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1、自考外贸函电实用词组资料仅供参考English business correspondence(Exercises Paper note)Chapter 1: (Part One)1. a wide range of 表示:“大范围的,各类的”(固定用法)(The brochure covers a wide range of products we deal in.)2. place order with sb. 表示“向某人下订单”(Please advise at what price your clients will place orders with us.)3. be super

2、ior to sb./sth. 表示“优于某人/在某事上处于优先”(I am sure that the quality of our products is superior to that of others)4. *We look forward to receiving your prompt reply and meeting you soon.(receiving 与 meeting并列)5. happen to do sth. 表示“碰巧做”(*Your quotation happens to be exactly the same as we have received fr

3、om France.)6. *Thank you for your enquiry of March 20th, we also confirm having received your sample.7. As regards 表示“至于,关于”(As regards walnutmeat ,we would inform you that the few parcels we have at present are under offer.)8. sb. be interested in sth.sth. be interesting to sb. 两者均表示某人对某物感兴趣,但表示与搭配

4、方式不同,应紧记。(If any of our products is interesting to you , please let us know.)9. offer for 表示“未发出的盘”;offer of 表示“已报的盘”(We will send you our offer for new product tomorrow.)10. line 表示“行业经营的范围”(We have been in business many years , and have wide experience in all lines we handle.)(Part Two)1. on the r

5、ecommendation 表示“承蒙的推荐”( On the recommendation of ABC company , we have learned the name of your firm.) 2. *We are sending you under separate cover a price list regarding our new products.3. by return 表示“立即,马上”(We trust that you will send us your reply by return.)4. acquaint sb. with sth. 表示“使某人熟悉某事

6、物”(We are well acquainted with the market condition in Southeast Asia.)5. On receipt of 表示“一收到”;in receipt of 表示”已收到”(On receipt of your enquiry, we shall airmail you immediately our quotation sheet.)6. in compliance with sth. 表示“与一致” 遵从,按照”(Please make us a firm offer in compliance with our request

7、.)7. sb. be satisfied with sth. 表示“某人对某物满意”;the service after selling 表示“售后服务”(Our clients are always satisfied with our products and the service after selling.)8. 经营范围的表示方法:“be/fall/lie within the scope of 或 come under the scope of”(The item falls within the scope of our business activities.)9. ass

8、ure sb. of sth. 表示“向某人保证某事”(We assure you of the reliability of the goods.)10. enjoy priority in 表示“在方面享有优先权”(You may enjoy priority in our offers.)11. at once 表示“立即,马上”(In view of the heavy demand for this line , we advise you to accept the offer at once.)Chapter 2: (Part One)1. *If you should be a

9、ble to reduce your price by 3%, we could probably come into business. should 是情态动词,其后接动词原形2. *We expect to ship the goods next week. (expect 表示“预期某事将发生”)3. reduceto 表示“降(价)到”(They told us if you can reduce your price to USD 100.8 per piece, they will place an order with you.)4. percent 表示“百分之几”其前要加具

10、体数字(As for the price, the increase of 10 percent is too much.)5. *The market is weak with a downward tendency. with在这里表示行市有下跌趋势6. *We wish to receive from you a trial order as soon as possible.7. keep sb. done. keep sb. posted of sth.表示“不断传递给某人”(Please keep us posted of development at your end.)(Par

11、t Two)1. be agreeable to sth.表示“与符合的,一致的”(The designs are agreeable to the taste of this market.)2. *We bring down our price to the level you indicated in your letter of July 5th.3. on time 表示“准时,按时;no choice/way but to do sth. 表示“不得不做某事”(As you have failed to make delivery on time, you leave us wit

12、h no choice but to cancel the order.)4. *Because your products prove to be satisfactory to our customers, we are sure that you will obtain more repeat orders from them.5. withbank 表示“由银行(开立)(We shall open the L/C in your favour with Barclays Bank here to the extent of 6 000.)6. on the part of 表示“在方面

13、”(We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our suppliers, we are unable to get the goods before the end of this month.)7. adapt from sth.表示“根据改写”(As you can see, our general terms and conditions for our international trade are adapted from the model contract for the International Sales o

14、f Goods.)8. agree on payment表示“同意支付”(agree on sth.表示“同意”)9. *Any delay in shipment would be detrimental to our future business.10. *Please sign and return the copy of our contract to us for our file.Chapter 3: (Part One)1. on presentation 表示“在提示时,提示时,见票即付”(Payment is to be made on presentation of sh

15、ipping documents.)2. *In the mean time kindly ask the suppliers to explain the reasons for the disparity.3. approach sb. to do sth. 表示“让某人做某事”(Please approach your bank to increase the L/C amount by $1 000.)4. with regard to 表示“至于,关于”(With regard to contract No.123, we are agreeable to D/P payment t

16、erms.)5. *The time of waiting for payment agreed upon by both sides is the period of credit.6. *Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are in exact accordance with the terms of the Sales Contract.7. before signing the receipt 表示“在签收据之前”8. morethan 表示“超出的”(We have found that you usually re

17、quire more time to pay than our 25-day terms allow.)(Part Two)1. *Our terms of payment by L/C have been widely accepted in your country.2. *It seems as though we might be unable to agree to some of the terms you are posing here.3. as for 表示“在方面”(As for payment, we usually request confirmed, irrevoca

18、ble L/C payable at sight.)4. run out 表示“用完,耗尽”(We have not heard anything from you, and our patience has just run out.)5. in support of sth. 表示“支持某事物”(We find that the information you supplied in support of your credit application is incomplete.)6. *Our new low-cost solutions may be of particular in

19、terest to you.7. keep in touch with 表示“与保持联系” ;with all speed. 表示“用全速,尽全力”(We shall keep in touch with our manufactures and make all arrangements for the delivery with all speed.)8. under consideration 表示“考虑中,在研究中”(Your request for D/P terms of payment is just under consideration.)9. *We accept deli

20、very against D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.10. on due time 表示“在预定时间”(We have no way but to ask you to amend the L/C, otherwise we can not ship the goods on due time.)11. *You should open the L/C with the Bank of China, Shanghai branch, before the end of this month.12.

21、*We hope that this matter can be settled to our mutual benefit.Chapter 4: (Part One)1. by the cable 表示“经过电报”; by表方式。2. *The goods are prepared for shipment tomorrow.(主语) (谓语) ;属于被动关系。3. arising from 表示“产生,由原因”(Under the FPA terms, the insurance company is liable for any loss, whether total or partia

22、l, arising from other external causes, including theft and pilferage.)4. Due to 表示“由于,因为;直接接名词。【而Because; As; Resulting to; 只能接句子】(Due to unexpected changes in the weather, strawberries will ripen a month earlier than expected.)5. In ones opinion/ In the opinion of 表示“在某人看来”(固定搭配)6. falls under 表示“列

23、入某项下”7. *It is apparent that the goods have been subjected to long periods in extreme sunlight.8. ground 表示“根据,理由”(Consequently we find no ground to compensate for the loss you claimed for.)9. complain to sb./ complain about sth. 表示“抱怨某事”10. All Risk(一切险) WPA(水渍险) FPA(平安险)11. *After inspection of th

24、e above shipment we found 6 cases missing.(Part Two)1. *If you wish to secure protection Risk of Odour, it can be easily done upon the payment of an additional premium.2. look into 表示“研究,调查”(We have looked into the matter in details and so far as we found that there is no ground for such a claim to

25、be lodge on us.)3. *Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of the invoice value up to the port for destination only.4. claim against 表示“向某人索赔”5. *Our end user press us for an immediate settlement of the case.6. lodge a claim against/with sb. 表示“因为某种原因向某人索赔”7. *As requested, we have covered in

26、surance on the 12 000 dozen mens shirts for 10% above the invoice value against All Risks.8. 在具体某月某日前,要用介词on,形式是“on + 月份 + 某一日”(on October 15th )9. prefer A to B 表示“喜欢A,不喜欢B”10. be disappointed at sth. 表示“对失望”(We are disappointed at the buyers disregard for proper international trading rules.)11. in

27、 a position to do sth.表示“能够做某事” ;take on 表示“从事,经营”(We are now in a position to take on new business at present.)12. *Insurance is to be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value.13. *A commission of 5% is to be paid on all sale.全真(一): (Part One)1. in this respect 表示“在方面”(Your close coopera

28、tion in this respect will be highly appreciated.)2. for ones reference 表示“供参考”(We would like for our reference your sending us the latest catalogue, in which we are interested.)3. satisfy 表示“使某人满意,用于主语是物的时候”(We believe that our new products will satisfy you.)4. available by draft at sight 表示“凭即期汇票支付

29、”(固定用法)(Regarding payment, we only accept L/C available by draft at sight.)5. *We hope that your offer remains valid until March 12th.6. in accordance with 表示“与一致,按照”(固定用法)(The L/C stipulations must be in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.)7. shipping instruction 表示“装船指示”to the seller,

30、相对于卖方而言的shipping advice 表示“装船通知”to the buyer 相对于买方而言的(After booking the steamer, the buyer should give prompty the shipping instruction to the seller.)8. *We trust that you can expedite the shipment to meet our requirements in time. (加快)9. unless otherwise instructed 表示“除非另有指示”(固定用法)(Part Two)1. tra

31、de with sb. 表示“与某人做生意”2. on kinds of 表示“在方面,关于(We have sent you by air a catalogue on kinds of toys for your reference.)3. result in 表示“结果是”(Generally speaking, the growing demand can result in increased price.)4. *We try to keep our wholesale prices between ourselves and our dealers, so we regret t

32、hat we dont sell our goods directly to consumers.5. place a trial order with sb. for sth. 表示“向某人下某物的试订单”6. reduce price by + 百分数,表示“降价百分之几”(reduce our price by 5%)reduce price to 表示“降价到某一具体价位”7. extendto 表示“延伸,延展到”(We have no choice but to ask you to extend the shipment date to June 30th.)8. *The bi

33、ll of lading should be marked “freight prepaid”.9. *Insurance is to be covered by the buyer for 110% of the invoice value.10. *A commission of 10% is to be paid on all sales, whether from you or direct from consumers.11. on schedule 表示“按期,如期”(We assure you that your orders are executed on schedule.)

34、12. complain about sth. 表示“抱怨某事”(The consumers complained about the quality of bicycle.)全真(二): (Part One)1. *We are interested to receive a specimen of the new type.2. outstanding 表示“未付的” (We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still outstanding.)3. contract 表示“联系”及物动词,其后直接加宾语(As

35、soon as we have looked into your catalogue, we will contract you by phone.)4. find sth. satisfactory 表示“认为令人满意”(You will find our goods satisfactory and we hope to serve you soon.)5. await 表示“等候,(指结果,答复)”;而wait则多用于短语wait for sth.(We await your shipping instruction by cable.)6. *The freight is includ

36、ed in the price, and we can arrange shipment at an early date. (其中the freight是第三人称单数)7. take advantage of 表示“充分利用某事物(指好的方面)”make advantage of 表示“利用某事物(指不好的方面)”(We have the pleasure to take advantage of your offer and place a trial order with you.)8. *As agreed upon in our negotiations, you should es

37、tablish a confirmed letter of credit in our favour.9. premium 为保险费的正确表示方式(We can insure the shipment for 130% of the invoice value, but the extra premium changed will be for your account.)10. 提出索赔常见:raise,file,register,make,lodge; 对某物进行投保常见:cover,insure(Your claim for the shortage is to be filed wit

38、h insurance company.)11. as if 表示“仿佛”(其后接句子)(It looks as if the case crushed was not strong enough to stand voyage.)(Part Two)1. in a position to do sth. 表示“能够做某事”(As soon as we are in a position to entertain new business in your local market, we will contract you.)2. in the market for sth. 表示“购买某物”

39、3. *Our clients are very satisfied with your goods.4. *Our offers are subject to change without previous notice.5. claim with sb. for sth. 表示“向某人就某货物出现的问题提出索赔”(We will file a claim with you for short delivery.)6. *We have drawn a 30 days draft on your bank for the full invoice value.7. freight to 表示

40、运送到(地方) (freight to New York)全真(三): (Part One)1. expires 表示“有效期,到期”(The offer expires on August 30th. Your early reply by fax will be appreciated.)2. under the circumstances 表示“在这种情况下”(固定搭配)3. *If we had been informed in time, we would have reserved the goods for you. (虚拟条件句,主语谓语要用would have done)4.

41、 *Please be assured that all your orders will be executed.(履行)5. Marketing is advancing 表示“行市上涨”;Marketing is weak 表示“行市疲软”;Marketing is declining 表示“行市活跃”。6. effective 表示“有效的,产生预期效果的”(The insurance shall be effective from the time of the engineers departure from China up to the time of his arrival

42、in China on return.)7. *You should book shipping space on the first available steamer.(可行的,可得到的) (轮船)8. in the absence of 表示“缺乏,没有”(固定)9. *We shall register a claim against the insurance company for the goods damaged during transit.10. warehouse to warehouse 表示“仓至仓”(Part Two)1. under separate cover

43、表示“另函(寄去)”2. express ones apologies for sth. 表示“某人为某事道歉”(We wish to express our apologies for the delay in the shipment.)3. *Your goods are to be insured against breakage at your cost.(投保中,若其后接险别要用介词against,题中为破碎险)4. *We hope that you will look into the clime without delay upon receiving it.5. with

44、the least possible delay 表示“尽快,毫不耽搁”(固定搭配)on condition that 表示“如果”(We will open the L/C with the least possible delay on condition that you make the shipment on time.)6. in quality 表示“在质量方面”;be superior to sth. 表示“优于某事物”(We trust that our products are superior in quality to any other supplier on the

45、 market.)7. bring down the price 表示“降价”,其后接to表示“降价到某一具体的价位”8. (bring down the price to USD 1 000)9. be valid for + 时间段,表示“信用证的有效期”(The L/C will be valid for 20 days as your request.)10. for your account 表示“由你方付费”(The additional charge will be for your account.)全真(四): (Part One)1. promote 表示“促进,提升”(B

46、y joint efforts we can prompt our business relations.)2. *Our catalogue enclosed shows various types of machines and their available sizes. enclosed修饰catalogue,相当于定语从句which is enclosed.3. *We give you on the attached sheet full details covering shipping and packing, which must be strictly observed.(

47、严格地) (遵守)4. *For such a small volume of business, it is not economical the L/C opened.(economical在这里表示“节约的” )5. *You should pay the commission due to us by the end of this month.6. *Please amend the L/C and we look forward to receiving the amendment as soon as possible.7. *Enclosed are sample parts showing some of the problem we encountered. (showing 修饰前面的sample parts,相当于定语从句which show)8. As、Because of、Owing to都可表示原因,但As后接句子,而Because of、Owing to则后接名词。(As a limited supply is available, we would ask you to act soon.)9. *We can not accept fresh orders at present because of heavy commitments.(许诺)

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