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1、SectinADirectons: Ther are 0inplt stteens re Yo areeire to cmlete eac sttement by coong h appoprie nsw frmhe4 coices mre A) , B), C) and D)You should ma thecrspodin letteron e Ansr St wt a singlelie hrug thcentr.16. The lasroomeds_. A) clen B) tole ) tb leaned D) big clean17Tereisniceoking a thre.I

2、woer _. ) ho belog t B) hom oe t elong to ) t belon tohm D) hom dos it beong.rsworth asoe f thrtst pet _ lied in the19th cntuy. A) which B) wh C) those ) that 19the popuat s too large, we have ttae measues to otrolte birt rat. A)Althugh B) Sice )I D) Until20. I i equestethat every udet _ appe osusti

3、naledvelomet. A) writes )wot C) wring D) writ21 .ead, I_ alot f newpms by the end flast yar. A) haready earnt B) have lradyern C)wld haealread eat D)alreaylearn22. sdison rew _, he ecame more moreinteresed cience. A) eld B)teelder C) older D) te oldr. nly nthis way_ catch pwith your brothes ) do yu

4、ca ) ca ou ) yo cn )you doan2.No n, exepthistwo bet fiend, _ree is A) kow B) kws C) tknow ) kowng25. r. Jon hsdeided thathwill _ ebranhcompy st up inhe mlltown. A) tae ove B) hand n C) pt in ) lead ocio BDireons: The e lso 10 colee sttments here. You huld fill in ec lank wth th proper or of the wr g

5、vn in thebracket.Writ .the word or ords i the corspodng pace onte nswerSheet.26. Wstartd eattac when the enem (cros) _ the rier27.My ggestion iwe (sen) _ afew eople h the oher group28I am srro learyou ave made no (mprov)_on te desin at all2.I preer (liv)_ inecontry rthethan n iy30. ehad difict (cary

6、)_ ou the pan31. Not(n) _ e address,we couldntt ntochwith er.32.Do you kn t (hih)_ of St. Pals Ctheral33. The great number o trafic dnts (empasis) _ the need o carefudrivng.34. Mn modern cas e equiped withan (automically) _ temeraturecontrol sstem.3 .That oneis n good;this ne i ee () _.Par edg ompee

7、ns (4 minuts)Dictin: Thipart s totes yur edig abilty. The ae tasks for yu to f. u should rad the edi mterialcarflly and do tetak as yu a nstrcted.Task 1Direco: Afer reading thefolin assge,youwil fnd5 queios or ufinished tatemns, numer 36 thogh 40. r each quetion r tatemen therere 4 cesmarked A) ,) ,

8、C) r D). Yousud ak tecorec oiceandar the crrsndnglettr n enswer Set with Singleline thruhthe ceer. emondeis a favorite sumer i. tis enjoyda famil mls,icnic,ball games, mayseia parie. Peopllik i iht, lemonytte. Tey alsolie i because tkeesthm rm gettgto tirst.Doyu drinkt? Freh lmonade ca e made bycuti

9、ng a emon nhlf and sqzn theui ito a cup. ter he seed are akenout, suar nd wtr ar mixed . O cp o lemonjuice, Oe cup f sugr, and two qurs o watersrredtogete mke good emonade. Tee ae en rwas tge lemnde. Oe wy is o bu leona powder. Th ad he riht aont ofater. Anotheway sto buy cans f froz leonae and mx i

10、 withr.Te easiet wy of alis o buyn open a c of lemone ha ray to dink, just ike a an ofjue. emonade s god or people.It has vitamin It eeps the bdycol mmer. Wn eved hicn help aadod or asore throat Lemnad nt a ne dn. It hasbee arond oralg timeom say it came oChia Othestin t prbably ame fromEnglnd o Frn

11、ceoretan ou hud yeas ago aEngish dctor wote abou th good th lemonde can for ole.3. Lmoade i a () _ drink. A)od ) opuar C) nourishng D) , B dC3. Ioer to make glemnade wionecup of lemon jie, we sould dd toit _ A) two poons ofur and two qurts wter B) neu f sugar and wo qats o wat ) oe cp f sgar an ne u

12、art of watr D) one spnofugr and on qurt of r8.Thee are otherasie ys t get lmnd, su as_. A) obuy lonad oer andoilit wth war )oo toeprtmenttor C)o u nso ole ate ) touy fzen lemonad and mi t withwater39. Leonade is ot nw din It_. A) apredfor lng tme B)wa boght bChnese peple C) hsbee run forseveral deca

13、ds D) can hel ppe cover fromdises4.W can inferfom th passagth the witer _. ) thiks i is a oddink B) is a lmode maufaturer C) ris to onvin peole thtit i good or em ) isa edialesearceTs 2Direcions: This taskis the aTask 1. Th 5uesion or fishedstatentsare numbre 4 hroh 45. Taig picres i fun, and tking

14、good oes s not dicutf yo lo a few eues Bfre yo np(快拍) pictre, tinkingabot it. e ure ta your csenogh toyursubject. A rett fa againa clar bacgou (背景), or xample, maks good piureButa tant figure, lo mongtreesnd clds lacksinterest. n a landscap(风景) scee,ty to eep t east wo thirds ofte ctue belo the line

15、 eehgroun meetse k, or sky-scee,eep at as twohds ofhe iture above hat lie y picures in nwspers and books.Try to wh ome ar btter tan others Use wht ou ear to iprove your on iures .Ths psage giv us so_ A)reaofor takng good ptur B)ies of some funhie C)advic on taking go cture D) differce o te pitues tk

16、en otdors and iors42. Thewriteralks osyaboutctres takn_. A) outdr B) idr ) n clr D)frnewspapr43nthe rst ampl, tesubjeis poably _. A ) bulding B ) te ) hore D ) i4. Ina lndscape cen, to-thrs f he picu sould b _ ) land B)sy C) couds D) ea4. Youcnimre youces by_. ) snappig the as uicky asyou ca B) ting

17、 aboutthm before youtae hem ) studying picts n ewspaerand books D)standig osly toyour bjectask3Dirtions: The folwng ia asage abot a usies memo.After readg it, you hulcomlee h inoration by fillig inth blans mard 6 trouh 5(i ntor ha 3 ods )nthe tbe ow. The siness memo(备忘录) is pobbl thmost frequnl ue c

18、ommnici wihin a compay. t islld aita-cmanyommuncationbecause it s used by eople intheirownoay rization. hey change to etrs, oevr, wnhey write messages t peoplw o otwork fo their company A mmo te a written recor tha may or aynot filed, dependin oereevrd te uect. Asyou knw,spoken msagesmay b msundrsto

19、od or forgotten. A meo,oever, be cmes a recrdh dos much t ensurethe complete ommunicatin betweth end d thrceive. Testanardomof ammo quentlyaes pe-printedseries o items: To, Fro,Date and Subect. e first wo itemsicle theams ofh receive ad h sender A well: rtten subje linetlls te eae the key topicor to

20、pi the memo i about.usiness MeoFuncion: fo comunication wit a (6) Prpose: ) o keepa (47) 2) t (48) hecomplee communicationems inolved: 1) eceiver 2) 49 3) ae ) 50Task 4Drtns: The folwng is partofInformtion fo Pblic Sns. Aft readig it,youare equired tfn the itms eqivaent o(与.等同)hsgve i hin hetl elow.

21、 Thyou shold p the corrspogletters inte brket onthe swer eet, numere 1through 5ACamerasFrbiddn BCldrenot AdmitteCCritii nd Sgetons Welcoe Dontough-Tension WireEFos Oly In Cas Of ie. FIpectons DecledGKOff Te ras KeepSiencIghtBl JNo Buis TodOut Of Bous LRervedMondT-Clok Buns NSatB umerOSee To The Fire

22、 PPease Keep Hans Of 1.( )勿踏草地 ( )灭火专用5( )严禁拍照 ( )夜间有事,请按此铃5( )今天不营业 ( )对号入座54.( )游客止步 ( )小心烟火55.( )昼夜营业 ( )谢绝参观Tas 5ieions: Te ollowing is aadetisemet. Atr radn t, o ar equied ocomplttheanswers tha olow e uestion ( No. throughNo 60). Youshud wrie you anser( i ntme tan word ) on te Answhet corespndi

23、ngly.NEWLYDEORATED& FLLY FURSHED OFICE-QUARTERS ROOM TOLETON FANG HOE d Flor, West Wn Central i-condtoned(中央空调),ulycped and walpapre.ood executve eskand chai, typin-stand, filing-cabet, side-bord pamphlet rcW-ed, carocuboar, phseya (豪华丝沙发) and fee tale. Co-TV, HiFisysem and refrigeaor. Room dirc-dia

24、Guangou- teleponelin, ele rinter, cnrenc-oom it mm filmandslide rojts. Lase ter (租期) t tnant sopi (租户自选) Rular hotl srice rovded INTHA RADI C. 603, WhYig Ceong Ceta uiding,-164,Queoad, Cenal, HO KON Tl:65275HLKT HX Cle: KINTHTR Tel:5-438213,54574 o Rm. 1325,30DgfngHotel,Gngzou. Tl.: 6990 et 132or 33

25、0 Telex: 416TFC CN5.Wheris theofice-uartes oo? is n_ Dn Fang hote.7. Wat ind o teleo ln iavilable i the fie-qaer room? _GuangzhoH telphonelines pvided hre.5 ow bot th lease er? Thelease m is_.59.Wichnumers cano dial f yount to renta rominte otel whe you are in Hong Kong? Dial -457043-4 r_.60. Wch nu

26、mber an you dia if yu wnt trent a oom n hehoel n you are in Guangzhou. Dial 69900 xt_.Prt Translatio (2minutes)Directions: This pat,numered61 trough 5,s tyour abilityt talaEnglis ito Ces. Ec of thefour sentences ( No. 61 to N. 4)sfollowd by for choicesf suggestd tranlato markedA) , B) , C)dD) . M th

27、e t chce andwrte t orrpondin etteon he AnseSheet. Wrie you taslatio te paagraph ( No. 65 ) in the orrspondg spce o the Taslation Cmostion Sheet61.Our dt as amjor eff o our communicio. A)我们旳身份对交流尚有一定旳效果。 B) 我们旳见解对整个交流产生了很大旳阴影。 C)我们旳身份对交流有着重要影响。 D) 我们旳认识对我们旳交流有重要影响。62.NO hesprting vt capsth wolsiaatio

28、n lk th Football WorldCu. )历来没有其他任何一项体育竞赛像足球世界杯那样引入遐想。 B) 没有一种体育事件像足球世界杯同样让人思索。 C) 同足球世界杯同样,其他旳体育事件同样也那样引人遐想。 D)历来没有其他体育新闻能像足球世界杯那样在全世界引起轰动。 63.Overhe t two das,anew trnd in Ameican educatio has develoed. A) 在过去二十四年中,美国旳教育界出现了一种新旳口号。 ) 在过去二十年,在美国,教育界已焕然一新。 C) 在过去二十四年中,美国旳教育出现了一种新旳势头。 ) 在过去二十年,美国教育界出

29、现了一种新趋势。64.ee oblige to tnkyou for yuridatnin in i matter ) 我们非常感谢你们对此事旳注意。 B)不胜感谢贵方对此事旳关照。 C) 我们被迫体现了对贵方旳谢意。 D) 万分感谢在此事上贵方旳投入。 65. Witn the are of Pubic Admnstraion, intret in Pulic oicyMking and ration Resarh(运筹学), hich! hope cn be empasized in y fuure prgr ofsudy. Upon flfilling tdgr objetie, wll

30、 return t Chinaand pply for apostio in govrnmear Writng (15 inutes)Direcions:his partis otetourabiit pactalwriig. ou ae reqie write lete cordng o the infoatin gie bo.Reember to write theeeron th Tranlation/Cmposon Sheet. Wrte toast spch b n theinomaiongivni Chnese eow. 琼斯先生是加中友好协会旳主席。作为加中人民旳老朋友,他为增进

31、两国人民之间旳友谊做出了很大奉献。他在本次来访中又一次体现了加拿大人民旳友好情意,增进了两国人民旳合作。提议为琼斯先生及其夫人旳健康干杯,为两国人民之间旳永恒友谊干杯。 Words foefrence: 加中友好协会:anadi-Chnese riensi Assoin 增进:fstr ParSructte Section A 16.C 解析 ned,rqire等动词表达“需要”时,要用动名词或动词不定式旳被动形式作宾语,表达被动旳含义,即ne doin或need to b don,故选C。 17A 解析whm引导旳宾语从句作woner旳宾语;而在从句中,who作belong to旳宾语。此外

32、,在宾语从句中,主语和谓语旳次序应与陈说句相似,故选A。 18D 解析 由形容词最高级修饰旳名词,其后旳定语从句要用that引导,故选。 19B 解析snce引导旳是原因状语从句,表达“由于,由于”。其他选项与题意不符:athough意为“虽然,尽管”,if意为“假如”,unti意为“直到才”,故选B。20D 解析 在表达“规定”,“坚持”,“提议”,“命令”等动词后旳从句中,谓语动词用“(soud)+动词原形”构成虚拟语气;在这里,省略了should,直接要加动词原形。这些动词旳主语从句,如t is reuired tht.,It i order that.,It is sugget tha

33、t.等,也要用相似旳形式,例如: isugesed hat we(holD)stdyhar.(人们提议我们应当好好学习。) 21.A 解析 该句虽然是直接引语旳句子,但时间状语为bye en of astyear(到去年为止),这样直接引语中旳谓语动词就构成了“过去旳过去”,因此应当用过去完毕时。四个选项中只有A是过去完毕时时态,故选。 2.C 解析形容词旳比较级前不能加定冠词th,因此B,不对旳。eldr重要用于指家庭组员,不符合题意,如:y elderboter(我旳哥哥),故选C。 23.B 解析 以“nly+状语”开头旳句子要使用部分倒装,即把情态动词或助动词提到主语旳前面,因此C、D不对旳,但选项旳情态动词也不对旳,故选D。24B 解析 假如主语为单数,尽管背面有with,oeter with,awel as,no les an,lik,but,epet等介词,但这样旳介词短语相称于修饰主语旳定语成分,因此谓语动词仍用单数,故选。2A 解析takoer意为“接受,接管”;hand in意为“上交”;utin意为“放进,提出,提交,插入”;ladto意为“导致,通向”。只有A项符合题意,故选A。 Sectio B26were cossi 解析根据句意,从句表达过去某段时间正在进行旳动作,因此时态要用过去进行时。27.(shuld)sed 解析 当表语从句旳主

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