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1、1.Definition&Main Clausesn nContracts are agreement between equal natural persons,legal persons and other organizations for the purpose of establishing,altering and terminating mutual rights and obligations.n n合同是平等主体的自然人、法人和其他组织之间合同是平等主体的自然人、法人和其他组织之间建立、变更、终止民事权利和义务关系的协议。建立、变更、终止民事权利和义务关系的协议。2.Main

2、 Clauses of a ContractnDefinition and InterpretationnLanguage and ConfidentialitynAmendment and AlterationnResponsibility,Liability and ObligationnInsurancenQuantity and QualitynTerms of PaymentnSurvey and InspectionnPacking and Shipping and DeliverynForce MajeurenClaimnArbitrationnTermination3.Styl

3、istic Features of a ContractnArchaic words:where,here,there等与等与as,at,by,in,with,after等构成的复合词等构成的复合词 e.g.thereinafter in that part which followsnSynonymous Words:(Accuracy&Completeness)n1)able and willingn2)agent and representativen3)any part or parts of itn4)arising or resulting fromn5)be null and v

4、oid and of no effectn6)loss,injury and damagen7)negligence,fault,or failure in the duties and obligationsn8)inadequate or impropern9)provisions and stipulations/terms and conditionsn10)use,misuse and abusen11)made and signed/entered by and betweenn12)negligence,fault or failure 疏忽、过失或未履行(规定的责任和义务)疏忽

5、、过失或未履行(规定的责任和义务)nships and vessels nsupport and maintenance nlicenses and permits ncharges,fees,costs and expenses nany and allnany duties,obligations or liabilities ncontrol and management of the partnership napplicable laws,regulations,decrees,directives,and rules 4.Warming-up Ex.n nThis agreemen

6、t This agreement is made and entered intois made and entered into by and betweenby and between Part A and Part B.Part A and Part B.n n本协议由甲方和乙方签订。本协议由甲方和乙方签订。本协议由甲方和乙方签订。本协议由甲方和乙方签订。n nIn consideration ofIn consideration of you making a loan you making a loan available to the Borrower:_,weavailable

7、to the Borrower:_,we herebyhereby issue this Guarantee for the account issue this Guarantee for the account of the Borrower and agree as follows:of the Borrower and agree as follows:n n鉴于鉴于鉴于鉴于你方向借款人:你方向借款人:你方向借款人:你方向借款人:_提供了一笔贷款,我提供了一笔贷款,我提供了一笔贷款,我提供了一笔贷款,我行行行行特此特此特此特此为借款人为借款人为借款人为借款人出具保函出具保函出具保函出具

8、保函并保证如下:并保证如下:并保证如下:并保证如下:n nThe headings and marginal notes in these conditions shall be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or the contract.n n本合同条件中的标题和旁注应视为本合同的一本合同条件中的标题和旁注应视为本合同的一部分,在合同条件或合同本身的理解或部分,在合同条件或合同本身的理解或解释解释中中也应考虑在内(也应考虑也应考

9、虑在内(也应考虑这些标题和旁注这些标题和旁注。)。)n nThe Contractor shall,without limiting his or the Employers obligations and responsibilities under Clause20,insure the Works,together with material and plant for incorporation therein,to the full replacement cost.n n在不限制第在不限制第20条中规定的承包人和业主的义条中规定的承包人和业主的义务和责任的条件下,承包人应以全部重置

10、成务和责任的条件下,承包人应以全部重置成本对工程,及用于工程中的材料和工程设备本对工程,及用于工程中的材料和工程设备进行保险。(投保)进行保险。(投保)n nThe sellers shall be reliable for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the packing.n n凡由于包装问题保护措施凡由于包装问题保护措施不当不当而引起的锈损而引起的锈损应由卖方负责。应由卖方负责。n n卖方须对因在包装问题上采取不当

11、的保护措卖方须对因在包装问题上采取不当的保护措施而造成的锈损负责。施而造成的锈损负责。n nIf the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms,provisions,conditions and stipulations of the said Contract,this obligation shall be null and void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect.n n如果承包人切实履行并遵守上述合同的如果承包人切实履行并遵守上

12、述合同的所有条所有条款款、条件及规定,所承担义务即告终止,否则、条件及规定,所承担义务即告终止,否则这种义务保持完全有效。这种义务保持完全有效。5.Commonly-Used Words:nshall:表表表表“强制性规范强制性规范”,而,而should“提倡性,道德性规范提倡性,道德性规范”The seller shall present the following documents to the bank for negotiation.卖方应将下列单证递交银行议付。卖方应将下列单证递交银行议付。卖方应将下列单证递交银行议付。卖方应将下列单证递交银行议付。All technical do

13、cuments shall be handed over in All technical documents shall be handed over in compliance with the requirements of the Employercompliance with the requirements of the Employer s s schedule for the works.schedule for the works.技术文件的交付时间应符合业主工程计划的进度要求。技术文件的交付时间应符合业主工程计划的进度要求。技术文件的交付时间应符合业主工程计划的进度要求。技

14、术文件的交付时间应符合业主工程计划的进度要求。Party A shall not apply the contracted commodity to Party A shall not apply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned area.Direct other buyers in the above-mentioned area.Direct enquiry,if any,shall be referred to Party B.enquiry,if any,shall be referred

15、to Party B.甲方不得向上述地区其他买主提供本合同项下的商品。如有甲方不得向上述地区其他买主提供本合同项下的商品。如有甲方不得向上述地区其他买主提供本合同项下的商品。如有甲方不得向上述地区其他买主提供本合同项下的商品。如有直接询价者,应让他们向乙方询价。直接询价者,应让他们向乙方询价。直接询价者,应让他们向乙方询价。直接询价者,应让他们向乙方询价。n(be)subject to:depending on depending on as a conditionas a conditionn n provided that:表表表表“当事人所希望的条件当事人所希望的条件当事人所希望的条件当

16、事人所希望的条件”,与,与,与,与if if 从句不同从句不同从句不同从句不同;6.Key Features of Long Sentences in the Contractn国际商务合同长句的特点国际商务合同长句的特点:n n从句式的使用上来看,从句式的使用上来看,从句式的使用上来看,从句式的使用上来看,合同一般采用陈述句合同一般采用陈述句合同一般采用陈述句合同一般采用陈述句,而不使用疑问句、祈使句或者感叹句。完整长而不使用疑问句、祈使句或者感叹句。完整长而不使用疑问句、祈使句或者感叹句。完整长而不使用疑问句、祈使句或者感叹句。完整长句的使用可以准确界定句的使用可以准确界定句的使用可以准确

17、界定句的使用可以准确界定当事人在有关活动中的当事人在有关活动中的当事人在有关活动中的当事人在有关活动中的权利和义务权利和义务权利和义务权利和义务的关系,排除被曲解或误解的可能。的关系,排除被曲解或误解的可能。的关系,排除被曲解或误解的可能。的关系,排除被曲解或误解的可能。n n商务合同具有商务合同具有句式讲究、用词严谨、条句式讲究、用词严谨、条理清晰、长而不乱、逻辑性强理清晰、长而不乱、逻辑性强的特点。的特点。所以,将英语合同文本译成汉语时所以,将英语合同文本译成汉语时,应尽应尽可能保留合同语言的特点。可能保留合同语言的特点。nIn accordance with the Law of the

18、 Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations,Company and Company,in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations,agree to jointly set up a cooperative venture in,the Peoples

19、 Republic China.n n中国公司和国(或地区)公司,中国公司和国(或地区)公司,中国公司和国(或地区)公司,中国公司和国(或地区)公司,根据根据根据根据 中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法和其他有和其他有和其他有和其他有关法律、法规,关法律、法规,关法律、法规,关法律、法规,本着本着本着本着平等互利的原则,平等互利的原则,平等互利的原则,平等互利的原则,通过通过通过通过友好协友好协友好协友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国省市,共同举商,同意在中华人民共和国省市,共同举商,同意在中华人民共和国

20、省市,共同举商,同意在中华人民共和国省市,共同举办办办办/(/(建立建立建立建立)合作经营企业。合作经营企业。合作经营企业。合作经营企业。n nThe Seller shall deliver the goods in the kind and quantity specified herein alongside the Buyers vessel,within the reach of its loading tackle,at the appointed port of shipment.n n卖方应卖方应按本合同规定的按本合同规定的种类和数量种类和数量在指定的在指定的装运港口装运港口、

21、买方的船边、买方的船边、起重机钓钩能、起重机钓钩能达到的地方达到的地方交货交货。n nThe cooperative venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management.n n合作公司须合作公司须设设管理机构管理机构负责负责公司的日常经公司的日常经营管理。营管理。7.定语从句的翻译定语从句的翻译 n nOne side which meets force majeure should notify the other side by fax

22、 or e-mail as soon as possible and give the other side the official certification by international express mail within two weeks.n n受不可抗力阻碍的(遭遇不可抗力的)受不可抗力阻碍的(遭遇不可抗力的)一方应一方应在最短的时间内在最短的时间内/尽快,用传真、电子邮件将不尽快,用传真、电子邮件将不可抗力的发生通知另一方,并在两周内,用国可抗力的发生通知另一方,并在两周内,用国际特快邮件将当地政府证明文件寄给另一方。际特快邮件将当地政府证明文件寄给另一方。nThe Bu

23、yer agrees to buy from the Seller and the seller agrees to sell to the Buyer equipment,materials design and technical documentations,license and know-how and technical services for a plant with a 54,000kw phosphorus electric furnace which has a production capability of 30,000(thirty thousand)metric

24、tons of yellow phosphorus per year and 70,000(seventy thousand)metric tons of sodium tripolyphosphate per year with phosphate rock as material using the process stipulated in article 10.1 to the contract.n n买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售以磷酸岩以磷酸岩以磷酸岩以磷酸岩为

25、原料,采用本合同为原料,采用本合同为原料,采用本合同为原料,采用本合同10.110.1款所规定之工艺款所规定之工艺款所规定之工艺款所规定之工艺/流程,年流程,年流程,年流程,年生产能力为黄磷生产能力为黄磷生产能力为黄磷生产能力为黄磷30 00030 000(三万)公吨和三聚磷酸纳(三万)公吨和三聚磷酸纳(三万)公吨和三聚磷酸纳(三万)公吨和三聚磷酸纳7000070000(七万)公吨的,拥有一座(七万)公吨的,拥有一座(七万)公吨的,拥有一座(七万)公吨的,拥有一座5400054000千瓦黄磷电千瓦黄磷电千瓦黄磷电千瓦黄磷电炉的炉的炉的炉的工厂所需的设备、材料设计,以及技术文件、专工厂所需的设备

26、、材料设计,以及技术文件、专工厂所需的设备、材料设计,以及技术文件、专工厂所需的设备、材料设计,以及技术文件、专利使用权、专利技术和技术服务。利使用权、专利技术和技术服务。利使用权、专利技术和技术服务。利使用权、专利技术和技术服务。nThe Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller and the seller agrees to sell to the Buyernequipmentnfor a plantnwith a furnacenwhich has a production capabilitynwith phosphate rock as materi

27、al nusing the process n n买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售以以以以为为为为原料,原料,原料,原料,采用采用采用采用流程,年生产能力为流程,年生产能力为流程,年生产能力为流程,年生产能力为 ,拥拥拥拥有有有有一座电炉的工厂一座电炉的工厂一座电炉的工厂一座电炉的工厂所需的所需的所需的所需的设备设备设备设备n nThe duration of patent right for utility models or exterior designs shall

28、be five years,which shall be effective from the date of filling an application.n n自申请日起计算自申请日起计算,使用模型和外观设计专利,使用模型和外观设计专利权的期限为五年。权的期限为五年。n n使用模型和外观设计专利权的期限为五年,使用模型和外观设计专利权的期限为五年,自申请日起计算自申请日起计算。(填申请时开始有效)(填申请时开始有效)n nIf any event of the Force Majeure occursIf any event of the Force Majeure occurs whic

29、h causes damage to the Project or the which causes damage to the Project or the infrastructure projectinfrastructure project,then C or New,then C or New Company shall not be obliged to reinstate Company shall not be obliged to reinstate the same,or,as the case may be,complete the same,or,as the case

30、 may be,complete the same,until the parties hereto have the same,until the parties hereto have agreed upon the terms for such agreed upon the terms for such reinstatement or completion.reinstatement or completion.n n如不可抗力的发生如不可抗力的发生如不可抗力的发生如不可抗力的发生损坏了工程或基础设施损坏了工程或基础设施损坏了工程或基础设施损坏了工程或基础设施,C C或新或新或新或新

31、公司没有义务重新恢复公司没有义务重新恢复公司没有义务重新恢复公司没有义务重新恢复之之之之,或完成,或完成,或完成,或完成其其其其修建,但双方修建,但双方修建,但双方修建,但双方就此恢复或完成的条件达成一致意见就此恢复或完成的条件达成一致意见就此恢复或完成的条件达成一致意见就此恢复或完成的条件达成一致意见则除外则除外则除外则除外。n n若因任何不可抗力引起工程和基础设施的损坏,若因任何不可抗力引起工程和基础设施的损坏,若因任何不可抗力引起工程和基础设施的损坏,若因任何不可抗力引起工程和基础设施的损坏,C C 或新公司无义务重新恢复或新公司无义务重新恢复或新公司无义务重新恢复或新公司无义务重新恢复

32、之之之之,或完成,或完成,或完成,或完成其其其其修建,修建,修建,修建,除非除非除非除非双方就此恢复或完修的条件达成一致意见。双方就此恢复或完修的条件达成一致意见。双方就此恢复或完修的条件达成一致意见。双方就此恢复或完修的条件达成一致意见。n nThe Seller must deliver goods which are free from any right of claim of a third party based on industrial property or other intellectual property.n n卖方所交之货物,须是卖方所交之货物,须是任何第三方不能任

33、何第三方不能根据工根据工业产权或其他知识产权业产权或其他知识产权享有任何所有权的货物。享有任何所有权的货物。n n是任何第三方没有权利提出任何要求权的货物。是任何第三方没有权利提出任何要求权的货物。n nInternational business has emerged as International business has emerged as a separate branch of management a separate branch of management training,because the growing scale and training,because th

34、e growing scale and complexity of business transactions complexity of business transactions across national boundaries give rise to across national boundaries give rise to new and unique problems of new and unique problems of management and governmental policymanagement and governmental policy that

35、have received inadequate attention that have received inadequate attention in traditional areas of business and in traditional areas of business and economics.economics.n n国际商务作为管理培训的一个分支出现,是由国际商务作为管理培训的一个分支出现,是由国际商务作为管理培训的一个分支出现,是由国际商务作为管理培训的一个分支出现,是由于跨国界的商业交易日益增长的范围和复杂性于跨国界的商业交易日益增长的范围和复杂性于跨国界的商业交


37、领域里并未受到足够的注意。)领域里并未受到足够的注意。)8.状语从句的翻译状语从句的翻译 n n国际商务合同状语从句多为条件、时间状语从句等国际商务合同状语从句多为条件、时间状语从句等国际商务合同状语从句多为条件、时间状语从句等国际商务合同状语从句多为条件、时间状语从句等.n nTips of how to translate these clauses:Tips of how to translate these clauses:n n一是将状语置于汉语的谓语动词前充当汉语句子中的一是将状语置于汉语的谓语动词前充当汉语句子中的一是将状语置于汉语的谓语动词前充当汉语句子中的一是将状语置于汉语的

38、谓语动词前充当汉语句子中的状语;状语;状语;状语;n n二是将状语置于汉语句子中主句的前面充当状语。二是将状语置于汉语句子中主句的前面充当状语。二是将状语置于汉语句子中主句的前面充当状语。二是将状语置于汉语句子中主句的前面充当状语。n n英语中由介词短语引导的或是由状语从句引导的较长英语中由介词短语引导的或是由状语从句引导的较长英语中由介词短语引导的或是由状语从句引导的较长英语中由介词短语引导的或是由状语从句引导的较长的状语几乎从来不直接置于限定谓语动词的前面,但的状语几乎从来不直接置于限定谓语动词的前面,但的状语几乎从来不直接置于限定谓语动词的前面,但的状语几乎从来不直接置于限定谓语动词的前

39、面,但可以置于可以置于可以置于可以置于句首句首句首句首、句中句中句中句中、句末句末句末句末。n nUnless otherwise stipulated in the credit,the expression“Shipment”used in stipulating an earliest and/or a latest shipment date will be understood to include the expression“loading on board”,“dispatch”and“taking in charge”.n n除信用证另有规定外除信用证另有规定外,用于规定最早

40、,用于规定最早及及/或或最迟装运期的最迟装运期的“装运装运”一词应理解为一词应理解为包括包括“装船装船”、“发运发运”和和“接受监管接受监管”。n n Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration,both Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless otherwise agreed.n n除非另有规定除非另有规定,仲裁不得影响合同双方,仲裁不得影响合同双方继续履行继续履行合同所规定的义务合同所规定的义务。n nAt

41、the Transfer Date New Company shall At the Transfer Date New Company shall transfer to B,transfer to B,free from any lien or free from any lien or encumbrance created by New Company encumbrance created by New Company and without the payment of any and without the payment of any compensationcompensat

42、ion,all its right,title and ,all its right,title and interest in the infrastructure project,interest in the infrastructure project,unless otherwise specified in the unless otherwise specified in the Agreement or any supplementary Agreement or any supplementary agreementagreement.n n在转让期,新公司应将基础设施的所有

43、权利和利在转让期,新公司应将基础设施的所有权利和利在转让期,新公司应将基础设施的所有权利和利在转让期,新公司应将基础设施的所有权利和利益转让给益转让给益转让给益转让给B B,新公司不应扣押、滞留,新公司不应扣押、滞留,新公司不应扣押、滞留,新公司不应扣押、滞留 ,也不能要,也不能要,也不能要,也不能要求补偿,求补偿,求补偿,求补偿,除非协议或补充协议中另有规定除非协议或补充协议中另有规定除非协议或补充协议中另有规定除非协议或补充协议中另有规定。n nWithin 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract,

44、the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at import port.n n买方须于买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过通过进口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销进口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销的信用证的信用证向卖方支付全部货款向卖方支付全部货款30000美元。美元

45、。n nA party may suspend the performance of A party may suspend the performance of his obligationhis obligation if,after the conclusion of if,after the conclusion of the contractthe contract,it becomes apparent that the,it becomes apparent that the other party will not perform a substantial other par

46、ty will not perform a substantial part of his obligations as a result of:(a)a part of his obligations as a result of:(a)a serious deficiency in his ability to perform serious deficiency in his ability to perform or in his creditworthiness;or(b)his or in his creditworthiness;or(b)his conduct in prepa

47、ring to perform or in conduct in preparing to perform or in performing the contract.performing the contract.n n如果订立合同后如果订立合同后如果订立合同后如果订立合同后另一方当事人由于下列原因显然另一方当事人由于下列原因显然另一方当事人由于下列原因显然另一方当事人由于下列原因显然将不履行其大部分重要义务,一方当事人可以中将不履行其大部分重要义务,一方当事人可以中将不履行其大部分重要义务,一方当事人可以中将不履行其大部分重要义务,一方当事人可以中止履行其义务:(止履行其义务:(止履行其义

48、务:(止履行其义务:(a a)他严重缺乏履行义务的能)他严重缺乏履行义务的能)他严重缺乏履行义务的能)他严重缺乏履行义务的能力或信用;(力或信用;(力或信用;(力或信用;(b b)他在准备履行合同或正在履行)他在准备履行合同或正在履行)他在准备履行合同或正在履行)他在准备履行合同或正在履行合同中的行为。合同中的行为。合同中的行为。合同中的行为。时间状语从句时间状语从句:顺译顺译n nAfter arrival of the goods at the port of destination,the Buyer shall apply to China Commodity Inspection B

49、ureau(hereinafter referred to as CCIB)for a further inspection as to the specifications and quantity/weight of the goods.n n货到目的港后货到目的港后,买方将申请中国商品检验局,买方将申请中国商品检验局(以下简称商检局)对货物的规格和数量(以下简称商检局)对货物的规格和数量/重量进行进一步的检验。重量进行进一步的检验。9.长句的翻译方法和技巧长句的翻译方法和技巧n nI.因习惯、规范的差异的调整因习惯、规范的差异的调整 n nII.分译分译 n nIII.合译合译I.因习惯

50、、规范的差异的调整因习惯、规范的差异的调整1)The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure,which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.凡在制造或装载、运输过程中,因不可抗力导凡在制造或装载、运输过程中,因不可抗力导致的延期交货或不交货时,致的延期交货或不交货时,卖方不负责卖方不

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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