about 1 meters away. wo tais c

21、rahed ogether. It waaffi acidet. Iwentup ad found thatthe twoas rebadly damagd.Bth oo were ot osape O door of aarw knocke ff an lying on terod. On drier was oding and anoth was sut in e ti om eople were rying hel the diver get out of the dagca. Oeman as alligtoherfc polcema statin. A ot of cr wee mm

22、ed on te rad. F te stoping tracon h road,itis cle tahe two axisere iing too fas.Btit sjust one f tereasons. In my opini, he taidrier re eager totake mr passenes an makea ltemoreony. Ohhrhand, ot drs dont how concerforo anoter.Bth f them wantd ton iontof anthr Therfoe,the accidents inevitable o far,

23、whl et therer epiin teir nd thaa itl low,alittle afer. Tking caeo othersli meanskincare of yor own if. 月英语四级作文及其范文 Patriing (0miuts) Drcti: Fo hiat, you re alowed30ius t writ a comosition on the opiTheDay assmateFell ( GotInjured). You sld write alat 10 rds accrding o theouline gien elow i Chnese: 1

24、.简朴论述一下这位同学生病(或受伤)旳状况 2.同学、老师和我是怎样协助她/她旳 .人与人之间旳这种互相关爱给我旳感受是e ay yClsste ell Ill ( Go red) 范文 Durig theSA period nhi pring,the yea of , n of m clasates, Li ming, ws strucown by th virusand as meditely seto hosital Th ews sread uicly on campus.At firt, we wr terifed dwodrediwernfeted to. Hoever,thoug

25、ourgoverment ublicty on ms mdia, graduall cqeredth fear net ou to try obest o helper. So teaches poided arly ncesiti wile so tudn rcored he Enlish classnes or im s tha Lmingcould be left behd. it our are an cocen, i gecvereduickly. Such incidenteaches u agoodora. r soiety isll love, wrman ecefu,in h

26、ic peope-rom mnt wman, fom individua to idiidual-lendoters and. Jut likea aous son os, teworldwilturn it to avnonl ifevryo ontrbutes littlan I doelieve tha itsmy get hnr to vn his lvfilled aadis! 月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 1.提议报考旳专业及理由2.报考该专业旳基本条件3.应当怎样备考 参照范文A Lt inReply to a Fend mber 7, Dear sir, hent comes

27、to whi aor yushou choos, I rposetatyo pplyfor themajr f Eglsh Toeginh,Eh is te mos popuranguae i the world,wichiswidelus n lfields uh teahig, trnstion, foreign tre and so n. hats ore, itgo wiou sayin that Englihmajors are oe ielyt inda od jobin th iher and thtr jb aketInoerto tyaEnglheartmen,you he

28、to mete folloig requiremetsIn efstplace, youhae to spend lot of m o t,jus ath dsaying goes, “rctc makes efet”.In thecond pace, thebasiskils ofreain, iting, listning adseakng ar neesary, becue they are te fatosf yor futue stud Last but not the lest imporant, yo need anitse nterestinlring Engi sne “in

29、tes i thebest tachr.” s faasth peri work is nerned, youshould first ofal revew lte rqued ocaury. I additon, odbettr pendsome tie o readng nd wrting Only throughtese mesures couhope to enrol in ouniersit. Yors, Lng 6月大学英语四级作文题目及范文irctios: Fo hi art, u are aowe 0 nutes t writ a comosition enttle A Bri

30、e toductintoaTrist Attrcion You huld writ t least 12 wors accrdg th fllwing uelines: You role: atur uide Your aience: a group f freigtouristsYour introuction sould nclude: me wloming wds th chdule hda a dscript oth place thest will viing (e.g. cnicspotr a sri st, ec.) You shul k the itrouction inter

31、estng an tearangements r ea lat everyby. 参照范文 a to uide Goodmoring, ladies and gentlemn,wlcmetoBeijin To beinwith, I wold ik itodcmyself:I am th tris gide ro Chia Tavl Sevice and tsgrat honoto sty here withll ou forawhole da.Jus as he old singgoe, “I islwys a leasue to geta frenfo far”, I wish alof

32、you o eno youseles durngtis tr. The olwig isshedulof the da. The irst pot we are goingto visitis the Greatall,the grandest ortficto i ancien Chn The nextsigto look aroundite Ming Tobs, which oneof th bet-reseved obs for 13 mors in igDynasy re ta one thousan es ago. In the afteroo,we willg fortSmmr P

33、alace, the royl prk rChese anciet emprrs. Currently aren he wayto hGatWallDatin bkotheseen ctury B.C, theGreatWall is construtd y spective stats fo frtiyngginst invasion o neighbori tates. y the ros longhitry nd ts lenh, itbecomeeof h eight wonder i t worldnd presns the iges widomand craf. From th p

34、 ftheGrat Wal, we can enjoy a magnicnt vieo continuous mountain,gren tres and blooming wilflower.It is no ob tatne ays, “He o has nr be t Gt Wl is not a true man”。 boe s myintoductin to h at Wll. ay f yohae questions, please feel fre t km t any tie. 月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 你认为自己具有是什么条件(能力,性格,爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作,

35、假如当选你将会为本校同学做什么?范文 Campign Spech Tod Iam veglad t rf he presientof the stets uni. Im junior in hemaepartmet.Snce I cam ito henvrit, I hae always ben he moitorof myclas.I h donea vry goo job for my lamates, and mylassmae a m tcher al giveme a goo paise. I a acomuitio and ogazin Ad I lie o hlp others.

36、oeove, have vitf be,or exple, basetbl, ootbal, ingpong, tc. Ia ure that am qualified fr thsposiio. fI ecomethpesdent, I wiltry m bet tod el. I wil organiz somsiutableactitisforyou. wil do may thngs or youtoeahyourdemas as we. m sicely hope you wll v m chac, a lease beieemthat I wll bgoodresident.Tha

37、k ou. 6月18日英语四级作文及范文 Techeray :1.向老师致以节日旳问候。 回忆件老师旳教导中难忘旳事情。 3. 我怎样报答老师。 参照范文之一 This is Tehersy an a tto e grateul to alltacer. Thi profssnesve thspecial rcognio ad resect. Theis no mre appopria time tntis to honouyou athers n yo chosn field. You havy ternal gaefulness. Hav a hpp Teahes y. Th whole ecret of thetacher frclisinte convicion hat mn re nveti

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