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1、Unit7 The birthday party Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section A备课人:何显高审核人:李学坤班级:七年级年级组长:邵文成预习目标1、熟读 1a得对话,勾划出不理解得地方。2、独立完成1b。学习目标1、会读写用下列单词:recite ,poem ,magic , tricks, enjoy, himself ,kung fu ,yesterday, perform 2、学习重点短语:recite a poem, dance to disco , play the piano, perform Chinese kung fu3、

2、学习并掌握实义动词过去式构成规则。学习重点1、实义动词过去式构成规则。2、含有实义动词过去式得句子得各种句型变法。学习方法实例法,问答法【自主学习】1、反复读1a。 2、阅读P、114页上Section A得课文注释,借助其它工具书与辅导资料尽力理解1a。3、英汉互译,一定在书上相应地方勾画(必须先完成1,2,再做此部分)。(1)perform magic tricks _ (2)recite a Chinese poem _ (3)enjoy himself _ (4)play the guitar _ (5) 唱一首中文歌曲 _ (6)在晚会上 _ (7)她表演了一些魔术。_ (8)康康玩

3、得高兴吗? _ (9)您唱了一首中文歌还就是一首英文歌? (10)您说英语说得很好。 【导入新课】 师生对话T: When were you born? S: I was born、T: Could you ride a bike when you were five? S: Yes, I could、/No, I couldnt、 T: Could you swim、? S: 【合作探究】1. 读对话1a,回答下面得问题。1)How was Kangkangs birthday party? _2)What did Sally do at Kangkangs birthday party?

4、_3)What did Tom do at Kangkangs birthday party? _2、根据1a得对话,小组完成1b。3、完成2。【训练检测】 一 选词填空。1、 Did you_ (buy, bought) that present?2、 She _ (played, playing) the guitar at the party yesterday evening、3、 Who is _ (sing, singing) rock song?4、 Can Yukio _ _(dance, danced) to disco?5、 Maria often _(perform, p

5、erforms) the magic tricks、6、 Helen can _(recite, recited) the Tang poem、二 把下列句子变为否定句,一般疑问句并作肯定、否定回答:1、 I played the guitar、 (否定句) (一般疑问句) (肯定回答) (否定回答) 2、She recited a poem at the party、(否定句) (一般疑问句) (肯定回答) (否定回答) 3、He sang an English song、 (否定句) (一般疑问句) (肯定回答) (否定回答) 4、 Kangkang performed kung fu、(

6、否定句) (一般疑问句) (肯定回答) (否定回答) 【迁移拓展】总结动词一般过去式变化规律 : played, worked _ danced ,recited _ tried ,worried_ stopped, planned_ 不规则变化: _ 【每日一句】 Agoodbeginningmakesagoodending、 善始者善终。 【学后反思】将自己不理解得问题与本小组同学交流讨论,将您得收获写下来。Unit7 The birthday party Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section B备课人:何显高审核人:李学坤班级:七年级年级组长:

7、邵文成预习目标1、熟读1a与2a,并试着完成1b与2b。学习目标1、继续学习行为动词得一般过去时。2、会读写下列单词与短语:fall ,wash , washroom , at once, poor, matter myself、3、鼓励学生做一名诚实得孩子。学习重点行为动词得一般过去时及其运用。【自主学习】1、反复读1a与2a。2、读1a与2a两遍,找出含有一般过去时得句子。3、阅读P、114页上Section B得课文注释,借助其它工具书与辅导资料尽力理解1a与2a。4、英汉互译,一定在书上相应地方勾画。 fall down _ at once_ This way, please、 _ h

8、urt oneself_ (5) 您伤着了您自己吗?_ 立刻_ (7)每个人都玩得很高兴、【走入新课】1、 根据1a 回答下列问题:1) Did Michael hurt himself? 2) Where did he want to go? 【合作探究】1、分组表演对话1a并完成1b。2、写出下列单词得过去式: fall_ miss_ hurt_ wash_ can_ e_ play_ go_have_ tell_ make_ do_3、读2a得对话,完成2b。4、小组合作,完成3。【训练检测】一.单项选择。(10分)( )1、Why didnt Tom e to school?He _

9、and hurt his leg、A、 fell downB、 fell offC、 falls down D、 fells off( )2、We should _ the truth all the time、A、 speakB、 sayC、 speak outD、 tell( )3、What happened _ you last Sunday?I hurt myself with the knife、A、 forB、 ofC、toD、 on( )4、What time _ Lily go to the park yesterday?At about eight oclock、A、 doe

10、sB、 doC、 didD、 was二.填入所缺得词:1、 Its not good to _ _ your parents、(撒谎)2、 We should always _ _ _ (讲实话)3、 Michael _ _(摔倒) and _(受伤)himself、 4、We_ _ _ _(玩得高兴) at the party、 5、I _ play video games _ _(一点也不)三.句型转换:1、I came back late because I forgot the time、(对划线部分提问)_ _ you e back late?2、I came back at ten

11、 thirty、 (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you e back?3、I hurt myself、 (变一般疑问句)_ you _ yourself?4、 I did my homework at home yesterday、(改为否定句)I _ _ my homework at home yesterday、【迁移拓展】 根据1a,向同学介绍康康得生日晚会。_【每日一句】Agoodbookisthebestoffriends,thesametodayandforever、 一本好书,相伴一生。【学后反思】将自己不理解得问题与本小组得同学进行交流讨论,将您得收获写下来。_ _ _Unit

12、7 The birthday party Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section C备课人:何显高审核人:李学坤班级:七年级年级组长:邵文成预习目标1、熟读P、75 1a 部分,了解其大致含义。 2、基本能独立完成2。学习目标1、会读写用下列单词:each,silent,blow,blow out,breath,sunny, delicious,funny、2、复习一般过去时,学习一些动词过去式得不规则变化。3、谈论生日庆典。学习重点1、学习一些动词过去式得不规则变化。2、学会如何运用一般过去时简单介绍生日庆典情况学习方法操练法,结合实际法。【自主学习

13、】1、读1a,结合P114讲解找出重点短语。2. 英汉互译,一定在书上相应地方勾画。(1) by hand (2) at the party _ (3) in one breath _ (4) some other friends _ (5)上周四,我们为康康举行了一场生日晚会。_ (6)她得父母为我们买了许多食物与饮料。 _ (7)我们每个人给康康一张生日卡片。 _ (8)我们围着蛋糕而坐。 _ ( 9)康康默默许了一个愿。 (10)她一口气吹灭了蜡烛。 _(11)每个人玩得很高兴。 【导入新课】1、师生对话: A: What did you do yesterday ? B: I 2、听生

14、日歌导入新课。【合作探究】1、 写出这些动词得过去式:miss isam are do dance play recite perform sing fall wash can hurt go talk lose 2、跟据1a,回答下列问题。1、When was Kangkangs birthday? 2、What did the children bring for Kangkang ? 3、Did Kangkang like the birthday cards? 4、How old is Kangkang ? 5、What did Kangkang do before he blew t

15、he candles out? 3、独立完成3 【训练检测】一、根据句意与首字母提示补全单词。 1、Jane made a s_ wish at her birthday party、 2、She ate two apples in one b_、 3、We had a w_ party, and we had a good time、 4、I b_ a present for him last Sunday、 5、Lets sit a _ the table and have a cup of tea、 6、E_ in the party should perform、 7、The wind

16、 is b_ heavily、 8、The food is very d_、 I like it very much、 二、用所给词得适当形式填空。1、She _(have) supper late last night、2、My mother _(give) me a bike for my birthday、3、Jim _(bring) us a new book this morning、4、The teacher _(teach) us English last term、5、He _(hurt) his leg、 He couldnt walk、三、 单项选择:( )1、Can yo

17、u sing Kangkangs birthday party? A、 in B、 at C、 to ( ) 2、We got a lot of fruits and foods 、 A、 for him B、 for he C、 to him ( ) 3、Everyone Kangkang a birthday card yesterday、 A、 gives B、 gave C、 giving ( ) 4、There a birthday cake and some candles on the table、 A、 is B、 are C、 am ( ) 5、We blew the can

18、dles out one breath、 A、 into B、 to C、 in ( )6、Were interested in the story、 A、 fun B、 funy C、 funny【迁移拓展】 用自己得话描述康康得生日晚会。【每日一句】Allthingsaredifficultbeforetheyareeasy、 凡事总就是由难而易。【学后反思】将自己不理解得问题与本小组得同学进行交流讨论,将您得收获写下来、_ _ _ _ _ Unit7 The birthday party Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section D备课人:何显高审

19、核人:李学坤班级:七年级年级组长:邵文成预习目标1、熟读1。 2、熟读3。学习目标1、学习动词过去式得读音规则。 2、复习一般过去时得各种句式。3、能够正确运用过去时写出正确得英文信件。 学习重点1、一般过去时得各种句式。 2、正确运用过去时描写生日晚会场景。 【自主学习】1、熟读1,总结发音规则。 2、 读3。3、翻译下列句子,一定在书上相应地方勾画。(1)请这边走。_ (2)谢谢您得生日卡片。_ (3)我们昨天在我家举行了一场精彩得晚会。 _ (4)您为什么回来得如此晚。 _ (5)在晚会上,迈克尔怎么呢? _ (6)我根本没有玩电脑游戏。_ 【导入新课】1给出下列动词得过去式,注意她们得

20、读音。cook call want wash plan need stop play recite dance borrow wait 2、总结以上单词得过去式得发音规则。3、读立完成2与3。【合作探究】1.小组合作写含有实义动词过去时得句子。(陈述句)_(否定句)_(一般疑问句及回答) 【训练检测】一.用所给动词得适当形式填空。1、 Tom usually _(get) up at 6:00, but he _ (get) up at 5:00 this morning、2、 Look! They _(sing) songs over there、3、 _ you _ (have) a go

21、od time yesterday?4、 Jenny _ _(not watch) TV last night、5、 When he was young, he often _(play) basketball after school、 6、 I _ singing when I was young, but I dont _ it now、 (like)7、 _(do) you _(have) a good time at that party?8、 His parents _(buy) him a new puter last year、9、 He never _(go) to scho

22、ol by taxi、10、 I _(find) many people in the room when I came in、二.选择题。( )1、 Where _ you just now? I _ in the reading room、 A、 was, was B、 are, is C、 was, am D、 were, was( )2、 _ Mr、 Smith _ Beijing last year? A、 Did, visit B、 Did, visited C、 Does, visit D、 Does, visits( )3、 We had to wait _ our headt

23、eacher came back、 A、 until B、 after C、 when D、 that( )4、 Did he hurt _? A、 himself B、 herself C、 myself D、 yourself( )5、 He _ his old friend on the way home yesterday、 A、 meet B、 meets C、 to meet D、 met三.句型转换。1、 I went to the zoo yesterday、 (对划线部分提问)_ _ you do yesterday?2、 She came to school late to

24、day because the traffic was heavy、 (对划线部分提问)_ _ she e to school late today?3、 We often have a good time on Sundays、(用last Sunday改写)We _ a good time _ Sunday、4、 Michael lost the game、 (改为否定句)Michael _ _ the game、5、 Lin Feng wrote a letter yesterday evening、(改一般疑问句)【迁移拓展】*学习链接: 以“My birthday party”为题写一篇60词左右得短文。【每日一句】Itisnevertoooldtolearn、 活到老,学到老。【学后反思】 这一个课题我们学到些什么,您能总结出来吗?_ _ _

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