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1、核心素养测评二十二 Unit 3The world online(限时35分钟). 阅读理解AWeve heard of robots and AI(Artificial Intelligence)taking human jobs, but I bet mayors(市长)dont really think their jobs can be threatened any time soon. They were wrong, and the AI running for the mayor of a Tokyo district was clear proof of that. AI ca

2、nt legally run for high-ranking public management positions yet, but one mayoral candidate from Tama City, Tokyo, intended to maximize the use of Artificial Intelligence in running city affairs. He was running his campaign (竞选运动) as “AI Mayor. Basically, he was suggesting replacing human public offi

3、cials with AI and having them collect city data and create fair and balanced policies that will benefit everyone. “For the first time in the world, AI will run in an election, human candidate Michihito Matsuda announced on Twitter. “Artificial Intelligence will change Toma City. With the birth of an

4、 AI Mayor, we will conduct balanced policies. The AI Mayor was campaigning very much like its human competitors. Posters were shown all over Tama City and campaign trucks were blaring out(大声鸣响)promises of an AI utopia (乌托邦)and asking for support. Some people called Michihito Matsudas campaign a stun

5、t (噱头), as a human would still be the one legally in charge. However, others said that they were excited about the future of AI running things in the background, adding that it had to be a better choice. 【文章大意】本文为科技类阅读。我们听说过机器人和人工智能取代了人类的局部工作, 可是它们竟然参与竞选东京某区的市长, 这让人们唏嘘不已。1. Whats the advantage of th

6、e AI mayor according to Michihito Matsuda? A. Maximizing the use of AI. B. Replacing human officials. C. Creating balanced policies. D. Bringing him beneficial effects. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Basically, he was suggesting replacing human public officials with AI and having them collect city data and c

7、reate fair and balanced policies that will benefit everyone. 以及第三段内容可知, 人工智能市长的优势在于收集城市数据, 制定公平、平衡的政策, 让每个人都受益, 这在世界上是首例, 也是它的优势。应选C。2. How will AI run for the mayor? A. It will abolish many old policies. B. It will ask for support on the Internet. C. It will make public speeches, dressed like a hum

8、an. D. It will compete similarly to human competitors. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四段The AI Mayor was campaigning very much like its human competitors. Posters were shown all over Tama City and campaign trucks were blaring out promises of an AI utopia and asking for support. 可知, 人工智能市长的竞选活动的方式和人类竞争对手非常像, 应选D。3.

9、 Whats the citizens attitude towards Michihito Matsudas campaign? A. They believe AI will win. B. All consider it to be tricky. C. It is supposed to be a failure definitely. D. Some think its worthy of expectation. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句However, others said that they were excited about the future o

10、f AI running things in the background, adding that it had to be a better choice. 可知, 有人认为AI中选市长必定是个更好的选择, 这是值得期待的, 应选D。4. What is the best title for the passage? A. AI Runs for the MayorB. The Advantages of AIC. AI Replaces Human in ManagementD. The Patterns of AI Management【解析】选A。标题拟定题。根据上下文可知, 本文主

11、要讲述人工智能参与竞选某市市长的职位, 应选A。【知识拓展】佳词积累1. hear of听说2. artificial intelligence 人工智能3. management positions管理岗位4. balanced policies 均衡政策5. blare out 大声鸣响6. in charge掌管B世纪金榜导学号Imagine jet-setting from Tokyo to Paris, enjoying first-class travel, a four-course dinner and a city tour all without leaving the g

12、round. This is the future of air travel according to Japanese company First Airlines, which has used the power of virtual reality to create dream vacations. Passengers avoid the costly airport transfer, the baggage fees or busy airport terminal(航站楼)and instead enjoy the privileges of business or fir

13、st-class travel and an expensive tour of Parisall while remaining motionless in Tokyo. As well as Paris, First Airlines also offers the virtual destinations of New York, Rome and Hawaii. After boarding, guests can settle down for the two-hour flight on their advanced Airbus seatsurrounded by decorat

14、ion that is modeled on the inside of an aircraft, for maximum realism. There is flight service and VR, foods, music for every destination. Passengers will be served a delicious meal by air stewards, alongside drinks and other desserts. The menu depends on the destination of choiceManhattan clam chow

15、der and cheesecake for New York and salmon tartar and onion soup for Paris. After landing at the destination, guests can enjoy a 360-degree tour of the destinationall thanks to projection(投影)mapping and video. It makes for a supposedly stress-free vacation, perfect for those whose ability to travel

16、abroad is limited by cost or health. Virtual reality is becoming increasingly present everywhere at all times in the world of travelallowing travelers to appreciate the wonders of the world, all without leaving their house. At just 4, 980 yen($46)for business class and 5, 980 yen($56)for first class

17、these two-hour flights are far more affordable than their real-life flights. Tokyo citizens eager to experience First Airlines can book a trip on the website, with reservations currently being taken until May 2023. 【文章大意】本文是一篇科普类文章。根据日本公司第一航空公司的说法, 描述了航空旅行的未来, 它利用虚拟现实的力量创造了梦幻般的假期。5. What can we lear

18、n about the future of air travel from Tokyo to Paris? A. It is high-flying. B. It is money-saving. C. It is power-wasting. D. It is time-consuming. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第二段Passengers avoid the costly airport transfer, the baggage fees or busy airport terminaland instead enjoy the privileges of business or

19、 first-class travel and an expensive tour of Parisall while remaining motionless in Tokyo. 可知, 从东京到巴黎, 我们能了解到航空旅行的未来是省钱。应选B。6. The flight is perfect for travelers who _. A. do little physical exerciseB. work under great pressureC. desire to travel a long distanceD. have health or money troubles【解析】选

20、D。细节理解题。根据第四段It makes for a supposedly stress-free vacation, perfect for those whose ability to travel abroad is limited by cost or health. 可知, 对于那些有健康或金钱问题的旅行者来说, 这趟航班是完美的。应选D。7. What can be the best title for the text? A. A Scientific FantasyB. The Power of Virtual RealityC. Japans Virtual Air Tra

21、vel AbroadD. Appreciation of the Global Wonders【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段Imagine jet-setting from Tokyo to Paris, enjoying first-class travel, a four-course dinner and a city tourall without leaving the ground. This is the future of air travel according to Japanese company First Airlines, which has used the

22、 power of virtual reality to create dream vacations. 可知, 本文主题是Japans Virtual Air Travel Abroad。应选C。【知识拓展】佳词积累1. transfer vt. &n. 转移; 改变2. privilege n. 特权3. destination n. 目的地4. supposedly adv. 据说【长难句分析】Virtual reality is becoming increasingly present everywhere at all times in the world of travelall

23、owing travelers to appreciate the wonders of the world, all without leaving their house. 分析: 本句是一个简单句。Virtual reality是句子的主语。翻译: 在旅行的世界里, 虚拟现实越来越多地随时出现在任何地方让旅行者不出家门就能欣赏世界的奇观。. 完形填空One evening I was going back from a supermarket. As I 1 my car, I noticed that some person stood beside me. He was the on

24、e that could be 2 as a bum (流浪汉). It seemed that he was homeless. I expected that he would ask me for money, but he did not do that. He only said, “Your car is very nice. After several moments of silence, I replied, “Thanks. And then the inner voice 3 to me, “Ask him if he needs help. After a short

25、4 I asked him that. His response was 5. I will never forget those simple three words “Dont we all? It was a true 6 to me. I needed help, just as those in trouble. Although fortunately I had money and a place to sleep, I 7 that I needed help too. Then I opened my wallet and 8 him enough money to get

26、some shelter for a day. 9 I understood that no matter how much money, 10, luxury things we have, we all need help. And on the other hand, no matter how poor you are, how many material problems you have, you still might be giving. 11 its just a nice word, it can be 12 to other people. Maybe that man

27、was just a homeless stranger, but to me he was 13 that. Maybe he was a man sent by God to remind me that there is one thing, among all other 14, which is very important and irreplaceable for every person. Actually, it is a true 15 and it is called Giving. 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者遇到一个像是乞丐的人, 作者问他是否需要帮

28、助, 乞丐却说所有的人都需要帮助, 他的话让作者深有感触。1. A. leftB. lockedC. approachedD. parked【解析】选C。leave离开; lock锁住; approach接近; park停车。根据前句“I was going back from a supermarket可知, 作者刚从超市出来, 准备回家, 作者走近汽车。A、B、D三个动作都应该发生在去超市的时候, 应选C。2. A. turned downB. referred toC. left behindD. kept off【解析】选B。turn down 拒绝; refer to提及, 涉及;

29、leave behind把抛在后面; keep off不接近。根据后文描述, 这个人没车、没家、没工作, 被认为是个流浪汉。refer to . . . as 是固定搭配, 意为: 认为是。应选B。3. A. respondedB. reactedC. appealedD. whispered【解析】选D。respond回应; react 做出反响; appeal 呼吁; whisper低语。根据语境可知, 此处是指作者内心的话。whisper to sb. 轻声跟某人说。应选D。4. A. hesitationB. distanceC. driveD. break【解析】选A。hesitat

30、ion犹豫; distance 距离; drive驾车路程; break休息。根据上文inner voice可知, 作者内心很想问他是否需要帮助, 但是作者又很犹豫, 应选A。5. A. casualB. cautiousC. astonishingD. ambiguous【解析】选C。casual随便的; cautious谨慎的; astonishing令人吃惊的; ambiguous 模棱两可的。结合语境和根据后文作者永远也忘不了那三个词可知, 他的答复非常令人吃惊。应选C。6. A. defeatB. explorationC. discoveryD. challenge【解析】选C。d

31、efeat战胜; exploration探索; discovery发现; challenge 挑战。根据语境可知, 文章表达流浪汉的话对于作者来说是一种新的体会、发现。应选C。7. A. realizedB. explainedC. announcedD. argued【解析】选A。realize实现, 意识到; explain解释; announce宣布; argue争论。根据句意可知, 但是作者意识到我们每个人都需要帮助。应选A。8. A. offeredB. assignedC. owedD. lent【解析】选A。offer提供; assign分配; owe亏欠; lend借。根据句意

32、, 作者翻开钱包, 给了他足够的钱支付居住的地方。offer sb. sth. 为某人提供某物。应选A。9. A. PreviouslyB. ObviouslyC. GenerallyD. Suddenly【解析】选D。previously预先地; obviously明显地; generally通常; suddenly突然。根据上文语境可知, 此处是指作者突然明白了一个道理。应选D。10. A. achievementsB. talentsC. potentialD. budgets【解析】选A。achievement成就; talent天赋; potential潜能; budget预算。根据

33、下文关联词on the other hand表达出两句意思表达相反的两方面。不管我们多么有钱, 成就多么高, 我们都需要帮助。另外不管你多穷, 你都可以给他人帮助。应选A。11. A. If onlyB. Now thatC. Even thoughD. In case【解析】选C。if only要是多好; now that既然; even though即使; in case万一。根据上下文逻辑关系, 即使是短短的一句话, 对其他人来讲也是很重要的, 无价的。应选C。12. A. pricelessB. harmlessC. effortlessD. valueless【解析】选A。price

34、less无价的; harmless无害的; effortless不费力的; valueless无价值的。根据语境可知, 此处是作者的感触, 即使是短短的一句话, 对其他人来讲也是很重要的, 无价的。应选A。13. A. other thanB. more thanC. rather thanD. less than【解析】选B。other than除了; more than多于, 不只是; rather than而不是; less than少于。句意: 也许这个人只是一个无家可归的陌生人, 但是对我来说, 他不仅仅意味着这些。应选B。14. A. effortsB. memoriesC. fa

35、ctorsD. values【解析】选D。effort努力; memory记忆; factor因素; value价值。根据上文语境可知, 此处是指作者认为奉献是一种人生价值。应选D。15. A. inspirationB. gift C. faithD. guidance【解析】选B。inspiration鼓励; gift礼物; faith信念; guidance 引导。根据上文提示, 作者的这次经历, 上天让他知道了奉献的重要性。由此可推断出, 给予是一份礼物, 应选B。【知识拓展】佳词积累1. homeless adj. 无家可归的2. inner adj. 内部的; 里面的; 内在的3.

36、 luxury adj. 奢侈的; 豪华的4. material adj. 物质的; 重要的; 客观存在的5. irreplaceable adj. 不能替代的; 独一无二的. 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When I was in the middle school, I founded a student club 1. _(name) “green planet inspired by Chai Jings documentary Under the Dome. At first few people knew this club. As a

37、 result, we had only 15 members. And I 2._ (laugh) at for being crazy. However, I didnt lose heart and I insisted. Every day, we club members broadcast weather reports and PM 2. 5 levels. We then published articles and pictures of the serious 3. _(pollute) of the city on the school website. Meanwhil

38、e, my club also shared suggestions 4. _ how to live a low carbon life on the school board, for example: take public transportation or car pool to school; do 5. _(little) shopping and so on. 6. _ time went by, more and more students showed great interest in our club. And luckily, I persuaded my headm

39、aster to join us. After what seemed ages of waiting, the club was finally accepted by the majority of students in my school. An increasing number of students supported 7. _(ours). Since then, weve worked together 8. _(promote) our club. And up to now, 85% of the students 9. _(join) us and enjoyed th

40、e simple but eco-friendly life. Such is Joy, 10. _ responsible and persistent girl. 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。短文表达了作者成立了一个名为“绿色星球的学生社团。刚开始作者被嘲笑, 但是作者并没有放弃, 而是很努力地去让大家接受和认可“绿色星球的学生社团, 学生社团最终被学校的大多数学生所接受, 作者成功了。1. 【解析】named。 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知, a student club与name在逻辑上是被动关系, 所以用过去分词named作后置定语。故填 named。2. 【解析】was laugh

41、ed。 考查时态和语态。本句为一般过去时, 主语I 与谓语laugh之间为被动关系, 所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was laughed。3. 【解析】pollution。考查名词。serious为形容词修饰名词pollution。故填 pollution。4. 【解析】on/about。考查介词。分析句子可知, 本句缺少介词, 后接how to live a low carbon life on the school board作宾语。分析句意可知, 空处所要填的介词表示“关于, 所以介词为on/about。故填on/about。5. 【解析】less。考查形容词比拟级。根据上文内容可知

42、此处指的是: 提倡购物也要比以往的要少, 故用little的比拟级less修饰shopping。故填 less。6. 【解析】As。考查附属连词。本句为as“随着引导的时间状语从句。句意: 随着时间的推移, 越来越多的学生对我们的俱乐部表现出极大的兴趣。故填 As。7. 【解析】us。考查代词。support为及物动词, 后接人称代词宾格us作宾语。故填us。8. 【解析】to promote。考查非谓语动词。此处为动词不定式作目的状语。句意: 从那以后, 我们一起努力推广我们的社团。故填to promote。9. 【解析】have joined。考查时态。由“up to now可知, 本句为现在完成时, 主语为85% of the students, 所以谓语为have joined。故填have joined。10. 【解析】a。考查冠词。句意: 这就是乔伊, 一个有责任心、执着的女孩。girl为可数名词, 被responsible所修饰且responsible的首字母的发音为辅音音素, 所以用不定冠词a来修饰。故填a。- 10 -

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