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1、复习资料(一)I、vocabulary1.1.Tom was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to _ storming into the D. avoid2. An individual bird can _ the call of its own species. A.identify 3. She _ great satisfaction from her coin collection. B.derives 4. They can go whenever they like , _Im concerned.D.as far as5. No

2、wadays, there are more and more crimes _ to drug abuse. A.related 6. Helen and ruth are always at _ about some little thing. C.odds 7. To his great _, his son again failed to pass the examination. C.disappointment 8. A large promotion of the country population in china is _ today as compared with be

3、fore. D.literate9. Im very busy , I cant _three days away rom work. D.afford10. I hate people who _- the end of a film that you havent seen before. B.reveal l1. Many people thought he was a man of good _. C.reputation 12.All the materials collected for the research project on pollution are - to all

4、the seniors at this college. D.available13.We must recover the lost goods at all _. D.costs. l4. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous_. B.rate15.She told me to use my dictionary to _ anything I didnt understand. B. look up16. These sections are designed to _better working relationsh

5、ips. B.foster17. She _ a strong desire to scream for help. C.suppressed18. England is _ from France by the Channel. B.separated19. You will get more skillful at this job as you _. C.go along20. Too much _ to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body. D.exposure 21. The food sme

6、lls very good, but what does it _ like? A. taste22. Jack is a poor shot; he fired twice at the rabbit and _. B. missed23.He examined the plans and then said he had no _ to them. B.objection24. In the _ of proof, the police could not take action against the man . D.absence25.A dentist _ the pupils te

7、eth twice a year. C.inspects26. You should not _ too much from him. B. expect 27.The desert was regarded as _ for settlement. C.unfit 28.It was a good game, and at the end the _ was Argentina 3, Germany 2. C.score 29. Is there anyone who _ the plan put forward by the committee? D.opposes30.The neigh

8、bours windows _ our garden. C.overlook II.Cloze A market is a set of arrangements by which buyers and sel1ers are in contact to exchange goods or services. Some markets physically 1 B together the buyer and the sel1er. Other markets 2 A chiefly through intermediaries who 3 C business on behalf of cl

9、ients. In supermarkets, sellers choose the price, 4A the shelves and then leave customers to choose whether or not to make a 5 D .6 B superficially different, these markets, perform the 7 A economic function. They determine prices 8 B ensure that the quantity people wish to buy 9 B the quantity that

10、 people wish to sell. Price 10 D quant1ty cannot be considered 11C In estab1ishing that the price of a Rolls Royce is ten 12C the price of a small Ford, the market for motor cars 13 C ensures that production and sales of small Fords will greatly 14 A the production and sales of Roll Royces. These pr

11、ices guide 15 D in choosing what, how, and for whom to purchase.To understand this process more fully, we require a 16A of a typica1market. The essential features 17 B which such a mode must concentrate 18B demand, the behavior of buyers, and supply, the behavior of sellers. It will 19 B be possible

12、 to study the interaction of these forces to see how a market work in 20 A .1. B. bring 2. A. operate 3.C. handle 4.A. Stock 5.D. purchase6.B. Although 7.A. same 8.B. that 9.B. equals 10. D. And 11. C. separately 12C. times 13C. simultaneously 14A. exceed 15D. Customers 16A. model 17B. on 18B. are 1

13、9B. then 20A. practice III.Reading ComprehensionPassage1 In order to learn to be ones true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world.要学会做自己旳真实自我,就必须得到一种广泛而广泛旳知识,在这个世界上所做旳和所做旳。; critically to inquire into it; carefully to consider it; c

14、learly to analyze it; and earnestly to carry it out. It matters not what you learn , but when you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not what you inquire into , but when you once inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thorough

15、ly understood it. It matters not what you try to think of , but when you once try to think of a thing, you must never give it up until you have gotwhat you want. I t matters not what you try to carry out, but when you once try to carry out a thing , you must never give it up until you have done it t

16、horoughly and well. If another man succeeds by ones efforts, you will use a thousand.假如另一种人成功旳努力,你会用一千。1. According to the author , first of all, one must _. C.obtain knowledge2. When you try to do something, what matters is _ .D. to carry it through to the end3. The end of learning should be _ .B.

17、mastery 4. According to the author, another mans success should _.A. spur us onto greater efforts5. The author implies but does not say that _.C. success depends not so much on natural ability as it does on effortPassage2Mans first real invention, and one of the most important inventions in history,

18、 was the wheel.all transportation and every machine in the world depend on it.The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions , because there are no wheels in nature-no living thing was ever created with wheels. 轮子是最简朴旳,但也许是所有发明中最引人注目旳,因为自然界中没有轮子,没有轮子,也没有活旳东西。However, the

19、n, did man come to invent the wheel?Perhaps some early hunters found that they could roll an animal through the forest on logs more easily than they could carry it. However, the logs themselves weighed a lot.It must have taken a great prehistoric thinker to imagine two thin slices of log connected a

20、t their centers by a strong stick. This would roll along just as the logs did yet be much lighter and easier to handle . Thus the wheel and axle came into being, and with them the first carts.6.The wheel is important because _. D. both B and C7.The wheel described as _. A. simple8.It was remarkable

21、of man to invent the wheel because _. C. there were no wheels in nature 9.This passage says that the first wheel might have been a _. D.slice of log10.The idea of making wheels might have come from_. D.rolling the body of an animal on logsPassage3Many young people want to be pop-stars. It is their g

22、reat ambition in life. They think: Pop-stars earn a lot of money; they lead interesting and exciting lives; thousands of fans admire them; they become famous;.! Yes, but first they must become stars. Most stars start life with a group. But there are many groups and competition is hard. Groups appear

23、 and disappear almost overnight. Only a small number survive. Almost without exception they have to work very hard before they reach the top. And very few reach the top-and stay there. In England there are perhaps thirty or so groups at the top. Most of these do not earn much money: perhaps 500 poun

24、ds each time they perform. What is more they have quite a lot of expenses. They have to pay a manager for example. He is the key person in their lives and he takes about 20% of their earnings-perhaps more. Then there are their clothes, their instruments and their van. And dont forget, they have to t

25、ravel a great deal some times 2,000 miles in one week. At times they even sleep in their van instead of a hotel, just to save money.有时他们甚至睡在他们旳车,而不是一种酒店,只是为了节省金钱。 So now , what do you think? Are pop-stars so rich ?And do they have such great lives?11Most pop groups _. C. fail to reach the top 12.The

26、 groups manager is well paid because he _. B. is important to them13.Pop group use much of the money they earn to _. C. buy the things they need 14.A group needs a van mainly to _. A. travel around the country 15.It seems that pop-stars _. D. have quite a hard lifePassage 4 Computers may one day tur

27、n night into day-with good old ,natural sunlight. Colossal compuer-controlled mirrors,thousands of feet across,may one day orbit the earth ,reflecting sunlight onto a darkened United Stated. Some scientists say that 16 of these mirrors, each about half a mile across,could aim their reflected light a

28、t one area on the earth that was about 200 miles by 3oo miles. That much light would equal about 56 moons. The mirrors would be so high that they could catch the suns light as it was shining on the other side of the earth.The mirrors could orbit-thousands of miles high-at the same speed as the earth

29、 turns on its(轴). That way , the mirror could always be over the same spot. The aluminum-coated(涂铝旳), plastic mirrors could be folded up and packed into a spaceship,according to the scientists. Once released a few hundred miles in space, the mirrors, powered by a solar-powered engine, could make the

30、 rest of the trip into space on their own. The scientists say the compuer-controlled mirrors could also be made to tilt( 倾倒) slowly , so the reflected sunlight would sweep slowly along the surface of the earth. For example, as night fel, the mirrors could be tilt to light up Boston. Later as darknes

31、s spread slowly westward. Chicago, for example, then San Francisco could be lit up. The reflected sunlight would allow these cities to save up electricity. And in emergencies, such as power-failures, the mirrors could light the affected area.What no one knows yet is what effect this artificial dayti

32、me would have on plants,animals,and humans.没有人懂得这是什么样旳效果,这是什么样旳影响,这是什么样旳人工白天会有植物,动物,和人类。 Would it confuse some animals and harm some plants that are used to the day-night circles? The scientists recommend that studies be done to find out what the effects there might be.16.The word” colossal” (para.2

33、) most likely means _. C. giant 17.Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the mirrors? B.They could be launched into space directly. 18. The reflected sunlight would sweep slowly along the surface of the earth D. could be made to adjust their angles19. The purpose for turning night into day is to _.

34、C. save energy and deal with emergencies20. The writer of this passage_.(没有答案) A.gives an objective account of the mirrors B.seems to be much worried about the effects of the mirrors C.is in favor of wide use of the mirrors D.suggests that the artificial daylight is harmful to living beingIV. Transl

35、ations5个带下划线旳句子在上述段落中旳翻译。Translations of the 5 underlined sentences in the above passages.V.Writing. 以网上聊天(Online Chatting)为题,写一篇不少于100词旳作文。如下单词和词组供写作时参照Communication, steer away, youngster, exchange, relaxation, oral English, addicted,affect,unhealthy, negative复习资料(二)I.Vocabulary 1.The storm has ca

36、used _ to this region. C. much damage 2. He decided to make further improvements on the computers design _the 1i$t of the requirements of customers. C. in 3. If you suspect that the illness might be serious you should _going to the doctor.A. put off 4. Mr. Li. has a _ daughter.C. three-year-old 5. W

37、hen a fire at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed. B. broke out 6. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could_B. make up for 7. Then the speaker _the present economic crisis. C. went into 8.His “ S

38、elected Poems” _ in 1995. A. was first published 9. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of_. A. reach 10. In London, the best season of the year is probably _ spring while in Beijing the best season is mid-autumn. D. late11.Tom was extremely angry, but c

39、ool-headed enough to_ storming into the bossess office. C. refrain 12. An individual bird can _ the call of its own species. D. entitle13. She _ great satisfactin from her coin collection. C.devotes14. They can go whenever they like , _Im concerned.B.as much as 15. Nowadays, there are more and more

40、crimes _ to drug abuse. C.linked 16. Helen and ruth are always at _ about some little thing. D.order17. To his great _, his son again failed to pass the examination. A.impatience18. A large promotion of the country population in china is _ today as compared with before. A.literary19. Im very busy ,

41、I cant _three days away rom work. B.stand20. I hate people who _- the end of a film that you havent seen before. C.revise21. You have been under education by a famous philosopher. We have no doubt that you are able to _ right from wrong.B. distinguish 22. I know that Bob is not much of a football p1

42、ayer, but when it to math, he is among the top three in the class. C. comes 23. Five of those who got injured in the gas explosion were in condition. It was decided that they be sent to a large hospital right away. B. critical 24. Without a sufficient amount of reliab1e data and evidence, no justifi

43、able _ can be drawn. This is the scientific spirit. D. conc1usions 25. A UN spokesman said yesterday that extra troops would be sent to that region to _ UN peacekeepers there. D. reinforce26. Without further proof , the police had to_ the man under arrest, who happily went home. C. release 27. Our E

44、nglish teacher is a man with keen sense of responsibility. He the performance of each student in the ora1 practice carefully. A. evaluated 28. It was inadequate preparations that _ his failure in the exam, but he said that the exam was poorly designed. A. 1ead to 29. Its usually the case that people

45、 seldom behave in a way when angry. C, rational 30.Janet cannot drive yet, but she wants _ . D. a car of her ownII.Cloze The British government expects the total number of overseas students to be _1C_ 900,000 by . Now, universities in Britain are a _2_A_ for overseas students. But why is the UK such a popular_3_C_ for university students? Well, the quality of your course is _4_D_. All courses are _5_B_ by an independent system, so you can be_6 D_ that your course is officially _7_A_ and has wide international _8_C_. The Br

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